AQA Geography - 2016 - The Changing Economic World - lesson 2 - Development indicators
A fully resourced double lesson looking at how development is measured. Huge variety of tasks available with challenge exercises and practise exam questions.
AQA Geography - 2016 - The Changing Economic World - lesson 1 - Our unequal world
Fully resourced double lesson looking at what development is and how it is measured. Lots of different tasks, challenge/extension tasks and a practise exam question.
AQA 2016 Geography - Coastal landscapes - Coastal deposition landforms
Fully resourced lesson for the new AQA Geography specification
Hot deserts - Planet Earth 2 - Worksheet
A worksheet to complete for the hot deserts episode from Planet Earth 2.
AQA 2016 Geography - Coastal landscapes - Wave types and their characteristics
Fully resourced lesson
AQA Geography 2016 - Coastal landscapes - coastal erosion landforms fully resourced lesson
Fully resourced lesson
Includes; word scramble task, mystery, video, exam question with model answer and cliff retreat sorting task.
AQA Geography 2016 Weather hazards revision - Round the clock task and ppt.
AQA Geography 2016 Weather hazards revision - Round the clock task and ppt.
Climatic hazards - KS3 fully resourced lessons
SOW and fully resourced lessons for a the climatic hazards topic. Includes; videos, pop up hurricane, sorting tasks, case studies etc. All lessons have the same structure - connect, activate, demonstrate and consolidate. Each lesson takes 2 hours to complete.
Lesson 1 - What are natural hazards
Lesson 2 - What are the features of hurricane and how are they formed
Lesson 3 - Hurricane Katrina
Lesson 4- Responses to Hurricanes
Lesson 5 - Extreme weather in the UK
Lesson 6 - Floods in the UK
Planet Earth 2 - Jungles worksheet
A worksheet for students to complete whilst watching the Planet Earth Jungles episode - I have made this for the Living World rainforests section of the new AQA specification. It covers animal and plant adaptations and includes many examples.
OCR B Geographical themes exam revision booklet Summer 2017
Revision guide for the 2017 Geographical themes exam. Topics are rivers and coasts, natural hazards and economic development
2016 Geography Christmas Quiz - Questions and answers
Section 1 – Country Catchphrase
Section 2 - Where on Earth is Santa?
Section 3 – Where did I leave my present?
Section 4 – Flags
Section 5 – Famous logos
Introduction to flooding lesson
Introduction to flooding lesson - fully resourced
Meanders and oxbow lakes card sort
Meanders and oxbow lakes card sort/laminate
River dominoes - key words
River dominoes - key words - cut out and stick/laminate
Floods in Bangladesh lesson
Floods in Bangladesh lesson
The rainforest debate - assessment and criteria
The rainforest debate - assessment and criteria
What is deforestation - fully resourced lesson
What is deforestation - fully resourced lesson
Madagascar and animal adaptations in the rainforests - fully resourced lesson
Madagascar and animal adaptations in the rainforests - fully resourced lesson
The features of the rainforest - fully resourced lesson
The features of the rainforest - fully resourced lesson
Where are rainforests located - fully resourced lesson
Where are rainforests located - fully resourced lesson