A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
This is a fully-resourced revision lesson, that is likely to be most effective when used over the course of a series of lessons, and has been designed to help students to revise and assess their knowledge of the content that is found in topics P4 (Waves and radioactivity), P5(Energy) and P6 (Global challenges) of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science specification. This is the content that will be assessed in paper 6 in the terminal exams.
This revision lesson uses a combination of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to cover the following sub-topics and specification points:
Wave behaviour
The electromagnetic spectrum
Work done
Power and efficiency
Physics on the move
Powering Earth
This lesson contains a big emphasis on the mathematical calculations that will be involved in these exams, and as a result students are challenged to recall the equations and to apply them.
Students will be engaged through the numerous quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which require their further attention during general revision or during the lead up to the actual GCSE terminal exams. A lot of the tasks have been differentiated so that students of all abilities can access the work and be challenged appropriately.
This is a fully-resourced revision lesson that uses a combination of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the content found within Physics Topic 1 (Key concepts in Physics) of the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science specification. Topic 1 is common to both Paper 5 and 6 and therefore will be tested in both of these exams.
The sub-topics and specification points that are tested within the lesson include:
Recall and use the SI units for the physical quantities
Recall and use multiples and sub-multiples of units, including giga, mega, kilo, centi, milli, micro and nano
Be able to convert between different units, including hours to seconds
Use significant figures and standard form where appropriate
Students will be engaged through the numerous quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which require their further attention during general revision or during the lead up to the actual GCSE terminal exams
This is a fully-resourced revision lesson that uses a combination of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the content found within topic 5 (Waves in matter) of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Physics specification.
The sub-topics and specification points that are tested within the lesson include:
Recall and apply the equation to calculate wave speed using frequency and wavelength
Describe wave motion in terms of amplitude, frequency, wavelength and period
Define wavelength and frequency and be able to describe and apply the relationship between these and the wave velocity
Describe differences between transverse and longitudinal waves
Describe reflection and transmission of waves at material interface
Understand how waves are used in ultrasound and SONAR
Be able to describe how a ripple tank can be used to measure the speed of a wave
The electromagnetic spectrum
Use ray diagrams to show refraction
This revision lesson has been designed to include the wide variety of mathematical skills that are tested in the Physics exam papers including rearranging formula, converting to S.I. units and calculating using standard form.
Students will be engaged through the numerous quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which require their further attention during general revision or during the lead up to the actual GCSE terminal exams
This bundle of 5 engaging and motivating lesson presentations and associated worksheets have been designed to encourage students to assess their knowledge of the Physics topics which will be tested in Paper 5 of the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science course . This will allow them to recognise those areas which need further attention during revision periods.
The lessons use a range of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to cover the content in P1 (Key concepts in Physics), P2 (Motion and forces), P3 (Conservation of energy), P4 (Waves), P5 (Light and the EM spectrum) and P6 (Radioactivity)
This bundle contains 2 fully-resourced revision lessons which have been designed to challenge students to assess their understanding of the content in all of the Physics modules of the OCR Gateway A Combined Science specification.
Due to the detail involved in each of these lessons, it is likely that each of them will run over a series of lessons. During that time, students will recognise what they know in modules P1 (Matter), P2 (Forces), P3 (Electricity and magnetism), P4 (Waves and radioactivity), P5 (Energy) and P6 (Global challenges) and more importantly what they don’t know so that this can be revisited.
This is an engaging revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions, understanding checks, quiz tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the content within topic 3 (Properties of waves, including light and sound) of the Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625) specification. The lesson covers the content in both the core and supplement sections of the specification and therefore can be used with students who will be taking the extended papers as well as the core papers.
The specification points that are covered in this revision lesson include:
Give the meaning of the terms speed, frequency, wavelength and amplitude
Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves and be able to give suitable examples of each
Recall and use the equation velocity = frequency x wavelength
Describe how waves can undergo reflection, refraction and diffraction
Describe how wavelength affects diffraction
Describe an experimental demonstration of the refraction of light
Be able to define refractive index and recall the equation to calculate
Give the meaning of the critical angle and recall the equation to calculate
Describe total internal reflection and be able to explain the use of optical fibres in medicine
The electromagnetic spectrum
Describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves
State the approximate range of audible frequencies for a healthy human
Show an understanding of the term ultrasound
Describe an experiment to determine the speed of sound in air
The students will thoroughly enjoy the range of activities, which include quiz competitions such as “Should you WAVE goodbye” where they have to decide if a passage is 100% factually correct or not whilst crucially being able to recognise the areas of this topic which need their further attention. This lesson can be used as revision resource at the end of the topic or in the lead up to mocks or the actual GCSE exams.
This is a detailed and engaging REVISION lesson which uses a range of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the content within topic 3 (Waves) of the Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Physics 9-1 specification (4PH1) for first assessment in June 2019.
