<p>Christmas/ Tradition/ Around the world/ 25th December/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary</p>
<p>This 10-15 minute assembly looks at how countries celebrate Christmas around the world and all the weird and wonderful traditions that take place during the build up.</p>
<p>The assembly enables the students to guess he country for which each tradition belongs (which are still done to this day) and finishes with a fun filled Christmas quiz.</p>
<p>The pack contains:</p>
<li>Full powerpoint</li>
<li>A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas.</li>
<p>Thanks for looking</p>
This is a fun cultural resource that goes through various French Christmas traditions, in English, including some French words. This is aimed at pupils in both KS2 and KS3. There are 18 slides of information and pictures. After that, there is a multiple-choice quiz to check what pupils have understood and/or information they have retained. The quiz is on the PowerPoint (as are the answers) but there is also a separate worksheet version of the quiz. There is a writing / drawing activity for pupils to do at the end and a separate word search document which has words from the activities.
<p>A 68 page power point which includes flashcards to teach the vocabulary and covers about 5 short lessons. This can be used by students independently or taught in class! The work supports the teaching of the topic of festivals, traditions and celebrations at GSCE and supports the teaching of the exercises which are found in both the foundation and higher page of the AQA text books. The final activity is a creative task which students can be left as a research project for homework and gives flashcards of the 13 Provencal desserts which students are asked to draw on their own Christmas table. A competition idea maybe ?</p>
<p>40+ slides on Francophone festivals and customs including reading, tense practice, translation, complex structures + infinitive and photo card model answers</p>
<p>Four powerpoint lessons which can be used at KS3 & 4 to teach the vocabulary of the major French festivals with exercises, some basic facts about the 14th July with activities and the Simple Future Tense on the way to a rock concert!</p>
<p>This resource includes:</p>
<li>A Power Point presentation talking about the origins of the Carnival and information about how the carnival is celebrated in four different cities in Spain: Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Cádiz y Sitges.</li>
<li>It also includes a handout for students with all the information + 10 activities (exam-style reading questions + translation). Editable.</li>
<li>Homework worksheet.</li>
<li>All answers embedded in Power Point.</li>
<p>A selection of 7 festivals (Carnaval, Día de Reyes, La Semana Santa, La Tomatina, Las Fallas, San Fermín and San Juan) with answers. With these worksheets, pupils develop reading, translation and writing skills whilst learning about some of the most famous and interesting hispanic traditions. The perfect bundle to cover the topic of identity and culture. A 38% discount set of resources that can be exploited both as a project based on team work as well as an unit of work throughout a period of time.</p>
<p>A PDF document including two sentence builders on the new AQA GCSE topic ‘Celebrity culture’ covering the questions:</p>
<li>¿Quién es tu famoso favorito?</li>
<li>¿Cuáles son las ventajas y las desventajas de ser famoso?</li>
<p>Sentence builders include foundation and higher tier vocabulary from the new AQA spec and are available to print in both colour and/or black and white.</p>
<p>Any typos please let me know and I will amend :)</p>
<p>Victorian Christmas Traditions. KS1 and 2 power-point of 58 slides (including worksheets).<br />
This power-point can be used as a complete stand-alone lesson which can be edited into topic sections or as an additional spin off to related topics which encourage the pupils to think about how a Victorian Christmas is celebrated and how the traditions we know today originated. I have kept the information simple with a mix of slides, and lots of additional fun linked activities including a quick dictionary definition exercise, a short youtube clip, book exercises (written tasks), paired talk activities, 11 worksheets. Christmas traditions covered are: Tree, decorating the tree and the home, presents, crackers, cards, dinner, entertainment and games.<br />
Learning objectives<br />
• To know the origins of Christmas traditions in the United Kingdom.<br />
• To compare Christmas traditions today with Victorian Christmas traditions.<br />
• To express opinions and views about Victorian Christmas and compare what it was like for rich people and poor people.<br />
• To work co-operatively with a partner or small group to discuss answers and ideas about Christmas traditions.</p>
<p>Worksheet 1: Matching task. Victorian and present-day Christmas tree decorations.<br />
Worksheet 2: Venn diagram – rich and poor Victorian Christmas.<br />
Book activity: Label the evergreen decorations.<br />
Worksheet 3: Write a message / joke for a cracker.<br />
Worksheet 4. Follow Instructions. How to make a Christmas cracker.<br />
Book activities: Christmas cards.<br />
Worksheets 5,6,7: 3 blank templates with a Victorian border for Christmas card designs.<br />
Worksheet 8: Work out the Figgy Pudding recipe used by the Victorians but written in old English.<br />
Worksheet 9: Blank plate templates for a Victorian and present-day Christmas dinner.<br />
Worksheet 10: 6 Victorian Parlour games on cards.<br />
Worksheet 11: Victorian traditions blank writing summary for each tradition.</p>
<p>Each slide includes pictures which illustrate the key learning points.<br />
Useful alongside lessons or topics on Christmas, celebrations, Winter, entertainment, Victorians.</p>
<p>This resource includes:</p>
<li>A Power Point presentation talking about the origins of the tradition of bullfighting in Spain and information about how the it developed into what it is today.</li>
<li>It also includes a handout for students with all the information + 16 activities (exam-style reading questions + translation + others).</li>
<li>Editable version of boths, the handaout and the PPT presentation.</li>
<li>Homework task.</li>
<li>All answers embedded in Power Point.</li>
<p>Save 82% with this bundle of 19 resources on different aspects of Spanish culture for A Level AQA (Artisitic Culture in the Spanish World) or Edexcel (la cultura artística y política en el mundo hispanohablante). It includes the following resources:</p>
