Questions in Spanish and How to Ask Them GCSE AQA SpanishQuick View

Questions in Spanish and How to Ask Them GCSE AQA Spanish

This is for GCSE students and shows them how to form questions in Spanish using three steps, as well as how to form questions using 'usted'. <br /> It is differentiated - I've included a worksheet to support lower ability students with forming questions as well as a key word/verb sheets which students can use for revision / question practice.
KS3 French Cover Lesson My Favourite LaptopQuick View

KS3 French Cover Lesson My Favourite Laptop

This works best as a cover lesson. It is easy for non-specialists to follow but supports and challenges KS3 students of French well. Could also be adapted for use in lessons by specialists. <br /> <br /> Lesson involves: Differentiated objectives and starter activity.<br /> Activity 1: team work to look up adjectives used to describe laptops using dictionaries e.g. practique, lisse etc. (displayed in French on ppt). Higher challenge displayed on slide. Next slide gives answers to students so they can write down the meaning of adjectives they were unable to find. <br /> Activity 2: differentiated translation task using adjectives they have recorded. Key words provided as well as higher challenge. Next slide contains answers for peer / self assessment.<br /> Main activity 3 'apply' task: students design advertisement for best laptop. Key words and higher challenges included.<br /> Pyramid review to finish.
GCSE Spanish Intensive Future Going To Tense Revision New AQAQuick View

GCSE Spanish Intensive Future Going To Tense Revision New AQA

My lesson covers: <br /> Intensive revision of forming and using future GOING TO tense in Spanish. Instructions are included on each slide. All activities are differentiated. <br /> Students also revise and practice using vocab from three topics: leisure, environment and holidays. <br /> <br /> My lesson includes:<br /> Prepare for learning (two activities: word jumble and time indicators), differentiated objectives.<br /> Revision on how to form future GOING TO tense for L.A. students (using TWIX formula) and overview option for all students.<br /> Activity 1: Translation Relay, translations using GOING TO tense based on topic of 'hoildays', OR, translation relay based on topic of 'environment' and use of future GOING TO tense. Instructions are provided.<br /> Activity 2: Reading text, based on topic of 'free time', whereby students have to spot and fix the mistakes. The focus here is on most common mistakes made by GCSE students in writing exam e.g. writing ES SOL instead of HACE sol and of course writing VOY VISITAR instead of VOY A visitar. There is a 'hints' slide provided for students whereby they can study most common mistakes then go back to tackle finding the mistakes again. Answers are provided. <br /> Activity 3: Speaking practice (based on AQA photos speaking question and based on theme of 'holidays' ) in which students have to use future tense. Key vocab is provided for students as is suggestion for how to conduct speaking activity so students practice memorising key vocab and then using it. <br /> Pyramid review at end.
KS4 Spanish Typical Day in Spain GSCE new AQA courseQuick View

KS4 Spanish Typical Day in Spain GSCE new AQA course

Lesson covers: <br /> Basics of a typical day in Spain. I created this lesson in place of lesson on Cambian las costumbres in AQA book as I felt that it is more useful for students if they revise and have practice talking about a typical day in Spain using the present tense rather than the preterite, as is the case in the book. So, if a photo / roleplay should come up related to life in Spain, it will be easier for students to use what they have learnt in this lesson. <br /> By the end of this lesson, I want my students to be able to talk about the basics of a typical day in Spain (time Spanish get up, when and a little about what they eat, shops closing at lunch, the siesta etc.) in Spain. It is also good, but not essential, if you have already covered comparisons with your students. <br /> <br /> Lesson includes: <br /> Starter based on Tener and Tener que + infinitives.<br /> Activity One: Students write what they know about Spain in Spanish using pictures and key words on slide as prompts.<br /> Activity Two: Reading (differentiated resources included with key words / questions in Spanish) about life in Spain. <br /> Activity Three: Students add / improve what they wrote about a day in Spain using what they now have learnt from readings. <br /> Activity Four: Review of comparisons and superlatives as well as practice translating these into English and Spanish.<br /> Final Activity: Speaking practice based on AQA photo style exam. Preparatory slide with some key words students need to describe photo. Then slide with photo and questions as well as option for peer assessment. <br /> Review.
KS4 GCSE Intensive Preterite Spanish Revision new AQAQuick View