The specification points that are covered in this revision lesson include:
Use the following units: degree (°), hertz (Hz), metre (m), metre/second (m/s) and second (s)
Explain the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves
Know the definitions of amplitude, frequency, wavelength and period of a wave
Know and use the relationship between the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave
Use the relationship between frequency and time period
Explain that all waves can be reflected and refracted
Know that light is part of a continuous electromagnetic spectrum that includes radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma ray radiations and that all these waves travel at the same speed in free space
Know the order of the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of decreasing wavelength and increasing frequency, including the colours of the visible spectrum
Explain some of the uses of electromagnetic radiations
Draw ray diagrams to illustrate refraction
Know and use the relationship between refractive index, angle of incidence and angle of refraction
Describe the role of total internal reflection in transmitting information along optical fibres and in prisms
Explain the meaning of critical angle c
Know and use the relationship between critical angle and refractive index
Know that sound waves are longitudinal waves which can be reflected and refracted
Know that the frequency range for human hearing is 20–20 000 Hz
Understand how the loudness of a sound relates to the amplitude of vibration of the source
The students will thoroughly enjoy the range of activities, which include quiz competitions such as “Should you WAVE goodbye” where they have to decide whether a passage about a sub-topic of waves is completely correct whilst all the time evaluating and assessing which areas of this topic will need their further attention. This lesson can be used as revision resource at the end of the topic or in the lead up to mocks or the actual International GCSE exams
This is a fully-resourced REVISION lesson which uses a range of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the content within topic 7 (Magnetism and electromagnetism) of the AQA GCSE Physics (8463) specification.
The specification points that are covered in this revision lesson include:
Poles of a magnet
Fleming’s left hand rule
Electric motors
Of all of the Physics topics, this one tends to be one of the least well understood. Therefore, time has been taken to not only make this an engaging revision lesson but to go into detail on some of the topics which are commonly assessed in the exams.
This lesson can be used as revision resource at the end of the topic or in the lead up to mocks or the actual GCSE exams
This bundle of 7 fully-resourced REVISION lessons have been designed to engage students whilst they assess their knowledge of the following topics that are covered in the OCR Gateway A GCSE Physics specification:
Topic 1: Matter
Topic 2: Forces
Topic 3: Electricity
Topic 4: Magnetism and magnetic fields
Topic 5: Waves in matter
Topic 6: Radioactivity
Topic 8: Global challenges
Each of the lessons have been written to include a range of activities which include differentiated tasks, exam questions (with clearly explained answers) and quiz competitions. Teachers can use these lessons with their students when they reach the end of a topic, in the lead up to the mocks or in the lead up to the actual GCSE exams.
This REVISION lesson contains an engaging powerpoint (45 slides) and is fully-resourced with associated worksheets. The lesson uses a range of activities which include exam questions (with displayed answers), differentiated tasks and quiz competitions to engage students whilst they assess their knowledge of the content that is found within topics P12 (Magnetism and the motor effect) and P13 (Electromagnetic induction) of the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science specification. Generally, these topics are poorly understood by students but are regularly assessed through questions in the GCSE exams and so time has been taken to design the lesson so that the key points are covered and common misconceptions addressed.
The following specification points are covered in this lesson:
Recall that unlike magnetic poles attract and like magnetic poles repel
Explain the difference between permanent and induced magnets
Describe the use of plotting compasses to show the shape and direction of the field of a magnet and the Earth’s magnetic field
Explain how the behaviour of a magnetic compass is related to evidence that the core of the Earth must be magnetic
Explain that magnetic forces are due to interactions between magnetic fields
Recall and use Fleming’s left-hand rule to represent the relative directions of the force, the current and the magnetic field for cases where they are mutually perpendicular
Use the equation which connects force on a conductor, magnetic flux density, current and length
Recall that a transformer can change the size of an alternating voltage
Explain why, in the national grid, electrical energy is transferred at high voltages from power stations, and then transferred at lower voltages in each locality for domestic uses as it improves the efficiency by reducing heat loss in transmission lines
Explain where and why step-up and step-down transformers are used in the transmission of electricity in the national grid
Use the power equation (for transformers with 100% efficiency)
This lesson is suitable for use throughout the duration of the GCSE course, as an end of topic revision lesson or as a lesson in the lead up to mocks or the actual GCSE exams
This is a concise REVISION lesson that contains an engaging powerpoint (43 slides) and associated worksheets. The lesson uses a range of activities which include exam questions (with displayed answers), differentiated tasks and quiz competitions to engage students whilst they assess their knowledge of the content that is found within topic P8 (Space Physics) of the AQA 9-1 GCSE Physics specification.
The following sub-topics in the specification are covered in this lesson:
Our Solar System
The life cycle of a star
Natural satellites
This lesson can be used throughout the duration of the GCSE course, as an end of topic revision lesson or as a lesson in the lead up to mocks or the actual GCSE exams
This bundle of 5 REVISION lessons covers the content in the following topics that can be assessed on Paper 5 (Physics 1) of the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science course:
Topic 1: Key concepts in Physics
Topic 2: Motion and forces
Topic 3: Conservation of energy
Topic 4: Waves
Topic 5: Light and the EM spectrum
Topic 6: Radioactivity
Each of the lessons have been designed to include a wide range of activities that will keep the students engaged whilst they assess their knowledge of each of these topics.
