Descriptive / Creative WritingQuick View

Descriptive / Creative Writing

<p>A fully differentiated and resourced lesson for low ability KS3 and KS4 students to help them develop their sentence starters and use of language techniques to write a description of a winter scene.</p> <p><em>Check out our <a href="">English Shop</a> for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.</em>*</p> <p><a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language and English Literature revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">An Inspector Calls whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">An Inspector Calls revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Macbeth whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">Macbeth revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">A Christmas Carol whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">A Christmas Carol revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package </a><br /> <a href="">Jekyll and Hyde revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package</a><br /> <a href="">Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Unseen Poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p>Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at <a href="">EC Resources</a></p>
Creative Writing SettingsQuick View

Creative Writing Settings

<p>Creative writing short story setting lesson that explores how to use vocabulary, structure and language to create an effective setting. Includes a model example, detailed teacher and student notes, engaging tasks, differentiated materials, and uses the drop, shift, zoom in, zoom out technique for creating effective descriptive writing.</p> <p>A useful lesson for both KS3 and GCSE English Literature and English Language students.</p> <p>Includes differentiated activities, source materials, engaging tasks and extensive student and teacher notes.</p> <p><strong>Check out our <a href="">English Shop</a> for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.</strong></p> <p><a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language and English Literature revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">An Inspector Calls whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">An Inspector Calls revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Macbeth whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">Macbeth revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">A Christmas Carol whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">A Christmas Carol revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package </a><br /> <a href="">Jekyll and Hyde revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package</a><br /> <a href="">Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Unseen Poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p>Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at <a href="">EC Resources</a></p>
Creative Writing Scheme of Work GCSEQuick View

Creative Writing Scheme of Work GCSE

7 Resources
<p>Full scheme of work covering all aspects of creative writing. Ideal in preparing students for GCSE English Language Paper 1, Section B.</p> <p>Designed with the very latest developments in the 9-1 specification in mind, this is best suited to the AQA syllabus but would be equally useful for both KS3 prep and other exam boards.</p> <p>Please see individual resources for more details. The lessons all work well as stand-alone, but if being used in sequence, the scheme runs as follows:</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Vocabulary<br /> Lesson 2 - Sensory Description<br /> Lesson 3 - Devices and Techniques<br /> Lesson 4 - Narrative and Descriptive Openings<br /> Lesson 5 - Sentence Variation<br /> Lesson 6 - Characterisation<br /> Lesson 7 - Narrative Structure</p> <p>Each lesson takes the form of a ‘masterclass’; each masterclass is packed with a range of activities that will enable your students to truly embed and master each aspect of creative writing. Each ‘lesson’ is probably going to take in excess of 2 hours to get through - you may wish to ‘pick and choose’ activities, or take your time with each skill area and cover them in depth.</p> <p>Great value bundle, save yourself over 60% compared to buying these resources separately.</p> <p>If you loved the resource and think it’s worth 5 stars, why not get another one absolutely free?<br /> Simply leave a review, email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your TES username and state the free resource* you would like!<br /> (Free resource cannot exceed the value of the original resource purchased)</p>
Descriptive  / Creative WritingQuick View

Descriptive / Creative Writing

<p>AQA English Language Paper Question 5, descriptive writing lesson. Complete 1 hour, well differentiated lesson with worksheets and differentiated tasks throughout. Includes peer assessment task and marking criteria. Ideal preparation for Section B of AQA Language Paper 1.</p> <p>Suitable for KS3/4 - adaptable<br /> Different level tasks for MA,LA or Core<br /> Designed to fit Ofsted criteria for’ Good’ or above.</p> <p><strong>Check out our <a href="">English Shop</a> for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.</strong></p> <p><a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language and English Literature revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">An Inspector Calls whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">An Inspector Calls revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Macbeth whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">Macbeth revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">A Christmas Carol whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">A Christmas Carol revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package </a><br /> <a href="">Jekyll and Hyde revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package</a><br /> <a href="">Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Unseen Poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p>Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at <a href="">EC Resources</a></p>
Gothic Horror Creative Writing LessonQuick View

Gothic Horror Creative Writing Lesson

<p>An engaging and fully resourced extended writing lesson.<br /> Suitable for KS3 or KS4 AQA English Language Paper 1 Section B - Descriptive Writing practice.<br /> The PowerPoint includes:</p> <ul> <li>Overview of the features of Gothic literature</li> <li>Extract from Bram Stoker’s <em>Dracula</em> for analysis</li> <li>Creative writing image, activity and choice prompts</li> <li>Planning worksheet</li> <li>Peer assessment focus</li> </ul> <p>In the past I also used this as a cover lesson which worked really well.</p> <p><em>Please leave a review if you found this resource helpful :)</em></p> <p><strong>Or browse my online shop for other creative writing resources:</strong><br /> <a href=""></a></p>
English Cover Lessons - Creative writingQuick View

