Experienced KS1 and KS2 teacher currently teaching in Year Six. Specialist Leader for Mathematics across three Local Authorities.
All resources have been tried and tested. I'm open to suggestions and requests and aim to help anyone who requires it.
Please leave feedback and rate my resources.
Experienced KS1 and KS2 teacher currently teaching in Year Six. Specialist Leader for Mathematics across three Local Authorities.
All resources have been tried and tested. I'm open to suggestions and requests and aim to help anyone who requires it.
Please leave feedback and rate my resources.
This resource contains an assessment tracker for Years 2-6.
Teachers input the names of children in their class and then their result in the end of block assessments into the spreadsheet.
The results in the spreadsheet will change colour to indicate, based on KS2 SATs threshold percentages, whether that child is working at Age Related Expectation or Greater Depth (approximately).
The spreadsheet automatically calculates every child’s total score, their average score, and the average score for each block based on whole class data. This can be used to inform intervention groups, a teacher’s area for development or to help with data submission to SLT throughout the year.
Keep in mind, this is NOT a question level analysis grid set for each block.
These are excel spreadsheets Gap Analysis documents for the May 2022 Year Six SATs Papers for Maths (Arithmetic, Reasoning 1 and Reasoning 2).
**The sheet totals up the scores automatically and each child’s final score changes colour to reflect their ability.
If their total score for a subject goes green, it means they would have passed the 2022 SATs with that score. If it goes Purple with a white font, it means that child would have achieved a ‘More Able’ score for that tested subject.**
I have also included an instructions and document page, linking to a freely available copy of each test, mark scheme and instructions. Additionally, I have included a link to the conversion tables from RAW Score to Scaled Score.
All a teacher has to do is enter their children’s names and enter the 0’s, 1’s, 2’s or 3’s for each question, which also change colour too for a visual reference. I recommend that a teacher should enter ‘N’ if a child did not attempt that question. This gives an idea of who is not even attempting certain questions, not just whether they got the question wrong.
The sheets are set up for 30 or 90 pupils but more can be added/deleted and instructions are on the first page/sheet. Some cells are locked/protected in this document but the parts that you need to insert yourself are editable. This is so that the formulas/algorithms do not break and render the spreadsheet’s functionalities as broken. This password will not be given out, but I am more than happy to make adaptations or changes for you, provided you show proof of purchase. All of my contact details are in the resource.
I take requests for Gap Analysis Grids. Please leave feedback if you like this resource as I am planning to produce more for each SATs paper going forward, as well as CGP Practice Papers.
Please remember to rate this resource as I made this to save teachers time. Thank-you.
This resource is three activity sheets/worksheets bundled together to reinforce children's understanding of negative numbers in a word problem setting.
-One sheet for the Lower Ability
-One sheet for the Middle Ability
-One sheet for Higher Ability
Answer sheets included.
This fully interactive high-quality gameshow features all the drama of the Who Wants to be a millionaire TV show.
Ideal for revision, assessment or purely for fun, this fully interactive game features increasingly challenging questions including:
Word problems
Adding and subtracting fractions
Expressing answers in their simplest form
…and more!
Each possible answer is linked to either a pass or fail screen indicating the amount of money ‘won’.
A free trial of my best-in-class version is available here:
Please see my shop for other gameshows, worksheets, activities and time-saving ideas.
All feedback is welcome so please do comment and rate.
N.B The original logos for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are property of Sony Pictures Television. For this reason they have not been included, but a similar non-trademarked version has. The music is also not copyrighted.
A complete bundle of Gap Analysis Grids / QLA (Reading, GPS, Spelling, Arithmetic and Reasoning) for the 2022 KS2 SATs assessments. I have also included links to the papers, the mark schemes and the conversion grids within each spreadsheet.
Please read the description of each individual resource for more information.
Quiz Quiz Trade game/activity for a whole class.
56 questions and corresponding answers.
Blue (Easy)
Black (Medium)
Green (Harder)
Purple (Mastery)
Tried and tested, perfect to challenge children in a fun way.
Perfect for a Maths coordinator looking to have detailed discussions with class teachers about the specific strengths and areas for development for a whole cohort or individual children, these QLA/Gap Analysis grids for each of the White Rose Maths Autumn term assessments will help you support teachers to draw accurate and impactful conclusions from their assessment data.
So far these resources have been used:
To plan revision for a whole class.
To plan interventions for children
In pupil progress meetings to indicate areas for development.
As part of an evidence base for Ofsted deep dives into Maths
A complete bundle of Gap Analysis Grids / QLA (Reading, GPS, Spelling, Arithmetic, Reasoning 1, Reasoning 2) for the May 2017 KS2 SATs assessments. I have also included links to the papers, the mark schemes and the conversion grids within each spreadsheet.
