Hero image




Blood Brothers - history and brief opening

Blood Brothers - history and brief opening

A brief look at the historical context and the opening of the play Blood Brothers. Mini tasks and note taking lesson. *Please note that the video is not part of the sale but can be found at the following address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmilgSuIfv0
Functional skills - Informative writing Roman Britain

Functional skills - Informative writing Roman Britain

Informative writing lesson based around Roman Britain. I like to use the BBC teach video and give them time to research themselves for this one. Please note that the video is not part of the sale and can be found but can be found at the following address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN_x9o8MV1o
AQA Paper 2 Pakistani floods Q1-5

AQA Paper 2 Pakistani floods Q1-5

Power point and resource sheets for 2 -3 lessons (mine are an hour and a half) based around the summer 2022 floods in Pakistan. *the videos do not form any part of the sale and can both be found on youtube at the following addresses: UNICEF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8om9fJUZ1o News cast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IySOsUczivk If you like these you may wish to look at some of my other paper 2 papers such as: -Jack and Tag https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-paper-2-tag-and-pillory-12728130 Paddy the Baddy https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/paddy-the-baddy-paper-2-men-and-mental-health-12751165 The hanging coffins of the Bo people https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/hanging-coffins-of-the-bo-people-aqa-paper-2-eng-language-12731970
History of swearing AQA paper 2

History of swearing AQA paper 2

Paper 2 style lesson. As the title suggests it looks at the origins and effects of swearing - there is nothing out right in the lesson it is more implied but it may not be suitable for all groups. 2 text are both modern (for the ease of my own students to break them in) *the videos do not form part of the sale and can be found at the following links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDCZ5Q0EG5E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q42-oUHUviM0
A Monster Calls Paper 1 Question 2

A Monster Calls Paper 1 Question 2

AQA paper based around the opening of the text. *Please note that the videos are from youtube and do not form part of the sale but can be found at the following addresses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_dE68iUg-k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXuXzmfEW_0
'The Soldier' Annotations

'The Soldier' Annotations

Poem annotations. The annotations are a mix of my own and found on various other sources. I have used these before as catch-up notes and revision
'The Manhunt' Annotations

'The Manhunt' Annotations

Poem annotations. The annotations are a mix of my own and found on various other sources. I have used these before as catch-up notes and revision
'Sonnet 43' annotations

'Sonnet 43' annotations

Poem annotations. The annotations are a mix of my own and found on various other sources. I have used these before as catch-up notes and revision.
Reading log activities

Reading log activities

Reading log activities. I have worked on these for year & and 8 in their library lessons but there is no reason why they couldn’t be used for younger years or older.
reading book log

reading book log

“Reading Log Activities” contains various reading-related activities to track and reflect on books. It includes: A-Z Book Tracker – A list where the reader fills in books they have read, starting with each letter of the alphabet. Book Tracker – A numerical system where the reader colors in a box for each book read, with an option to add the date completed. World Map Activity – A map for readers to mark the locations where books they have read are set or written. Battle of the Books – No details provided, but it likely involves a competition or challenge related to reading. Reading Log Entries – Multiple structured templates for recording book details: Title Date Pages read Whether they read at home or school Predictions at the start Midway comments Final recommendation notes Its a structured reading journal, likely for students or avid readers who want to track their progress and engage with their books actively