Dynamo 1, Unit 3.0 - Point de départ (weather)Quick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 3.0 - Point de départ (weather)

<code>PPT lesson based on Dynamo 1, Module 3 (point de départ) about weather and phonics. </code> <p>All main tasks have an extension activity to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>STARTER: introduction to some French phonics using basic French words (neige, guitare, maison, etc). Students write down the vocab and try to guess the English translation using the pictures for support.</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT: new vocab about the weather is introduced and practised. A sheet has been provided at the end of the PPT so that students can stick this into their books.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 1: listening task based on the weather vocab introduced at the start of the lesson. A transcript is provided for teachers who don’t have access to Active Learn.</p> <p>ACTIVITY 2: more challenging listening task including seasons. Transcript provided.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 3: writing task differentiated by outcome (based on the mini-plenary). Students write a short paragraph including the information required by each level.</p> <p>ACTIVITY 4: speaking task where students need to link the weather phrases to a verb in the present tense (eg. <em>quand il fait beau, je joue au foot</em>).</p> <p>FINAL PLENARY</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 4.2 - Où habites-tu?Quick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 4.2 - Où habites-tu?

<p>A lesson on describing where you live based on Dynamo 1, Module 4, Unit 2. Each task includes an extension to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>STARTER: students recall previous learning by answering the question ‘où habites-tu?’</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - using red/amber/green emojis to check that students are confident with previous learning.</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT - a series of sentences containing the verb ‘j’habite’ and different places.</p> <p>CONTROLLED PRACTICE - multiple choice game to check if students remember the vocab just introduced.</p> <p>TASK 1: short translation task (8 sentences) with the verb ‘J’HABITE’ and different places.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity to check for understanding and gauge how confident students are with the topic so far.</p> <p>TASK 2: listening task linked to outcome of the mini-plenary. Students complete a different questions depending on the level they chose. A transcript is provided for teachers without access to Pearson Active Learn.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity. This is particularly helpful for the teacher as it gives an insight into how difficult students found the language introduced up to this point.</p> <p>TASK 3: writing task linked to outcome of the mini-plenary. Students complete a different task based on their level of confidence.</p> <p>PLENARY: final opportunity to assess learning within the lesson.</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 4.1 - Décris-moi ta familleQuick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 4.1 - Décris-moi ta famille

<p>A lesson on family members based on Dynamo 1, Module 4, Unit 1. Each task includes an extension to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>STARTER: students decide if the adjectives provided are masculine or feminine. This is an important recall task to check previous learning. An extension task is provided (translating the adjectives into English).</p> <p>GRAMMAR POINT: explanation of adjectival agreement.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity to check for understanding and gauge how confident students are with the topic so far.</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT + TASK 1: introduction of family members. Students look at the photo and translate the word for each family member into English (example: ma mère = my mother).</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity. This is particularly helpful for the teacher as it gives an insight into how difficult students found the language and grammar introduced up to this point.</p> <p>TASK 2: listening task linked to outcome of the mini-plenary. Students complete a different number of question depending on the level they chose. A transcript is provided for teacher without access to Pearson Active Learn.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity. This is particularly helpful for the teacher as it gives an insight into how difficult students found the language and grammar introduced up to this point.</p> <p>TASK 3: writing task linked to outcome of the mini-plenary. Students complete a different task based on their level of confidence.</p> <p>PLENARY: final opportunity to assess learning within the lesson.</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 4.3 - Qu’est-ce que tu manges au petit déjeuner?Quick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 4.3 - Qu’est-ce que tu manges au petit déjeuner?

<p>A lesson on breakfast and partitive articles based on Dynamo 1, Module 4, Unit 3. Each task includes an extension to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT: students write simple sentences using the verb ‘JE MANGE’ followed by the foods shown in the slide. They do the same using the verb ‘JE BOIS’ with drinks.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - using red/amber/green emojis to check how confident students feel with the new vocab.</p> <p>TASK 1: listening task linked to the outcome of the mini-plenary. Students complete different questions based on their level. The more challenging questions contain vocab that hasn’t been covered in the language input. A transcript is provided for teachers without access to Active Learn.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity to check for understanding and gauge how confident students are with the topic so far.</p> <p>TASK 2: listening task linked to outcome of the mini-plenary. Students complete a different questions depending on the level they chose. A transcript is provided for teachers without access to Pearson Active Learn.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity. This is particularly helpful for the teacher as it gives an insight into how difficult students found the language introduced up to this point.</p> <p>TASK 3: writing task linked to outcome of the mini-plenary. Students complete a different task based on their level of confidence.</p> <p>TASK 4: gap-filling activity.</p> <p>PLENARY: final opportunity to assess learning within the lesson.</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 4.0 - Point de départ (pets)Quick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 4.0 - Point de départ (pets)

