New website launches to promote FE research

The Networking the Networks project aims to ‘enhance the impact of research in and about the FE and skills sector’
3rd January 2019, 9:59am


New website launches to promote FE research

A new website has been launched to promote research in and about the further education sector.

More than 20 organisations involved in FE research have joined the Networking the Networks project to date.

The website, which formally launches today, “provides introductions and links to the many networks and organisations concerned with research and the use of evidence in the sector,” according to Andrew Morris, a member of the Networking the Networks working group.

“It also provides access to tools and resources to help people in their roles as researchers and evidence-users.”

Fostering research collaboration

Proposals for a so-called “meta-network” for FE research were put to the Learning and Skills Research Network by Norman Crowther, national official for post-16 education at the NEU teaching union.

A working group, made up of practitioners and intermediaries, has already developed a newsletter and social media presence, with the aim of, in the longer term, fostering “collaboration between researchers and with practitioners, [and] improving the quality and impact of sector research”.

Research bodies on board

  • Education & Employers
  • Association of Employment and Learning Providers
  • National Foundation for Education Research
  • Edge Foundation
  • Mixed Economy Group
  • Education Endowment Foundation
  • Association of School and College Leaders
  • UCL Institute of Education
  • Centre for Vocational Education Research, LSE
  • Research and Practice in Adult Literacy
  • British Educational Research Association
  • Learning and Skills Research Network (including the national branch, and regional branches in: Herts, Beds and Bucks; Greater Manchester; Kent; and London)
  • Teacher Education in Lifelong Learning

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