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Romeo and Juliet Structural Features
Analysis of structural features in Romeo and Juliet. Students to create their own flow chart based on the structural elements using the model as a guide for their own revision

Christmas Creative Writing
GCSE style question that can be used from year 7 to year 11 based on a picture of Santa leaving presents under a Christmas tree.

Year 8 Gothic SOW
There are 10 lessons including resources and homework. H is homework, L is lesson plan, P is powerpoint and R is resource. The numbers of each correspond to the same lesson. All of the lessons are full lessons that can be added to and adapted easily.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time
12 lesson scheme on The Curious Incident including powerpoints and lesson plans. L is for lesson plans and P is for powerpoint. The numbers correspond to the same lessons.

News Report Performance
Lesson based around groups performing their news reports following on from a previous lesson (News Report)

News Report Peer Assessment
Peer assessing news report presentations based on various criteria for speaking and listening

News Report
Students to create their own news report about Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. Good for preparing for GCSE

Using Resources
Asks pupils to focus their arguments and opinions around a particular statement - good to help prepare students for GCSE

An Inspector Calls Revision
Word document that can be printed out and given to students as a revision guide. Give pupils a breakdown of the characters including key quotations, the plot and some contextual/ theatrical factors.

English Literature Paper 2 - How to answer an exam question
This lesson is looking at a Lord of the Flies question from a past paper. It asks students to breakdown what the question is asking them to do in its most basic form.

English Literature Paper 1 How to answer an exam question
This lesson looks at an extract and past exam question on A Christmas Carol, focusing specifically on how Dickens has presented Scrooge as an outsider to society. It asks pupils to strip the question down to its most basic form and answer the question themselves

Power and Conclict - Ozymandias Revision Lesson
This lesson requires no printing, only post it notes. It is easier for students to have a copy of the poem in front of them when completing this lesson. Various activities that can be carried out in 2 lessons to help students strengthen their knowledge of the poem.