Sharing the resources I created for myself and have used as part of my teaching practise. I have been a nursery school teacher (4 months - 5 years), a science teacher (KS3-KS5) with biology specialism, a forest school leader, vocational award assessor for Childcare and I am now a specialist SEND teacher. As a result I am able to share a wide range of resources.
Sharing the resources I created for myself and have used as part of my teaching practise. I have been a nursery school teacher (4 months - 5 years), a science teacher (KS3-KS5) with biology specialism, a forest school leader, vocational award assessor for Childcare and I am now a specialist SEND teacher. As a result I am able to share a wide range of resources.
In celebration of Science Week and in conjunction with our current theme of ‘Down on the Farm’ I have created a series of ten experiments which can be done in nursery school as an adult led activity.
I have created this mini test as a quick assessment of my Year 10’s photosynthesis knowledge. Formated with three tests to a page so can be easily answered on the sheet and stuck in books without lots of printing. Answers included.
I have created this worksheet to support A-Levels students to plot data accurately, but could easily be used with GCSE students. I deliver it as part of a lesson, prior to them doing a practical where they are required to demonstrate this as a skill.
The data looks at the effect of temperature on the growth of * Onchorynchus mykiss* (Rainbow trout).
Whilst I do not claim that these are of the quality you would purchase from a science shop, they are certainly good enough for use in class. Obviously quality is also dependent upon your printer and please only print on printable OHP acetate film . If you use the incorrect type it can melt inside your printer and wreck it.
Print out on printable transparency acetate film
24 micrometers per A4 sheet
Cut out and use directly (no need to put on a slide)
Each interval is 500um
Table for students to complete detailing the different biological components of inspiration and expiration
Created for an A-Level class but may be suitable for higher level GCSE
#ventilation #gas exchange #breathing #lungs #inspiration #expiration
A worksheet which explains how Fick's Law is calculated and uses alveoli as an example, illustrating how rate of diffusion would change if surface area and/or exchange surface thickness is changed.
Includes extension question with answer
Enable your students to calculate Standard Deviation with this scaffolded worksheet and associated graph activity plus brief PowerPoint explaining how to calculate this descriptive statistic.
A set of dominoes to use as a plenary or as a revision resource. Students have to cut out the dominoes and then match up the questions with the answers. All are from the GCSE biology topic 'plant hormones'.
Keywords linked to variation and classification. Developed for use with a Ks3 science class but could be used for GCSE. A great way to settle a class whilst consolidating learning of definitions linked to the topic.
Encourage independent learning with this 'Twelve Days of Christmas' template. Simply add text to the (bacteria/virus) baubles and ask your students to choose what they want to do. How you deliver this is entirely up to you. For example you could ask them to do a minimum of two home works.
In order to position the text boxes over the baubles I have just used the number '1'. This means that they can be easily edited and personalised by you.
#festive; #Christmas; #independent learning #homework
Analogy for Competitive and Non- Competitive Enzyme Inhibition Rate Graph
Situation: Preschool birthday party game of musical chairs. The preschoolers are the substrate, the chairs are the enzymes, dads are competitive inhibitors and siblings are non-competitive inhibitors.
Competitive Inhibition
Some of the parent’s want to play. But the more parents there are the less likely the preschoolers are going to get a seat when the music stops. Eventually there will be a point when they are out competed for the seats because there are so many parents playing
Non Competitive Inhibition
The preschoolers have older siblings who are too cool to be at a party like this. When the music starts they run around pushing the chairs over so they can’t be used in the game anymore. It doesn’t matter how many preschoolers there are, they can’t ever fill all of the chairs because some are out of action.
Designed for a KS3 class investigating enzymes and their role in the human digestive system. Enzymes include amylase, lipase and protease (example pepsin)
Resource includes a sheet of blank tables for pupils to complete as well as a competed table
A set of questions to use either in a targeted manner, or as a whole class AfL using whiteboards, or simply as raised hands questioning. Ranked according to Blooms taxonomy
Keywords: cell transport, diffusion, cell transport and osmosis
Differentiated cell transport revision wordsearch. Students need to solve crossword clues to identify the words.
Words: Active transport, diffusion, osmosis, exchange surface, concentration gradient, surface area, respiration, water, transport, passive
Suitable for AQA GCSE Biology
Pupils are asked to complete the table as part of an explore task. To be delivered as part of the curriculum for AQA GCSE Diffusion
Research can be conducted using textbooks or as part of a websearch
Diffusion: adaptations, root, small intestine, leaves, kidney and lungs
This is a Brainstorm detailing the key points of the AQA Biology 8461 syllabus. I have used it as part of a group brainstorming activity, as follows:
Group pupils into teams with 4/5 members and ask them to work together to create a brainstorm on metabolism. To support them give them a copy of the ‘cue sheet’.
To ensure that all members have a role to play and take responsibility for it, also give the groups a ‘group task sheet’. They have to sign their name against the role that they are going to take responsibility for. This ensures that everyone is taking part.
Give them a set time to work on the task and then swap the brainstorms between groups and ask them to peer assess them eg write targets for improvement on post-it notes.
Give them a set period of time to meet the targets.
Then give them a printed copy of the already completed metabolism brainstorm. Ask them to make additions to their own and to highlight anything that they have got which is not on the prepared brainstorm
Keywords: metabolism, enzyme, metabolic pathways, anabolic, catabolic, respiration, mitochondria