KS4 GCSE Intensive Preterite Spanish Revision new AQA

Lesson covers: <br /> All resources needed for this lesson are included in ppt. <br /> Basics of forming preterite tense as well as most common irregulars. <br /> Practice using the preterite in translations, readings, writings and speakings. All tasks are differentiated for L.A., M.A. and H.A. students. <br /> <br /> Lesson includes:<br /> Review of time indicators needed for preterite, review of most common infinitives, review of endings and how to translate preterite sentences using simple and clear 4 step process. <br /> <br /> <br /> Activity One: Translation relay based on theme of free time - so that students can put their knowledge of preterite into practice (differentiated) with answers provided. Another translation relay is also provided based on topic of IT, testing knowledge of preterite. <br /> <br /> Activity Two: Unscramble the egg translation for L.A. and M.A. students. <br /> Complex, idiomatic expressions for H.A. students followed by text for H.A. students to translate. Answer to translation also provided.<br /> <br /> Activity Three: Two speaking options, both based on AQA style photo question in speaking exam. Activity includes vocabulary to help students prepare for photos, as well as photos with sample questions for students to work on.<br /> <br /> Review.
Revision GCSE Spanish Technology Writing and Speaking AQAQuick View

Revision GCSE Spanish Technology Writing and Speaking AQA

There are two booklets and one power point included. The booklets are based on the theme of technology and include key phrases for use in the writing and speaking exams of the GCSE. <br /> There is a higher and foundation level booklet. <br /> Each contains: <br /> A short 'fix the common mistake' exercise. <br /> Key phrases / vocabulary from technology, for use in writing and speaking (emphasis on complex phrases).<br /> A translation to complete which tests the student's knowledge of key phrases from the booklet. The corresponding translation in English is also included.<br /> A list of sample GCSE speaking questions based on technology. <br /> <br /> The power point is a lesson I created to help my students revise for their speaking exam. It includes a review of the gerund, with translation exercises (as they'll need the gerund to describe the photo). <br /> A sample 'photo' exam with sample questions.<br /> A sample 'role play' exam with sample questions. <br /> A list of sample questions based on technology for the 'general conversation' section of the exam, which are the same questions included in both booklets.
Revision Spanish GCSE Festivals and Culture Spain Mexico and UK AQAQuick View

Revision Spanish GCSE Festivals and Culture Spain Mexico and UK AQA

<p>These two resources include:<br /> A booklet which includes individual readings describing each of the following festivals in Spain:<br /> Las torres humanas, el Colacho, Las fiestas de San Fermín, Las fiestas de Moros y Cristianos, Las Fallas, El Día de los Muertos en México, La Tomatina.<br /> Students can work through each text and at the end, there is a summary activity. Here the student completes a grid in Spanish which summarizes the key points of each festival, the aim of which is to help them prepare for their writing and speaking exams. Key words are also provided with each reading to support students.<br /> I have also recently added two other revision resources which I used with my students recently to do further revision on this topic: A vocabulary / translation revision sheet for higher and foundation students. These sheets are focused on some of the key cultural differences between Spain and the UK which the students can use in their speaking / writing exams. They also focus on popular festivals in the UK i.e. Christmas and Glastonbury should students wish to discuss these in their speaking / writing.<br /> I have also included a power point which I have used with my students to practice their speaking on this topic. There is a match-up activity to start - whereby the students match the festival to the region, a photo activity structured on AQA photo exam (this photo is focused on holidays / regions - so it’s best if you’ve covered this already), a role play - AQA exam based (focused on festivals) and a slide with general questions to help students prepare for general conversation based on the topic of festivals / regions.</p>
KS3 French Cover Lesson Design your own CityQuick View

KS3 French Cover Lesson Design your own City

This lesson covers: designing and labeling your own city in French. This is an imaginary city however! Students will learn and use words search as king, queen, city walls, witches, dragons etc. This lesson works really well as a cover lesson. It is easy for non-specialists to follow but supports and challenges KS3 students of French very well. It could also be adapted for use in lessons by specialists in order to introduce / revise places in a town / city. It would be helpful but not necessary if students have learnt the verb ‘avoir’ previously, as well as using adjectives correctly in French. <br /> <br /> Lesson involves: Differentiated objectives and starter activity (short translations related to the city). <br /> Activity 1: Students to work in teams looking up what one can find in an imaginary / real city (displayed in French on ppt) in dictionaries, again, differentiated. Next slide gives answers to students so they can write down whatever they were unable to find. Challenges are included on each slide. <br /> Activity 2: Differentiated translation task using key vocabulary they have just looked up in teams. Key words provided as well as higher challenge. Next slide contains answers for peer / self-assessment.<br /> Main activity 3: 'apply' task: students design their own city using key vocabulary they have learnt. Again, this is differentiated by task with key works provided on ppt. <br /> Pyramid review to finish
GCSE Revision Spanish Speaking Practice New AQAQuick View

