Tes FE Podcast: Putting pedagogy centre stage

Has FE teachers’ status as expert educators become diminished? Sarah Simons is joined by adult educator Lou Mycroft
28th September 2018, 1:10pm


Tes FE Podcast: Putting pedagogy centre stage


In this week’s episode of the Tes FE podcast, adult education teacher Lou Mycroft speaks with Tes columnist and podcast host Sarah Simons about exploring how pedagogy can be brought to the front and centre of FE.

The pair discusses this week’s Tes FE feature that explores whether teachers in FE are suffering an identity crisis. With the sector now focussed on industrial targets and employment outcomes, their status as expert educators is being diminished. Given the lack of funding and widening pay gap, staff also admit to feeling undervalued. How can FE teachers reclaim their identity and restore the pride in their profession?

This podcast relates to an article in the 28 September edition of Tes. Subscribers can read the full story here. To subscribe, click here. To download the digital edition, Android users can click here and iOS users can click hereTes magazine is available at all good newsagents

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