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CIE IGCSE German Reaction to Versailles GCSE

CIE IGCSE German Reaction to Versailles GCSE

The aim of this lesson is for students to understand the German reaction to the Treaty of Versailles. This lesson is the fourth lesson of ‘Part 1’ covering the Inter-war Years 1918-39 for the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. It also works for other exam boards that examine the Treaty of Versailles. Lesson begins with a source analysis task of German reaction to the Treaty. Students then investigate the German criticisms of the Treaty, working in pairs, reading through and organising statements from a print-out A3 sheet. The three main consequences: Kapp Putsch, Ruhr Crisis and Hyperinflation are then investigated, through video, card sort and source analysis activities. Students complete an extended writing task on the Treaty analysing the political, economic and social impacts. The lessons concludes with a recap of the key information from the lesson. Some key words and phrases from the lesson: Freikorps Strike Hyperinflation This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing. Font: Segoe Print
Mao's China: The Cultural Revolution - Full Lesson

Mao's China: The Cultural Revolution - Full Lesson

The aim of the lesson is for the students to understand what the Cultural Revolution was and its impact. It is useful as a stand-alone lesson on China, as part of a greater Cold War scheme of work, or in conjunction with my other China lessons (where this forms the second part). There is a lot of content in this lesson, and can be taught as two lessons allowing the teacher to go into greater depth and detail with the students. Lesson begins with a retrieval practice question on Stalin and Mao. Students then analyse a source and make a hypothesis about the Great Leap Forward. Students will then complete a video comprehension task on the effects of the Great Leap Forward, including the Great Famine. Students will analyse the personal impact of Chairman Mao and make judgements on his impact in China at the time. The main task is for students to analyse the Cultural Revolution. This can be done as a teacher-led task, or printed off with the students completing the investigation task individually or in groups. Students will analyse the following aspects of the Cultural Revolution and make judgements on their impact: The Red Guard, attacks on education, public shaming, destruction of history, aggression towards the USSR. Chinese writing. Students will be introduced to the simplification of written Chinese. Students will have time to look at and practice writing various words in the traditional script, then in the simplified script. The lesson will conclude with students making a Cultural Revolution era poster. Example posters and slogans (in English and Chinese) are provided. Some key words and phrases from the lesson: Stalin Great Leap Forward Great Famine Cultural Revolution Red Guard Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing.
Jamestown: Britain's First Colony - British America

Jamestown: Britain's First Colony - British America

Lesson objective: For students to understand that Britain formed the first colony in what would become the USA, understand what life was like in the colony and reasons for colonisation. It is useful as a stand-alone lesson on early America, or as part of a greater scheme of work on America, slavery, civil rights or the British Empire. The lesson was designed to act as a KS3 primer for the Edexcel GCSE Early Elizabethan England and British America, 1713 - 1783 modules. The lesson gives an overview of the 13 colonies, includes problems solving and mystery around the Roanoke colony, deep thinking on Jamestown and includes a creative activity where students create their own American colony. This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint and embedded videos.
American War of Independence - US History, British Empire, KS3 Resource or GCSE Primer Intro Lesson

American War of Independence - US History, British Empire, KS3 Resource or GCSE Primer Intro Lesson

The aim of the lesson is for the students to understand how America achieved independence. It looks at life in colonial British America , the events leading up to the war and the war itself . It is useful as a stand-alone lesson on America , as part of a scheme of work on America, slavery or the British Empire . It is also useful as introduction lesson to test prior knowledge and set up future classes for the Edexcel GCSE British America, 1713 - 1783: empire and revolution module . Lesson begins with a low-stakes knowledge check on US presidents. Literacy is focused on with definitions of key words given followed by a comprehension reading task on life in British America before the revolution. Students then are given a card sort on the events leading up to the war, and the events of the war. The PowerPoint then goes through the order of the cards with paintings and other visual representations for the events that each card shows. Each slide has detailed notes on each event given to add context to class discussion and stretch and challenge all learners. Students will then consolidate this new learning by writing the narrative of how America achieved independence. This is a British America GCSE module style question . The students will be introduced to the Betsy Ross flag with a task around it. The lesson concludes with a quiz to reinforce learning. This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint, with detailed explanatory notes, reading activity, worksheet, card sort (mixed and correct order), as well as two American flag colouring resources
Should old statues be kept? Civil Rights, BLM, Black History Month, Empire, Edward Colston, KS3

