Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
Beginner Italian language picture vocabulary flash cards for learning the colours - Free PDF download - Both English Bilingual, and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 18 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only
Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image
English and Italian words only version, without pictures
Topic: Colors, Colours, The rainbow, I Colori
Vocabulary included:
rosso - red
giallo - yellow
verde - green
blu - blue
viola - purple
arancione - orange
rosa - pink
nero - black
blanco - white
marrone - brown
grigio - gray
blu scuro - indigo
dorato - golden
argento - silver
colorato - colourful
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
A simple worksheet for students to match the clothes picture to the correct Spanish word. As students draw lines to match the pictures together, encourage them to speak out the phrases. Teacher can then give out colouring materials for free colouring, or hold a listening exercise, expressing phrases like “Un vestido rojo” where students have to listen and colour accordingly.
This was created for a pre-school class of 4 years old, but can be utilized for other beginner level Spanish classes.
The Discover Spanish Pre-School Course bundle is available from the DIscover Languages store, with 40 lesson plans, games, simple worksheets, flash cards and song lyrics.
Includes both:
Spanish & English bilingual version
Spanish only version
for teaching vocabulary, flashcards games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 10 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print - a total of 15 different feelings and emotions.
The first version includes the Spanish and English, and the second version contains the Spanish keyword only.
Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword in a large font.
Topic: Sentimientos y Emociones / Feelings and Emotions
Vocabulary included:
good - bien
happy - feliz
not good - no bien
angry - enojado
sad - triste
tired - cansado
sick - enfermo
excited - emocionado
afraid - asustado
so-so - regular
confused - confuso
surprised - sorprendido
embarrassed - avergonzado
uncomfortable - incómodo
bored - aburrido
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Turkish - English Flash Cards for teaching vocabulary, playing games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 30 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword. Includes both:
Turkish & English Bilingual version with colorful pictures
Turkish Only version with colorful pictures
Turkish & English words only version
Topic: Food / Yemek
Vocabulary included:
ekmek - bread#
yumurta - egg
peynir - cheese
tavuk - chicken
et - meat
balık - fish
sosis - sausage
sebzeler - vegetables
yağ - oil
hamburger - hamburger
pizza - pizza
patates kızartması
sosisli - hotdog
sandviç - sandwich
tavuk kanadı - chicken nuggets
pilav - rice
çorba - soup
erişte - noodles
meyve - fruit
karidesler - prawns
makarna - pasta
spagetti - spaghetti
salata - salad
biftek - steak
pasta - cake
kurabiye - cookie
çikolata - chocolate
dondurma - ice cream
patlamış mısır - popcorn
donut - doughnut
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Find More Turkish and English Language resources in the Discover Languages Store:
Turkish Flashcards - Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-animals-hayvanlar-12626722
Turkish Flashcards - Family: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-family-aile-12626723
Turkish Flashcards - Weather and Seasons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-weather-and-seasons-hava-ve-mevsimler-12627169
Search Terms: turkish food, food in turkish, are you hungry? beginner turkish, easy turkish, basic turkish, beginer turkish flash cards, daily turkish, turkish vocabulary, learn turkish, study turkish, teaching turkish. turkish class, turkish lessons, ingilizce öğren, türkçe öğren, temel türkçe, kolay türkçe, çocuklar için türkçe, yemek
Turkish - English Flash Cards for teaching vocabulary, playing games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 15 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword. Includes both:
Turkish & English Bilingual version with colorful pictures
Turkish Only version with colorful pictures
Turkish & English words only version
Topic: How are you? Feelings & Emotions / Nasılsın? Hisler ve duygular
Vocabulary included:
iyi - good
mutlu - happy
iyi değil - not good
sinirli - angry
üzgün - sad
yorgun - tired
hasta - sick
heyecanlı - excited
korkmuş - scared
idare eder - so-so
kafası karışmış - confused
şaşırmış - surprised
utangaç - embarrassed
rahatsız - uncomfortable
sıkılmış - bored
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Find More Turkish and English Language resources in the Discover Languages Store:
Turkish Flashcards - Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-animals-hayvanlar-12626722
Turkish Flashcards - Family: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-family-aile-12626723
Turkish Flashcards - Weather and Seasons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-weather-and-seasons-hava-ve-mevsimler-12627169
Search Terms: emotions in turkish, how are you? beginner turkish, easy turkish, basic turkish, beginer turkish flash cards, daily turkish, turkish vocabulary, learn turkish, study turkish, teaching turkish. turkish class, turkish lessons, ingilizce öğren, türkçe öğren, temel türkçe, kolay türkçe, çocuklar için türkçe
Turkish - English Flash Cards for teaching vocabulary, playing games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 30 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword.