English Cover Lessons - Creative writing

<p>A set of 3 (potentially 4) lessons you could easily set as cover (as I have done so!) if a teacher is likely to be absent for a few days.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Implying information based on the image of a door.<br /> Lesson 2: Describing approaching the door (rising action / building tension)<br /> Lesson 3: The other side of the door (climax)<br /> Lesson 4 (optional): Neat write up of their 3 part description of the door ‘for display’</p> <p>The lessons indicate that the writing should IMPLY, not state (i.e. my take on ‘show, don’t tell’), whereby certain rules are included such as 'you cannot use the word ‘door’.</p> <p>Lessons include examples / models; scaffolding and success criteria; peer assessment tasks.</p>
Creative Writing Story PromptsQuick View

Creative Writing Story Prompts

<p>KS2 (Key Stage 2) or early KS3 imaginative / descriptive writing story starters cards, featuring high quality photo prompts, vocabulary banks, prompt questions and more. These 20 full-page story generators can be used across a range of abilities and ages, especially in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 (Y4 / Y5 / Y6 / Y7), to spark ideas for stories. Great for reluctant writers and they have a dyslexia friendly format too. PDF format. <em>In Scotland use for Primary 4, 5, and 6 and S1.</em></p> <p>You can purchase this as part of this <strong><a href="">Creative Writing Story Prompts BIG BUNDLE 100 Prompts!</a></strong></p> <ul> <li>Use as <strong>warm ups</strong>, <strong>early finishers</strong> activities and as a <strong>framework for free writing sessions</strong></li> <li>Each of the <strong>20</strong> A4 cards features a visual element (<strong>photo / picture stimulus</strong>), a <strong>starter sentence</strong> or part-sentence to help launch children into their fiction / narrative writing</li> <li><strong>Prompt questions</strong> to get ideas going</li> <li>A <strong>word bank</strong> and <strong>suggested openers</strong> to add variety to their writing</li> <li>A box at the bottom <strong>reminds students to read their work aloud, check for full stops and capital letters and common spellings</strong></li> <li><strong>Range of subjects and genres</strong> including sport, mystery, humour, fantasy and historical. Plenty of variety so children can choose ones that appeal to them.</li> <li><strong>UK and US English versions</strong> included, with spellings and references to ‘full stops’ and ‘periods’ etc amended as appropriate</li> <li><strong>Designed to offer maximum support for dyslexic learners</strong> and those with similar barriers to learning. Verdana font and spacing used are both dyslexia-friendly and the background colours are designed to reduce glare. Both the UK and US cards are <strong>also included with the background colours removed</strong> and could be used if printing on dyslexia friendly paper or card.</li> <li>Could be used to support the writing of a full story</li> <li>Could also work well as a regular tool to support struggling writers in one-to-one or small group sessions, where students write a few sentences inspired by the prompts, without worrying about completing a story.</li> </ul> <p> <br /> <em><strong>SAVE AS PART OF OTHER BUNDLES, SUCH AS…</strong></em><br /> <strong><a href="">Creative Writing Story Prompts</a></strong><br /> <strong><a href="">KS2 Writing</a></strong><br /> See below for more options.</p> <p> <br /> <em><strong>YOU MIGHT LIKE…</strong></em><br /> <strong><a href="">Complex Sentences Cards</a></strong><br /> <strong><a href="">Full Stops and Capital Letters Cards</a></strong><br /> <strong><a href="">Improving Sentences Worksheets</a></strong></p>
Oliver Twist - Creative Writing LessonQuick View

Oliver Twist - Creative Writing Lesson

<p>A creative writing lesson focusing on describing an image inspired by Oliver Twist. This can be used as part of a unit of work during the study of Oliver Twist as a way of assessing creative writing skills.</p> <p>The lesson introduces students to a success criteria of key skills needed in creative writing, followed by students completing a planning sheet around an image of a Victorian slum, then students write up their planned description.</p> <p>Enjoy!</p>
KS3 Creative Writing Dystopian FictionQuick View

KS3 Creative Writing Dystopian Fiction

<p>I initially designed this scheme (of up to eight lessons) for a very low ability group of students who were, as reluctant writers, worried about their writing assessment. The assessment is placed across the first few slides, but you could skip it. It is heavily scaffolded, with accompanying planning and assessment sheet fir the assessment and some worksheets. The scheme then teaches punctuation and grammar, with starters assessing current learning and short writing activities designed to demonstrate progress. After students have mastered this, they move on to exploring how to use simile and metaphor.</p> <p>You will need a DVD copy of War of the Worlds and Hunger Games for the first few lessons.</p>
Manipulating structure and punctuation for creative writingQuick View

Manipulating structure and punctuation for creative writing

Two engaging lesson on varying sentence structures and using punctuation for effect. Includes a range of activities and detailed worksheets that really encourage pupils to see the merit of more varied structural choices, as well as emphasises the significance of technical accuracy. Worked extremely well and had high impact on my own classes.<br /> <br /> Suitable for both KS3 and KS4.
KS3 Creative Writing Scheme of WorkQuick View

KS3 Creative Writing Scheme of Work

<p>7 x 90 minute lessons (can be broken down into more).<br /> Fully differentiated and attractively presented.<br /> Covers all levels (from basic punctuation, all the way to narrative structure). Activities can be raised easily to KS4.<br /> 49 slide powerpoint.</p>
Creative Writing Masterclass - Narrative StructureQuick View

