Topic 3- Education and Work- French GCSEQuick View

Topic 3- Education and Work- French GCSE

<p>**If you have previously purchased my GCSE 2016 unit 9, 10, 11 or 12 resources, please get in touch if you would like to upgrade to this new version. **</p> <p>In this digital product:<br /> You will find everything you need to teach the third topic of Theme 1 of the new GCSE course (with AQA): People and Lifestyle: Education and Work.</p> <p>The Presentation (approx. 150 slides including answer slides) covers the whole topic and is composed of 4 parts:</p> <p>A: My studies<br /> B: Life at school<br /> C: Education post-16<br /> D: Jobs, career choices and ambitions</p> <p>There are 4 folders (A, B, C and D) containing the relevant files for that part.</p> <p>It includes:</p> <ul> <li>a range of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Translation activities</li> <li>grammar points including: review of present tense and perfect tense with AVOIR, an introduction to perfect tense with ÊTRE, infinitive contructions and impersonal expressions, relative pronouns QUI and QUE</li> <li>elements of phonics: review of nasal sounds, review of é Vs è, the letter -t (silent -t, -th and -tion)</li> <li>retrieval activities, cultural aspects and homework tasks</li> <li>QR codes/ links for independent study</li> <li>vocab lists (full topic list or 4 lists for the 4 parts) + link to online course</li> <li>comments under the slides for notes and worksheet location</li> <li>answers</li> <li>audio files and transcripts</li> <li>.pdf and editable versions of the worksheets (except of the Connect4 game, which is only available as .pdf)</li> </ul> <p>Activities are differentiated and exam style.</p> <p>The first 15 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder: After downloading, save the .zip file in your computer (in “documents” for example), then right-click and select “extract all” to access all the resources.</p> <p>For the full overview, you can check the free SOW available for download here:<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
AQA English Language A Level: World Englishes Scheme of WorkQuick View

AQA English Language A Level: World Englishes Scheme of Work

<p>Navigate the diverse landscapes of World Englishes with this comprehensive lesson set designed specifically for the AQA English Language A Level. Embracing the richness and variety of English as it’s spoken around the globe, this resource offers an immersive journey, perfectly attuned to UK secondary school specifications.</p> <p>Key Features:</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>AQA-Focused</strong>: Expertly tailored to meet the World Englishes criteria of the AQA English Language A Level.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Research-Driven Approach</strong>: Each lesson is founded on evidence-based insights, guaranteeing the quality and accuracy of content.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Global Exploration</strong>: Delve into the linguistic variations, historical contexts, and socio-cultural influences of English across continents.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Classroom-Ready</strong>: Packed with engaging activities, multimedia supplements, and evaluation tools to encourage student involvement and comprehension.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Efficient Planning</strong>: Pre-packaged lessons reduce planning time, allowing educators to focus on interactive teaching.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Adaptable Format</strong>: Easily modifiable content to fit varying classroom needs and student abilities.</p> </li> </ul> <p>For UK secondary school educators aiming to provide a nuanced understanding of World Englishes, this lesson set stands as an essential resource. Equip students with a panoramic view of English’s global expanse and foster a deeper appreciation of linguistic diversity.</p>
Spanish Instituto School Sentence BuildersQuick View

Spanish Instituto School Sentence Builders

<p>AQA Viva GCSE Textbook Module 2 Sentence Builders for use in class with each lesson from M2. Each sentence builder includes all of the necessary vocabulary to enable students to access each unit in the module covered. Below are the units covered by these sentence builders:</p> <p>Module 2: El Instituto/School<br /> U2.1 Giving your opinion on your subjects at school p10<br /> U2.2 Describing your uniform p11<br /> U2.3 Describing your school’s facilities p12<br /> U2.4 Describing a future school exchange p13<br /> U2.5 Describing school rules and giving opinions about them p14<br /> U2.6 Talking about extracurricular activities in 3 tenses p15</p> <p>Sentence builders can be used by students for revision as well as reference in class.</p> <p>Each sentence builder is clearly laid out, and contains both the target language and the English translation for each phrase. Language is chunked in logical groups so that individual columns can be labelled to aid students in locating key phrases they need to look up.</p>
El instituto - School - education and workQuick View

