Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
A lesson PowerPoint. It begins with a proofreading activity (an excerpt from Chapter 5). Followed by a mini lesson on using an apostrophe to make contractions. This includes examples and non examples and a series of activities which progress through the I do, we do, you do phase of the gradual release of responsibility pedagogy. In upcoming lessons, students will write a persuasive essay to convince their readers of their perspective about Ned Kelly’s guilt or innocence. Students will read chapter six of Black Snake and complete activities so that they can use evidence from the novel to develop their argument about whether Ned Kelly was a victim, a villain or a hero. They learn about mood and tone and apply their new knowledge to the fictional passage at the beginning of the chapter. The PowerPoint ends with a summary of the chapter and some questions to be completed for homework.
A handout with the activities for Chapter 6 which students will complete throughout the lesson.
Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson.
Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources. A PowerPoint designed for use in a 70 minute lesson.
This lesson begins by defining what a representation is and why they are so powerful. The variance in portrayals of Meghan Markle and Princess Kate are used to prompt discussion.
This is followed by a series of slides about the language features that students can look for when analysing news stories. The slides include definitions and examples.
Language features include: similes, metaphors, appeal to authority, appeal to emotion, connotations, emotive language, hyperbole, repetition, inclusive language, omission, groups of three, rhetorical questions, alliteration, idioms and hashtags.
The lesson concludes with reading an example article about Novak Djokovic and considering whether it paints him in a positive / negative light. There are a series of questions to help students to analyse this text.
Resources designed for the senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in The Scramble for Africa.
Context: My school runs this program in Alternative Sequence (yr 11 and 12s in together) due to the small size of the school. This lesson was delivered as a 2 hour block during the term 4 exam block to introduce the unit for the following year and to allow year 10s and 11s who would be studying the subject together to meet each other.
This resource includes:
1 x PowerPoint
1 x Worksheet (designed to step students through the lesson. It includes copies of the sources on the PPT slide and questions for them to answer.)
1 x Match the definitions activity (10 terms) + a glossary of other useful terms for the unit
The lesson includes:
• An assessment overview for the two-year program
• An overview of the 6 cognitions assessed in this subject (analyse, evaluate, synthesise, devise etc.)
• A couple of rounds of trivia (to see what students know)
• An overview of the Term 1 assessment (IA1)
• A brief history of colonialism
• Introduction to important terms – ideology, nationalism, expansionism, imperialism
• A viewing activity (with viewing questions for students to listen out for)
• A map showing European colonial claims in 1900
• Justifications for imperialism – survival of the fittest, social Darwinism, pseudoscientific theories like phrenology, the white man’s burden, political motives, economic motives, religious motives, personal motives,
• Introducing an acronym for analysing and evaluating sources: CAMPORUM
• Students are given two primary sources (soap advertisements) which they are to unpack. They must then write a TEEL paragraph discussing the ideologies evident in the sources. (This is used as a diagnostic activity. I collect them and mark them.).
Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson.
1) Lesson PowerPoint
The beginning of the PowerPoint introduces students to some of the key language features used in the novel Black Snake with definitions, examples and examples from Black Snake. The language features are colloquialisms, idioms, figurative language {similes / metaphors} & descriptive language {adjectives.} Afterwards there are some comprehension questions. Afterwards we look at a picture book – ‘Ned Kelly and the Green Sash’ written by Mark Greenwood and illustrated by Frane Lessac. As we read the story, students are encouraged to think about the language and visual features used and the effects they create in telling the story. Afterwards, the students can read the remainder of chapter 1 filling in the retrieval chart. If there is time at the end, there is a slide about how to identify factual information from evaluative language and a slide summing up the events in chapter 1.
2) A retrieval chart for students to summarise what they have learned while reading Chapter 1.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019).
This lesson includes:
1 x list of source types for warm up evaluation activity (can be laminated with a magnet on the back for sorting activity)
1 x PowerPoint
1 x Source Booklet with sources about Hitler Youth
1 x Independent Work Booklet with various activities designed to help students practice the evaluation skill
Context: My school runs this program in Alternative Sequence (yr 11 and 12s in together) due to the small size of the school. The lesson begins with some teaching that both grades can do together before the year 12s are assigned some independent work and the year 11s are given some more focused teaching. Then the year 11’s do independent work while the year 12s share their answers and receive feedback.