Creative Writing Masterclass - Narrative Structure

<p>A lively and engaging lesson developing students’ ability to plan, structure and sequence their work for maximum impact. Ideal in preparing students for GCSE English Language Paper 1, Section B. The full scheme of work is available to purchase for just £5 <a href="">here.</a></p> <p>In this lesson, a range of activities have been designed to develop your pupils’ imagination and descriptive writing skills. In particular, students explore the various narrative structure models that they can use to approach this exam. Lots of image based activities which connect quite strongly to what they will encounter in the writing section of paper 1 on the new AQA 9-1 Language syllabus. There’s plenty of content here to fill at least a couple of lessons.</p> <p>Would work well as a standalone writing/literacy lesson or as part of the Writing scheme of work I have developed (see bundle). Ready to go, lots of differentiation and Assessment for Learning built in to the activities.</p> <p>If you loved the resource and think it’s worth 5 stars, why not get another one absolutely free?<br /> Simply leave a review, email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your TES username and state the free resource* you would like!<br /> (Free resource cannot exceed the value of the original resource purchased)</p>
Creative WritingQuick View

Creative Writing

19 Resources
<p>Creative writing complete scheme of work pack. Designed for KS3 students but easily adaptable for GCSE English Language students, the pack includes resources on both narrative and descriptive writing.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ol> <li>Creative writing introduction</li> <li>Characters - developing mystery and mysterious figures focused on The Signal-Man</li> <li>Plot development and structure lesson around The Signalman</li> <li>Structure and endings lesson exploring The Signalman and other examples</li> <li>Speech punctuation and character development lesson</li> <li>Themes and motifs lesson</li> <li>Genre lesson exploring westerns, their conventions and how students can adapt genre themselves</li> <li>Setting and descriptive writing lesson, exploring structure and vocabulary</li> <li>Vocabulary improvement lesson with a focus on character</li> <li>Pathetic fallacy and personification</li> <li>Short story analysis - plot, structure, narrative voice</li> <li>Short story structure analysis</li> <li>Creative writing punctuation workshop with differentiated worksheets</li> <li>Assessment planning lesson</li> <li>Assessment review lesson</li> <li>Short story analysis of language - Desiree’s Baby</li> <li>Short story analysis - structure</li> <li>Six week homework pack</li> <li>Six week scheme of work document</li> </ol>
24 creative writing promptsQuick View

24 creative writing prompts

Use as independent activity cards, extensions, homework challenges, big write, assessment writing evidence, guided writes, SPAG lesson responses, talk for writing and more!
Creative Writing WorksheetsQuick View

Creative Writing Worksheets

<p>6 worksheets in the style of AQA Language Paper 1 and 2. Each task has an image to help inspire ideas.</p> <p>The 3 creative writing tasks are broken down into planning, linguistic devices and sentences types. For the 3 persuasive writing tasks they have some reminders of what they should include.</p> <p>Great for cover work, homework or when students have to work independently.</p>
Eduqas English Creative Prose WritingQuick View

Eduqas English Creative Prose Writing

<p>Revise Eduqas English Language Component 1 Section B with this mammoth 34 slide revision and exam practice pack!</p> <p>Contains:</p> <ul> <li>Revision guide for students</li> <li>Resources that could be used for revision lessons for teachers</li> <li>Modelled examples of both descriptive writing and narrative writing</li> <li>Step-by-step guides to writing both descriptive writing and narrative writing</li> <li>Self-reflection sheets for students to reflect on their own writing</li> </ul> <p>The perfect exam practice questions and revision pack for Eduqas English Language Section B, but easily adaptable for other exam boards such as AQA, OCR, WJEC, Edexcel and so on.</p> <p><strong>Check out our <a href="">English Shop</a> for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.</strong></p> <p><a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package</a><br /> <a href="">AQA English Language and English Literature revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">An Inspector Calls whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">An Inspector Calls revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Macbeth whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">Macbeth revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">A Christmas Carol whole scheme package</a><br /> <a href="">A Christmas Carol revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package </a><br /> <a href="">Jekyll and Hyde revision package</a></p> <p><a href="">Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package</a><br /> <a href="">Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p><a href="">Unseen Poetry whole scheme package</a></p> <p>Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at <a href="">EC Resources</a></p>
Creative Writing Quick View

Creative Writing

A Harry Potter themed creative writing lesson focusing upon creating an effective description of setting. Pupils begin by exploring several descriptions of famous locations on Diagon Alley which they use to gather examples of how the five senses are used. Following this, pupils are challenged to create their own description of their chosen location on Diagon Alley before completing a peer-assessment which helps to reduce teacher marking! All resources are included and provide examples of shops, higher level vocabulary and examples of language devices in action to offer additional assistance and guidance.
Creative Writing: Planning a responseQuick View

Creative Writing: Planning a response

<p>This is a free A3 sheet with differentiated tasks to help learners understand the important elements to include in creative writing. The worksheet also includes a sample response as well as guidance on how it might be improved. If you liked this resource, then please check out the full lesson via our shop Creative Writing: Gothic Literature.</p>