El instituto - School - education and work

Video and worksheet on school description. Especially good for showing students an example after the main units have been covered or when the module has been completed and when setting up a video project about school.
French School Subjects (5 worksheets)Quick View

French School Subjects (5 worksheets)

<p>Resources to use on the topic of school subjects, teachers and opinions for GCSE and advanced KS3. There are also two PowerPoints with ready to use sequenced lessons which accompany Resource 1 and Resource 3 below.</p> <p><strong>Resource 1:</strong> An introduction to key vocabulary and building simple justified opinions &amp; a sentence builder. (PowerPoint 1 accompanies this resource).<br /> <strong>Resource 2:</strong> An advanced writing mat with scaffolded exercises to build confidence with the core vocabulary and to practise giving justified opinions on this topic.<br /> <strong>Resource 3:</strong> Quelle est ta matière préférée? What is your favourite subject worksheet &amp; saying I am good/bad at. (PowerPoint 2 accompanies this resource).<br /> <strong>Resource 4:</strong> a translation plenary activity, into English and French, to test understanding of this topic.<br /> <strong>Resource 5:</strong> a reading comprehension task on subjects and teachers.</p>
The importance of Attendance (Work And School)Quick View

The importance of Attendance (Work And School)

<p>The importance of Attendance (Work And School) A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed workshop / session on the importance of this topic.</p> <p>To define good attendance, to understand ways to improve and maintain my attendance, to evaluate the impact of low attendance at school and work</p> <p><strong>Key terms</strong><br /> Attendance, Punctuality, Time Keeping, Self-Management</p> <p><strong>Each Lesson Pack Contains:</strong><br /> 1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging &amp; Thoughtful Questioning)<br /> Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)</p> <p>The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.</p> <p><strong>Why not check out some of our latest super bundles below:</strong><br /> <a href="">Personal Finance as a young Adult</a><br /> <a href="">Online Safety + Staying Safe</a><br /> <a href="">Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety </a><br /> <a href="">Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress </a><br /> <a href="">British Values Explored Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure </a><br /> <a href="">Finance Risk + Online Safety </a></p> <p>If you need any support with this lesson or would like to find out more about what Cre8tive Resources can offer your school please email: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>If you leave a nice review please email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> and we will send you a free lesson as a thank you.</p>
French A level Education (more than 12 lessons)Quick View

French A level Education (more than 12 lessons)

<p>French A level – l’éducation – l’enseignement en France – le stress des examens – l’enseignement supérieur – de l’enseignement au boulot - French A level Edexcel lessons.</p> <p>This bundle is composed of more than twelve lessons with a variety of homework tasks. (l’école obligatoire dès 3 ans – les conseils de classe – Le brevet – le stress et le bac – le décrochage scolaire – les écoles publiques et privées – le port du voile à l’école – la suppression de l’ENA – les stages en 3ème).</p> <p>These lessons include listening and reading activities (authentic documents used). Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts (present subjunctive – conditional tense – prepositional verbs – demonstrative pronouns – adjectives – present participles).</p> <p>They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching.</p> <p>They come with answers and a PowerPoint to facilitate your life.<br /> Some of the reading/listening tasks used are also from this bundle as worksheets only : <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Please note that the links for the listening activities can be found in the student’s booklet under the title of each lesson which includes a listening task. If you are using the PowerPoint, click on the “headphones” on the left handside and it will open the recording.</strong></p> <p>If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)</p>
Spanish School Subjects - Las AsignaturasQuick View
Suzanne Rose

