Resources for AQA GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies Specification A. If there is something you need, but you can't see it - message me, and I will see what I can do to fill that gap.
Resources for AQA GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies Specification A. If there is something you need, but you can't see it - message me, and I will see what I can do to fill that gap.
This is a mock paper based on the gaps in the Specimen Material coverage. It is written in the question language of the SAMS, trying to build familiarity and continuity for students. It covers all six Themes - even though students only do 4 - so as to give them the task of navigating through for their Themes.
This can be used as a mock exam (issued in part or in entirety), as end of Theme study assessments (individual sections), can be given as homework, used in class as peer answer/mark exercises, or as additional familiarisation alongside the SAMS.
This is an annotated powerpoint used with students to teach them good technique for answering twelve mark questions from the AQA (9-1) GCSE Religious Studies Spec A. It uses examples from Beliefs and Practices (Christianity). The religious Beliefs and Practices examples can easily be swapped for other religions (using the SAMs).
The powerpoint is quite methodical - example, technique from markscheme, practice. Teacher notes on each slide help deliver it in class.
These are materials for revising Theme E from the perspective of Christianity.
From the specification, the Theme is split into a series of topics, each having its own sheet. Using the exam questions as published in Specimen Materials as a start point, the topics are tackled via these questions on the first side of each sheet. On the reverse of the sheet are examples of potential questions, using the language of the Specimen Materials.
These can be used in class, as a revision aid, issued for homework to do some/all the questions. They can form the basis of a lesson. They are useful for non-specialists to support subject knowledge.
These are materials for revising Theme A from the perspective of Islam.
From the specification, the Theme is split into a series of topics, each having its own sheet. Using the exam questions as published in Specimen Materials as a start point, the topics are tackled via these questions on the first side of each sheet. On the reverse of the sheet are examples of potential questions, using the language of the Specimen Materials.
These can be used in class, as a revision aid, issued for homework to do some/all the questions. They can form the basis of a lesson. They are useful for non-specialists to support subject knowledge.
These are materials for revising Theme A from the perspective of Christianity.
From the specification, the Theme is split into a series of topics, each having its own sheet. Using the exam questions as published in Specimen Materials as a start point, the topics are tackled via these questions on the first side of each sheet. On the reverse of the sheet are examples of potential questions, using the language of the Specimen Materials.
These can be used in class, as a revision aid, issued for homework to do some/all the questions. They can form the basis of a lesson. They are useful for non-specialists to support subject knowledge.
These are materials for revising Theme E from the perspective of Islam.
From the specification, the Theme is split into a series of topics, each having its own sheet. Using the exam questions as published in Specimen Materials as a start point, the topics are tackled via these questions on the first side of each sheet. On the reverse of the sheet are examples of potential questions, using the language of the Specimen Materials.
These can be used in class, as a revision aid, issued for homework to do some/all the questions. They can form the basis of a lesson. They are useful for non-specialists to support subject knowledge.
This is a set of revision sheets for WJEC GCSE Religious Studies for Theme 4 - Issues of Human Rights - studied from the Christian perspective.
It takes into account the question forms asked in the published SAMS, presenting material to support revision for the angles of questioning they pose. So it covers key terms, key and other teachings, general and specific religious information to do with each topic, and examples of diversity in belief/ practice.
The reverse of each two-sided sheet provides guidance on answering each of the question types from the SAMS - so that students can become more familiar and so comfortable with the topics in exam terms. There are a number of sample questions for students to practise with in each format.
The sheets can be used as a revision tool at home, as notes for class, to set homework from the questions on there. They also form a good basic level of knowledge for any teacher, and good examples of questions which can be explored with classes.
This is a set of revision sheets for WJEC GCSE Religious Studies for Theme 4 - Issues of Human Rights - studied from the Islamic perspective.
It takes into account the question forms asked in the published SAMS, presenting material to support revision for the angles of questioning they pose. So it covers key terms, key and other teachings, general and specific religious information to do with each topic, and examples of diversity in belief/ practice.
The reverse of each two-sided sheet provides guidance on answering each of the question types from the SAMS - so that students can become more familiar and so comfortable with the topics in exam terms. There are a number of sample questions for students to practise with in each format.
The sheets can be used as a revision tool at home, as notes for class, to set homework from the questions on there. They also form a good basic level of knowledge for any teacher, and good examples of questions which can be explored with classes.
These are materials for revising Theme B from the perspective of Islam.
From the specification, the Theme is split into a series of topics, each having its own sheet. Using the exam questions as published in Specimen Materials as a start point, the topics are tackled via these questions on the first side of each sheet. On the reverse of the sheet are examples of potential questions, using the language of the Specimen Materials.
These can be used in class, as a revision aid, issued for homework to do some/all the questions. They can form the basis of a lesson.
AQA GCSE (9-1) RS Specification A has questions which demand the use of teachings if a student wishes to achieve a good grade.
These are sheets to give two relevant and usable teachings per topic area for Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment - from Islam.
The Theme covers specific teachings, which relate to each element of the Theme. The teachings are also explained to show their application to the issue.
Can be used as an aide memoire in class, as a revision sheet, to aid question response.
Also useful as a homework aid – so that homework can be set with students using their own ‘teachings sheet’ which they have at home.
Could be laminated/stuck to the desk as a permanent feature of lessons whilst covering the section in class , so that students can have them available in discussion and written work.
AQA GCSE RS (9-1) has questions which demand the use of teachings if a student wishes to achieve a good grade.