<p>A lesson on pets and the verb ‘avoir’ based on Dynamo 1, Module 4, Point de départ. Each task includes an extension to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>STARTER: students match up the different forms of the verb ‘avoir’ in the present tense with the correct English translation.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: first assessment for learning opportunity to check if students are confident with previous learning (please note: the verb ‘avoir’ was covered previously in the Dynamo 1 textbook).</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT: repetition of the different pets with the question ‘As-tu…?’. Students answer the teacher using the structure ‘Oui, j’ai…’ or ‘Non, je n’ai pas d’animal’.</p> <p>TASK 1: reading activity based on the vocab introduced in the language input. Students write down what animals each sentence talks about and how many they are. This is also an opportunity to revise numbers.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity to check for understanding and gauge how confident students are with the topic so far.</p> <p>TASK 2: listening task based on the vocab introduced in the language input. The transcript is provided for teacher who don’t have access to Active Learn.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity. This is particularly helpful for the teacher as it gives an insight into how difficult students found the listening task.</p> <p>TASK 3: writing task linked to outcome of the mini-plenary. Students complete a different task based on their level of confidence.</p> <p>PLENARY: final opportunity to assess learning within the lesson.</p>
Viva 1 - Unit 1.6 - Writing Skills (revision)Quick View

Viva 1 - Unit 1.6 - Writing Skills (revision)

<p>A revision lesson on all the topics from Viva 1, Module 1. It also includes exercises to practise writing skills and a section for DIRT (Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time). This can easily be adapted to WWW/EBI or any other feedback system used by your school.</p> <p>STARTER: students write down the six sentences in Spanish. Then, they write down the English translation including the missing word, which they need to come up with themselves. Extension: match up the sentence to the correct picture.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity to check how confident students feel with translation.</p> <p>TASK 1: reading activity linked to the outcome of the mini-plenary. Students answer six short questions after reading a paragraph in Spanish.</p> <p>TASK 2: match-up translation task (questions using cómo, dónde, cuántos, cuándo, qué, cuál).</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity to check learning so far.</p> <p>TASK 3: writing task answering four questions</p> <p>DIRT - the rest of the lesson includes some writing support structures to guide students in answering the four questions from task 3.</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 3.4 - Tu aimes faire ça?Quick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 3.4 - Tu aimes faire ça?

<p>PPT lesson based on Dynamo 1, Module 3, Unit 4 (Tu aimes faire ça?) about activities that you like to do. All main tasks have an extension activity to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>STARTER: translation of some opinion verbs and cognates.</p> <p>GRAMMAR POINT: introduction of the ‘infinitive’ with the endings in French (er, ir, re) which follows all the opinion verbs (j’aime, je n’aime, j’adore, je déteste, etc).</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT: practise of opinion verbs with different infinitives (free time activities).</p> <p>ACTIVITY 1: short translation task based on the vocab learnt up to this point.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 2: listening task with different opinion verbs and infinitives based on the outcome of the mini-plenary</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 5: differentiated writing task. Students need to write about what activities they like to do using opinion verbs and infinitives.</p> <p>FINAL PLENARY</p>
Viva 1 - Unit 3.5 ¿Te gusta tu instituto?Quick View

Viva 1 - Unit 3.5 ¿Te gusta tu instituto?

<p>PPT lesson based on Viva 1, Module 3, Unit 5 about reading skills. This also serves a revision lesson before the end of term assessment.</p> <p>STARTER: sort the words in bold between masculine and feminine.</p> <p>READING TASK: after reading six short dialogues, the students need to recognise which words are opinion verbs and which words are school subjects. They write them down in the grid.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity using the traffic light method (red, amber, green).</p> <p>TRANSLATION TASK: students translate the sentences from English into Spanish and complete the gaps a word of their choice. This task is linked to the outcome of the mini-plenary. Based on the level they chose, students translate different sentences of varying difficulty.</p> <p>LISTENING TASK: students fill in the gaps with the vocab learnt at the start of the lesson. A transcript is provided if you don’t have access to Active Learn.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity using the traffic light method (red, amber, green).</p> <p>WRITING TASK 1: linked to the mini-plenary. Students write a short paragraph giving their opinion about school subjects.</p> <p>WRITING TASK 2: students write a short paragraph about their school (rooms, facilities, etc) and give their opinion.</p> <p>PLENARY: WWW/EBI</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 3.3 - Le sport dans les pays francophonesQuick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 3.3 - Le sport dans les pays francophones

