
OCR B Geography 9-1 Paper 1 revision sheets
A3 Revision sheets for students to complete covering the OCR B specification for all units in Paper 1 - Our Natural World.
Case studies also included.
Can be used alongside the CGP revision guide.

KS3 - The development gap fully resourced powerpoints, resources and assessments
KS3 - The development gap fully resourced powerpoints, resources and assessments. Over 30 resources included.
Gives students the background information needed to succeed at GCSE - new AQA Geography specification.
Lesson 1 - Our unequal world
Lesson 2 and 3- Measuring development
Lesson 4 - The Demographic Transition Model
Lesson 5 - Uneven development - wealth and health
Lesson 6 - Free and fair trade
Lesson 7 - Reducing the gap - tourism
Lesson 8 - Reducing the gap - aid
Lesson 9 - Reducing the gap - Nike
Lesson 10 - Blood diamonds
Lesson 11 - Feast or famine
Lesson 12 - assessments

KS3 Rivers Progress in Geography - Lesson 1 Why are rivers important?
A fully resourced lesson covering the first lesson from the KS3 Progress in Geography text book. No need for text book - fully resourced lesson.
Range of tasks included - why are rivers important diagram to complete, pop-up drainage basin task and map skills tasks using the River Tees as an example.

AQA A LEVEL GEOGRAPHY - Hazards revision powerpoints and student workbook
Revision powerpoints and accompanying workbook made for my Year 13 students to revise the content from the hazards section of Paper 1.
All linked to the specification. Exam questions included at the end of each section in the booklet.

AQA A Level Geography - Physical Geography quizzes bundle - Over 140 questions and answers
AQA A Level set of 3 multiple choice revision quizzes:
Coasts - 50 questions and answers
Water and carbon - Over 40 questions and answers
Hazards - Over 40 questions and answers
Great for revision

AQA GCSE Geography Paper 1 - Revision Quiz
A thorough revision quiz for Paper 1 of the new AQA GCSE Geography specification (9-1)
4 rounds:
a) The challenge of natural hazards
b) The living world
c) Physical landscapes in the UK
d) Case studies and examples

AQA A Level Geography Hazards Revision work booklet
Revision work booklet for students to use to prepare for the hazards topic in Paper 1 - Physical Geography.
Various activities, exam questions and case studies included.
All clearly linked to the specification.

I have looked at past papers and focused this revision on areas of the specification not examined yet/recently.
This is for the AQA Geography GCSE exam on 5th June 2024.
I have also included a booklet for students to complete that goes alongside the powerpoint.
Information from powerpoint has also been summarised for students using knowledge organisers so they can learn the content at home.

The tropical rainforests and deforestation fully resourced lessons
A collaboration of lessons created non specialists teaching Geography in my department for the Rainforests topic. All resources included. Each lesson has the same structure; connect, activate, demonstrate, consolidate tasks. Learning objectives included for each lesson. I have included a large range of resources e.g. rainforest explorer task, design a rainforest plant, mysteries, market place tasks, desk mats, mapping tasks, videos, case study sheets, mind maps, research tasks, graphs, card sorts and lots more. I have also included practise exam questions to go with each lesson. Each lesson is 120 minutes.
The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1 - The location and climate of the tropical rainforests
Lesson 2 - The plants and animals of the rainforests
Lesson 3 - Animal and plant adaptations
Lessons 4 and 5 - Deforestation in Malaysia case study
Lesson 6 - Managing tropical rainforests
Lesson 7 - Sustainable management of tropical rainforests

KS3 Geography - Coasts fully resourced powerpoints - Progress in Geography
This SOL contains 9 fully resourced lessons. It follows the progress in Geography book ‘what happens when the land meets the sea’ topic nicely.
Differentiated resources with scaffolding and challenge tasks included. Links made with careers in Geography.

A-Level Geography Water and Carbon Cycles - revision guide and student workbook
2 resources:
Comprehensive revision guide explicitly linked to the specification. Case studies included.
Student revision work booklet with a variety of activity and exam questions linked to the different sections of the specification.

Africa - Does China want to help Africa develop? Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson.
Students are introduced to Ethipia and look at the impacts of the Ethiopia-Djibouti electric railway line, analysis a graph showing imports and exports from China to Africa and vice versa, they then look at peoples views on Chinas involvement in Africa.

AQA A Level Geography - coasts revision sheets with exam questions
Revision sheets for students to complete for the new AQA Geography A-Level Coastal Systems and Landscapes topic. Each revision sheet covers each point in the specification. There are 5 revision sheets (to be printed on A3). Example questions for each point in the specification also included. I print these double sided so students can revise and then complete exam questions based on the content.

AQA Geography GCSE 9-1 - Paper 2 revision quiz
This is a quiz that I will be using with year 11 during their final revision session for paper 2.
Questions for each section of the paper - each one linked well to the specification.
Answers at the end of the quiz.
Section 1 - Urban issues and challenges
Section 2 - Economic development
Section 3 - Resource management
Section 4 - Case studies

AQA A-Level Geography - Water and Carbon Cycles revision guide
Detailed revision guide - explicitly linked to the specification.
26 pages in total.
Case studies included.

Changing places revision guide and student work booklet
Comprehensive revision guide and student work booklet.

AQA A Level Geography Hazards Revision guide and work booklet.
AQA A Level Geography Hazards Revision guide and work booklet.

Volcanoes and Earthquakes Scheme of Work- Progress in Geography
8 lessons covering the topic from the progress in Geography textbook - Can we ever know enough about volcanoes and earthquakes to live safely?
Fully resourced - no need for any other resources.
A wide range of different activities:
Information hunt
Odd one out tasks
Retrieval quizzes
Comprehension tasks
Case study sheets
Hexagon tasks

Africa- Physical features lesson - Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson - linked to the progress in geography book.
Starter - True or false exercise
Main - Students complete an information hunt on 6 of Africa’s physical features.
Students introduced to a map showing the distribution of resources in Africa.
Video - chidren mining in DRC
Extended writing pieces about whether or not natural resources are important to Africa.
Learning Objectives
To describe the distribution of Africa’s main physical features.
To understand the importance of natural resources to Africa.