Includes both:
Turkish & English Bilingual version with colorful pictures
Turkish Only version with colorful pictures
Turkish & English words only version
Topic: Jobs / Occupations - Meslekler
Vocabulary included:
doktor - doctor
postacı - postal worker
itfaiyeci - firefighter
çiftçi - farmer
öğretmen - teacher
tesisatçı - plumber
temizleyici - cleaner
cerrah - surgeon
yazar - writer
polis memuru - police officer
garson - server
iş adamı - business person
yargıç - judge
mimar - architect
inşaatçı - onstruction worker
pilot - pilot
şef - chef
yönetmen - director
fotoğrafçı - photographer
müzisyen - musician
atlet - athlete
hemşir - nurse
uçuş görevlisi - flight attendant
gazeteci - journalist
seyahat acentesi - travel agent
sürücü - driver
sanatçı - artist
denizci - sailor
kaptan - captain
asker - soldier
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Find More Turkish and English Language resources in the Discover Languages Store:
Turkish Flashcards - Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-animals-hayvanlar-12626722
Turkish Flashcards - Family: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-family-aile-12626723
Turkish Flashcards - Weather and Seasons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-weather-and-seasons-hava-ve-mevsimler-12627169
Search Terms: turkish, turkish flash cards, turkish flashcards, turkish job flashcards, jobs in turkish, occupations in turkish, turkish occupations flash cards, beginner turkish, easy turkish, basic turkish, beginer turkish flash cards, daily turkish, turkish vocabulary, learn turkish, study turkish, teaching turkish. turkish class, turkish lessons, ingilizce öğren, türkçe öğren, temel türkçe, kolay türkçe, çocuklar için türkçe
Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games!
39 vocabulary words, a total of 117 different tiles
Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images
Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image
Topic: Numbers, Easy Fractions and Basic Math Symbols
one hundred
one thousand
one half
one third
one quarter
multiplied by
divided by
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc.
Search Terms: numbers in english, english number flashcards, english number flash cards, english numbers flashcards, english numbers flash cards, esl flashcards numbers, efl flashcards numbers, esl math, efl math, tefl math, ell math, eal math
Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games!
18 vocabulary words, a total of 54 different tiles
Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images
Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image
U.S. English and U.K. English version
Topic: Weather and The Four Seasons
sunny spells
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc.
Search Terms: the weather in english, the seasons in english, weather flashcards, seasons flashcards, weather flash cards, seasons flash cards, esl weather flashcards, efl weather flashcards, ell weather flashcards, esl weather flash cards, efl weather flash cards, ell weather flash cards, tefl materials, easy english flash cards, easy english vocabulary, basic english materials, basic english flash cards, beginner english materials, beginner english flash cards, beginner engish flashcards
Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games!
Contains both:
Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images
Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image
Topic: Fruits
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc.
Search Terms: fruit flash cards, fruit pictures, fruit vocabulary, esl flash cards, efl flash cards, tefl, easy english, beginner english, basic english, learning english, ell materials, tefl teacher
German picture flash cards for teaching weather words and season vocabulary - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 21 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, German word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and German only
Single-sided version with the German word under the picture on the same image
English and German words only version, without pictures
Topic: The Weather / Das Wetter, Die Jahreszeiten
Vocabulary included:
Frühling - Spring
Sommer - Summer
Herbst - Autumn
Winter - Winter
sonnig - sunny
wolkig - cloudy
regnerisch - rainy
teilweise bewölkt - partly cloudy
verschneit - snowy
stürmisch - stormy
Schneeregen - sleet
windig - windy
heiß - hot
kalt - cold
warm - warm
kühl - cool
Hagel - hail
Regenbogen - rainbow
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
German Animal Flashcards available here:
German Feelings Flashcards:
German Family Members Flashcards:
German Food Flashcards:
German / English Beginner Flashcard Set - 100+ cards
Beginner French feelings and emotions picture flash cards downloadable PDF for answering “How are you?” - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! Both English Bilingual version, and French only.
This PDF document contains 18 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and French only
Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image
English and French words only version, without pictures
Topic: Feelings, Emotions, Moods, How are you?
