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GCSE Art: "Getting an A* Guide"

GCSE Art: "Getting an A* Guide"

This does what is says on the tin- it is a checklist for students to use to check that they are doing all they can to refine their work and target areas to improve in each different assessment area in GCSE Art and Design- The AO`s are bound to change at some point- but this has been really useful to give to students and have them self evaluate their progress. It has been useful for AFL and peer marking in lesson- and also as a (more beefy) starter. I have also had students checking eachother's portfolios to target areas to improve- which ended well ...in most cases (aside from one GCSE group- where tension ran high following a heated disagreement over A04. Luckily I was able to dissolve the the situation with singing and star jumping at the same time (which I believe is the answer to most classroom management issues).
Process of Photography @ A-Level

Process of Photography @ A-Level

I made this to help me explain the process of photography to my students- It has been really helpful if you are in a busy lesson and need a visual to help you explain something complex. It has been useful as a checklist and prompt for initiating conversation about what successful units of work need to show.
GCSE Marking Explained.

GCSE Marking Explained.

I made this resource to help develop student`s understanding of how they are marked at GCSE level and how the numbers on the assessment objectives match with the eventual grade they will get. It was really useful to use in lesson to get students to mark their own work and take ownership over understanding the marking system. I hope it helps... I have uploaded the PowerPoint and JPEG image- as teachers may wish to change the framework / numbers depending on changes in grade boundaries/ exam boards etc
Super PHOTOSHOP Layering Guide

Super PHOTOSHOP Layering Guide

This resource contains a 45 slide PowerPoint Presentation with all of the best layering advice and tips I use in my A-level and GCSE lessons to ensure effective layering of images in different ways using Photoshop. I mainly use the slides in Photography lessons, but they have come in really useful for Art lessons across KS4-5. The guide includes tasks to help layering, layering examples, and imagery useful for peer assessment of images and developing pupils knowledge and understanding (using Photoshop). I have also included the presentation in numbered JPEG / image format to make it easier to pick slides and put them on screen for use in lessons- or for copy/pasting directly into other PowerPoints.
Drawing Guides & Resources

Drawing Guides & Resources

This resource is a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation/ guide full of advice, visual exemplar and tips / task breakdowns for drawing in a variety of medias… I frequently use the images in KS3- KS5 Art and Design lessons- and also as prompts for teaching/ conversation initiators in lesson.
Photography Resource: Taking effective Starting Points

Photography Resource: Taking effective Starting Points

This resource has been really useful in photography lessons. It has slides for teaching and initiating conversations with students about capturing effective composition, refining their approach, tips for getting the best marks (for starting points)and two guides for how to write about their images effectively (there are 11 slides in this PowerPoint resource).
Text/ Typography Portrait Resources

Text/ Typography Portrait Resources

This resource is a 21 slide PowerPoint presentation/ guide to develop portrait shots into text and typography outcomes (using Photoshop). I have used it with GCSE and AS groups of artists and photographers.
Process of Photography @ A-Level

Process of Photography @ A-Level

I made this to help me explain the process of photography to my students- It has been really helpful if you are in a busy lesson and need a visual to help you explain something complex. It has been useful as a checklist and prompt for initiating conversation about what successful units of work need to show.
Photography /Photoshop Teaching Resource:

Photography /Photoshop Teaching Resource:

This PowerPoint is really useful in giving groups of students guided details for how to develop images using Photoshop. There are 40 slides of guides, exemplar images and task details in the guide. It has been really useful for all ranges of abilities at both GCSE and A-Level. The guide is straight forward enough to give to individuals to learn by themselves- or it has been great to use for entire lessons for developing images in Photoshop.


