Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
NEW for 2024: Science skills programme for key stage 3.
A series of short activities (including self-assessment slides) designed to give students the opportunity to refresh and practice their math skills for science. These can be delivered in lessons or as homework and are a great way to demonstrate that you are actively working to develop their fluency and scientific literacy.
Anomalies and means
Accuracy and Precision
Repeatability and Reproducibility
Significant Figures and Decimal Places
Standard Form
Calculating Percentages
Range and Uncertainty
Tangents (Y9 only)
Unit Conversions
Rearranging Equations (Y7 only)
Summary Task
Three different versions of the sheets for years 7, 8 and 9
All aspects of the sheets are fully editable
Can be printed in gray scale
Answer slides are included to allow students to self-assess
More from our science skills programme:
Laboratory Skills
Understanding Experiments
Graphs and Tables
Maths Skills
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Muscles and Joints
Learning Objectives
State the purpose of ligaments and tendons
Explain how muscles work in pairs
Describe how muscles pull on bones to allow movement around joints
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Group reading
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next Lesson Heart and Circulation:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on the Skeleton
Learning Objectives
Describe parts of the skeleton
Explain how the skeleton protects your body, supports your body and allows your body to move
Name some of the bones in the human skeleton
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next Lesson Muscles and Joints:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Basic Body Functions
Learning Objectives
Describe the basic functions of the human body
Explain the role of organs in keeping the body working
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next Lesson Skeleton:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable. This lesson assumes that students have already been introduced to body organs but scaffolding is in place to catch up students who have missed this lesson.
NEW for 2024: Science skills programme for key stage 3.
A series of ten short activities (with self-assessment slides) designed to give students the opportunity to refresh and practice their general science skills. These can be delivered in lessons or as homework and are a great way to demonstrate that you are actively working to develop their fluency and scientific literacy.
Independent and dependent variables
Control variables
Predictions and hypothesis
Choosing equipment
Writing a method
Risk assessment
Recording data
Processing data
Displaying data
Three different versions of the sheets for years 7, 8 and 9
All aspects of the sheets are fully editable
Can be printed in gray scale
Answer slides are included to allow students to self-assess
More from our science skills programme:
Laboratory Skills
Understanding Experiments
Graphs and Tables
Number Skills
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ short lesson on the Quadrats designed to be used with a practical session or as year 11 pre-exam revision of the required practical. It is also useful for students who cannot be taken out of the classroom to complete this work in the field. In this lesson pupils will work through using quadrats. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Task boxes
-A scaffolded walk through the steps of using quadrats
-A second example to practice without the scaffold
-An explanation of transects and an exercise on calculating percentage cover
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
NEW for 2024: Science skills programme for key stage 3.
A series of thirteen short activities (including self-assessment slides) designed to give students the opportunity to refresh and practice their general science skills. These can be delivered in lessons or as homework and are a great way to demonstrate that you are actively working to develop their fluency and scientific literacy.
Types of data
Line graphs and bar charts
Identifying variables and anomalies in tables
Identifying variables and anomalies in graphs
Interpreting tables
Interpreting bar charts
Interpreting line graphs
Interpreting pie charts
Drawing a line of best fit
Plotting a bar chart
Plotting a line graph
Summary task
Three different versions of the sheets for years 7, 8 and 9
All aspects of the sheets are fully editable
Can be printed in gray scale
Answer slides are included to allow students to self-assess
More from our science skills programme:
Laboratory Skills
Understanding Experiments
Graphs and Tables
Number Skills
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Human Body Organs
Learning Objectives
Name some of the major organs in the human body
Explain what these organs are for.
** Lesson Includes**
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Body Functions:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
NEW for 2024: Science skills programme for key stage 3.
