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Introduction - What are volcanoes?

Introduction - What are volcanoes?

Title: What are volcanoes? Learning Objectives: To identify the features of a volcano. To describe how eruptions can cause destruction Great lesson to introduce the study of volcanoes. Includes some great hyperlinks and clips showing volcanic eruptions Volcanic diagram task - draw and label Key words matching activity Volcanic statement, descriptions and evidence task Research fact finding task Introduction to Pompeii Case Study
Outstanding lesson on Introduction to Climate Change & Global Warming (TES Pick)

Outstanding lesson on Introduction to Climate Change & Global Warming (TES Pick)

This lesson has been used and accredited as outstanding within many observations and interviews. This alternative to a carrousel task allows student to stay in their seat yet rotate the resources as it introduced them to Climate Change and Global Warming. It allows teachers to judge prior knowledge, learning and misconceptions students may have. This is combined with excellent starter and plenary resources that consolidate learning objectives and helps teachers plan for the next lesson on this current important theme of geographical study. Has been used at KS3, GCSE, IGCE, KS4, MYP and A Level standards.
The Trading Game

The Trading Game

Great lesson to promote the idea of interdependence and teamwork between countries. This allows students to review the importance of international trade. Also great for a STEM challenge.
Good Geography Landmark quiz

Good Geography Landmark quiz

Easy quick quiz for the introduction of spatial awareness and global general knowledge. Also great for the end of term before the run up to the winter/spring/summer holidays - good fun!
Outstanding Lesson: Stereotypes and prejudice

Outstanding Lesson: Stereotypes and prejudice

What are stereotypes? Lesson Objectives: To define the term ‘stereotype’ and give examples of discrimination To assess how our opinions are affected by out surroundings Contains differentiated material for weaker students and challenges higher ability through high order thinking.
Outstanding Lesson: Organic Farming (TES Pick)

Outstanding Lesson: Organic Farming (TES Pick)

Ofsted graded oustanding lesson. Comprehensive guide to organic farming. Learning objectives: To describe what farming is and why its important To explain why organic farming is increasing To identify its advantages and disadvantages Complete with pitstop plenery, discussion plenery placemat and exit cards ideal for assessment for learning.
Outstanding Lesson - Coastal Landforms & processes

Outstanding Lesson - Coastal Landforms & processes

This lesson has been used and accredited as outstanding within many observations and interviews. This alternative to a carrousel task allows student to stay in their seat yet rotate the resources as it introduced them to coastal landforms and processes. It allows teachers to judge prior knowledge, learning and misconceptions students may have. This is combined with excellent starter and plenary resources that consolidate learning objectives and helps teachers plan for the next lesson on this current important theme of geographical study. Has been used at KS3, GCSE, IGCE, KS4, MYP and A Level standards. Title: What processes happens along the coast? To identify examples of erosional landforms To explain how the sea shapes the coast
What is it like in the Sahara Desert?

What is it like in the Sahara Desert?

Learning objectives: To identify the countries covered by the Sahara desert. To describe the opportunities and challenges within this environment. Includes activity support sheet. This lesson has been used and accredited as outstanding within many observations and interviews. This alternative to a carousel task allows student to stay in their seat yet rotate the resources as it introduced them to deserts environments. It allows teachers to judge prior knowledge, learning and misconceptions students may have. This is combined with excellent starter and plenary resources that consolidate learning objectives and helps teachers plan for the next lesson on this current important theme of geographical study. The concept and lesson structure been used at KS3, GCSE, IGCE, KS4, MYP and A Level.
Geography Quiz - Guess the country?

Geography Quiz - Guess the country?

A great end of term challenge to consolidate learning of atlas skills, scale and identification using the silhouette outlines if countries across the globe. Fully differentiated at 3 levels. Helps with general knowledge too! Test yourself teachers!
Outstanding Lesson: Glaciers, Glacial Processes & Glaciated landscapes (TES Pick)

Outstanding Lesson: Glaciers, Glacial Processes & Glaciated landscapes (TES Pick)

This lesson has been used and accredited as outstanding within many observations and interviews. This alternative to a carrousel task allows student to stay in their seat yet rotate the resources as it introduced them to Glaciers, Glaciated Landscapes and Processes. It allows teachers to judge prior knowledge, learning and misconceptions students may have. This is combined with excellent starter and plenary resources that consolidate learning objectives and helps teachers plan for the next lesson on this current important theme of geographical study. Has been used at KS3, GCSE, IGCE, KS4, MYP and A Level standards.
Outstanding Lesson on Desertification & Land Degradation - Sahara & Sahel

Outstanding Lesson on Desertification & Land Degradation - Sahara & Sahel

A challenging an interactive kinaesthetic lesson that encourages group work, higher order thinking skills, initiative and logic. A fantastic lesson reviewing the environmental conditions, characteristics and human pressures found within this fragile biome. Involves kinaesthetic collaborative class group task, analysis and evaluation. Includes exam question and mark scheme. Great exam case study for an introduction to the Sahel and theme of biomes. Great for a lesson observation. A challeging lesson.
Eyewitness Accounts of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD

Eyewitness Accounts of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD

Journey Back in Time: Witness the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius! Bring history to life for your Year 8 class! Uncover the drama and devastation of 79 AD with this Mount Vesuvius Eruption Resource Walk in the footsteps of: Pliny the Elder, the curious scholar: Witness the eruption through the eyes of a renowned scientist! Gaius, the brave slave: Experience the chaos and fear from the perspective of a Roman citizen! Livia, the noblewoman: Feel the loss and devastation suffered by the wealthy elite! Maximus, the gladiator: Learn about the raw power of nature from a fearless warrior! Engaging first-hand accounts: Each character brings their unique perspective to the event. Vivid descriptions: Feel the tremors, smell the ash, and witness the fiery destruction! Interactive activities: Analyze primary sources, create timelines, and explore the impact of the eruption. Teacher’s guide: Packed with lesson plans, extension activities, and assessment materials.
LGBT Outstanding lesson PSHE: Modern family structure (TES Pick)

LGBT Outstanding lesson PSHE: Modern family structure (TES Pick)

A supurb lesson that reviews how changes in the modern family unit and structure is changing. Student and teachers will gain insight, empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by different families in the 21st Century. Objectives: To describe how the modern family has changed To review why these structural changes are important in the 21st Century Both students and teachers can predict and prepare themselves for the social, cultural, religious and economic impact that this may have in society at local, national and international scales.
AQA -  Measuring development

AQA - Measuring development

Chapter 17: Economic Development & quality of life Learning objectives: To describe how social development is measured. To explain why the human development index is important. Compliments Textbook - AQA GCSE (9-1) Geography Second Edition ByJohn Widdowson (Author) Workbooklet containing: Starter Key words Sample GCSE Question 10 Tasks Student checklist
Superb Geography ice breaker

Superb Geography ice breaker

Creating a climate for learning in Geography: Set the right collaborative atmosphere in your class room by using this Geography themed ice breaker. Great fun. Ideal for the start of term and new teachers.