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CIE History Part 1: Unit 1 Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair? IGCSE Cambridge GCSE
This bundle contains five lessons covering the first section of Part 1 (Inter-War Years), 1. Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair?
Lessons include:
WW1 Recap
Aims of the Big Three
The Treaty of Versailles
German reaction to the ToV
Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair?

CIE IGCSE Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair? GCSE
The aim of this lesson is for students to understand and investigate the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
This lesson is the fifth and final lesson of ‘Part 1’ covering the Inter-war Years 1918-39 for the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. It also works for other exam boards that examine the Treaty of Versailles.
Lesson begins with retrieval practice on the aims of the ‘Big Three’, the Kapp Putsch and hyperfinflation.
Students recap information on the Treaty of Versailles.
Students work together to analyse sources to come up with a decision as to whether the Treaty of Versailles was fair or not.
The class will be split in half, they will work together to come up with an argument to support the Treaty being ‘fair’ or ‘unfair’. Students will be chosen to give the opening speech, with the audience then challenging them with questions from the floor.
Students complete the 9-mark IGCSE question studying six sources.
Students are taught how to make flashcards and there is a slide to set this as their homework.
This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing.
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CIE IGCSE History League of Nations Weaknesses
The aim of this lesson is to investigate the weaknesses in the structure, organisation and membership of the League of Nations.
This lesson is the first lesson of Section 2 “To what extent was the League of Nations a Success” in ‘Part 1’ covering the Inter-war Years 1918-39 for the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. It also works for other exam boards that examine the League of Nations.
Lesson begins with a retrieval practice on the Treaty of Versailles and the crises caused by it in Germany.
Students will make a hypothesis on how successful the League of Nations will be in the 1920s.
Students complete a source analysis exercise with guided help from the teacher.
Students consider the impact of, and reasoning for, the USA deciding not to join the League.
Students analyse the ‘Keystone USA’ source.
The lesson then introduces Article 10 of the LoN, students should consider the aims and enforcement of this article.
Membership and organisation is then discussed and the students are to investigate which LoN body is responsible for various issues.
The lessons concludes with a recap of the key information from the lesson.
Some key words and phrases from the lesson:
League of Nations
This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing.
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CIE IGCSE German Reaction to Versailles GCSE
The aim of this lesson is for students to understand the German reaction to the Treaty of Versailles.
This lesson is the fourth lesson of ‘Part 1’ covering the Inter-war Years 1918-39 for the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. It also works for other exam boards that examine the Treaty of Versailles.
Lesson begins with a source analysis task of German reaction to the Treaty.
Students then investigate the German criticisms of the Treaty, working in pairs, reading through and organising statements from a print-out A3 sheet.
The three main consequences: Kapp Putsch, Ruhr Crisis and Hyperinflation are then investigated, through video, card sort and source analysis activities.
Students complete an extended writing task on the Treaty analysing the political, economic and social impacts.
The lessons concludes with a recap of the key information from the lesson.
Some key words and phrases from the lesson:
This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing.
Font: Segoe Print

CIE IGCSE Treaty of Versailles GCSE
The aim of this lesson is for students to understand and investigate the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
This lesson is the third lesson of ‘Part 1’ covering the Inter-war Years 1918-39 for the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. It also works for other exam boards that examine the Treaty of Versailles.
Lesson begins with retrieval practice on the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and the ‘Big Three’s’ aims.
Students are given information on each of the key sections of the Treaty, and have to think about how could each part be viewed as fair or unfair.
Students work together to in threes, with each taking the role of one leader, to decide how pleased/unpleased they would be with the Treaty.
Students complete an extended writing task on the Treaty.
Students make a decision - how fair was the Treaty?
The lessons concludes with a recap of the key information from the lesson.
Some key words and phrases from the lesson:
Demilitarised Zone
This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing.
Font: Segoe Print

CIE IGCSE Big Three Aims Treaty of Versailles GCSE
The aim of this lesson is for students to understand the differing aims of the ‘Big Three’ at the Paris Peace Conference.
This lesson is the second lesson of ‘Part 1’ covering the Inter-war Years 1918-39 for the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. It also works for other exam boards that examine the Treaty of Versailles.
The lesson begins with the students coming up with their own peace treaty to offer Germany.
Students are given a background on the other peace treaties decided in Paris.
Students investigate the aims of Britain, France and the USA and their attitude towards Germany. This is done by the students reading a key information sheets, highlighting those sheets for SPEND (statistics, places, events, names, dates) and completing a table.
Student work is checked and reviewed as a class with answers displayed on the board.
Source analysis is introduced to the students, with an example being completed as a class.
Students then analyse two sources and answer two GCSE-style questions.
Specific points of difference between the leaders are analysed before the students read a list of statements and have to decide who best said each.
The lessons concludes with a recap of the key information from the lesson.
Some key words and phrases from the lesson:
This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing.
Font: Segoe Print