Vocabulary included:
bien - well
heureux - happy
malheureux - not good
fâché - angry
triste - sad
fatigué - tired
malade - sick
excité - excited
effrayé - scared
Comme ci comme ça - so-so
confus - confused
surpris - surprised
embarrassé - embarrassed
inconfortable - uncomfortable
ennuyé - bored
Other French Flash Card Topics:
COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240
ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Beginner French (and French / English bilingual) picture flash cards for learning sports, ballgames, and outdoor adventure activities vocabulary! A printable PDF document perfect for games, matching activities, classroom decoration and wall displays, or for self-study! Cartes Flash Français et anglais - Des Sports!
This PDF document contains 35 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and French only
Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image
English and French words only version, without pictures
Topic: Sports, Hobbies, Extreme sports
Vocabulary included:
le football - football
le basket - basketball
le base-ball - baseball
le volley-ball - volleyball
le tennis - tennis
le hockey sur glace - ice hockey
le patinage sur glace - ice skating
les arts martiaux - martial arts
le roller - roller skating
le tir à l’arc - archery
le golf - golf
le surf - surfing
la course - running
le football américain - American football
la boxe - boxing
l’haltérophilie - weight lifting
le javelot - javelin
le ski - skiing
la nage - swimming
la plongée - diving
le water polo - water polo
le snowboard - snowboarding
l’escalade - rock climbing
le skate - skating
le kayak - kayaking
la planche à voile - windsurfing
le ski nautique - water skiing
le cyclisme - cycling
la gymnastique - gymnastics
le deltaplane - hang gliding
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Other French Flash Card Topics:
COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240
ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243
HOW ARE YOU? - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667
DAYS OF THE WEEK - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678
MONTHS OF THE YEAR - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678
FAMILY - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735714
NUMBERS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/beginner-french-flashcards-numbers-nombres-12787075
CLOTHING - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/beginner-french-flash-cards-clothes-cartes-flash-fran-ais-v-tements-12787218
Beginner Italian picture vocabulary flashcards for learning farm animals and zoo animals vocabulary. This PDF printable download includes both English Bilingual, and Italiano only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 35 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only
Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image
English and Italian words only version, without pictures
Topic: Animals / Animali
Vocabulary included:
il gatto - cat
il cane - dog
il coniglio - rabbit
il maiale - pig
la pecora - sheep
il pollo - chicken
il topo - mouse
la mucca - cow
l’anatra - duck
la capra - goat
il toro - bull
il tacchino - turkey
il gallo - rooster
il cavallo - horse
l’asino - donkey
l’elefante - elephant
la giraffa - giraffe
l’Ippopotamo - hippopotamus
il leone - lion
il gorilla - gorilla
la scimmia - monkey
la tigre - tiger
la zebra - zebra
il canguro - kangaroo
il coccodrillo - crocodile
il cammello - camel
lo struzzo - ostrich
il rinoceronte - rhino
l’antilope - antelope
la pantera - panther
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
English EAL ESL EFL TEFL picture flash cards for learning time vocabulary and telling time expressions! Practice reading both digital and analog clocks. Perfect for reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games!
57 vocabulary words/phrases, a total of 171 individual image tiles
Analog Clocks version
Digital Clocks version
Topic: Telling the Time, What time is it? Time phrases
one o’clock
two o’clock
three o’clock
four 'clock
five o’clock
six o’clock
seven o’clock
eight o’clock
nine o’clock
ten o’clock
eleven o’clock
twelve o’clock
half past one
half past two
half past three
half past four
half past five
half past six
half past seven
half past eight
half past nine
half past ten
half past eleven
half past twelve
quarter past one
quarter past two
quarter past three
quarter past four
quarter past five
quarter past six
quarter past seven
quarter past eight
quarter past nine
quarter past ten
quarter past eleven
quarter past twelve
quarter to one
quarter to two
quarter to three
quarter to four
quarter to five
quarter to six
quarter to seven
quarter to eight
quarter to nine
quarter to ten
quarter to eleven
quarter to twelve
five past six
ten past seven
twenty past eight
twenty-five past nine
twenty-five to twelve
twenty to one
ten to three
five to four
ten to twelve
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc.
Beginner Italian picture vocabulary flashcards for learning the days of the week and 12 months of the year. This PDF printable download includes both English Bilingual, and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 25 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only
Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image
English and Italian words only version, without pictures
Topic: Days of the Week and Months of the Year
Vocabulary included:
il fine settimana
le giornate lavorative
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Beginner Italian picture flash cards for learning body parts & facial features vocabulary! Flashcard Italiane - parti del corpo!