These grids will save you many hours work and will help you quickly identify individual or whole cohort weaknesses in specific areas of the curriculum.
The sheets are set up for 30 pupils but more can be added/deleted and instructions are on the first page/sheet. Some cells are locked/protected in this document but the parts that you need to insert yourself are editable. This is so that the formulas/algorithms do not break and render the spreadsheet’s functionalities as broken.
Please remember to leave feedback as I am aiming to build a reputation as a creator who aims to save teachers time and improve their effectiveness.
These are excel spreadsheets Gap Analysis documents for the May 2018 Year Six SATs Papers for Maths (Arithmetic, Reasoning 1 and Reasoning 2).
The sheet totals up the scores automatically and each child’s final score changes colour to reflect their ability.
If their total score for a subject goes green, it means they would have passed the 2018 SATs with that score. If it goes Purple with a white font, it means that child would have achieved a ‘More Able’ score for that tested subject.
I have also included an instructions and document page, linking to a freely available copy of each test, mark scheme and instructions. Additionally, I have included a link to the conversion tables from RAW Score to Scaled Score.
All a teacher has to do is enter their children’s names and enter the 0’s, 1’s, 2’s or 3’s for each question, which also change colour too for a visual reference. I recommend that a teacher should enter ‘N’ if a child did not attempt that question. This gives an idea of who is not even attempting certain questions, not just whether they got the question wrong.
The sheets are set up for 30 or 90 pupils but more can be added/deleted and instructions are on the first page/sheet. Some cells are locked/protected in this document but the parts that you need to insert yourself are editable. This is so that the formulas/algorithms do not break and render the spreadsheet’s functionalities as broken. This password will not be given out, but I am more than happy to make adaptations or changes for you, provided you show proof of purchase. All of my contact details are in the resource.
I take requests for Gap Analysis Grids. Please leave feedback if you like this resource as I am planning to produce more for each SATs paper going forward, as well as CGP Practice Papers.
Please remember to rate this resource as I made this to save teachers time. Thank-you.
Perfect for a Maths coordinator looking to have detailed discussions with class teachers about the specific strengths and areas for development for a whole cohort or individual children, these QLA/Gap Analysis grids for each of the White Rose Maths Autumn term assessments will help you support teachers to draw accurate and impactful conclusions from their assessment data.
So far these resources have been used:
To plan revision for a whole class.
To plan interventions for children
In pupil progress meetings to indicate areas for development.
As part of an evidence base for Ofsted deep dives into Maths
These are excel spreadsheet Gap Analysis documents for the 2023 Year Two SATs Papers for Maths .
The sheet totals up the scores automatically and each child’s final score changes colour to reflect their ability.
If their total score for a subject goes green, it means they would have passed the 2023 SATs with that score. If it goes Purple with a White font, it means that child would have achieved a ‘More Able’ score for that tested subject.
I have also included an instructions and document page, linking to a freely available copy of each test, mark scheme and instructions. Additionally, I have included a link to the conversion tables from RAW Score to Scaled Score.
All a teacher has to do is enter their children’s names and enter the 0’s, 1’s or 2’s for each question, which also change colour too for a visual reference. I recommend that a teacher should enter ‘N’ if a child did not attempt that question. This gives an idea of who is not even attempting certain questions, not just whether they got the question wrong.
The sheets are set up for 30 or 60 pupils but more can be added/deleted and instructions are on the first page/sheet. Some cells are locked/protected in this document but the parts that you need to insert yourself are editable. This is so that the formulas/algorithms do not break and render the spreadsheet’s functionalities as broken.
I take requests for Gap Analysis Grids. Please leave feedback if you like this resource as I am planning to produce more for each SATs paper going forward, as well as CGP Practice Papers.
Please remember to rate this resource as I made this to save teachers time. Thank-you.
A complete bundle of Gap Analysis Grids / QLA (Reading, GPS, Spelling, Arithmetic and Reasoning) for the 2023 KS1 SATs assessments. I have also included links to the papers, the mark schemes and the conversion grids within each spreadsheet.
Please read the description of each individual resource for more information.
Differentiated activity sheet/ worksheet for KS2/KS3 children.
Challenges include:
Challenge 1 – Name parts of a circle
Challenge 2 – Calculate the radius and diameter when given the other measurement.
Challenge 3 –Calculate the circumference (πd) of a circle (to a maximum of 2dp) when given r, d or c.
Mastery Challenge - Calculate the area of a circle (πr2)
Answer sheet included.
Please leave feedback and look at my other, popular resources.