Should old statues be kept? Civil Rights, BLM, Black History Month, Empire, Edward Colston, KS3

The aim of the lesson is for the students to actively investigate the passive world around them. They will look at the current climate around equality and make a reasoned judgment on whether a statue should be removed or not. It is useful as a stand-alone lesson on current affairs , as part of a scheme of work on Civil Rights, slavery or the British Empire . Lesson Outline The lesson begins with the image of Edward Colston’s statue being thrown into the water with questions to start the students thinking about the event. The lesson moves on to why are statues built in the first place, to help them actively engage with the concept, rather than passively accept they are just ‘something that is there’. Students are then asked to think about some of the world’s most famous statues and asked for their opinions on them. The lesson moves on to a discussion on the Edward Colston statue. With students shown a picture and video of the event and asked to reflect on what happened and hypothesise on the cause. Next is an investigation into Edward Colston himself, students are given one side of the argument and come up with an opinion on his statue, then given the other, with reasoned debate sparked in the class. Students are then given a quote from the Bible to reflect on and think about how it applies to the lesson. An investigation will then take place into four famous figures that have statues in London: Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela, Mahatama Gandhi, and Winston Churchill. Students are given information on each of the four to read. They will decide whether or not their statue should be removed. This part of the lesson can be done with the students working individually or in pairs with the print-out included in this lesson, or as a class, one-by-one with the PowerPoint. After coming up with an answer for each, the teacher can ask the class their opinions on each of the statues. Why or why not the statue should be removed. This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint and Word handouts.
Understanding Cause and Consequence

Understanding Cause and Consequence

This lesson works perfectly to introduce chronology with Year 7 and sets the students up for the rest of their History adventure be it 3, 5 or 7! It works as a stand-alone lesson, or as the second in my introduction to history series with ‘what is chronology’ being the first part. This is a full lesson and comes with my students’ seal of approval. Introduction: Students begin with a literacy exercise Teacher-Student investigation: Students are asked for their ideas on what ‘cause’ and ‘consequence’ means. Then put this skill to the test with a literacy exercise. Practice: Students are given four consequences and can come up with imaginative causes! Main task: Students are given a series of events (from across the KS3 and 4 curriculum), they then work together to work out the cause for each of them. Explanation: The events are then given to the students to self-check their timeline with the events being given one-by-one on the PPT. Time for teacher insight into each event and to ask class for their ideas. Plenary practice: Students then write some of their own cause and consequence sentences and share them with their partner. I always enjoy delivering this lesson, and I hope you will, too!
Stresemann's Foreign Policy - Full Lesson

Stresemann's Foreign Policy - Full Lesson

This is a full lesson with resources, including videos embedded. It works with any exam board investigating Stresemann’s foreign policies and made with Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39 in mind. This lesson looks at: ‘How did Stresemann improve Germany’s international position?’ Lesson outline: Begins with retrieval practice questions on issues from 1918-1920s. Students then are given key words to study. Comprehension task recapping economic recovery, rentenmark, reichsmark, Dawes Plan, Young Plan. Students practice GCSE skill analysing a primary source answering a mock question. Investigation task into the main elements of Stresemann’s foreign policy: Locarno Pact, League of Nations and the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Analysis of the effect on domestic politics Writing task to consolidate knowledge on Stresemann. Key points recapped; teacher-led Plenary quiz
The Opium War - British Empire, Chinese History