This grid will be useful to print off for GSCE Art Students (AQA) as it shows grade boundaries and marks and gives further detail for the wording / rough grading margins. i use this to get students to assess where they think they are and use in combination with examples so pupils have a clear idea of how the visual connects to the actual grading process
Photography & Photoshop Teaching Resource 2

Photography & Photoshop Teaching Resource 2

I made this guide to support and inspire Artists and Photographers at A-Level when they develop their work using Photoshop. I have found it really useful to dip in and out of for individual support or to base entire lessons around. The presentation can be used as a tool for demonstrating as well as a resource for students to use and refer to in lesson. This is also a great resource when used in combination with my other Photoshop Guide. It shows you how to develop your images using layering, collage joiner techniques, series, arrangements and canvas extensions.
Photography Teaching Resource: Get best marks for Research and Development

Photography Teaching Resource: Get best marks for Research and Development

This PowerPoint has been a really useful guide in photography lessons for developing skills in Development and Research (A01). It has resources for teaching that give advice / guides for: - Creating moodboards, - Making effective research - Advice / prompts for writing about your research and development Good/ bad research examples How to make effective artist connections in your work / development of ideas There are 30 slides in this PowerPoint resource- that I continually use again and again in lesson..
Photography A-Level: Arrangements Guide

Photography A-Level: Arrangements Guide

This resource is a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation/ guide to develop Starting Point Images into creative arrangements and compositions (using Photoshop). I have used it with AS/A-Level groups of Photographers.
Educational Visit Resources: Art and Photography

Educational Visit Resources: Art and Photography

This presentation contains 20 slides of resources for Educational Visits for GCSE and A-Level Art and Photography students. I have included help sheets, task sheets and examples for lessons / visits -that I have used to aid my teaching over the last 10 years.
A-Level Photography Exam Resources

A-Level Photography Exam Resources

This resource PowerPoint contains 22 slides that have been invaluable throughout my exam teaching and support of A-Level Photography and Fine Art students. It contains: - Guides for what to do to fill an effective sketchbook in line with your assessment objectives. - Checklists to help you keep on track and give you ideas as you progress through the exam unit - Tips for making essential sheets / book pages that show your intentions, connections and rationale for your work in the most visually effective way.
A-Level Photography:Photoshop Task: Fella Grids

A-Level Photography:Photoshop Task: Fella Grids

A-Level Photography:Photoshop Task: Fella Grids This presentation contains guides and examples for creating a complex gridded collage using Photoshop. Also included in the resources are the frame templates you will need for the task. I use the guide and grids to help students develop their images into complex collages of images that really show off the best bits of their work in Art and Photography A- Level groups.
Super Teaching and Learning Strategies (Low Impact / High Gain) For All Subjects/Abilities

Super Teaching and Learning Strategies (Low Impact / High Gain) For All Subjects/Abilities

This resource is full of Teaching and Learning Strategies that have helped me to: - Incorporate great techniques for Differentiation and AFL (Assessment for Learning) - Vary my teaching style in lesson and planning. -Get more quality group work tasks into my lessons. -Change the way I plan/teach to think more about what I want my students to learn. The resource includes a PowerPoint and worksheets that detail the strategies that I have found most useful. The PowerPoint was made for a training workshop (Pirelli Stadium) for Low Impact- High gain strategies for all subjects /abilities to enable quality teaching, planning, AFL and Differentiation It also contains resources to help teachers looking to incorporate De Bono`s 6 Thinking hats technique in their lessons. More of my stuff can be found @ be.net/grw Any questions- please email me :-)


I have found these resources really helpful with all levels of ability in A-Level Art & Design and Photography lessons when responding to artists/ photographer and research. I have also trialled these resources with high ability GCSE students- and it worked great. Research and Analysis ( Assessment Objective 1 for me) has long been a tricky and troublesome subject to deal with for any student- as most students would much rather be doing something practical. To make the whole process a little less painful I made these resources to use in lesson as presentation material in PowerPoints- and also as helpsheets to aid/support research. Questions as simple as ... how do I put research in my book...? how much research should I do...? ... is research necessary...?... how do I research...? will be eased with these resources. For your £3 you get... a PowerPoint with 21 slides of resources and examples to help you with research... I have also uploaded the slides as numbered and titled worksheets to make printing easier. It took me a good while to make and refine, but I have found the SUPER GRID really useful in particular for "on computer" research responses for students- and the class work sheet really useful for "real life" lessons and image critique/ analysis/ peer assessment. I regularly use all of the slides in my lessons and hopefully you will find them useful as well...the examples of artists in particular have been really well received by students....