<li>Navidad en España</li>
<li>Semana santa en España</li>
<li>Translations on ‘la quinceañera’</li>
<li>Revision sheet on los festivales y las costumbres</li>
<li>Translations on ‘la semana santa’</li>
<li>Translations on ‘la tomatina’ and gender violence</li>
<li>La gastronomía y costumbres en España</li>
<li>A resource on bullfighting traditions in Spain</li>
<li>Translations on la tauromaquía</li>
<li>Los gustos musicales en España</li>
<li>Music trends in Spain</li>
<li>Music tastes and festivals in Spain</li>
<li>Rosalía y el flamenco urbano</li>
<li>Translations on el flamenco y el patrimonio musical</li>
<li>Translations on el tango</li>
<li>Young people and traditional music</li>
<li>A revision sheet on music in the hispanic world</li>
<li>A worksheet on la salsa</li>
<li>La alhambra y patrimonio cultural</li>
<p>A PowerPoint introducing the French mardi-gras tradition. There is a flipped learning activity based on a You Tube video by Mr Innes, to prepare students to basic vocabulary.<br />
The PowerPoint is to be used in class, it has a number of group based activities to develop vocabulary, and comprehension with a final differentiated productive activity.<br />
I have created for a mixed ability year 8 class. Could be suitable for year 7, with a little vocabulary support.</p>
Excellent resource, can be used as 1-2 lessons depending on ability of group and how much time you wish to spend on cultural exploration of festive traditions. <br />
<br />
Text is taken from radins.com and is titled 'Noël en France : Noël typique et traditions régionales'. Link to article is included on worksheet. The article compares festive traditions in Alsace/Lorraine and Provence. It has been very slightly adapted and is split into paragraphs for ease of reading and discussion. <br />
<br />
Questions ask students to consider what type of text they are reading, then to match ten words highlighted in text to the correct description to develop language (for example 'Le Réveillon - le 24 décembre).<br />
<br />
Third and final exercise is six questions contrasting and comparing traditions in both regions, linking to culinary traditions, Père Fouettard / Père Noël and nativity scenes amongst others. <br />
<br />
Fully differentiated - two comprehensive vocabulary tables are provided to support learners who would benefit. <br />
<br />
A great lesson, genuinely interesting, and a fun way to include KS5 students in Christmas fun whilst still challenging their linguistic and cultural knowledge! I learned a few things making it! Next step could be for students to research and present to the class how Christmas is celebrated in other parts of the Francophone world. <br />
<br />
A great time saver, took three hours to make! Article and questions are one file, answers to all of the questions is the second. Could also be used for high-achieving KS4 class.
<p>This powerpoint covers the GCSE topic “Customs and traditions” in the perfect tense, present indicative, near future, and future simple in FRENCH, using Gianfranco Conti’s EPI methodoly, and applying the MARS EARS framework. Also includes the si+present+future clause. More effective if used after FRENCH GCSE Units 11-16 in terms of grammar due to the recycling and interleaving of those tenses.</p>
<p>Activities include:</p>
<p>White board translations<br />
Find the French for in the Sentence Builder<br />
Match up<br />
Find the missing word in the sentence<br />
This or that<br />
Spot my error (phonological error)<br />
Reading and listening tasks (<strong>TTS Audio included for all listening tasks</strong>)<br />
Narrow Reading: Find the French for<br />
Reading: Answer the questions in French<br />
Reading: Translate the last paragraph into English<br />
Comment dit-on?<br />
Listen and highlight the mispronounced words (LAM)<br />
Listen and write the missing words - no gaps provided (LAM)<br />
Listen and write the missing words and cross out the intruders (LAM)<br />
Listen and tick the correct options (LAM)<br />
Structured production: Delayed copying<br />
Structured production: Narrow Translation (x3 paragraphs)<br />
Structured production: Oral Ping Pong<br />
Expansion: Grammar conjugation table (6 tenses)<br />
Expansion: Grammar task present tense<br />
Expansion: Grammar task perfect tense<br />
Expansion: Grammar task future tense<br />
Expansion: Grammar task multi tense<br />
Expansion: Grammar explanation Near future<br />
Expansion: Parsing grid Near future<br />
Autonomy-Routinisation: Dictogloss<br />
Autonomy-Routinisation: One pen One di<br />
Spontaneity: Listen and draw pictures - then retell story from pictures<br />
Spontaneity: Pull the Switch<br />
Spontaneity: Exam piece of writing</p>
<p>*Please leave a review! =D</p>
<p>A PDF document including a sentence builder on the AQA GCSE topic 'Festivals, Customs & Celebrations’ covering the question:</p>
<li>¿Cuál es tu fiesta favorita?</li>
<p>This sentence builder includes foundation and higher tier vocabulary from the new AQA spec and is available to print in both colour and/or black and white.</p>
<p>Any typos please let me know and I will amend :)</p>
This is a fun cultural resource that goes through various German Christmas traditions, in English, including some German words. This is aimed at pupils in both KS2 and KS3. There are 16 slides of information and pictures. After that, there is a multiple-choice quiz to check what pupils have understood and/or information they have retained. The quiz is on the PowerPoint (as are the answers) but there is also a separate worksheet version of the quiz. There is a writing / drawing activity for pupils to do at the end and then a separate word search document which has words from the activities.
<p>An information sheet about French celebrations which could simply be given to students, but it could also be cut into the various sections, and students put them back together correctly as an assessment task.</p>
How does Britain Celebrate Easter? How have traditions changed?<br /><br /><br />
Objectives- <br /><br /><br />
All of you will:<br /><br /><br />
Understand how Britain celebrates Easter. <br /><br /><br />
Most of you will:<br /><br /><br />
Understand what the Easter symbols mean.<br /><br /><br />
Some of you will:<br /><br /><br />
Identify how Britain’s Easter traditions have changed.<br /><br /><br />