The Opium War - British Empire, Chinese History

The aim of the lesson is for students to understand the Opium war, including the causes, course of the war, and the aftermath. It is useful as a stand-alone lesson on the Opium War, as part of a scheme of work on the British Empire, or on China** (which I have available :))** . The lesson begins with the students investigating a primary source - why is it there? What’s different about it? The lesson then recaps British activities elsewhere, i.e. plantations in North America Students investigate the multiple causes of the war A video shows the course of the war Students then investigate the aftermath of the war, with the British development of Hong Kong, ending with the recent pro-British/democracy protests (which raised many interesting questions amongst my students) The lesson ends with a GCSE 4 mark question, which I used as an assessment point. My students found this lesson really fascinating, I hope yours will, too!
Life in British America - British Empire, Colonialism, American History, Year 7, 8, 9

Life in British America - British Empire, Colonialism, American History, Year 7, 8, 9

In this lesson the students will find out about: Who colonised British America (nationality, religion) What challenges did they face (climate, religious strife, work) Where did their loyalties lie (leading to, how and why did the colonies rebel - please see my other lesson on the American Revolution) The investigation includes a writing task where students put themselves in the shoes of various types of new arrival (Middle Colony ship builder, New England Puritan, Southern slave) to empathaise with how each would feel.
POSTER Weimar and Nazi Germany EDEXCEL GCSE - Display

POSTER Weimar and Nazi Germany EDEXCEL GCSE - Display

A bold and eye-catching A3 poster for the ‘Weimar and Nazi Germany’ Modern Depth Study unit of Paper 3! Catch your students’ attention Advertise to KS3 Inform your Y10 & 11s of what’s comming Posters include information on what percentage of the course the paper is worth, what the key skills are, what questions they will face and how to answer them! I’ve received lots of compliments since the posters went up from colleagues and my Year 11s have found them invaluable! Enjoy!
Mao to Now - China History Bundle - Full Scheme of Work SoW

Mao to Now - China History Bundle - Full Scheme of Work SoW

3 Resources
This set of lessons could form a mini Scheme of Work on modern China or slot in as a part of a Cold War SoW. Lesson 1: How did Chairman Mao change China? This lesson looks at the Centruy of Humiliation then goes on to look at how Mao set about to deal with the problems China was facing after 1949. Lesson 2: Mao’s China: The Cultural Revolution This lesson looks at the Great Leap Forward and the Great Famine which gives contextual information for the students to understand what was the Cultural Revolution, and what was the impact. Lesson 3: Deng Xiaoping, Tiananmen Square, Opening Up and Reform This lesson looks at how Deng ended the Cultural Revolution and implemented a more pragmatic economic policy. The lesson then goes on to look at how this was misinterpreted and led to the pro-democracy movement - and the subsequent Tiananmen Square Massacre. The lesson goes up to the current day giving students a rich understanding of China’s place in the world. All of the lessons can be split in half, meaning there could be 6 lessons worth of content. All of the lessons are fully resourced, including PPTs, embedded videos and worksheets/print-offs.
How did Chairman Mao Change China? - Full Lesson

How did Chairman Mao Change China? - Full Lesson

The aim of the lesson is for the students to judge how much Chairman Mao Zedong changed China. It is useful as a stand-alone lesson on China, as part of a greater Cold War scheme of work, or in conjunction with my other China lessons (where this forms the first part). Lesson begins with a source analysis of the carving up of China. Then students’ knowledge of China is discussed with a Round Robin activity. Students will then learn about the background of Communism in China, with the Century of Humiliation (including colonisation, the Opium Wars and China in WWII) being analysed. The main task is looking at the problems the ‘New China’ faced and how Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist Party set about fixing them. This looks at economic growth in the First and Second Five Year Plans, analyses GDP growth and military threats to China, including the Korean War and US involvement in Vietnam. The lesson concludes with an extended writing activity with the students writing about the changes they have seen under the leadership of the CCP in a letter; allowing students to make their own assumptions and judgements on the class content. Some key words and phrases from the lesson: Century of Humiliation Opium War Ideology Economy Five Year Plan GDP Korean War Vietnam War This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing.
POSTER Early Elizabethan England EDEXCEL GCSE - Display