A series of 3 x ten minute activities (self-assessment slides included) designed to give students the opportunity to refresh and practice their general science skills. These can be delivered in lessons or as homework and are a great way to demonstrate that you are actively working to develop their fluency and scientific literacy.
hazards, risks and safety precautions
general laboratory equipment
measuring equipment
Three different versions of the sheets for years 7, 8 and 9
All aspects of the sheets are fully editable
Can be printed in gray scale
Answer slides are included to allow students to self-assess
More from our science skills programme:
Laboratory Skills
Understanding Experiments
Graphs and Tables
Number Skills
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on the Human Life Cycle
Learning Objectives
Describe the stages in a human life cycle
Explain what happens at fertilisation
Describe some of the changes which occur in boys and girls during puberty
This lesson does not cover the mechanics of intercourse and does not discuss periods in detail.
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Human Body Organs:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
A bundle of lessons for teaching classification and life cycles to key stage 2 primary designed for mixed ability groups. Printed sheets are optional; all core lessons can be downloaded and taught without additional preparation. The lessons are self-explanatory and can be easily delivered by parents to students working remotely. Suitable for supply.
Suggested Order:
Grouping living things
Using keys
Grouping plants
Protecting the environment
Animal life cycles
Plant life cycles
Primary Key Stage 2 - Revision Tools for Groups and Life Cycles. The content can be split over two lessons. For a single lesson we suggest selecting two or three teach-check-practice cycles to focus on.
Content Covered
Classifying living things
Vertebrates and invertebrates
Mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians
Flowering and non-flowering plants
Using keys to identify organisms
Protecting the environment
Life cycles of plants and animals
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Group reading to review vocabulary (focusing on words which will come up in multiple science topics like organisms, features and classification)
Classification Overview
Vertebrates (reteach-check-practice cycle 1)
Invertebrates (cycle 2)
Flowering and non-flowering plants (cycle 3)
Using Keys (cycle 4)
Protecting the Environment (cycle 5)
Life cycles (cycle 6)
Revision practice sheet
Revision challenge sheet
English link (find the adjectives, creative writing, group reading)
Math link (calculations on the topic’s theme)
Opportunities to develop vocabulary, literacy and oracy
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence. Challenge questions are included for high ability students.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Animal Life Cycles
Learning Objectives
Recap sexual reproduction using flowers
Explain what is meant by asexual reproduction
Give examples of asexual reproduction
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Recap of flower structure and pollination
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Revision:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable. This lesson assumes that parts of a flower, pollination and seed dispersal have already been covered. However there is lots of scaffolding for any students who were absent or have forgotten the details.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Animal Life Cycles
Learning Objectives
Explain what is meant by sexual reproduction
Describe some examples of animal life cycles
Practice using key vocabulary and concepts from earlier topics such as mammal, vertebrate and fertilisation
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Plant Life Cycles:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Protecting the Environment.
Learning Objectives
Explain why it is important to protect the environment
Describe how nature reserves can protect habitats
Explain why having a garden pond is great for the local wildlife
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Animal Life Cycles
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Grouping Plants
Learning Objectives
Describe the difference between flowering and non-flowering plants
Explain the difference between coniferous and deciduous trees
Practice using keys to identify plants
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Protecting the Environment
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This lesson assumes that students have already covered how to use keys and pollination, however, prompts and scaffolding are given to refresh memory and allow students who were absent to participate.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Invertebrates
Learning Objectives
Explain what an invertebrate is and give some examples of invertebrates
Divide invertebrates into groups
Practice using keys to identify invertebrates
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Grouping Plants
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This lesson assumes that students have already covered how to use keys and pollination, however, prompts and scaffolding are given to refresh memory and allow students who were absent to participate.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Using Keys
Learning Objectives
Use keys to identify organisms from their features
Use branched keys
Practice using science vocabulary linked to living things
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Invertebrates:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Vertebrates
Learning Objectives
List the five groups of vertebrates (mammal, fish, bird, reptile and amphibian)
Describe the features of the five groups
Decide which group example organisms belong to
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Using Keys:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Grouping Living Things
Learning Objectives
Place organisms in the three main groups (animals, plants and micro-organisms)
Group animals into vertebrate and invertebrate
Group plants into flowering and non-flowering
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Vertebrates:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation.