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WW2 - Was the Battle of Britain Our 'Finest Hour'?

WW2 - Was the Battle of Britain Our 'Finest Hour'?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider the famous quote by Churchill. A run through of the situation in 1940 post-Dunkirk and the situation Britain was in. A Youtube video of WW2 in colour to bring it to life. Students complete a comprehension multiple choice set of questions as the video plays. An activity to consider the tactic advantages and disadvantages of both sides. A task to use a series of sources in groups to build an arguement for the significance of the battle using the ‘GREAT’ formula. A worksheet is designed for this purpose. A plenary to consider what factors won the Battle of Britain for the British. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Word Files 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L19 - Gorbachev's New Thinking

GCSE Cold War L19 - Gorbachev's New Thinking

This lesson contains: A starter which gives the background of the Chernobyl disaster to lead onto this lesson about change in policy. A task to note down information from the slides about the problems facing the USSR in the 1980s including social issues, lack of freedom, living standards and economic problems. An introduction into Gorbachev and his new thinking ideas. Students use the information provided to complete the info on glasnost and perestroika. An overview of the summits with Reagan and the INF Treaty. Students complete a table to store the info all together. An introduction into the impact on relations from Gorbachev’s actions, including his impact with the people of the USSR and with the U.S. Students complete the worksheet. A plenary quiz at the end to consolidate their knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Romans - Hannibal and the Punic Wars

KS3 Romans - Hannibal and the Punic Wars

This lesson contains: A starter which looks at a map of the Mediterranean and asks students to study the Roman and Carthaginian lands. Students can discuss the potential benefits of their relationship and the potential negatives. The teacher can then introduce the idea that there were 3 wars between them, to set up the lesson. A teacher-talk overview of Carthage, its location and a bit about them as people. There is an embedded YouTube video that shows what their city might have looked like. A task to listen to the teacher give a 4-5 slide overview of the first Punic War with on-board animated movement and coloured maps which are customisable. Students use what they heard to complete a simple comprehension gap fill. An activity to study the rise of Hannibal and for students to watch two videos and complete part of the provided worksheet to talk about Hannibal’s army and elephants. The students then use a double-page info sheet to complete questions on Hannibal’s journey and invasion. They can answer the questions around the map, which I had made myself. A plenary/review to answer about the consequences of the Punic War against Hannibal. Students will study the map and a quote from Appian, then summarise the consequences for Rome. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Normans - William's Motte & Bailey Castles

KS3 Normans - William's Motte & Bailey Castles

This lesson contains: A starter to consider what a castle means to the students. Two images are used to get a discussion going. An introduction to castle building and locations. The students debate which place they would build their castle and why. A background into William’s intention of building castles, where they were build and how. Students read about the Motte and Bailey and label their copy of the castle with the correct features. A task to determine the advantages and disadvantages of Motte and Bailey castles. An overview of where these castles were build and what the spread (on the map) shows about the danger areas. A plenary quiz to test student knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File
GCSE Cold War L8 - The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

GCSE Cold War L8 - The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous knowledge in a quiz for naming 2 of different things. A background to the Berlin Crisis, including an overview of the tensions in Berlin after the Conferences and the differences in the intentions of the U.S. and the USSR for Berlin. A brief YouTube video explaining the different paths and ways into Berlin to set up the blockade. the short and long term causes of the crisis, including the creation of Trizonia and the creation of the Deutschmark. There is a consolidation worksheet with a gap fill. Information about the blockade and a video from YouTube to bring it to life showing the airlift footage. There are questions to back this up. A main task to use the information provided work out the main consequences, including the division of Germany and creation of NATO - extra detail is also provided on the slides. A plenary quiz based on the lesson and key knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L21 - Magic Bullets & Modern Treatments

GCSE Medicine L21 - Magic Bullets & Modern Treatments

This lesson contains: A starter to compare treatments used in the Medieval, Renaissance and the Industrial Era, as a set up for this lesson. An overview of the use of magic bullets, from the early start of Koch’s research and the idea of using anti-bodies to fight disease, to Paul Ehrlich’s approach to curing syphilis. This is aided by visuals on the board and a YouTube summary video. An activity to use the information provided to complete a table of questions on Ehrlich’s discovery of the first magic bullet. A look at how access to care was increased in the modern era and why this happened, using the Boer War and new laws to help students answer the questions. A detailed look at new technology from this era that advanced treatment methods, such as hypodermic needles etc. Students then highlight the improvements on their worksheet that has lots of information about dialysis, x-rays, pace makers etc. A plenary to answer or attempt/plan an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Norman England Bundle