The sequence of the lesson:
The lesson begins with a warm up activity where students have to place types of sources on a grid in terms of how reliable and useful they typically are. Next students have to brainstorm some synonyms and antonyms for ‘reliable’ and ‘useful.’ Following this, year 12s are given a booklet which has evaluation activities (starting at simple activities and building up to those styled like the short response questions in the Term 4 exam). They begin completing these while the year 11’s get a more teacher centred lesson. In this portion of the lesson we begin with defining ‘evaluate’ before zooming in on the evaluation criteria we use in modern history – reliability and usefulness. There is information about what reliability is and that there are levels of reliability. There are tips for how to write a judgement of reliability and some things to look for when determining reliability. There is a list of reasons why a source may be deemed unreliable. There is an example reliability statement which has been colour coded to show how the writer has included various features of evidence in their evaluation.
Following this, the gradual release method is used to engage with the first few sources in the booklet. (I explain the first activity, we engage with Source 1 and then complete the question together – with me modelling my thinking process via think alouds. Students then do Source 2 as a pair and Source 3 on their own). This is followed by explicit teaching on how to determine the usefulness of a source. There is also information about the importance of corroboration (including a video from the History Skills website). This is followed by some sentence starters which can be used when corroborating. This is followed by completing activities from the booklet (first as a we do, then students do one in a pair, then they do one on their own). Following this, the year 11’s continue doing the booklet independently while I go through the answers with the year 12s.
A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 16-21 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna?
As these chapters weren’t crucial to the task, I summarised them rather than reading them with the class. This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with chapter questions (no answers). The PPT also includes a creative writing activity for fast finishers (a way of exploring perspective).
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 36-41 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna?
We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions.
This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. The PPT also includes post reading questions and some assessment preparation. It explains the major text structure of the novel (division of book into ‘summer’ and ‘winter.’) Students are asked to determine what they believe the intended reading of the novel is. There is a paragraph writing activity about the representations of Australia within the novel. There are also key terms for students to define in their glossary.
Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
A PowerPoint which provides an image and summary for the following characters from Deadly Unna? (pictures taken from the film Aussie Rules).
Bob Black aka The Old Man
Gwen Black (Blacky’s mum)
Gary Black
Dumby Red
Coach Robertson aka Arks
Tim Black aka Best Team-Man
I printed these up and used them as posters in the classroom.
Perfect for NAPLAN preparation. This resource explains what is assessed in year 9 NAPLAN tests (Australia's national testing). It includes various stimulus examples and planning steps.
A useful resource for an introduction to Science Fiction and key terms.
In addition to definitions taken from a cinema subject I completed at university, there are a series of viewing activities (trailers for various films which illustrate the key features of these subgenres of science-fiction.) Most of these slides also come with questions designed to get students to think about our focus: TECHNOLOGY and the role of technology in these imagined worlds. These questions challenge students to consider how filmmakers position and influence their viewers regarding the discourse of technology in texts and whether these representations work to naturalise, reinforce or challenge prevailing beliefs and attitudes about the role of technology in society.
This lesson is an introduction to a moral/ethical dilemma - designer babies and saviour siblings. It defines each of these terms, includes quotes from doctors, a discussion of what genetic testing can currently do and a speculation what it could be used for in the future, some questions about the ethics of genetic testing, three case studies for students to consider, and a film trailer from My Sister's Keeper in preparation for watching this film.
A multifaceted lesson (PowerPoint) which encourages students to speculate about the opinions of the nurse, Juliet and Lord Capulet about events we have read thus far (in preparation for a monologue task). This has key questions to prompt this discussion. It also introduces some new terms that are important for understanding the ‘arranged marriage’ which Juliet is faced with (patriarchy, social class, feminism, liberalism). it includes a youtube clip of Baz Luhrmann’s version of the party scene which could be compared with the 2013 film. Slides also discuss language clues and how the writing style changes when the characters are feeling loving vs angry. This PPT also includes a summary of all the scenes in Act 2. It includes a video clip of the Baz Luhrmann balcony scene. It includes quotes and prompts which help students to analyse Juliet’s speech and behaviour in the “balcony scene” to better understand the pressures on her and the way they make her act.
