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IB Psychology | A-Level AQA Psychology | A-Level AQA Sociology | BTEC Health and Social Care | KS3 RE (Buddhism) | EPQ




IB Psychology | A-Level AQA Psychology | A-Level AQA Sociology | BTEC Health and Social Care | KS3 RE (Buddhism) | EPQ
AQA Sociology - Families and Households -  Childhood

AQA Sociology - Families and Households - Childhood

Include 36 slides to support the ‘childhood’ subtopic of Families and Households. The notes include various links to videos, sources or articles. Contemporary links included that aren’t covered in the textbook. 2 exam questions included. 1 slide includes a 2-week project for the ‘changing family patterns’ subtopic.
AQA Sociology - Families and Households - perspectives 7 lessons

AQA Sociology - Families and Households - perspectives 7 lessons

87 slides Covers: Families Vs Households Conflict Vs Consensus theories Functionalism (Murdock & Parsons) Marxism (Engels & Zaretsky) Feminism x4 (Somerville, Greer, Ansley) New Right (Murray) Personal Life Perspective (Smart & Nordqvist) Includes relevant AO2 and links to articles/videos in the notes. Includes tasks to complete. Dyslexia friendly. Used alongside the Naprier Press workbooks (available online for fre)
AQA Sociology - Families and Households - Social Policy

AQA Sociology - Families and Households - Social Policy

18 slides to support the Social Policy section of Families and Households. Wider reading and resources added Eg. Surveillance state and various other gender regimes. There are two large tasks where students can research into one cross-cultural social policy in-depth and a second where students can research into current politics and British Social Policies (both tasks attached)
[AQA '15] Psych. Trivial Pursuit Revision Game.

[AQA '15] Psych. Trivial Pursuit Revision Game.

You will need: A printer, counters and dice. Included is the game board (A3) 18 Q&A cards and 6 blank Q&A cards (12 per A4) Cut out the Question cards and stick the answers to the back. This only covers the topics in Year 1 (Social Influence, Memory, Attachment, Approaches, Psychopathology and Research Methods) but the cards are easy to amend for Year 1/2. This is a good revision or end of year activity - Get students into teams of your choice. Roll the dice, move your counter and answer the relevant colour question on the cards. The aim is to collect all the colours before your opponents and finish in the middle.
AQA Psychology - Guided Flashcard / Revision / Summary x8

AQA Psychology - Guided Flashcard / Revision / Summary x8

Created for the 2015 spec, but easy to adapt for 2025. A small selection of flashcards for Attachment, Approaches, Forensics, Schizophrenia, Biopsychology, Psychopathology, Issues and Debates and Research Methods. It guides pupils to create detailed flashcards by providing them with the content (question) and explains how to complete the reverse, and how to use flashcards. Purchase once, and you’ll have access to future updates and additions.
AQA Psychology Research Methods Year 1/2

AQA Psychology Research Methods Year 1/2

Includes: Workbook with activities and questions. Features of a science Peer Review and Psychology and the Economy Ethics Reliability and Validity Types of data and Levels of Measurement Correlation and Co-efficient Distribution of data / positive and negative skews Content analysis and thematic analysis Self-reporting Inferential statistics (The sign test and 7 others) ‘Design a study’ guide Exam questions for all areas. End of Topic test with Mark Scheme.
L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 10 (Sociological Perspectives) Whole unit

L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 10 (Sociological Perspectives) Whole unit

4 Powerpoints with various real-life application and tasks to support learning. Information is tailored towards gender, ethnicity and age which were our chosen social groups for the coursework. Additional sources and references in the notes with relevant pass criteria and specification match-up on every slide. If local to Addenbrookes Hospital, additional support is included. What’s included: An Intro to Sociology Social Institutions Sociological Perspectives The Biomedical model and 2 alternatives Concepts of health… Contemporary links throughout. LA.C / task 2 guide as it’s subjective to your local setting. Unit 10 guide - in student friendly language.
L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 4 (Enquiries into Research) - LA.A, B3, LA.C

L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 4 (Enquiries into Research) - LA.A, B3, LA.C

Updated for the new 2019 assessment. 4 powerpoints which cover all of LA.A, B3 (ethics) and all of LA.C Includes; Support and guidance for the external assessment. Links and wider reading in the notes. Various activities for engaging with contemporary research. Various links for students to use as research. U4 MOCK and Essay Structure Exemplar answers Pre-brief task.
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) starter pack

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) starter pack

This was created for the Edexcel EPQ from scratch, however can easily be adapted for AQA. Includes; EPQ 1 year plan/calendar. Handbook for students. ‘Role of the Supervisor’ guidance Taster lesson for Y11 or Y12 Summer transition work. For all of this, plus the taught lessons go here --> (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/l3-extended-project-qualification-whole-course-11962375)
L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 2 (Working in HSC) LA.B and LA.C

L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 2 (Working in HSC) LA.B and LA.C

BTEC Level 3 - Health and Social Care - Unit 2 - Learning Aim B and C Several lessons which walk through all of learning aim B and C and include several independent research tasks to consolidate and apply learning. Several examples of policies included and a learning aim C checklist. Revision recap sheets Exam command word structure guidance. All Exam questions currently available included.
AQA Psychology Approaches - FULL TOPIC - Year 1/2

AQA Psychology Approaches - FULL TOPIC - Year 1/2

Includes videos, wider reading and research methods incorporated throughout. workbook included. Revision materials included. Exemplar essays included. Detailed additional notes and links in the notes section of each slide.