This PDF printable download includes both English/Italian bilingual versions and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, roleplays, dialogues or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 25 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only
Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image
English and Italian words only version, without pictures
Topic: My body, parts of the body, my face
Vocabulary included:
il corpo - body
la testa - head
gli occhi - eyes
le orecchie - ears
il naso - nose
la bocca - mouth
la braccia - arms
le gambe - legs
il gomito - elbow
la mano - hand
il dito - finger
il pollice - thumb
il ginocchio - knee
i piedi - feet
le dita dei piedi - toes
i denti - teeth
le labbra - lips
la lingua - tongue
la schiena - back
le spalle - shoulder
lo stomaco - stomach
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Beginner French (and French / English bilingual) picture flash cards for learning illness and sickness vocabulary for visiting the doctor! A printable PDF document perfect for games, matching activities, classroom decoration and wall displays, or for self-study!
Cartes Flash Français et anglais - Les Maladies - visiter le médecin
This PDF document contains 21 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and French only
Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image
English and French words only version, without pictures
Topic: Illness, Sickness, Disease, Accidents
Vocabulary included:
a headache
a stomachache
a toothache
a broken bone
a cough
a fever
a runny nose
a rash
an earache
a sore throat
a cold
to vomit
an allergic reaction
an eye infection
a nosebleed
a cut
a bruise
These flashcards can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Other French Flash Card Topics:
COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240
ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243
HOW ARE YOU? - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667
DAYS OF THE WEEK - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678
MONTHS OF THE YEAR - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678
1500+ Beginner French Picture Flash Cards and French / English bilingual vocabulary flashcards in printable PDF documents - Cartes Flash Français!
Perfect for teaching basic French vocabulary, group games, matching activities, wall displays and classroom decoration, or for self-study!
This growing bundle currently contains 16 topics, 393 vocabulary words, in four different formats for a total of 1,572 flash cards, in easy-to-print PDF documents.
Purchasing the bundle now, at its current price, will gain you access to all flashcard topics added in the future at no extra cost!
Each of these 16 topics is an easy-to-print PDF containing:
a Double-sided version with the - picture, French and English text
a Double-sided version with the pictures and French text only
a Single-sided version with the French text under the picture in the same image
a English and French text only version, without pictures
Days and Months of the Year
Feelings and Emotions
Body Parts
Weather and Seasons
Telling the Time
Stationary and Classroom objects
Vehicles and Transportation
Each PDF document is formatted as A4 sized pages with 6 images per page - a colourful picture on the left-side image, alongside an image with the text.
They can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, word wall displays, flash card games, etc.
Beginner French (and French / English bilingual) picture flash cards for learning different types of vehicles, transportation and things that go - Le Vehicules! A printable PDF document great for games, matching activities, dialogues role-play prompts, classroom decoration and wall displays, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 28 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and French only
Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image
English and French words only version, without pictures
hot air balloon
police car
These flashcards can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
This PDF document contains 5 short writing templates for beginner English students learning to write their own short compositions. I made these for my 3rd grade EFL students, who are able to read simple storybooks and can spell 1st and 2nd grade sight words, but struggle with writing in complete sentences, and are complete beginners to writing passages. I briefly explain the writing topic for the day, which we discuss orally, then I write any difficult to spell vocabulary words up on the board according to what we discuss orally. I can then allow the students to get on with writing their passage themselves.
The topics include:
Who are you? (Introducing oneself and a friend)
What colour is it? (The apple is red…)
How many are there? (There is/are … in the classroom.)
What can we do? (I can/can’t… You can/can’t…)
Our Favourite Food (I like/don’t like… He/She likes/doesn’t like…)
For more Daily Writing Prompts visit:
Booklet 2 - [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-2-for-esl-beginners-12599157]
Booklet 3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-3-simple-outlines-for-elementary-english-learners-12599169
This is the first booklet we used, with many more to come. The topics get progressively more difficult, allowing students to practice different vocabulary and sentence structures, with more and more freedom to compose what they want to express independently.
Document is 3 A4 pages, which can be cut in half to make a 5 page A5 booklet with a cover page.
I am making more of these to use with my class at the moment, so if you enjoy the product, please leave a review and let me know which topics you’d like to cover in the next upload!