POSTER Early Elizabethan England EDEXCEL GCSE - Display

A bold and eye-catching A3 poser for the ‘Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88’ British Depth Study unit of Paper2! Catch your students’ attention Advertise to KS3 Inform your Y10 & 11s of what’s comming Posters include information on what percentage of the course the paper is worth, what the key skills are, what questions they will face and how to answer them! I’ve received lots of compliments since the posters went up from colleagues and my Year 11s have found them invaluable! Enjoy!
POSTER British America 1713-83 EDEXCEL GCSE - Display

POSTER British America 1713-83 EDEXCEL GCSE - Display

A bold and eye-catching A3 poster of the Period Study ‘British America, 1713-83’ Paper 2 unit! Catch your students’ attention Advertise to KS3 Inform your Y10 & 11s of what’s comming Posters include information on what percentage of the course the paper is worth, what the key skills are, what questions they will face and how to answer them! I’ve received lots of compliments since the posters went up from colleagues and my Year 11s have found them invaluable! Enjoy!
POSTER Medicine Through Time EDEXCEL GCSE - Display

POSTER Medicine Through Time EDEXCEL GCSE - Display

2x A3 bold and eye-catching posters for both parts of the thematic study Paper 1! Catch your students’ attention Advertise to KS3 Inform your Y10 & 11s of what’s comming Posters include information on what percentage of the course the paper is worth, what the key skills are, what questions they will face and how to answer them! I’ve received lots of compliments since the posters went up from colleagues and my Year 11s have found them invaluable! Enjoy!
Deng Xiaoping, Tiananmen Square and Opening up and Reform - Full Lesson

Deng Xiaoping, Tiananmen Square and Opening up and Reform - Full Lesson

This lesson focuses on China under Deng Xiaoping. Focusing on the economic changes Kaifang Gaige (Opening up and Reform), the Tiananmen Square Massacre (6/4) and finishes with a look at modern China. It is useful as a stand-alone lesson on China, as part of a greater Cold War scheme of work, or in conjunction with my other China lessons (where this forms the third part). This lesson can be taught in one or spread over two. Lesson begins with the students making predictions about how and why Shenzhen grew so much. Students then recap/get background information on the Cultural Revolution. Students will then investigate a quote by Deng Xiaoping and make a hypothesis on how he will run China. The policies of Opening Up and Reform are then discussed, with links to the USSR, and then the effects are analysed, numeracy task. Students then learn about the democracy movement, including the Tiananmen Square Massacre and its aftermath. Finally students look at modern China and understand the economic and soft-power China possesses today. Some key words and phrases from the lesson: Cultural Revolution, Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping, economic, development, Opening Up, Reform, Kaifang, Gaige, Glasnost, Perestroika, Tiananmen Square Massacre, democracy, GDP, Huawei, Tiktok This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing, including an extension exercise if needed.
MLK and the Civil Rights Movement - Black History

MLK and the Civil Rights Movement - Black History

In this pick-up-and-go lesson, your students will learn about how Dr Martin Luther King Jr. led the Civil Rights movement to enormous victories over inequality in the USA. The lesson begins with the students tackling a philosophical question. Students then share what knowledge they already have on Rosa Parks and MLK Students will then look at the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) and evaluate the role Parks and MLK played in it. Students will then complete an investigation into the March on Washington (1963) Knowledge is checked with a ‘true or false’ game Knowledge is consolidated with students completing a word cloud My students love this lesson, and I hope that yours will, too!
Introduction to GCSE History - Edexcel

Introduction to GCSE History - Edexcel

This fully-editable PPT introduces the Edexcel GCSE History curriculum, outlining each of the three papers. Sets presentation and behaviour standards, as well as a guide to studying. If you like this lesson, please check out my others! Enjoy :)