GCSE Revision Spanish Speaking Practice New AQA

<p>I created these resources for use with my own year 11s coming up to their speaking exams. I wanted to provide them with sample role plays, photos and general conversations so they could physically have the handouts in front of them containing the role play and photo, as well as instructions on the back so they could practice the whole speaking with their partner. The main idea was to facilitate a practice as close to the real thing as possible for my students AND provide them with exemplar answers and key vocab and verbs to help them improve their speaking answers before or after they had practiced with one another.</p> <p>The handouts include the following:</p> <p>FOUNDATION STUDENTS: The themes of the photo, role play and general conversation are: Family and relationships (role play) , Technology (Photo) and Where I live (Part 2, general conversation).<br /> HANDOUT 1: Foundation role play and photo for Student A on page 1, with page 2 containing the questions which A will ask their partner B. Clear instructions are there for each part of the speaking exam, together with the unpredicted questions. These will be different from the unpredicted questions which B will have on their handout.</p> <p>HANDOUT 2: Foundation role play and photo for Student B on page 1, with page 2 containing the questions which B will ask their partner A. Clear instructions are there for each part of the speaking exam, together with the unpredicted questions. These will be different from the unpredicted questions which A will have on their handout.</p> <p>HANDOUT 3: Sample answers for both A and B foundation students with key vocab provided. In my lessons, I got students to prepare their answers first (gave them 12 minutes) then got them to read through the sample answers and use these to improve their own answers. Then they practiced the speaking with their partners.</p> <p>HIGHER STUDENTS: The themes are as follows: Future / Marriage (role play) , Technology (Photo) and Where I live (Part 2, general conversation).</p> <p>HANDOUT 4: Higher role play and photo for Student A on page 1, with page 2 containing the questions which A will ask their partner B. Clear instructions are there for each part of the speaking exam, together with the unpredicted questions. These will be different from the unpredicted questions which B will have on their handout.</p> <p>HANDOUT 5: Higher role play and photo for Student B on page 1, with page 2 containing the questions which B will ask their partner A. Clear instructions are there for each part of the speaking exam, together with the unpredicted questions. These will be different from the unpredicted questions which A will have on their handout.</p> <p>HANDOUT 6: Sample answers for both A and B higher students with key vocab provided. You could do as suggested above for foundation students or use it as a reading / translation exercise.</p>
KS3 French What's in my Town / Dans ma ville il y a ...Quick View

KS3 French What's in my Town / Dans ma ville il y a ...

Lesson covers: Vocabulary for places in town, how to say there is / are with activities for conversation practice, translation practice, comparisons practice and then a task which enables students to apply what they have learnt to create a dialogue / written piece on their town. <br /> <br /> Activities in lesson: Starter activity is a 'word jumble' - students use as many words as they can to make sentences. This enables them to review vocab from previous lessons. The next activity is based on team work and can be done as a competition - first team to look up most of the vocab wins. The extension task: create your own town and write about it. There are vocab grids included to save time / help L.A. students. Next slides focus on pronunciation - places in town are displayed clearly on one slide to facilitate quick pronunciation drill. Then next activity: fun conversation between two cartoon characters about what's in their town with key words / challenges to help students. Student A is cartoon character 1, student B, cartoon character 2. Next activity: comparisons, and final activity, (apply task), option to write dialogue between two cartoon characters or write paragraph. Pyramid review at end. <br /> <br /> Challenges / key words / vocab grids are included.
KS3 Spanish Cover Lesson Design your own CityQuick View

KS3 Spanish Cover Lesson Design your own City

Lesson Covers: How to describe your city (imaginary!) - what's in it and what it has e.g. my city has a king, watchtowers, walls and a dragon. <br /> This works best as a cover lesson. It is easy for non-specialists to follow but supports and challenges KS3 students of Spanish well. Could also be adapted for use in lessons by specialists in order to revise 'what's in one's city / town'. It is helpful, but not necessary, if the students have some knowledge of connectives, adjectives and SER / TENER in Spanish. Important key words are provided in each activity of lesson. Dictionaries needed. <br /> <br /> Lesson involves: Differentiated objectives and starter (quick translation) activity. <br /> Activity 1: Teams work to look up words (in Spanish) used to describe what's in a city e.g. murallas, atalayas etc. Next slide gives answers to students so they can write down whatever they were unable to find. <br /> <br /> Activity 2: Differentiated translation task using key vocabulary they have just looked up in teams. Key words provided as well as higher challenge. <br /> <br /> Next slide contains answers for peer / self-assessment.<br /> <br /> Main and final activity: students design and label their own city using key words / sentences they have been working on throughout lesson. Again, this is differentiated by task with key works provided on ppt. <br /> Bubble snake review to finish.
Revision GCSE Spanish Mi familia y yo Writing and Speaking AQAQuick View