<p>PPT lesson based on Dynamo 1, Module 3, Unit 3 (Le sport dans les pays francophones) about sports in French-speaking countries. This unit also covers how to use cognates and context to find out the meaning of new vocabulary. All main tasks have an extension activity to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>STARTER: gap-filling translation activity about the new vocab. The missing words are all cognates.</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT: new vocab about sports using the verb ‘on fait’ is introduced and practised.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 1: reading task linked to the mini-plenary (differentiation by outcome). Students read a short paragraph and answer the questions in English.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 2: match-up task with the phrases learnt so far and the matching photos.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 3: listening gap-filling task in French. A transcript is provided for teachers who don’t have access to Active Learn.</p> <p>ACTIVITY 4: walking translation game</p> <ul> <li>One student per table gets up to read the translations on the sheet.</li> <li>They note the French translation to the first sentence in their book.</li> <li>They go back to their seat, share the translation with the other students.</li> <li>Another students gets up and repeats the procedure as above.</li> <li>While you wait for the translation à write down the sentences in English in your book.</li> </ul> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 5: differentiated writing task about sport (including challenge for more able students).</p> <p>FINAL PLENARY</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 3.1 - Tu es sportif/sportive?Quick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 3.1 - Tu es sportif/sportive?

<p>PPT lesson based on Dynamo 1, Module 3, Unit 1 (Tu es sportif/sportive?) about sports and the verb ‘jouer à’.<br /> All main tasks have an extension activity to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>STARTER: translation task with cognates (these are some of the sports introduced in this unit).</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT: new vocab about sports is introduced and practised.</p> <p>GRAMMAR POINT: stressing the prepositions AU / À LA / AUX when translating ‘I play + sport’. This is because in English there is no preposition and this often causes confusion to students when translating from English into French.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 1: writing task where students write in French what sport is played in each pictures using the verb ‘I play’.</p> <p>ACTIVITY 2: listening task linked to the mini-plenary (differentiation by outcome). Transcript provided.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 3: writing task differentiated by outcome (based on the mini-plenary). Students write a short paragraph including the information required by each level.</p> <p>FINAL PLENARY: check for understanding of the prepositions AU / À LA / AUX.</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 3.2 - Qu’est-ce que tu fais?Quick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 3.2 - Qu’est-ce que tu fais?

<p>PPT lesson based on Dynamo 1, Module 3, Unit 2 (Qu’est-ce que tu fais?) about hobbies and activities with the verb ‘faire’. All main tasks have an extension activity to cater for the more able students.</p> <p>STARTER: translation task with cognates (these are some of the activities/hobbies introduced in this unit).</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT: new vocab about activities/hobbies is introduced and practised.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 1: listening task linked to the mini-plenary (differentiation by outcome). Transcript provided (this task can also be done as a reading).</p> <p>ACTIVITY 2: more challenging listening task listening task linked to the mini-plenary (differentiation by outcome). Transcript provided.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 3: writing task differentiated by outcome (based on the mini-plenary). Students write a short paragraph including the information required by each level.</p> <p>FINAL PLENARY</p>
Viva 1 - Unit 3.1 ¿Qué estudias?Quick View

Viva 1 - Unit 3.1 ¿Qué estudias?

<p>PPT lesson based on Viva 1, Module 3, Unit 1 focussing on school subjects and the verb ‘estudio’ (I study).</p> <p>STARTER: match up subjects in Spanish and English</p> <p>TRANSLATION TASK 1: translate the opinion verbs into English.<br /> TRANSLATION TASK 2: translate the sentences into English.</p> <p>GRAMMAR POINT: me gusta / me gustan (singular and plural)</p> <p>READING TASK: true/false reading activity with five sentences about school subjects and opinions</p> <p>LISTENING TASK: taken from Active Learn, students need to write down the opinion verb and subject in English. A transcript is provided if you don’t have access to Active Learn.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity.</p> <p>WRITING TASK: based on the outcome of the mini-plenary, students write a short paragraph about school subjects and opinions with varying degrees of difficulty.</p> <p>PLENARY: assessment of learning</p>
Viva 1 - Unit 3.4 Durante el recreoQuick View

