Hello! French and Spanish teacher in the UK (GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level, Pre-U). I produce worksheets, quick activities and sentence builder sheets. I have recently started to upload my work to TES, so if you like my resources, I'd be so grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks for visiting and I hope my stuff will help you in your lesson planning!
Hello! French and Spanish teacher in the UK (GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level, Pre-U). I produce worksheets, quick activities and sentence builder sheets. I have recently started to upload my work to TES, so if you like my resources, I'd be so grateful if you could leave a quick review. Thanks for visiting and I hope my stuff will help you in your lesson planning!
A worksheet with a sequence of activities to introduce and practise talking about pets and colours for beginners’ Spanish. Activities include a matching exercise, a vocab table to fill out, a listening gap-fill and a ‘bad translation’ exercise.
A sentence builder to learn to answer the question ‘Si tu pudieras cambiar algo de tu colegio, ¿qué cambiarías?’ See this link for a free list of activities you can do with a sentence builder: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/teaching-ideas-for-using-sentence-builders-12281180
Sentence builder on family relationships, saying if you get on well or not with family members an why. See this link for a free list of activities you can do with a sentence builder: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/teaching-ideas-for-using-sentence-builders-12281180
All the sentence builders (along with several other activities) that I’ve made so far for KS4 French covering the topics of:
describing personality/character
describing physique/physical descriptions
a true friend / good parents
how you celebrated your birthday (perfect tense)
describing location of house
future studies
future tense / hobbies / free time
holidays - where you spend your holidays and how you travel
my dream job and qualities needed
my region / area
talking about your hobbies / free time and giving opinions on them
perfect tense / passé composé hobbies / free time
benefits of doing an internship / un stage
describing teachers and school activities
family relationships - saying whether you get on well or not with family members and why
See this link for a free list of activities you can do with a sentence builder: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/teaching-ideas-for-using-sentence-builders-12281180
A sentence builder to answer the question Qu’est-ce que tu as fait aujourd’hui ? / say what you have done today, within the context of high frequency verbs for being at school. See this link for a free list of activities you can do with a sentence builder: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/teaching-ideas-for-using-sentence-builders-12281180
A worksheet with a short conjugation retrieval task, listening gap-fill, unscramble the sentences exercise, and a test you can set for homework. All answers included.
Two sentence builders on the following topis: giving opinions on one’s job / work experience, and describing a past work experience + a jumble activity to go with the past work experience SB.
See this link for a free list of activities you can do with a sentence builder: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/teaching-ideas-for-using-sentence-builders-12281180
A short activity where students must read the boxes and put the phrase under the correct column - you can project this onto the board, tell students to read each phrase aloud in pairs and decide which column it goes in.
A short reading comprehension on the day of the dead (El día de Muertos). It is well adapted to beginners of Spanish due to the number of cognates in the text and the vocab-finding exercise. Comprehension questions help students to learn about this tradition.
A short sequence of teacher-led oral drilling activities to practise/revise the present tense of the big 4 irregulars in French. This activity should be after pupils have seen the tables of conjugations and are familiar with the English meanings. Possible sequence:
model the pronunciation of the sentences 1-5 on each slide, do some listen & repeat oral drills (choral repetition, individual repetition, whispering, shouting etc. to drill pronunciation)
pupils translate orally into english in pairs
pupils given 30 seconds / 1 minute to ‘memorise’ the verbs and their meanings on the sentences
memory task - recall the verbs
repeat for the other verbs
matching task to reinforce verb meanings - pupils do orally in pairs
gap-fill task - you could cold call pupils for this one. If it’s too hard, give them 2 options orally in French eg. ‘J’ai sept cours’ or ‘Je suis sept cours’ ?
matching task to summarise on other ppt.
Resources for teaching ser vs estar uses for the first time. Includes:
Inductive grammar ppt. exercise where pupils work out the rules
ser or estar worksheet with translations - teacher notes on other activities and answers included
ser or estar quiz sheet all in Spanish, where pupils also have to justify reason
2 worksheets with activities to introduce and practise using different time expressions, connectives and basic negatives in Spanish to talk about when you do different pastimes. Pupils should already be familiar with the hobbies vocab before completing these activities.
Set of worksheets and activities to introduce and practise describing people and comparing them using más… que, menos… que and tan… como
Short activity to complete orally projected onto the board (or printed out if you prefer)
Parallel text with sentences in Spanish and English - you can use it to ask pupils to ‘find the Spanish’ for certain phrases in the English eg. ‘taller than’, ‘I think that’ etc. - can be done as a quiz
Long worksheet practising it extensively
Starter recap translations for a following lesson
Worksheets of activities to introduce and practise using possessive adjectives in Spanish, in relation to topic of family. Brief activity on definite article. Notes for teacher on how to use the activities included. One task also involves teaching dictionary skills.
Scaffold / writing frame for basic descriptions of family members in Spanish - vocab included to help. This activity would need to take place after pupils are familiar with the vocab in the boxes at the top - they are just there as prompts.
After learning about el día de los muertos / day of the dead, beginners can learn how to describe someone in the past so they can write a simple ‘tribute’ to someone that has passed, this can be turned into a seasonal display and pupils can decorate their tribute with marigolds or other flowers, photos or drawings. Worksheets include:
2 sheets of vocab activities to do (after you’ve introduced pupils to some of the basic descriptions vocab)
Sentence builder for writing a tribute - modelled answers in grid to help. This can be used to do dictations, aural translations etc. using mini-whiteboards and having pupils use the sentence builder.
Blank writing sheet for once pupils have practised enough - can be used as assessment.