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KS3 Philosophy and Ethics - Unit 1 - What is RE? SoW.
Students will be able to:
To identify the meaning of the key words: kashrut, kosher and treif.
To examine what foods orthodox (strict ) Jews can eat and what foods they cannot.
To analyse why religious Jews follow the Jewish food laws
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons in the Science and Religion Scheme of Work!
Diet and Energy Sources - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness
Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness
Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle
Lesson 3: Somatotypes
Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Somatotypes - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness
Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness
Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle
Lesson 3: Somatotypes
Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Sedentary Lifestyle - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness
Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness
Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle
Lesson 3: Somatotypes
Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Health, well-being and fitness - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness
Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness
Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle
Lesson 3: Somatotypes
Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Spectator Behaviour - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 5c - Ethical Issues
Lesson 1 - Players’ conduct
Lesson 2 - Prohibited Substances
Lesson 3 - Spectator Behaviour
Prohibited Substances - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 5c - Ethical Issues
Lesson 1 - Players’ conduct
Lesson 2 - Prohibited Substances
Lesson 3 - Spectator Behaviour
Conduct of performers - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 5c - Ethical Issues
Lesson 1 - Players’ conduct
Lesson 2 - Prohibited Substances
Lesson 3 - Spectator Behaviour
Technology in Sport - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
5b - Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Lesson 1: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 1
Lesson 2: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2
Lesson 3: Technology in Sport
Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2 - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
5b - Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Lesson 1: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 1
Lesson 2: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2
Lesson 3: Technology in Sport
Commercialisation in Sport - Part 1 - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
5b - Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Lesson 1: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 1
Lesson 2: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2
Lesson 3: Technology in Sport
Participation: Disability (Part 3) - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 5a - Socio-cultural influences
Lesson 1: Participation: Age and Gender
Lesson 2: Participation: Family, Friends, Race, religion and culture in sport
Lesson 3: Participation: Disability and inclusion in sport
Participation: Family, Friends, Race, Religion and Culture - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 5a - Socio-cultural influences
Lesson 1: Participation: Age and Gender
Lesson 2: Participation: Family, Friends, Race, religion and culture in sport
Lesson 3: Participation: Disability and inclusion in sport
Participation: Age and Gender - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 5a - Socio-cultural influences
Lesson 1: Participation: Age and Gender
Lesson 2: Participation: Family, Friends, Race, religion and culture in sport
Lesson 3: Participation: Disability and inclusion in sport
Personality Types & Motivation - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 4 - Sports Psychology
Lesson 1 - Classification of Skills
Lesson 2: SMART Targets
Lesson 3: Information Processing Model
Lesson 4: Types of Guidance
Lesson 5: Types of Feedback
Lesson 6: Inverted-U Theory - Arousal and Stress Management
Lesson 7: Aggression
Lesson 8: Personality Types & Motivation
Aggression - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 4 - Sports Psychology
Lesson 1 - Classification of Skills
Lesson 2: SMART Targets
Lesson 3: Information Processing Model
Lesson 4: Types of Guidance
Lesson 5: Types of Feedback
Lesson 6: Inverted-U Theory - Arousal and Stress Management
Lesson 7: Aggression
Lesson 8: Personality Types & Motivation
Inverted-U Theory - Arousal and Stress Management - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 4 - Sports Psychology
Lesson 1 - Classification of Skills
Lesson 2: SMART Targets
Lesson 3: Information Processing Model
Lesson 4: Types of Guidance
Lesson 5: Types of Feedback
**Lesson 6: Inverted-U Theory - Arousal and Stress Management **
Lesson 7: Aggression
Lesson 8: Personality Types & Motivation
Types of Feedback - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 4 - Sports Psychology
Lesson 1 - Classification of Skills
Lesson 2: SMART Targets
Lesson 3: Information Processing Model
Lesson 4: Types of Guidance
Lesson 5: Types of Feedback
Lesson 6: Inverted-U Theory - Arousal and Stress Management
Lesson 7: Aggression
Lesson 8: Personality Types & Motivation
Types of Guidance - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 4 - Sports Psychology
Lesson 1 - Classification of Skills
Lesson 2: SMART Targets
Lesson 3: Information Processing Model
**Lesson 4: Types of Guidance **
Lesson 5: Types of Feedback
Lesson 6: Inverted-U Theory - Arousal and Stress Management
Lesson 7: Aggression
Lesson 8: Personality Types & Motivation
Information Processing Model - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 4 - Sports Psychology
Lesson 1 - Classification of Skills
Lesson 2: SMART Targets
Lesson 3: Information Processing Model
Lesson 4: Types of Guidance
Lesson 5: Types of Feedback
Lesson 6: Inverted-U Theory - Arousal and Stress Management
Lesson 7: Aggression
Lesson 8: Personality Types & Motivation