Revision GCSE Spanish Mi familia y yo Writing and Speaking AQA

There are two booklets included - one for higher and one for foundation.<br /> There is also a power point included, which can be used in conjunction with the booklets.<br /> I have used this power point for one lesson (75 minutes) to revise speaking on 'family / friends'. It includes: A review of key questions in Spanish, a sample photo exam question and a sample role play question, which pupils can prepare and then practice together in pairs. <br /> Each booklet includes key phrases based on 'family / friends/ future plans', from theme 1 of new GSCE AQA exam specification. <br /> Each booklet contains:<br /> A short list of common mistakes made by students in writing (based on this topic) which students can discuss and correct themselves.<br /> A list of key phrases which may be used in writing and speaking, and which include complex phrases, based on the topic of family / friends/future plans. <br /> A translation to test students' knowledge of topic with the answer provided.<br /> Sample GCSE speaking questions which teacher and students may use to help them prepare for speaking exam on this topic.
KS3 Spanish Cover Lesson Design your own MonsterQuick View

KS3 Spanish Cover Lesson Design your own Monster

Lesson covers: works best as a cover lesson. It is easy for non-specialists to follow but supports and challenges KS3 students of Spanish well. Could also be adapted for use in lessons by specialists in order to introduce / revise adjectives / body parts. All activities are differentiated. <br /> <br /> Lesson involves: Differentiated objectives and starter activity (translations).<br /> Activity 1: Team work to look up adjectives and parts of the body so they can describe / create their monster in final activity. Words are displayed in Spanish and students use dictionaries to translate them. Challenge included on ppt. Next slide gives answers to students so they can write down whatever they were unable to find. <br /> Activity 2: Differentiated translation task using key vocabulary they have just looked up in teams. Key words provided as well as higher challenge. Next slide contains answers for peer / self-assessment.<br /> Main activity 3 'apply' task: students design their own monster. Again, this is differentiated by task with key works provided on ppt. <br /> Pyramid review to finish.
KS4 Festivals in Spain new AQA SpanishQuick View

KS4 Festivals in Spain new AQA Spanish

Lesson covers: It has been designed for use with new higher AQA GCSE Spanish coursebook and is focused on Algunas costumbres regionales chapter of that book.<br /> While my lesson does refer to the reading and listening activities in the book, it does not include these files. However, I've provided alternative readings based on Las fallas, la tomatina and el festival de los patios for higher, middle and lower ability students which you can use instead if you do not have the book.<br /> <br /> My lesson includes:<br /> Vocabulary activity related to festivals. <br /> Active learning activity whereby students test each other in pairs following step by step process.<br /> Reading activity (worksheets attached)<br /> Writing activity to review use of verbs, time indicators, opinions etc. based on preterite. <br /> Speaking activity based on festivals. <br /> Review.
French KS3 Free Time Cover LessonQuick View

French KS3 Free Time Cover Lesson

This works best as a cover lesson. It is easy for non-specialists to follow but supports and challenges KS3 students of French well. Could also be adapted for use in lessons by specialists. <br /> Lesson involves: Differentiated objectives and starter activity focused on 'translation of key infinitives'. Answers are provided on next slide. <br /> Activity 1: Reading in French based on topic of free time. Students are given questions in English. Key words are provided on ppt, as are higher challenging questions. <br /> Activity 2: differentiated translation task, again based on free time topic. Students have to translate sentences from French to English e.g. j'aime jouer au basket, and then from English to French. Key words are provided on ppt as are challenges. Answers to all translations are on next slide so students can peer / self assess. <br /> Main activity 3 'apply' task: students to draw and label a poster illustrating what they like to do in their free time. Key words and star phrases are provided to support and challenge. <br /> Bubble snake review at end.
Using GUSTAR accurately for GCSE SpanishQuick View

