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Rainforests - Creating Images weeks 1 - 2

Rainforests - Creating Images weeks 1 - 2

This poetry unit allows children to explore the wonderful array of rainforest animals. They use two poetry books to explore different features and go on to use these as structures their own poems. They have fun performing their poems to other children in the school Suitable for years 3 and 4.
From Romans To Save The Children

From Romans To Save The Children

Children continue work on health and hygiene in relation to clean water and the diseases caused/transmitted by dirty water. Using the Save the Children website, children discover the ways in which this issue is being tackled in different parts of the world. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Where in the World?

Where in the World?

Discover where in Africa your link school is (or use a child described in a book as your link). Imagine you are going to visit and plan the journey you would make. Draw the route on maps or create a journey timeline including distances, mode of travel, etc. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Is it sinking in! Rain into Earth

Is it sinking in! Rain into Earth

In this session children find out how the rain drops that fall from the clouds get back to the rivers and seas so that the cycle can start again. Children test a variety of natural Earth surfaces to see which allows water to flow through the fastest. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
We Are Britain

We Are Britain

We all have at least one thing in common – we live in Britain! Chn meet lots of different chn from all over the UK courtesy of We are Britain by B. Zephaniah. They see people move around the UK & other countries é they think about their own histories. Suitable for Years 1 é 2.
Describing Your Place

Describing Your Place

Listen carefully to some children in Ghana describing their home town or use descriptions from your link school friends of their town. Imagine the teacher and some children from your link school are going to visit your town! Describe the places they should visit. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Expansion of the Empire

Expansion of the Empire

Children look at how the Roman Empire expanded over a period of 400 years and then began to diminish in extent. They relate this to the systems of government identified in Session 2. They map the Roman Empire on today’s world map, identifying countries. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Creative Designs

Creative Designs

Applying their knowledge of Mozambique batik, children plan and design a wall hanging. Children sketch their designs bearing in mind the techniques of batik and the need for clear, simple images.
Beautiful Batik

Beautiful Batik

Focus on the beautiful batik found in Mozambique. Explore the visual and tactile elements, including use of colour and pattern. Children use sketchbooks to copy and explore sections of these designs concentrating on composition and subject matter.
Ethiopian Icon Painting

Ethiopian Icon Painting

Take a trip back in time to introduce art of icon painting from ancient kingdom of Ethiopia. Children explore features of this art form and consider how they were painted and their purpose. They copy small areas of icons to capture style elements.
Asylum Seekers

Asylum Seekers

Explain that some people come to Britain as asylum seekers or refugees to escape from problems in their home country. Use The Arrival by Shaun Tan to empathise with people coming to Britain. Children draw part of one of short stories from Give me Shelter.
Ndebele Beadwork

Ndebele Beadwork

Zooming in on South Africa, children are introduced to the incredible beadwork of the Ndebele people of KwaNdebele. Through web images children explore the history of this craft and investigate its key visual elements.
Free To Roam

Free To Roam

In the past landowner’s have not wanted people to have access to their land. Children look at how the introduction of National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 has changed this. Children annotate a map showing ‘right to roam’ areas, trails, etc.


Investigate the climate of the UK and different parts of Africa. Consider how the weather affects our daily lives – clothes, homes, transport, food, etc. Keep a weather chart to swap with your link school or research climate change in UK and Africa. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
The Union Flag!

The Union Flag!

Waving the flag! Using the Olympic timeline the children identify the last four countries and cities to host the Summer Olympic Games. The flag for Great Britain is pulled apart to see which countries make up the Union Jack.


Read the poem Windrush Child by John Agard and get children’s reactions. Give brief history of SS Windrush’s journey to Britain in 1948. Children either mark the journey on a map or answer questions about photographs to do with Caribbean immigration on the Windrush.