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I have a passion for creating high quality resources to support my fellow teachers and make everyone's life a little easier.
Market Segmentation (Lesson 2) - GCSE Business

Market Segmentation (Lesson 2) - GCSE Business

Market Segmentation (Lesson 2) - GCSE Business Unit 5: Marketing PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Market Segmentation This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions How markets are segmented The reasons why businesses segment the market Students should write down any text that is in red.
Identifying and understanding customers (Lesson 1) - GCSE Business

Identifying and understanding customers (Lesson 1) - GCSE Business

Identifying and understanding customers (Lesson 1) - GCSE Business Unit 5: Marketing PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Identifying and understanding customers This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The importance to a business of identifying and understanding its customers Students should write down any text that is in red.
Analysing Financial Performance (Lesson 13) - GCSE Business

Analysing Financial Performance (Lesson 13) - GCSE Business

Analysing Financial Performance (Lesson 13) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Financial Performance This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions Learners are expected to apply their knowledge of financial information to analyse data, solve problems, make evaluations and inform business decisions in different contexts Online quiz Students should write down any text that is in red.
Managing Cash Flow Forecast (Lesson 12) - GCSE Business

Managing Cash Flow Forecast (Lesson 12) - GCSE Business

Managing Cash Flow Forecast (Lesson 12) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Cash Flow Forecast This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The impact of cash-flow forecasts on a business and its stakeholders Recommend and justify what can be done to improve cash-flow problems Students should write down any text that is in red.
Cash Flow Forecast (Lesson 11) - GCSE Business

Cash Flow Forecast (Lesson 11) - GCSE Business

Cash Flow Forecast (Lesson 11) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Cash Flow Forecast This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The importance of cash to a business What is meant by a cash-flow forecast Construct, calculate and interpret cash-flow forecasts Students should write down any text that is in red.
Profit & Loss Business Game

Profit & Loss Business Game

Profit & Loss Business Game The game helps students learn about P&L accounts The aims of the ‘Gorgeous Gateaux’ project were to work in a group and successfully try to gain the most possible profit. As a group they have to decide on how many crates they are going to sell and how much they are going to sell per crate, remembering that the maximum was £10,000 each month. The price per month must go up in £1,000s.
Profit ratios (Lesson 10) - GCSE Business

Profit ratios (Lesson 10) - GCSE Business

Profit ratios (Lesson 10) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Profit ratios This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions Calculate and interpret gross and net profit margins to comment on business performance Students should write down any text that is in red.
Qualitative vs Quantitative Factors of P&L (Lesson 9) - GCSE Business

Qualitative vs Quantitative Factors of P&L (Lesson 9) - GCSE Business

Qualitative vs Quantitative Factors of P&L (Lesson 9) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to P&L Accounts This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions Learners are expected to understand the importance of the profit and loss account to Businesses and their stakeholders Interpret a profit and loss account Students should write down any text that is in red.
Average rate of return (ARR) (Lesson 7) - GCSE Business

Average rate of return (ARR) (Lesson 7) - GCSE Business

Average rate of return (ARR) (Lesson 7) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Average rate of return This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions Learners need to understand that the ARR is used to measure the success of an investment Learners are expected to know, understand and use ARR Learners are expected to apply their knowledge of revenue, costs, profit, break-even and ARR to different business contexts Students should write down any text that is in red.
Breakeven using contribution (Lesson 6) - GCSE Business

Breakeven using contribution (Lesson 6) - GCSE Business

Breakeven using contribution (Lesson 6) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Breakeven using contribution This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions Learners are expected to calculate break-even per unit using the formula Students should write down any text that is in red.
Breakeven (Lesson 5) - GCSE Business

Breakeven (Lesson 5) - GCSE Business

Breakeven (Lesson 5) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to breakeven This layout includes the following: Including: What is meant by break-even Construct and interpret a break-even chart Students should write down any text that is in red.
Revenue, Cost & Profit (Lesson 4) - GCSE Business

Revenue, Cost & Profit (Lesson 4) - GCSE Business

Revenue, Cost & Profit (Lesson 4) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Revenue, Cost & Profit This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions What is meant by revenue, costs and profit Calculate and interpret:  Fixed costs  Variable costs  Total costs  Total revenue  Profit Students should write down any text that is in red.
P&L Accounts (Lesson 8) - GCSE Business

P&L Accounts (Lesson 8) - GCSE Business

P&L Accounts (Lesson 8) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to P&L Accounts This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The main components of a profit and loss account Construct and calculate a profit and loss account Including sales turnover (revenue), cost of sales, gross profit, expenses and net profit Students should write down any text that is in red.
Recommending sources of finance (Lesson 2) - GCSE Business

Recommending sources of finance (Lesson 2) - GCSE Business

Recommending sources of finance (Lesson 2) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Source of finance This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The suitability of the different sources of finance in different contexts such as business start-up, cash flow issues and expansion Students should write down any text that is in red.
Sources of finance (Lesson 1) - GCSE Business

Sources of finance (Lesson 1) - GCSE Business

Sources of finance (Lesson 1) - GCSE Business Unit 4: Finance PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Source of finance This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The main internal and external sources of finance to new and established businesses The advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of finance Teachers can either choose the student research task option or decide to teach all the sources of finance. The research task is a good opportunity for the students to practice their presentation skills. Students should write down any text that is in red.
Customer Service (Lesson 12) - GCSE Business

Customer Service (Lesson 12) - GCSE Business

Customer Service (Lesson 12) - GCSE Business Unit 3: Operations PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Sales Process This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The features of good customer service Greeting the customer Interacting with the customer Identifying customer needs and wants Encouraging feedback from the customer Responding to feedback Students should write down any text that is in red.
Sales Process (Lesson 11) - GCSE Business

Sales Process (Lesson 11) - GCSE Business

Sales Process (Lesson 11) - GCSE Business Unit 3: Operations PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Sales Process This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The various stages involved in the sales process Preparing through good product knowledge Identify sales opportunities Understanding needs and wants of customers Informing customers of the features and benefits of the product or service Closing the sale Following up and after sales Students should write down any text that is in red.
Supply Chain Case Study (Lesson 10) - GCSE Business

Supply Chain Case Study (Lesson 10) - GCSE Business

Supply Chain Case Study (Lesson 10) - GCSE Business Unit 3: Operations PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Supply chain This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions Supply chain case study Example answer Students should write down any text that is in red.
Supply Chain & Business Functions (Lesson 9) - GCSE Business

Supply Chain & Business Functions (Lesson 9) - GCSE Business

Supply Chain & Business Functions (Lesson 9) - GCSE Business Unit 3: Operations PowerPoint to deliver a lesson relating to Supply chain This layout includes the following: Including: Starter recap questions The relationship between the functional areas of a business and its supply chain The impact of supply and logistical decisions on businesses and their stakeholders Students should write down any text that is in red.