Using GUSTAR accurately for GCSE Spanish

I created this resource to help my GCSE students use Gustar more accurately - I found that many of my students were making mistakes with this verb, especially when talking about what their family and friends like. <br /> It is a whole lesson, which reviews how gustar is conjugated, what happens when you are talking about more than one thing that you like, and finally, how you need 3 parts when using it in your writing / speaking (A part, gusta part and 'the thing you like' part). I've used the Cadbury's crème egg to help students remember the 3 parts :) <br /> Practice translations are included, with the answers, as is a final task, with a support sheet for lower ability students and two complex phrases worksheets, for higher and middle ability students - which they can use in the final activity.
KS4 GCSE Spanish Intensive Whole Tense Revision Session for Higher and Foundation StudentsQuick View

KS4 GCSE Spanish Intensive Whole Tense Revision Session for Higher and Foundation Students

Lesson Covers: For foundation students of Spanish: Revision of present tense, the preterite and future GOING TO tenses. For higher students: Revision of a range of tenses (present, preterite, imperfect, future WILL and conditional WOULD tenses) with complex idiomatic expressions for higher ability students included. <br /> Ideally, this revision session would take place over two lessons. <br /> I have designed this lesson for my year 10 and year 11 students September 2017. <br /> <br /> Lesson Includes:<br /> Starter activity - word jumble for students to create own sentences in Spanish.<br /> Differentiated objectives - main purpose - strengthen knowledge of most important verbs and tenses for all GCSE Spanish students.<br /> Activity One: Review of most common infinitives in Spanish - quick translation task. <br /> Activity Two: Review of present tense in Spanish. Students are reminded of what must follow opinions in Spanish as well as other major rules (jugar + A etc.) This is followed by differentiated translation activity for all students with answers provided on next slide. <br /> Carousel Activity - I've provided worksheets here. Class is to be divided into foundation and higher students and worksheets to be given to each. Each worksheet includes a review of how to form a particular tense, with key verbs included e.g. foundation students are provided ONLY with basic verbs / persons they need e.g. fui / fuimos for preterite tense. The worksheets of middle and higher ability students contain all persons of main verbs and are more detailed. <br /> Idea is that each student spends at least 10 - 15 minutes on each worksheet. When they finish or feel confident that they have revised their tense, they move onto next tense. Each worksheet also contains practice exercises for the student. Clear instructions are provided on the ppt. It's important that students are actively learning as they go along - rather than referring to the notes on the worksheet. Clear instructions are provided for students on worksheets too. <br /> Final Task: Students put what they have been learning / working through into practice. This is an 'unscramble the egg' challenge where students have to translate parts of a text in order for it to make sense. This final task is differentiated. I have created separate resources for this task, which are also on the ppt. <br /> Review: Pyramid review.
KS3 Spanish Holidays Present Tense Revision What I like to do on holidaysQuick View

KS3 Spanish Holidays Present Tense Revision What I like to do on holidays

This lesson covers: activities to revise using the present tense in Spanish, based on the topic of holiday activities. It is best if students have already covered transport, accommodation, countries as well as how to form present tense for regular AR, ER and IR verbs in Spanish - knowledge of tener, ser, ir and jugar is also necessary. They will need mini whiteboards for this lesson too. <br /> <br /> Lesson includes: Differentiated objectives with starter activity. <br /> Activity 1: Option of a short assessment (answers provided so students can peer assess) based on vocabulary given to be learnt for homework from previous lesson (vocab on holidays).<br /> Activity 2: Review of how to conjugate verbs in present tense using three step process. <br /> Activity 3: Team work using whiteboards. Students create sentences in teams and score points for how well sentences are extended. Instructions on slide with sentences to translate for teams.<br /> Activity 4: Two options - Option 1 - Speaking based on AQA photo card with questions. I have prepared 'preparatory slide' with key vocabulary for students (based on the photo they'll talk about) to get them ready to write and then speak about photo. There is also an option for peer assessment on slide.<br /> Option 2 - Writing option based on topic of holidays. Opinions and connectives grid to be given to students when they do this. <br /> Review - pyramid review.
KS3 Spanish Holiday Activities with Infinitive StructuresQuick View