An updated PowerPoint about Act Two which includes more key quotes and questions to check for understanding. It is designed for a unit where the only assessment is an exam at the end of the term. It includes images and clips to cater to visual learners. It focuses on key language (aesthetic) features within the play which students may like to refer to in their exam responses.
A handout - revision activity - a list of jumbled up events from this act which students have to reorganise into chronological order.
A script for the balcony scene which has been translated into modern language (more accessible for students).
Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
A group of resources:
a handout which includes the questions on the slide (to be given to students to answer / shared electronically.)
The PowerPoint. Some information pertaining to the historical context of the play. A summary of each scene with key quotes and questions. Viewing a film of Juliet’s monologue in Act Four, Scene Three. Important things to note from Act 4. Revision questions.
An updated PowerPoint which features all of Act 4 (Scenes 1-5). This lesson is designed to run over a couple of lessons. It includes more quotes from the play, checking for understanding questions (some to answer in books and some to discuss as a class) & some brain breaks (viewing activities - two excerpts of the play being staged in The Globe Theatre). This lesson is designed to fit into a unit where students must complete an exam where they respond to an essay which argues that Friar Laurence is solely to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Through studying each scene in depth, students should begin to see that a range of other characters could be referenced in their counter argument.
A handout - revision activity - a list of jumbled up events from this act which students have to reorganise into chronological order.
Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
A PowerPoint which focuses on Act 3 (Scenes 2-5). To be taught after a lesson acting out the first scene (fight scene). The lesson includes a summary of each scene with key quotes and questions. Additionally, it features important historical context information that students need to know to understand the play. There is a link to an Australian performance of Juliet’s famous soliloquy (Act 3, Scene 2). This is followed by a close look at the lines of this soliloquy. Viewing Act 3, Scene 5 from the 2013 film. Important things to note from Act 3.
An updated PowerPoint which features all of Act 3 (Scenes 1-5). This lesson is designed to run over a couple of lessons. It includes more quotes from the play, checking for understanding questions (some to answer in books and some to discuss as a class) & some brain breaks (viewing activities + one game of scattergories). This lesson is designed to fit into a unit where students must complete an exam where they respond to an essay which argues that Friar Laurence is solely to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Through studying each scene in depth, students should begin to see that a range of other characters could be referenced in their counter argument.
A handout - revision activity - a list of jumbled up events from this act which students have to reorganise into chronological order.
Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
Miseenscene definition and music videos to exemplify (one Coldplay and one Brittney spears).
Talking about genre and target audience and the importance of branding your artist.
Viewing Pink's music video 'Just Give Me A Reason' and completing a quiz about lighting and shot sizes.
Introducing new term - cinematography and what it means.
Two assessment tasks written for a Macbeth Unit and the unit plan showing the lesson outlines for an 8 week unit.
This English unit has been developed for a year twelve class (in Australia) studying William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth. The focus for this eight week unit has been taken from the Queensland Studies Authorities suggested work program “The human condition – Shakespeare.” Within this unit, the student’s engagement with Macbeth will emphasise “the aspects of the human condition evident in the play through the representations of central characters and their relationships and motivations.” As part of this focus, “students will consider such aspects as the impact or role of power, fear and violence in the play and their relevance to contemporary times.”
Included are two summative assessment pieces – a spoken ‘persuasive text’ (summation speech) and a written ‘reflective text’ (feature article) and marking rubrics.
This PowerPoint includes: a synopsis of film and information about the author of the novel: Dashiell Hammett. This ppt introduces the femme fatale and film noir and explores its defining features and how they influenced crime films. It also looks at societal influences on writers and filmmakers of the time. Within the lesson there are a few viewing activities including an excerpt from The Maltese Falcon and the trailer of Postman always rings twice (another well-known example). If I have time I usually show the trailer of Gone Baby Gone as a modern example. For homework, students consider how they could incorporate some of these elements into their own short story.
PowerPoint 1: Defines monologue, goes through the requirements if students choose to record their monologue rather than presenting in class, prompts for what students should look for when watching Glee, post episode summary and activity,
PowerPoint 2: Explaining the monologue assessment task and requirements. Going through the structure of a monologue. Viewing a clip from Ferris Bueller's day off for inspiration. Going through expected language features.