CIE IGCSE World War One Recap & Introduction GCSE
The aim of this lesson is for students to understand the cost of the First World War and why the ‘Big Three’ had competing ideas on how to deal with Germany.
This lesson is the first lesson of ‘Part 1’ covering the Inter-war Years 1918-39 for the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum. It also works for other exam boards that examine the background to the Treaty of Versailles.
Lesson begins with an overview of Part 1.
Students work together to recall information about WWI.
Students work together to complete a research task on WWI covering: alliance groups, casualty numbers by nation, location of fighting, new technologies, reasons for the German defeat and the date of the armistice.
The role of the Royal Navy blockade - along with battlefield defeats - is analysed with the focus being that Germany was a clearly defeated nation, thus laying the ground to discuss the ‘stab-in-the-back’ myth in later lessons.
Students are then introduced to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Adding another dimension to why Germany could not expect a ‘fair’ deal.
Students will then complete a writing task, practicing the P-E-E writing style in answer to three questions from the learning of the day.
The lessons concludes with a recap of the key information from the lesson.
Some key words and phrases from the lesson:
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint as well as documents for printing.
Font: Segoe Print

Chinese New Year - Year of the Horse 2026
Made with my KS3 students in mind, but great for students of all ages and assemblies.
Enjoy - if you like it 5* are appreciated!
新年快了,万事如意 !

Chinese New Year 2025 - Year of the Snake Spring Festival
Made with my KS3 students in mind, but great for students of all ages and assemblies.
Enjoy - if you like it 5* are appreciated!
新年快了,万事如意 !

MLK and the Civil Rights Movement - Black History
In this pick-up-and-go lesson, your students will learn about how Dr Martin Luther King Jr. led the Civil Rights movement to enormous victories over inequality in the USA.
The lesson begins with the students tackling a philosophical question.
Students then share what knowledge they already have on Rosa Parks and MLK
Students will then look at the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) and evaluate the role Parks and MLK played in it.
Students will then complete an investigation into the March on Washington (1963)
Knowledge is checked with a ‘true or false’ game
Knowledge is consolidated with students completing a word cloud
My students love this lesson, and I hope that yours will, too!

Life in British America - British Empire, Colonialism, American History, Year 7, 8, 9
In this lesson the students will find out about:
Who colonised British America (nationality, religion)
What challenges did they face (climate, religious strife, work)
Where did their loyalties lie (leading to, how and why did the colonies rebel - please see my other lesson on the American Revolution)
The investigation includes a writing task where students put themselves in the shoes of various types of new arrival (Middle Colony ship builder, New England Puritan, Southern slave) to empathaise with how each would feel.

Edexcel GCSE History: 2.1 Plots and Revolts at Home. Early Elizabethan England Unit 1
GCSE EDEXCEL History: Option B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Unit 2: Challenges to Elizabeth, at Home and Abroad, 1569-88
This lesson is the first in Unit 2. The powerpoint is split into two separate lessons, with a stand-alone lesson on the Revolt of the Northern Earls and the second on the three plots (Ridolfi, Throckmorton and Babington)

Early Elizabethan England: Unit 1 COMPLETE. History GCSE Edexcel
This bundle includes fully resourced lessons covering sections 1.1-1.4 of the GCSE Edexcel Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88 paper.

Edexcel GCSE History: 1.4 The Problem of Mary, Queen of Scots. Early Elizabethan England Unit 1
GCSE EDEXCEL History: Option B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Unit 1: Queen, government and religion, 1558–69
This lesson covers the fourth and final subsection of Unit 1 (Queen, Government and Religion, 1558-69)
Details of lesson:
The first lesson begins with a RP literacy exercise. Key words are then explicitly taught to embed key learning.
Students recap Elizabeth’s problems.
Students investigate who Mary QoS was, and why she was a problem, with students forming links with, and building on, prior knowledge.
Knowledge is consolidated with the ‘in a nutshell’ section, where the teacher can address any misconceptions and reiterate key points.
The lesson finishes with a low-stakes quick.