These are sheets to give two relevant and usable teachings per topic area for Theme F – Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice - from Islam.
The Theme covers specific teachings, which relate to each element of the Theme. The teachings are also explained to show their application to the issue.
Can be used as an aide memoire in class, as a revision sheet, to aid question response.
Also useful as a homework aid – so that homework can be set with students using their own ‘teachings sheet’ which they have at home.
Could be laminated/stuck to the desk as a permanent feature of lessons whilst covering the section in class , so that students can have them available in discussion and written work.
This is a mock paper based on the gaps in the Specimen material coverage. It is written in the question language of the SAMS, trying to build familiarity and continuity for students.
All seven religions are present, so that the two used by the school can be selected from these.
Both sections (Beliefs and Teachings, and, Practices) are on the same page to reduce copying.
This can be used as a mock exam (issued in its entirety, or just the relevant sections), can be given as homework, used in class as a peer answer/mark exercise, or as additional familiarisation alongside the SAMS.
A companion mark scheme is also available on this site.
These are a set of double sided sheets to over the Practices section of AQAs RS Spec A for Islam. The first side gives information about a topic within the Practices section, so that any question set is catered for. The second side gives some examples of potential questions - based on the Sample Assessment Materials (SAMS) which have been published by AQA. Examples of both are viewable. It is a revision tool as it specifically targets knowledge needed for exam questions.
It provides a number of teachings for each topic area - as AQAs questions demand the use of teachings for a student to get high marks - which are explained. Written for Y10, it works with any KS4.
Teachers could use it as the basis for preparing a lesson(s), issue for revision or as homework.
This is a double-sided sheet which gives teachings to use with the elements of this Theme - Relationships and Families - from Christianity. Side one is generalised teachings and how they apply to the Theme, ie teachings which can be used with explanation and application to speak to a Theme. Side two contains specific teachings for each element of the Theme, ie teachings which speak directly about the element.
In the exam, students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding by good use of relevant teachings - this sheet is intended to facilitate that.
Whilst written for AQA, the teachings would be relevant in any board's questions.
Can be used as aide memoire, revision sheet, aid to practicing exam answers etc
This is a double-sided sheet which gives teachings to use with the elements of this Theme - Religion and Life - from Christianity. Side one is generalised teachings and how they apply to the Theme, ie teachings which can be used with explanation and application to speak to a Theme. Side two contains specific teachings for each element of the Theme, ie teachings which speak directly about the element.
In the exam, students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding by good use of relevant teachings - this sheet is intended to facilitate that.
Whilst written for AQA, the teachings would be relevant in any board's questions.
Can be used as aide memoire, revision sheet, aid to practicing exam answers etc
Topic by topic (17 files in total), the Specification section for Christianity (Beliefs) is covered through the prism of the types of questions asked in the Sample Materials published by AQA. This means the students can have a set of notes covering the areas they need to know for the exam. These topic sheets also offer some ideas for questions for every topic in all the question types found on the exam (1, 2, 4, 5, 12 mark questions) based on all the formats published by AQA to be able to see each topic in exam terms in both knowledge and evaluation style questions.
How to use - Whilst written as revision sheets, and given that they unpack the Specification, the sheets could be used as the basis for teaching each topic, or can be used as homework sheets (as they provide the information and some sample questions). They could also be simplified, or used in comprehension tasks as well as discussion and for exam question practice.
They are suitable for Full and Short course GCSE. They were written for Y10, but would be the same for Y11. More to be posted, when the next set is complete.
AQA GCSE RS (9-1) has questions which demand the use of teachings if a student wishes to achieve a good grade.
These are sheets to give two relevant and usable teachings per topic area for the Beliefs and Practices sections for Islam.
Each section is covered in two sides.
Can be used as an aide memoire in class, as a revision sheet, to aid question response.
Also useful as a homework aid – so that homework can be set with students using their own ‘teachings sheet’ which they have at home.
Could be laminated/stuck to the desk as a permanent feature of lessons whilst covering the section in class , so that students can have them available in discussion and written work.
AQA GCSE RS (9-1) has questions which demand the use of teachings if a student wishes to achieve a good grade.
These are sheets to give two relevant and usable teachings per topic area for the Beliefs and Practices sections for Christianity.
Each section is covered in two sides.
Can be used as an aide memoire in class, as a revision sheet, to aid question response.
Also useful as a homework aid – so that homework can be set with students using their own ‘teachings sheet’ which they have at home.
Could be laminated/stuck to the desk as a permanent feature of lessons whilst covering the section in class , so that students can have them available in discussion and written work.
AQA GCSE RS (9-1) has questions which demand the use of teachings if a student wishes to achieve a good grade.
These are sheets to give two relevant and usable teachings per topic area for the Beliefs and Practices sections for Judaism.
Each section is covered in two sides.
Can be used as an aide memoire in class, as a revision sheet, to aid question response.
Also useful as a homework aid – so that homework can be set with students using their own ‘teachings sheet’ which they have at home.
Could be laminated/stuck to the desk as a permanent feature of lessons whilst covering the section in class, so that students can have them available in discussion and written work.
This is an annotated powerpoint used with students to teach them good technique for answering four mark questions from the AQA (9-1) GCSE Religious Studies. It uses examples for Beliefs and Practices (Christianity and Islam) and Themes, taking from the published SAMs - which allows easy swapping of examples from other religions.
The powerpoint is quite methodical - example, technique from mark scheme, sample answers for marking, practice.