A complete bundle of Gap Analysis Grids / QLA (Reading, GPS, Spelling, Arithmetic, Reasoning 1, Reasoning 2) for the May 2018 KS2 SATs assessments. I have also included links to the papers, the mark schemes and the conversion grids within each spreadsheet.
These grids will save you many hours work and will help you quickly identify individual or whole cohort weaknesses in specific areas of the curriculum.
The sheets are set up for 90 pupils but more can be added/deleted and instructions are on the first page/sheet. Some cells are locked/protected in this document but the parts that you need to insert yourself are editable. This is so that the formulas/algorithms do not break and render the spreadsheet’s functionalities as broken. Please read the description of each resource before purchasing.
Please remember to leave feedback as I am aiming to build a reputation as a creator who aims to save teachers time and improve their effectiveness.
Ideal for a whole class fun, interactive game, or this file can be saved in a shared area for children to practice with on their laptops or tablets.
This fully interactive resource contains activities for:
Times Tables and Divison Facts
Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
Number Bonds to 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.
Greater Depth challenges for children who are fast graspers.
Converting fractions into decimals
Converting fractions into percentages
Converting decimals into fractions
Converting decimals into percentages
Converting percentages into fractions
Converting percentages into decimals
Convert an improper fraction into a mixed number
Convert a mixed number into an improper fraction
Multiply unit fractions by an integer
Multiply unit fractions by another unit fraction
Multiply a non-unit fraction by an integer
Multiply a non-unit fraction by a non-unit fraction
Divide a fraction by an integer
Add or subtract non-unit fractions (different denominators)
N.B - This resource uses the ppsx format, which all modern Windows operating systems use. It is an automatic PowerPoint presentation format that has been used for your ease.
This resource will save you many hours work when trying to use Assessment for Learning in your class.
There are two QLA grids included in one Excel document for help with Gap Analysis.
Input the data using the marks from the papers and the grid will change colour to show where a child has been successful or not answered a question correctly, or at all.
The spreadsheet will auto-calculate how successful the whole cohort has been on particular questions. These are linked directly to the WRM small steps so you can see which lessons and steps need to be revised. 30 children can be entered in this document.
The total score thresholds auto-calculate and change colour to help indicate which children are working at approximately an expected standard (EXS) level or a Greater Depth (GDS) level. These thresholds use historical KS2 SATs thresholds to make them as accurate as possible.
Please note, some of the cells are locked for editing so that users do not break the spreadsheet functionality. Passwords will not be given out. However, I am more than happy to assist with any adaptations you need.
Additionally, I am in no way affiliated with White Rose Maths. No White Rose Maths resources are included in this product. Freely available content is linked to within it.
This resource will save you many hours work when trying to use Assessment for Learning in your class.
There are two QLA grids included in one Excel document for help with Gap Analysis.
Input the data using the marks from the papers and the grid will change colour to show where a child has been successful or not answered a question correctly, or at all.
The spreadsheet will auto-calculate how successful the whole cohort has been on particular questions. These are linked directly to the WRM small steps so you can see which lessons and steps need to be revised. 30 children can be entered in this document.
The total score thresholds auto-calculate and change colour to help indicate which children are working at approximately an expected standard (EXS) level or a Greater Depth (GDS) level. These thresholds use historical KS2 SATs thresholds to make them as accurate as possible.
Please note, some of the cells are locked for editing so that users do not break the spreadsheet functionality. Passwords will not be given out. However, I am more than happy to assist with any adaptations you need.
Additionally, I am in no way affiliated with White Rose Maths. No White Rose Maths resources are included in this product. Freely available content is linked to within it.
Perfect for a Maths coordinator looking to have detailed discussions with class teachers about the specific strengths and areas for development for a whole cohort or individual children, these QLA/Gap Analysis grids for each of the White Rose Maths Autumn term assessments will help you support teachers to draw accurate and impactful conclusions from their assessment data.
So far these resources have been used:
To plan revision for a whole class.
To plan interventions for children
In pupil progress meetings to indicate areas for development.
As part of an evidence base for Ofsted deep dives into Maths
An activity sheet/worksheet where children are challenged to:
- Calculate the area of squares and rectangles.
- Calculate the area of parallelograms and trapeziums.
- Solve worded problems that involve area, dimensions and money.
Suitable for a first time round activity or revision, particularly for Years 5, 6 and 7.
Editable version included. A PowerPoint/PDF has also been added to aid with the teaching of this lesson.
These are copies of the White Rose Maths end of term assessments. I do not own these papers and they are freely available on the White Rose Maths website to everyone, regardless as to whether they have a premium subscription or not.
White Rose Maths own the copyright and trademarks for these papers. I assert not claim over them.