Edexcel GCSE History: 1.3 Challenge to the Religious Settlement. Early Elizabethan England Unit 1
GCSE EDEXCEL History: Option B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Unit 1: Queen, government and religion, 1558–69
This lesson covers the third subsection of Unit 1 (Queen, Government and Religion, 1558-69)
Details of lesson:
This lesson splits the topic into two sections: foreign threats and domestic threats with a separate lesson on each - both lessons are included in this PPT.
The first lesson begins with a RP literacy exercise. Key words are then explicitly taught to embed key learning.
Students then investigate the counter-Reformation and its effects in France, the Netherlands and for relations with France. This knowledge is then put into practice with an extended writing task.
The second lesson begins with an RP quiz followed by key words.
The crucifix and vestment controversies are then taught with the students making informed hypotheses and practicing essay writing skills.
The lesson continues to give a detailed introduction to the Revolt of the Northern Earls, links are made to future lessons.
Knowledge is consolidated with the ‘in a nutshell’ section, where the teacher can address any misconceptions and reiterate key points.
The lesson finishes with a low-stakes quick.

Edexcel GCSE History: 1.2 The Settlement of Religion. Early Elizabethan England Unit 1
GCSE EDEXCEL History: Option B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Unit 1: Queen, government and religion, 1558–69
This lesson covers the second subsection of Unit 1 (Queen, Government and Religion, 1558-69)
Details of lesson:
This lesson has been designed to be taught over two lessons.
The lesson begins with a Retrieval Practice quick to immediately engage students in learning once they enter the classroom.
The first section of the lesson recaps learning from the previous lesson, giving time for the teacher to identify gaps in student knowledge and entrench key ideas.
Students are given an overview of the key differences between Catholicism and Protestantism. The information is then taken away and the students have to complete the word-fill exercise from memory.
The religious situation in England is investigated with the students carefully plotting a map of England.
Key words for this unit are taught with the students working together to pair the word with the definition.
The three sections of the Religious Settlement are to be printed off and cut up they should be hidden around the room. Students will then go on a treasure hunt to find the missing pieces, put them together and write a report on the Settlement.
This knowledge is then practices with a GCSE question.
Reaction to the Settlement is investigated, ties to future lessons can be made here.
Knowledge is consolidated with the ‘in a nutshell’ section, where the teacher can address any misconceptions and reiterate key points.

Edexcel GCSE History: 1.1 The situation on Elizabeth's accession. Early Elizabethan England Unit 1
GCSE EDEXCEL History: Option B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Unit 1: Queen, government and religion, 1558–69
This lesson covers the first subsection of Unit 1 (Queen, Government and Religion, 1558-69)
Details of lesson:
This lesson can be taught over one or two sessions.
The lesson covers the content of this part of Paper 2.
Retrieval Practice is embedded in the start with students thinking hard on prior knowledge independently, this is then reinforced with a set of RP questions to trigger deeper learning.
Key words are taught explicitly to embed learning.
Students will then engage in an independent sorting activity on Elizabethan society, followed by a word fill of a model paragraph.
Students will research court and religion with questions and guidance to ensure that their focus on the text is maintained and pointed in the correct direction.
Knowledge is consolidated with the ‘in a nutshell’ section, where the teacher can address any misconceptions and reiterate key points.
The lesson finishes with a low-stakes quiz.
I hope you enjoy this lesson and will use my other lessons in future!

Jamestown: Britain's First Colony - British America
Lesson objective: For students to understand that Britain formed the first colony in what would become the USA, understand what life was like in the colony and reasons for colonisation.
It is useful as a stand-alone lesson on early America, or as part of a greater scheme of work on America, slavery, civil rights or the British Empire. The lesson was designed to act as a KS3 primer for the Edexcel GCSE Early Elizabethan England and British America, 1713 - 1783 modules.
The lesson gives an overview of the 13 colonies, includes problems solving and mystery around the Roanoke colony, deep thinking on Jamestown and includes a creative activity where students create their own American colony.
This is a fully resourced lesson including a PowerPoint and embedded videos.

Introduction to GCSE History - Edexcel
This fully-editable PPT introduces the Edexcel GCSE History curriculum, outlining each of the three papers. Sets presentation and behaviour standards, as well as a guide to studying.
If you like this lesson, please check out my others!
Enjoy :)

POSTER Weimar and Nazi Germany EDEXCEL GCSE - Display
A bold and eye-catching A3 poster for the ‘Weimar and Nazi Germany’ Modern Depth Study unit of Paper 3!
Catch your students’ attention
Advertise to KS3
Inform your Y10 & 11s of what’s comming
Posters include information on what percentage of the course the paper is worth, what the key skills are, what questions they will face and how to answer them!
I’ve received lots of compliments since the posters went up from colleagues and my Year 11s have found them invaluable!