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Damian Bohle's Shop

Average Rating4.63
(based on 17 reviews)

Tutor and author of apps and iBooks for high school science.




Tutor and author of apps and iBooks for high school science.
Gene Alleles and Heredity (Video)

Gene Alleles and Heredity (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining gene alleles and heredity: chromosome pairs are passed down from parents in sexual reproduction; dominant and recessive gene alleles; allele combinations for gene expression in the phenotype; sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, and polydactyly as examples; homozygous and heterozygous genotypes; using Punnett squares and genetic cross diagrams to determine probable outcomes. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Electrolysis of Brine (Video)

Electrolysis of Brine (Video)

A short video/audio guide covering the basics of electrolysis: electricity can decompose ionic compounds into elements; useful elements in brine, e.g. chlorine for PVC; negative ions give up electrons at the anode, positive ions take up electrons at the cathode; half equations of oxidation/reduction; chlorine and hydrogen molecules are discharged as gases; remaining solution is NaOH, a useful industrial substance. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Genes, DNA and Chromosomes (Video)

Genes, DNA and Chromosomes (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the essentials of genetics: the role of genes, chromosome structure, DNA, cell cloning and specialisation, sexual reproduction, X and Y gametes, variation. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Genes, DNA and Chromosomes (Video)

Genes, DNA and Chromosomes (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the essentials of genetics: the role of genes, chromosome structure, DNA, cell cloning and specialisation, sexual reproduction, X and Y gametes, variation. Designed for test prep, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Evolution by Natural Selection (Video)

Evolution by Natural Selection (Video)

A short video/audio guide covering the essentials of this topic: including variation, competition, adaptation, survival of the 'best adapted', isolation, speciation, Darwin's finches, the fossil record, pentadactyl limbs, Lamarck's theory, chance mutations in giraffe necks. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
The Nitrogen Cycle (Video)

The Nitrogen Cycle (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the nitrogen cycle: N2 in the atmosphere is inert; nitrogen-fixing bacteria and decomposition produce ammonia/ammonium; fixation can also occur with lightning; nitrifying bacteria produce nitrates; nitrates enter the food chain through plants; denitrifying bacteria return some N2 to the air. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
The Carbon Cycle (Video)

The Carbon Cycle (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the carbon cycle. The animation carefully deals with all the concepts involved, systematically taking students through the standard diagram via an animated sequence describing photosynthesis, feeding, respiration, decomposition, fossilization, combustion. Designed for test prep, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Emulsions (Video)

Emulsions (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the basics of emulsions: cooking oil, water and washing-up liquid as an example; hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics of emulsifiers; typical emulsions; health questions about food additives. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Atomic Structure and Ionic Bonding (Video)

Atomic Structure and Ionic Bonding (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the essentials of atomic structure and ionic bonding, using sodium chloride as an example. Ideas covered include: atomic numbers, groups in the Periodic Table, electron shells, stability of noble gases, transfer of electrons, electrostatic force of attraction, giant lattice structure. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
The National Grid (Video)

The National Grid (Video)

A short video/audio guide covering the basics of the National Grid: collisions of free electrons in metal wires heats the wire; energy is lost in transmission; power = voltage x current; step-up and step-down transformers; turns ratio calculations. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Metals (Video)

Metals (Video)

A short video/audio guide covering the basics of metals: properties and uses, the reactivity series, extraction methods (heating with carbon/electrolysis), precious metals. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Basics of Waves (Video)

Basics of Waves (Video)

A short video/audio guide covering the basics of waves: e.g. oscillations, energy transfer, radiation; difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves; different waves of the electromagnetic spectrum, their uses and hazards; transverse and longitudinal waves; compression and rarefaction; calculations of speed/frequency/wavelength. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Combustion (Video)

Combustion (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the essentials of combustion: exothermic reactions of short-chain hydrocarbons, complete and incomplete combustion, consequences of combustion (carbon monoxide, soot, acid rain, global warming), catalytic converters. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Cracking and Polymerisation (Video)

Cracking and Polymerisation (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the essentials of cracking and polymerisation: e.g. cracking decane to produce octane and ethene; the bromine test; polymerisation of propylene; properties and uses of HDPE and LDPE. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Red Shift and The Doppler Effect (Video)

Red Shift and The Doppler Effect (Video)

A short video/audio guide to red shift and the Doppler effect: red shift in the light from distant galaxies; Doppler effect of an ambulance siren (speed of sound in air, pitch/frequency, wavelength); red shift as evidence for the Big Bang; also CMBR. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Energy Transfer and Energy Efficiency (Video)

Energy Transfer and Energy Efficiency (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the basics of energy transfer: energy is stored in different forms, transferring energy changes its form; law of conservation of energy; Sankey diagrams; inefficiencies in power stations; equation of energy efficiency. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Osmoregulation (Video)

Osmoregulation (Video)

A short video/audio guide that gets straight to the essence of this topic: the role of the kidneys, ADH, negative feedback etc. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Thermoregulation (Video)

Thermoregulation (Video)

A short video/audio guide that gets straight to the essence of this topic: the roles in thermoregulation of the hypothalamus, sweating, blood vessels, hair on the skin, negative feedback. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Controlling Blood Glucose (Video)

Controlling Blood Glucose (Video)

A short video/audio guide that gets straight to the essence of this topic: how blood glucose levels are controlled by the pancreas via insulin, glucagon, and negative feedback. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.
Food Chains and Food Webs (Video)

Food Chains and Food Webs (Video)

A short video/audio guide explaining the interactions and dependencies in food chains and food webs. Designed for GCSE revision, this high res animation is comprehensive in its coverage, and can also be used on a large screen as your main teaching resource for the topic.