Memorized essays betray a lack of confidence and an unwillingness to commit to authentic answers. Examiners have always advised students to prepare ‘talking points’ instead - a selection of ideas that they can draw on and which convey solid analysis and interpretation of the text.
These talking points can be used by teachers, to focus discussion on higher-level or less-noticed features of the text and context. They also form effective student revision materials for formal assessment. Each point is supported by a piece of evidence from the text, and there are sufficient points to generate solid responses to almost any essay question. The Talking Points also model how students can articulate more complex thoughts about the text, and adduce evidence in natural and well-integrated writing.
Wilde’s Gothic novel about vanity and perdition is an established favourite for senior students. Since the bulk of English literature units focus on close textual analysis, the ability to perform ‘close readings’ is essential for students of literature. This handout provides a a brief, student-friendly explanation of what a close reading actually is and how to perform it, followed by a sample close reading of the opening passage.
Wilde’s Gothic novel about vanity and perdition is an established favourite for senior students. Many students regard essays as memorizable activities; they may disregard the question and continue to provide the same pieces of textual evidence paired with the same analytical remarks regardless of the question that evidence should address. This activity presents students with a brief piece of textual evidence and shows how it must be differently handled when answering three different questions. Students are then given another piece of evidence with which to practice, using it to answer three different questions.
Fitzgerald’s novel about ‘careless people’ and avarice in the modern era is an established favourite for senior students. This is a brief, student-friendly explanation of what a close reading is and how to perform it, followed by a thoroughly detailed sample close reading of the opening passage which models the principles of close reading.
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This monologue-style short story, ‘The Gate of 100 Sorrows’, by Rudyard Kipling is around 2600 words and has been successfully used with a Year 10 class (age 15-16).
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This character-study short story, ‘The Use of Force’, by William Carlos Williams is around 1550 words and has been successfully used with a Year 7/8 class (age 11-13).
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This short story about the supernatural, ‘August Heat’, by William Fryer is around 1800 words and has been successfully used with a Year 7 class (age 11-13).
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This twist in the tale moral short story, ‘The Necklace’, Guy de Maupassant is around 3000 words and has been successfully used with a Year 10 class (ages 15-16)
Shakespeare’s tragedy about madness and ambition is an established favourite for senior students. Since the bulk of English literature units focus on close textual analysis, the ability to perform ‘close readings’ is essential for students of literature. This handout provides a a brief, student-friendly explanation of what a close reading actually is and how to perform it, followed by a sample close reading of the opening passage.
Shakespeare’s tragedy about madness and family is an established favourite for senior students. Ten senior-level essay questions offer a choice of arguments about character, theme, language, and context, and a sample essay responds to the question:
King Lear is enduringly relevant because it shows us that when we suffer from distorted perception we need others’ care, not their exploitation.
Does this satisfactorily explain the relevance of the play?
Shakespeare’s tragedy about race and manipulation is an established favourite for senior students. Since the bulk of English literature units focus on close textual analysis, the ability to perform ‘close readings’ is essential for students of literature. This handout provides a a brief, student-friendly explanation of what a close reading actually is and how to perform it, followed by a sample close reading of the opening passage.
Shakespeare’s tragedy about race and manipulation is an established favourite for senior students. Ten senior-level essay questions offer a choice of arguments about character, theme, language, and context, and a sample essay responds to the question: The existence of an Outsider is one of the most enduring narratives that shape our world. We need outsiders to help us define ourselves – and if they don’t exist, we create them.’
How is this the case for Othello?’
Wilde’s Gothic novel about vanity and perdition is an established favourite for senior students. Ten senior-level essay questions offer a choice of arguments about character, theme, language, and context, and a sample essay responds to the question: ‘It is only the sacred things that are worth touching.’ How does Wilde’s novel explore this idea?
Shakespeare’s tragedy about madness and ambition is an established favourite for senior students. Ten senior-level essay questions offer a choice of arguments about character, theme, language, and context, and a sample essay responds to the question:
I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares do more is none.
How are ideas of manly behaviour presented in the play?
Fitzgerald’s novel about ‘careless people’ and avarice in the modern era is an established favourite for senior students. Ten senior-level essay questions offer a choice of arguments about character, theme, language, and context, and a sample essay discusses whether we can think of the novel as a tragedy.
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This beautiful short story, ‘If Not Higher’ by Isaac Peretz is around 1200 words and has been successfully used with a Year 7/8 class (11-13 years).
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This Australian dreaming story from the Birpai people of coastal NSW’ is around 1500 words and has been successfully used with a Year 7/8 class (age 11-13).
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This comical short story, ‘Joy’, by Anton Chekhov, is around 700 words and has been successfully used with a Year 7/8 class (age 11-13).
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This folklore-style short story, ‘Tiger, Tiger’, by Chen-Yao Wang is around 1400 words and has been successfully used with a Year 7/8 class (age 11-13).
Short stories are a vital part of English literature. These short story studies can be used to build a short story unit, to supplement other texts, or as a standby lesson.
Use this with our FREE Introduction to Short Stories two-page handout.
Each classic story is copyright free in Australia, the U.K. and U.S. Paragraphs are numbered for ease of reference.
There are four activities, corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy of lower- to higher-order tasks.
A comprehension question checks knowledge and understanding
A close reading task assists development of textual analysis
A writing at length task involves considering the story’s effect, mood, or technical strategies.
A choice of two creative writing tasks use an aspect of the story as a springboard to write creatively, discursively, or persuasively.
This short philosophical story, ‘The Law of Life,’ by Jack London, is around 2800 words and has been successfully used with a Year 10 class (age 15-16).