KS3 Spanish Holiday Activities with Infinitive Structures

Lesson Covers - Activities during the holidays - aim is that students are able to use infinitive structures (I like to sunbathe, I love to visit museums etc.) and that they understand that infinitives must follow opinions in Spanish. <br /> <br /> This lesson works best if your students have already started the topic of holidays and have already covered IR in present tense, accommodation vocab, transport vocab as well as how to from verbs in the present tense. See my other lessons on holidays if you need ideas for above! :)<br /> <br /> Lesson includes: Differentiated objectives with starter activity. <br /> Activity 1: Option of a short assessment (answers provided so students can peer assess) based on vocabulary given to be learnt for homework from previous lesson (vocab on holidays).<br /> Activity 2: Introducing activities in Spanish (infinitive structures). Option of treasure hunt / translation activity for students. <br /> Activity 3: Differentiated translations using infinitive structures. More able students to show off knowledge of present tense verbs.<br /> Final activity: Two options. Option 1 - AQA style speaking role play. This guides students through how role play works, students prepare it and then perform it. <br /> Option 2: Writing task (differentiated) - students write about where they go, where they stay, what they do etc. <br /> Review: Team bubble snake to finish.
KS4 Revision of Daily Routine and ReflexivesQuick View

KS4 Revision of Daily Routine and Reflexives

Lesson covers: Revision of daily routine, reflexives. Idea is that students revise verbs for talking about what they do on a daily basis, as well as revise reflexives. It is best if students have covered present tense and reflexives already in the past as this lesson is intended as revision / brush up only as well as to prepare students for GCSE speaking on daily routine / comparison with typical day in Spain. <br /> <br /> This lesson includes:<br /> <br /> Quick starter translation activity based on translating time into Spanish.<br /> Differentiated outcomes. <br /> Quick revision of present tense with irregulars (verb grids included). <br /> Revision of difference between 'normal' verbs e.g. lavar, and reflexives e.g. lavarse. This is done is substantial detail so that students re-learn main differences and how reflexives work.<br /> Task 1, writing: Differentiated translation task based on present tense and reflexives.<br /> Task 2, listening: Youtube video based on routine of Spanish girl in Léon. Worksheet with questions based on video as well as transcript is provided.<br /> Task 3: Students to read transcript in order to correct their listening questions and pick out nice phrases they like. These phrases are also included on ppt. <br /> Task 4: GCSE speaking prep based on topic of 'routine'. Guides students to prepare speaking themselves, learn key words / verbs, then practice with partners. Option for students to peer assess.<br /> Homework option provided.<br /> Pyramid review.
GCSE Revison Spanish Speaking Practice New AQAQuick View

GCSE Revison Spanish Speaking Practice New AQA

<p>This is the second batch of pre-exam speaking revision resources that I created for use with my own year 11s. I wanted to provide them with sample role plays, photos and general conversations so they could physically have the handouts in front of them containing the role play and photo, as well as instructions on the back so they could practice the whole speaking with their partner. The main idea was to facilitate a practice as close to the real thing as possible for my students AND provide them with exemplar answers and key vocab and verbs to help them improve their speaking answers before or after they had practiced with one another.</p> <p>The handouts include the following:</p> <p>FOUNDATION STUDENTS: The themes of the photo, role play and general conversation are: Work (role play) , School (Photo) and Holidays (Part 2, general conversation).<br /> HANDOUT 1: Foundation role play and photo for Student A on page 1, with page 2 containing the questions which A will ask their partner B. Clear instructions are there for each part of the speaking exam, together with the unpredicted questions. These will be different from the unpredicted questions which B will have on their handout.</p> <p>HANDOUT 2: Foundation role play and photo for Student B on page 1, with page 2 containing the questions which B will ask their partner A. Clear instructions are there for each part of the speaking exam, together with the unpredicted questions. These will be different from the unpredicted questions which A will have on their handout.</p> <p>HANDOUT 3: Sample answers for both A and B foundation students with key vocab provided. In my lessons, I got students to prepare their answers first (gave them 12 minutes) then got them to read through the sample answers and use these to improve their own answers. Then they practiced the speaking with their partners.</p> <p>HIGHER STUDENTS: The themes are as follows: School (role play) , Jobs (Photo) and Holidays/ Environment (Part 2, general conversation).</p> <p>HANDOUT 4: Higher role play and photo for Student A on page 1, with page 2 containing the questions which A will ask their partner B. Clear instructions are there for each part of the speaking exam, together with the unpredicted questions. These will be different from the unpredicted questions which B will have on their handout.</p> <p>HANDOUT 5: Higher role play and photo for Student B on page 1, with page 2 containing the questions which B will ask their partner A. Clear instructions are there for each part of the speaking exam, together with the unpredicted questions. These will be different from the unpredicted questions which A will have on their handout.</p> <p>HANDOUT 6: Sample answers for both A and B higher students with key vocab provided. You could do as suggested above for foundation students or use it as a reading / translation exercise.</p>