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Macbeth Language Analysis
Language analysis for various devices in Macbeth - set out as quotation explosions with examples for students to complete themselves

A Christmas Carol Structural Features
Analysis on the structural features in A Christmas Carol. Students are asked to create their own flow chart for different structutal aspects of the novella

Romeo and Juliet Language Analysis
Analysis on various quotations from Romeo and Juliet looking at language devices e.g. similes, metaphors etc. Based on model analysis students should create their own analysis based on the language device for their own revision

The Tempest Writing Assessment
A newspaper article writing assessment on the storm in Act 1 Scene 1 of 'The Tempest' - very handy if the class hasn't gotten very far through the play. Has a basics structure and guideline of how to plan their newspaper article.

An Inspector Calls Language Analysis
Language analysis of various language techniques in An Inspector Calls. Model quotation explosions given as a model for students to then analyse their own

Christmas Creative Writing
Students have two options - write a description or story about Christmas based on the image on the slide, or to write a persuasive letter to Santa persuading him that Christmas should happen twice a year - advice/ success criteria given for both options.

Macbeth Themes
Information on various themes in Macbeth including instances in the play where we can see these themes

Lord of the Flies Structural Features
Analysis on structural features in Lord of the Flies in the form of flow charts

A Christmas Carol - Who wants to be a millionaire
Fun game for revision, could be used as an end of term fun lesson

Little Red Cap
Lesson on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Little Red Cap' from the collection of poems in 'The World's Wife'. The lesson has a few activities such as stanza specific questions and a comparison chart that can be used to compare other poems from the collection or otherwise. LRC is a copy of the poem for pupils to annotate, analyse etc.

A Christmas Carol Language Analysis
Language analysis for A Christmas Carol. Students are then asked to create their own analysis.

An Inspector Calls Themes
Information on the themes in An Inspector Calls. Students to find quotations that relate to each theme

Jekyll and Hyde Storyline
Jekyll and Hyde plot broken down by chapters. Students can make a storyboard or take general notes

Jekyll and Hyde Themes
Information on themes in Jekyll and Hyde. Students to find quotations that present each theme

Jekyll and Hyde Structural Features
Analysis of structural features in Jekyll and Hyde through flow charts. Students to create their own flow charts of the various features

Macbeth Key Quotations
Key quotations from Macbeth that are linked to themes. Each theme has 2 quotations that students can work out through pictures