Ofsted to ask parents to rate schools on SEND

New Parent View question will ask parents of children with SEND if they are supported to succeed at school
9th July 2019, 1:13pm


Ofsted to ask parents to rate schools on SEND

How Schools Can Build Strong Relationships With Hard-to-reach Parents

Ofsted is to ask parents of children with special educational needs whether their school is supporting them to succeed, as part of changes to an online survey.

The Parent View questionnaire will also ask people if their child’s school offers a “good range of subjects”.

Ofsted said the question about SEND had been added following requests from parents.

It said the changes to the Parent View questions would also bring the survey inline with its new inspection framework, which starts in September.

Quick read: Ofsted set to replace Parent View

Snubbed: 95 per cent of parents don’t use survey

Report: MPs call on inspectors to get improved evidence from parents

Parents will be asked if their child has SEND and if so how strongly they agree with this statement: “My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed.” 

Last year, Ofsted’s chief inspector Amanda Spielman told MPs that the inspectorate was planning to replace the Parent View website and is also involving parents in the design of “new style” inspection reports.

Ofsted also revealed last year that less than one in 20 parents used its system to share views about their child’s school.

Ms Spielman outlined plans to replace it in a letter written to the Public Accounts Committee following the spending watchdog’s report into Ofsted last year.

However, the service is set to remain in place for the new academic year but with some revised questions.

New questions include asking parents whether the school has high expectations, whether children can take part in clubs and activities and whether schools support children’s wider development.

The questions Ofsted is asking of parents

Parents will be asked by Ofsted if they strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree or don’t know in response to the following statements:

  1. My child is happy at this school. 
  2. My child feels safe at this school. 
  3. The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved. 
  4. My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively. 
  5. The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year. 
  6. When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly. 
  7. Does your child have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)? (If yes, the survey asks parents how strongly they agree with this statement: “My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed.”)
  8. The school has high expectations for my child. 
  9. My child does well at this school. 
  10. The school lets me know how my child is doing. 
  11. There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school. 
  12. My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school. 
  13. The school supports my child’s wider personal development. 
  14. I would recommend this school to another parent.

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