
Transpiration and water uptake in plants (2 powerpoints, 2 w/s, crossword). Post 16
Animated, interactive powerpoint which explains water uptake (apoplast/symplast pathways), transpiration and xylem structure The water uptake worksheets (including a crossword) complement the powerpoint and include answers. The labelling the leaf powerpoint is a hyperlinked ‘click and name’ slide-show. Aimed at A-level.

Regulation of blood glucose (A-level). 20 slide powerpoint, notes, two worksheets and a crossword
Animated, interactive powerpoint explaining glucose regulation and diabetes. Animations take students through the effects of hormones on liver/adipose/muscle cells (inc. carrier proteins / cAMP). The worksheets (including a crossword) complement the powerpoint. There is a ‘notes’ worksheet included so that students don’t need to copy the diagrams. Answer sheets included.

Cholera: Data handling and Mechanism of infection
Standalone A-level cholera data handling and accompanying powerpoints and worksheets.
The main powerpoint introduces cholera and explains how it affects the small intestine’s transport proteins leading to diarrhoea. The second shows the December 2008 Cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe using UN data. The lesson can be introduced with news clips/articles (a search for ‘Zimbabwe 2008 cholera outbreak’ turns up lots). An understanding of the mechanism of cholera infection is not needed to deal with the data handling - which is very much aimed at reliability, sampling and so on. Written to support A-level Biology.

Topic 3: Infection and Response Revision Questions and Answer Sheets
Two sheets of straightforward revision questions. Written to provide simple recall test of what students have learned and need to learn (to reassure them as much as anything). Taken pretty much directly from the AQA 9-1 GCSE syllabus. Answer sheets are included. Would work well as a starter, plenary or on a VLE.
Communicable diseases; viruses; Bacteria; Fungi; Protists; Human defence systems; Immunity; Vaccination; Antibiotics
Included in the bundle: 26 Biology Revision Question Sheets (AQA 9-1 GCSE Combined Science) £10

Topic 1: Cell Biology Revision Questions and Answer Sheets
Three sheets of straightforward revision questions. Written to provide simple recall test of what students have learned and need to learn (to reassure them as much as anything). Taken pretty much directly from the AQA 9-1 GCSE syllabus. Answer sheets are included. Would work well as a starter, plenary or on a VLE.
Animal and plant cells; Specialisation; Differentiation; Cell division; Mitosis; Stem cells
Included in the bundle: 26 Biology Revision Question Sheets (AQA 9-1 GCSE Combined Science) £10

Gas Exchange in Fish and Insects
Animated, interactive powerpoint which guides students through the countercurrent system of fish gills and the tracheal system of insects (28 slides). It is hyperlinked so that you can choose which bits to show. The accompanying document comprises three worksheets and answer sheets. They use a variety of cloze / colouring / short answer questions