Spanish School Subjects - Las Asignaturas

<p>School Subjects – Las Asignaturas – Spanish vocabulary and grammar practice worksheets.<br /> Practise vocabulary and phrases for giving opinions in Spanish on school subjects.<br /> Students will be able to:<br /> • Ask and answer questions about school subjects saying what they like / dislike using ‘gustar’ in the singular and plural.<br /> • Use adjectives to give opinions and form correct adjective agreement.<br /> • Write sentences / paragraph using model examples describing their subjects.<br /> • Practise the stem-changing verb ‘pensar’ to give opinions.<br /> • Read a short text and answer true or false questions.</p> <p>This pack includes 5 worksheets to practice vocabulary for Spanish school subjects and includes reading, writing and speaking tasks.</p> <p>15 practice tasks in total ideal for homework or classroom-based practice.</p> <p>This worksheet pack also comes with a complete set of answers.</p> <p>Suitable for ages 8 and above, KS2 and Yr7, Yr8.</p> <p>Also available in French and German.</p>
Mental Health At Work - CareersQuick View

Mental Health At Work - Careers

<p>2 HOURS of content. PSHE lesson for Mental Health Week 2024 which has a theme of ‘mental health in the workplace’, however we’ve also added in content about mental health issues in the wider world in general too, to make this more immediately relevant to students. In this lesson students will explore what we mean when we talk about mental health in the workplace and the wider world outside of school, the main contributing factors to employees’ mental health issues and practical steps that can be taken to help manage and resolve these.</p> <p>The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, accompanying worksheets, information pack, clip tasks, analysis tasks, creative tasks, signposting and much more. Suitable for KS3 or KS4. Includes lesson plan.</p> <p>This lesson is taken from the new <strong>EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website</strong>. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too.</p> <p>This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE.</p> <p>You can contact us at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p><strong>Who are EC Resources?</strong><br /> EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.</p> <p>Please visit our Tes store <a href=""></a> for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship.<br /> We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here:<br /> <a href="">Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">One Year of Citizenship and British Values</a><br /> <a href="">Complete KS3 RE</a><br /> <a href="">Complete Careers and Employability</a><br /> <a href="">AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack</a></p> <p>Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group,</a> with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.</p>
Spanish School and the World of Work GCSEQuick View

Spanish School and the World of Work GCSE

3 Resources
<p>Amazing kit to help your students get amazing results. It includes complete lessons and materials with reading, writing, speaking, grammar and vocabulary exercises.</p>
Spanish GCSE - world of work - BOOKLETQuick View

Spanish GCSE - world of work - BOOKLET

<p>Booklet for GCSE Spanish covering the following aspects of world of work;</p> <p>parents’ jobs<br /> future aspirations<br /> part time work<br /> Work experience<br /> Ambitions for the future</p> <p>Lots of activities, sentence builders, translations, reading comprehensions, grammar</p> <p>Designed to be completed over a 1/2 term</p>
French jobs and work revision worksheetQuick View

French jobs and work revision worksheet

<p><strong>French KS3 worksheet for cover, revision, homework etc.<br /> Recap jobs with EPI-style activities.</strong></p> <ul> <li>Match up vocab</li> <li>Add the spaces</li> <li>Choose and circle the correct word</li> <li>Gapfill - write the missing word</li> <li>Who said (reading)</li> <li>Identify the tense (past, now, future)</li> <li>Tick the job in the feminine form</li> <li>Anagrams writing</li> <li>Add the missing vowels</li> <li>Answer the questions about the text in English</li> </ul> <p>The first question of each task is done as an example.<br /> With a suggested ‘challenge task’ extension at the end.</p> <p>Vocab ready for new GCSE spec</p> <p>Great for last minute cover work, revision leading up to a test, or for retrieval and consolidation of learning over the last few topics.</p>
Assembly: World Mental Health Day 2024Quick View