This engaging revision resource has been written with the sole aim of challenging students on their knowledge of both the Core and Supplement sections of TOPIC 2 of the Cambridge IGCSE Physics specification. The resource includes an engaging PowerPoint (68 slides) and accompanying worksheets, some of which are differentiated. The wide range of activities in the lesson which include exam questions with explained answers and quiz competitions will motivate the students whilst they evaluate and assess their knowledge of the content and recognise those areas which will require further attention.
The lesson has been designed to cover as many parts of the topic as possible, but the following sub-topics have been given a particular focus:
The properties of solids, liquids and gases
Conduction, convection and radiation
Melting and boiling points
Boiling vs evaporation
Specific latent heat
The structure and action of liquid-in-glass thermometers
The use of thermocouples
Specific heat capacity
The mathematical elements of the topic are covered throughout the lesson and students are given helpful hints to support them in structuring their answers. This resource can be used at the end of the topic or in the lead up to the mocks or the actual IGCSE terminal examinations.
This is a fully-resourced revision lesson that has been written to include a wide range of activities that challenge the students on their knowledge of astrophysics as detailed in topic 8 of the Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Physics specification. The numerous quiz rounds which include “Shine a LIGHT on any ERRORS” will engage and motivate their students whilst they assess their understanding of the content and recognise any areas that require further attention.
The lesson has been designed to include as many of the specification points as possible but the following have been given particular attention:
Understanding of the terms Solar system, galaxy and universe
Gravitational field strength varies on different planets
Gravitational force causes the Moon to orbit the Earth and the planets to orbit the Sun
Use the relationship between orbital speed, orbital radius and time period
Evolution of stars of a similar mass to our Sun and of stars with larger masses
The evidence that supports the Big Bang theory
The change in the frequency and wavelength of a wave if the source of the wave is moving in relation to the observer
Red-shift as evidence of an expanding universe
This topic contains a number of principles or theories which can be poorly understood by students so extra time has been taken to guide them in the formation of descriptions and explanations.
This bundle of 7 engaging and motivating lesson presentations and associated worksheets uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to test the students on their knowledge of the Physics units of the AQA Trilogy 9-1 GCSE Combined Science specification.
The knowledge of Topics P1 (Energy), P2 (Electricity), P3 (Particle model of matter), P4 (Atomic structure), P5 (Forces) P6 (Waves) and P7 (Magnetism and electromagnetism) can be assessed using these lessons.
An engaging lesson presentation (84 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within unit P5 (Forces) of the AQA GCSE Combined Science specification (specification point P6.5).
The topics that are tested within the lesson include:
Newton’s laws
Forces and braking
Conservation of momentum
Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Can you go the DISTANCE” whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention
This bundle of 6 engaging and motivating lesson presentations and associated worksheets uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to test the students on their knowledge of the Physics units of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science specification. The knowledge of Modules P1 (Matter), P2 (Forces), P3 (Electricity and magnetism), P4 (Waves and radioactivity) P5 (Energy) and P6 (Global challenges) can be assessed using these lessons.
An informative and student-led lesson presentation (32 slides), accompanied by a reaction diagram and task worksheet, which together look at the key details of nuclear fission reactions. The lesson begins by introducing the students to the name of this reaction and to that of a neutron before they are challenged to recall the properties of this sub-atomic particle as this knowledge plays an important role in their understanding. Moving forwards, students will learn that two isotopes of uranium are involved and will discover and work out how one isotope is changed into the other. Diagrams accompany the theory throughout so that students can visualise how the reaction progresses. They are shown how to work out the two daughter nuclei that are produced in the reaction and how an equation can be written to represent nuclear fission. Progress checks have been written into the lesson at regular intervals so that students can constantly assess their understanding and any misconceptions can be immediately addressed.
This lesson has been designed for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK)
A concise lesson presentation (22 slides) and question worksheet, which together focus on the challenge of applying the equations of motion to calculation questions. Students are given this equation on the data sheet in the exam - therefore, this lesson shows them how they will be expected to rearrange in it four ways. For this reason, the start of the lesson revisits the skills involved in rearranging the formula, beginning with simple tasks and building up to those that involve indices as are found in this equation. Once students have practised these skills, they are challenged to answer 4 questions, although 1 is done together with the class to visualise how to set out the working.
This lesson has been designed for GCSE students
A quick, concise lesson presentation (15 slides) which together with a question worksheet focuses on ensuring that students can define an isotope and pick these substances out from a selection of substances. The lesson begins by looking at the number of sub-atomic particles in an aluminium atom so that students can recall what is shown by the atomic and mass numbers. This will enable students to calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in three given isotopes and as a result, complete a definition of these substances. The remainder of this short lesson involves 4 application questions where students either have to recognise isotopes from a table or from a diagram and also are asked to write out the formula of an isotope. Ideally this lesson will be taught in conjunction with a lesson on atomic structure.