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Sedentary Lifestyle - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Sedentary Lifestyle - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle Lesson 3: Somatotypes Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Somatotypes - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Somatotypes - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle Lesson 3: Somatotypes Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Participation: Age and Gender - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Participation: Age and Gender - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Chapter 5a - Socio-cultural influences Lesson 1: Participation: Age and Gender Lesson 2: Participation: Family, Friends, Race, religion and culture in sport Lesson 3: Participation: Disability and inclusion in sport
Diet and Energy Sources - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Diet and Energy Sources - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle Lesson 3: Somatotypes Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Chapter 1c - Anaerobic and aerobic exercise Lesson 1: Aerobic and anaerobic Lesson 2: Effects of exercise - ST Lesson 3: Recovery from exercise Lesson 4: Effects of exercise - LT
Effects of exercise - ST - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Effects of exercise - ST - GCSE Physical Education - AQA

Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Chapter 1c - Anaerobic and aerobic exercise Lesson 1: Aerobic and anaerobic Lesson 2: Effects of exercise - ST Lesson 3: Recovery from exercise Lesson 4: Effects of exercise - LT
Theme A Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA

Theme A Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA

The worksheets should be purchased alongwith the Prezi presentation which has all the information required for Paper 2 (themes A, B, D + E), including; detailed factfiles, videos, podcasts, case studies and stretch + challenge tasks. The information focuses on the philosophical and ethical arguments related to the issues raised, and their impact and influence on the modern world. AQA Specification: • Theme A: Relationships and families. The differentiated worksheets use ALL past paper questions from the samples to May 2021. The mark scheme answers are on the Prezi allowing the students to test their knowledge as they progress through this theme. This resource along with the Prezi Presentation (see description below) is perfect for teachers and students alike who wish to target their areas for development effectively, test their knowledge and then track their progress. The mark schemes for the worksheet can be found on the Prezi presentation, via the TES search engine: Prezi for Paper 2 (Themes A,B,D+E) - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA PREZI ONLY
Theme B Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA

Theme B Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA

The worksheets should be purchased along with the Prezi presentation which has all the information required for Paper 2 (themes A, B, D + E), including; detailed factfiles, videos, podcasts, case studies and stretch + challenge tasks. The information focuses on the philosophical and ethical arguments related to the issues raised, and their impact and influence on the modern world. AQA Specification: • Theme B: Religion and life. The differentiated worksheets use ALL past paper questions from the samples to May 2021. The mark scheme answers are on the Prezi allowing the students to test their knowledge as they progress through this theme. This resource along with the Prezi Presentation (see description below) is perfect for teachers and students alike who wish to target their areas for development effectively, test their knowledge and then track their progress. The mark schemes for the worksheet can be found on the Prezi presentation, via the TES search engine: Prezi for Paper 2 (Themes A,B,D+E) - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA PREZI ONLY
Theme E Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA

Theme E Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA

The worksheets should be purchased along with the Prezi presentation which has all the information required for Paper 2 (themes A, B, D + E), including; detailed factfiles, videos, podcasts, case studies and stretch + challenge tasks. The information focuses on the philosophical and ethical arguments related to the issues raised, and their impact and influence on the modern world. AQA Specification: • Theme E: Religion, crime and punishment. The differentiated worksheets use ALL past paper questions from the samples to May 2021. The mark scheme answers are on the Prezi allowing the students to test their knowledge as they progress through this theme. This resource along with the Prezi Presentation (see description below) is perfect for teachers and students alike who wish to target their areas for development effectively, test their knowledge and then track their progress. The mark schemes for the worksheet can be found on the Prezi presentation, via the TES search engine: Prezi for Paper 2 (Themes A,B,D+E) - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA PREZI ONLY
Theme D Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA

Theme D Worksheets for Prezi - Paper 2 - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA

The worksheets should be purchased along with the Prezi presentation which has all the information required for Paper 2 (themes A, B, D + E), including; detailed factfiles, videos, podcasts, case studies and stretch + challenge tasks. The information focuses on the philosophical and ethical arguments related to the issues raised, and their impact and influence on the modern world. AQA Specification: • Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict. The differentiated worksheets use ALL past paper questions from the samples to May 2021. The mark scheme answers are on the Prezi allowing the students to test their knowledge as they progress through this theme. This resource along with the Prezi Presentation (see description below) is perfect for teachers and students alike who wish to target their areas for development effectively, test their knowledge and then track their progress. The mark schemes for the worksheet can be found on the Prezi presentation, via the TES search engine: Prezi for Paper 2 (Themes A,B,D+E) - Religious Studies - GCSE - AQA PREZI ONLY
Development of elite performers in sport

Development of elite performers in sport

Chapter 13 - Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO1: To identify personal, social and cultural factors needed to support progression from talent identification to elite performance AO2: To explain roles, purpose and relationship between organisations in providing support and progression from talent identification to elite performance AO3: To analyse how support provided by the National Institutes of Sport help improve elite performance Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
The positive and negative impact of commercialisation, sponsorship and the media

The positive and negative impact of commercialisation, sponsorship and the media

Chapter 13 - Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO1: To understand the relationship between sport, media and commercialisation in a ‘golden triangle’. AO2: To be able to describe the positives and negatives of commercialisation in sport and the impact on the performer, coach, official, audience and the sport. AO3: Evaluate the influence of the three aspects of Golden Triangle on the world of sport. Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Whiting’s information processing model

Whiting’s information processing model

Chapter 9.1 - Information Processing Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO2: To illustrate and explain Whiting’s model of information processing AO2: To apply this knowledge to sporting situations AO3: To analyse each the aspects of the model Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Social Action Theory

Social Action Theory

Chapter 3.2 - The impact of sport on society and of society on sport Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO1: To know and understand social action theory AO1: To know how this theory is supported by the interactionist approach AO2: To apply these theories towards equal opportunities in sport and society Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Violence in Sport

Violence in Sport

Chapter 13 - Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO1: To identify the causes of violence in sport AO2: To explain strategies for preventing violence within sport to the performer and spectator AO3: To analyse the implications of violence for the performer, sport and society Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Drugs in Sport

Drugs in Sport

Chapter 13 - Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO1: To identify the the types of drugs used by performers AO2: To explain the social, physiological and psychological reasons athletes may take drugs to specific sports AO3: To evaluate the implications of drug use and the effectiveness of strategies used for eliminating the use of performance enhancing drugs in sport. Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Ethics in Sport

Ethics in Sport

Chapter 13 - Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO1: To define the key terms; sportsmanship and gamesmanship AO2: To apply these key terms to sporting situations AO3: To discuss the value in modern sport Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Stress Management

Stress Management

Chapter 12.1 - Psychological factors that can influence an individual in physical activities Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO1: To describe the terms stressors, stress and eustress AO2: To explain the difference between cognitive and somatic stress and the techniques used to control anxiety. AO3: To evaluating the use and worth of popular stress management techniques Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Concepts of physical activity and sport

Concepts of physical activity and sport

Chapter 13 - Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification. Students will be able to: AO1: To identify the characteristics and functions of Physical Recreation, Sport, Physical Education and School Sport. AO2: To explain the similarities and differences between the key concepts. AO2: To explain how these difference might impact performance Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.