Viva 1 - Unit 3.4 Durante el recreo

<p>PPT lesson based on Viva 1, Module 3, Unit 4 focussing on break time activities (using the first person of the present tense of regular verbs in -ER, -IR).</p> <p>STARTER: match up the pictures with the correct word in Spanish (the words are mainly cognates).</p> <p>GRAMMAR POINT: about irregular nouns/adjectives</p> <p>INPUT: presentation of short sentences using verbs in the present tense to talk about break time activities (I eat, I drink, etc).</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity using the traffic light method (red, amber, green).</p> <p>TRANSLATION TASK: linked to the outcome of the mini-plenary. Based on the level they chose, students translate different sentences of varying difficulty.</p> <p>LISTENING TASK: students fill in the gaps with the vocab learnt at the start of the lesson. A transcript is provided if you don’t have access to Active Learn.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity using the traffic light method (red, amber, green).</p> <p>WRITING TASK: linked to the mini-plenary. Students write a short paragraph using the vocab learn in this lesson with varying degrees of difficulty and challenge.</p> <p>PLENARY</p>
Dynamo 1, Module 3 - Mon temps libre (my free time)Quick View

Dynamo 1, Module 3 - Mon temps libre (my free time)

5 Resources
<p>You can purchase all the PPT resources for Dynamo 1, Module 3 (Mon temps libre) as a bundle with a small discount.</p> <p>This bundle includes:</p> <ul> <li>Dynamo 1, Unit 3.0 - Point de départ (weather)</li> <li>Dynamo 1, Unit 3.1 - Tu es sportif/sportive (sports)</li> <li>Dynamo 1, Unit 3.2 - Qu’est-ce que tu fais? (free time activities/hobbies)</li> <li>Dynamo 1, Unit 3.3 - Le sport dans les pays francophones</li> <li>Dynamo 1, Unit 3.4 - Tu aimes faire ça?</li> </ul> <p><strong>PLEASE NOTE</strong>: this bundle does <strong>NOT</strong> include Unit 3.5 (Questions, questions, questions).</p>
Viva 1 - Unit 3.2 ¿Te gustan las ciencias?Quick View

Viva 1 - Unit 3.2 ¿Te gustan las ciencias?

<p>PPT lesson based on Viva 1, Module 3, Unit 2 focussing on giving opinions about school subjects.</p> <p>STARTER: grammar task on masculine and feminine with extension task on metalanguage.</p> <p>TASK 1: short translation of two sentences from Spanish into English to recap previous learning.</p> <p>INPUT: recap of the main opinion verbs.</p> <p>GRAMMAR POINT: difference between ‘me gusta / me gustan’ (singular and plural).</p> <p>TASK 2: choosing when to add -n or not (to ‘me gusta’).</p> <p>TASK 2: reading task where students need to read 3 short paragraphs about school subjects and opinion verbs. Then they decide if the statements are true or false.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity.</p> <p>WRITING TASK: based on the outcome of the mini-plenary, students write a short paragraph about school subjects and opinions with varying degrees of difficulty.</p> <p>PLENARY: final assessment for learning opportunity using red, amber, green smiley faces.</p>
Viva 1 - Unit 3.3 ¿Qué hay en tu insti?Quick View

Viva 1 - Unit 3.3 ¿Qué hay en tu insti?

<p>PPT lesson based on Viva 1, Module 3, Unit 3 focussing on describing your school (places, rooms, facilities).</p> <p>STARTER: short translation task to recap previous learning (school subjects and opinion verbs).</p> <p>INPUT: introduction to the different places, rooms and facilities in a school.</p> <p>TASK 1: students write down the vocab and translate into English using their knowledge of cognates and the pictures for support.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY: assessment for learning opportunity using the traffic light method (red, amber, green).</p> <p>TASK 2: taken from Active Learn (a transcript is provided if you don’t have access to it). Students listen to the recording and write down the missing words in Spanish (these are taken from the vocab introduced at the start of the lesson).</p> <p>TASK 3: writing task linked to the outcome of the mini-plenary.</p> <p>PLENARY</p>
Viva 1, Module 3 - Mi insti (my school)Quick View

Viva 1, Module 3 - Mi insti (my school)