Assembly: World Mental Health Day 2024

<p>An assembly to support work during World Mental Health Day in October. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities.</p> <p>This beautifully-designed and editable 26-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities.</p> <p>Slide 1: What is World Mental Health Day? Includes video.<br /> Slide 2-3: Why do some young people suffer with their mental health?<br /> Slide 4: This rise of teenage anxiety and poor mental health [inc national research graphs]<br /> Slide 5: Top tips for improving mental health: Breathing exercise. Includes video.<br /> Slide 6: Top tips for improving mental health: Move more. Includes video.<br /> Slide 7: Top tips for improving mental health: Sleep habits.<br /> Slide 8 and 9: Top tips for improving mental health: Healthy eating. Includes video.<br /> Slide 10: Top tips for improving mental health: Get outside. Includes video.<br /> Slide 11: Top tips for improving mental health: Be social.<br /> Slide 12: Top tips for improving mental health: Retrain your brain<br /> Slide 13: Closing Thought<br /> Slide 14: Follow-up form time activities title screen<br /> Slide 15: Form time activities: Support links to explore<br /> Slide 16: Form time activities: Art activity<br /> Slide 17: Form time activities: Wordsearch activity<br /> Slide 18: Form time activities: Poetry activity<br /> Slides 19-23: Form time activities: Mental Health quiz – with answers<br /> Slides 24-25: Other form time ideas to support anxiety strategies.</p> <p>As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared:<br /> “I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.”<br /> “Just buy it!”<br /> “Your resources have been life savers!”<br /> “Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br /> “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br /> “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”<br /> “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br /> “Your new spec resources are saving me hours &amp; hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”<br /> “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”</p>
Las instalaciones - school facilitiesQuick View

Las instalaciones - school facilities

This bundle of worksheets covers different school facilities (key vocab), adjectives, translation, reading comprehension, grammar and extension tasks for more able pupils too. There is enough content here for 2 lessons (depending on ability of group).
French School Subjects - Les MatièresQuick View
Suzanne Rose

French School Subjects - Les Matières

<p>School Subjects – Les Matières – French vocabulary and grammar practice worksheets.<br /> Practise vocabulary and phrases for giving opinions in French on school subjects.<br /> Students will be able to:<br /> • Ask and answer questions about school subjects saying what they like / dislike.<br /> • Use adjectives to give opinions.<br /> • Write sentences / paragraph using model examples describing their subjects.<br /> • Read a short text and answer true or false questions.</p> <p>This pack includes 4 worksheets to practice vocabulary for French school subjects and includes reading, writing and speaking tasks.</p> <p>13 practice tasks in total ideal for homework or classroom-based practice.</p> <p>This worksheet pack also comes with a complete set of answers.</p> <p>Suitable for ages 8 and above, KS2 and Yr7, Yr8.</p> <p>Also available in Spanish and German.</p>
Education & Work Writing Mat (Spanish)Quick View

Education & Work Writing Mat (Spanish)

Controlled conditions example question and colourful writing mat for education and work context to help set-up for controlled assessment and/or revise the topic area. Deals with school subjects/ part-time jobs/ jobs/ future plans... Contains tenses and key phrases & vocab
KS3 School Worksheet (ideal cover work)Quick View

KS3 School Worksheet (ideal cover work)

<p>This two-page worksheet includes a wide range of different activities for Year 7 or 8 on the topic of school:<br /> -subjects<br /> -opinions<br /> -teacher descriptions<br /> Skills include reading, writing, grammar (adjective agreements, key verbs), translation.<br /> Perfect for a cover lesson.</p>
French School Rules WorksheetsQuick View

French School Rules Worksheets

<p>Two pages of resources describing and giving opinions on school uniform. Fits with EPI teaching. Listening, reading, and writing/translation activities.</p>
Explore the Working WorldQuick View

Explore the Working World

This pack is intended for use by any teacher in primary or middle school. It focuses on a number of key National Curriculum subjects and shows how these subjects can be enhanced through careers education. Published by Hobsons Academic Relations. (Apprenticeships, Further Education, Getting a Job, Higher Education, Work Experience, Volunteering & Gap Year, Self-employment/Entrepreneurship).
The Working World.Quick View

The Working World.

<p>This is based of a chapter in an IGCSE English as a second language text book.</p> <p>Includes:<br /> simple resume writing<br /> listening from youtube clips<br /> creative writing<br /> job vocabulary and sorting</p>