5 Resources
<p>You can get a 20% discount by purchasing the PPT lessons for Viva 1, Module 3 as a bundle.</p> <p>This bundle includes:</p> <ul> <li>Viva 1 - Unit 3.1 - ¿Qué estudias? (school subjects, present tense of -AR verbs)</li> <li>Viva 1 - Unit 3.2 - ¿Te gustan las ciencias? (school subjects and opinion verbs)</li> <li>Viva 1 - Unit 3.3 - ¿Qué hay en tu insti? (school facilities and verb ‘hay’)</li> <li>Viva 1 - Unit 3.4 - Durante el recreo (break time activities with -ER and -IR verbs)</li> <li>Viva 1 - Unit 3.5 - ¿Te gusta tu insti? (revision lesson with a focus on translation and reading skills).</li> </ul>
Viva 1 - Unit 2.3 ¿Qué haces cuando llueve?Quick View

Viva 1 - Unit 2.3 ¿Qué haces cuando llueve?

<p>PPT lesson based on Viva 1, Module 2, Unit 3 on talking about the weather using ‘cuando’ and regular -AR verbs in the present tense (1st person).</p> <p>STARTER: short match-up activity where students match the Spanish and English weather phrases using the photos for support.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity)</p> <p>LISTENING TASK: students need to recognise the correct weather phrases (teachers can read these aloud or access the recording on Active Learn if they have a subscription).</p> <p>TRANSLATION TASK: using the vocab sheet for support, the students translate the Spanish sentences into English.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity)</p> <p>READING TASK: students read the four paragraphs where different people talk about the weather where they live during different seasons. This task is differentiated by outcome based on what the students chose in the mini-plenary.</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 2.5 - Un collège super cool!Quick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 2.5 - Un collège super cool!

<p>PPT lesson based on Dynamo 1, Module 2, Unit 5 on describing your school using ‘il y a’ and ‘il n’y a pas’ (focus on writing skills).</p> <p>STARTER: six sentences are given in French (left side) and English (right side). The English side is missing a few words. Students need to translate the missing words into English using their knowledge of cognates.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity (linked to activity 1).</p> <p>GRAMMAR POINT: revision of what a ‘cognate’ is.</p> <p>ACTIVITY 1: guided writing task where students write 5 sentences in French. They are given a starter sentences and then choose how to complete it using a list of three options (a, b, c). A vocab sheet is provided to support the weaker students. This task is linked to the mini-plenary.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity (linked to the next task).</p> <p>ACTIVITY 2 - translation task of the main facilities and rooms you can find in a French school (differentiated).</p>
Viva 1 - Unit 2.4 ¿Qué deportes haces?Quick View

Viva 1 - Unit 2.4 ¿Qué deportes haces?

<p>PPT lesson based on Viva 1, Module 2, Unit 4 on saying what sports you do using JUGAR and HACER (present tense, 1st person).</p> <p>STARTER: short translation task with an extension (identify the infinitive verb).</p> <p>ACTIVITY 1: match the pictures with the correct sentence in Spanish.</p> <p>LANGUAGE INPUT: this is delivered by showing photos of different sports with the verbs ‘hago’ and ‘juego’.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity</p> <p>ACTIVITY 2: students listen for the correct sport played by each person. This task is linked to the mini-plenary. A transcript is provided so that teachers who don’t have access to Active Learn can read this aloud to their students.</p> <p>ACTIVITY 3: reading gap-filling task with ‘hago’ and ‘juego’.</p> <p>PLENARY: students complete the sentences with either ‘hago’ and ‘juego’. This can be done by show of hands or by getting students to stand up to select the correct option.</p>
Dynamo 1, Unit 2.3 - Ta journée scolaireQuick View

Dynamo 1, Unit 2.3 - Ta journée scolaire

<p>PPT lesson based on Dynamo 1, Module 2, Unit 3 on talking about your school day using regular -er verbs in the present tense.</p> <p>STARTER: writing down a list of verbs in the present tense in French and English. For some verbs the English translation is missing. Students need to come up with the translation themselves using their previous knowledge of cognates.</p> <p>READING TASK: students read the 8 sentences in French and match these up with the correct translation in English.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity (linked to the next task)</p> <p>LISTENING TASK: students listen and fill in the gaps with the missing verb (list provided). The audio file can be found on Active Learn. For those teachers who cannot access it, the transcript is provided so they can read it aloud to their students.</p> <p>MINI-PLENARY - assessment for learning opportunity (linked to the next task)</p> <p>WRITING TASK: students write a short paragraph including different structures according to their confidence with the topic so far (see mini-plenary before).</p> <p>A handout is provided to support students in the reading task.</p>