KS3 Norman England Bundle

7 Resources
This bundle contains: L1 - Who Should Be King? L2 - The Battle of Stamford Bridge L3 & L4 - Why Did William Win Hastings? L5 - How Did Harold Actually Die? L6 - Feudal System & Domesday Book L7 - William’s Control Using Castles L8 - How Did Medieval Castles Change? The bundle’s individual cost would be £18.70 so this bundle will save you around 30%.
GCSE Medicine L3 - Medieval Treatments & Prevention

GCSE Medicine L3 - Medieval Treatments & Prevention

This lesson contains: A starter to discuss a picture of drawing of a laper and for students to determine whatw as wrong with him and how he might be treated. A YouTube video overview which gives an introduction into the way illnesses were treated. A task for students to study a series of information cards, which can be done in groups etc., and complete a worksheet about supernatural methods, Four Humours methods, religious methods and herbal methods. A task to read about methods of prevention from the mind map worksheet provided. Students colour-code them into categories. An option of two plenaries: either a knowledge quiz or an activity to match the medical ailment to the Medieval cure. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 3 x Publisher Files
KS3 Normans - The Feudal System and Domesday Book

KS3 Normans - The Feudal System and Domesday Book

This lesson contains: A starter to consider the role of hierarchy in a school and comparing to society. A YouTube video that summarises the aftermath of Hastings and how William increased his control over the country. This is followed by a gap fill exercise which can be printed and filled in from the handouts provided. An overview of the Feudal System and its uses. Students write down the new hierarchy and then answer questions about the advantages for William by using the information provided. An introduction to the Domesday Book and the reasons behind it, including a short YouTube video and then information which students use to complete follow up questions about why and how the survey was carried out. A plenary to consider the method which may have had the biggest impact. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 1 x Publisher File
Tudors - Did Tudor Punishment 'Fit' the Crime?

Tudors - Did Tudor Punishment 'Fit' the Crime?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider how crime is dealt with today and the types of crime. A discussion of the role of constables and the hue and cry. A discussion of why people committed crime in Tudor England. A task for students to sort a list of crimes in order of worst offense, to the least. An activity about how people got punished for crimes using a YouTube video and consolidation questions. Students use the worksheet given to fit the crime to the punishment, something students often enjoy. All answers are on the PPT. A plenary to consider whether Tudor punishments were fair. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
Why Did Henry Break from Rome?

Why Did Henry Break from Rome?

This lesson contains: An introduction to why Henry broke from Rome. There is a quote and the students will argue with it later. An activity to study lots of reasons why Henry broke from Rome. Students colour-code the reasons as love, religion, power, and money. A task to then find out the effect his break from Rome had. The students assess how far each outcome achieved Henry’s aims. A video from YouTube to help reinforce the lesson and go over the reasons. Students consolidate by assessing whether Henry did the right thing or not. A plenary to assess the most important reason. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L1 - Ideological Differences of Capitalism & Communism

GCSE Cold War L1 - Ideological Differences of Capitalism & Communism

This lesson contains: A starter with eight prompt images about the Cold War to see what students already know about some of the pictures. An introduction to what a ‘cold’ war is and what it means. Then an introduction into the situation in the 1940’s with Hitler being surrounded by the major powers. An overview of the major players of the Cold War including the USA and USSR and where they are. The USSR is also broken down into its meaning. A consolidation task to fill in gaps to give an overview of the info covered so far. A task to read the information provided and complete questions about the differences between capitalism and communism. The extension is to consider what both sides thought of the other. A plenary crossword exercise provided. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L18 - Reagan & the Second Cold War

GCSE Cold War L18 - Reagan & the Second Cold War

This lesson contains: A starter to recall previous knowledge. A background of the end of Carter’s presidency and the rise of Ronald Reagan, including his feelings about Communism and using a short YouTube video to show some of the jokes he made about Communism. Another YouTube video giving a background of Reagan and his views about the USSR with a consolidation exercise using the information sheet provided. An opportunity to study Reagan’s defensive policies, studying the information and completing the given questions. A brief overview of SDI and then a longer study of the consequences using the information provided. Its impact on the USSR is covered. A guided narrative question with PPT support for it. And a plenary with recap questions. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Elizabeth L10 - The Catholic Plots Against Elizabeth

GCSE Elizabeth L10 - The Catholic Plots Against Elizabeth

This lesson contains: A 3 page worksheet that can be printed as a booklet (A3 is best, A4 is also fine). Information about the Ridolfi Plot through a video summary and a consolidation activity on the worksheet. The causes, events and consequences are covered. The causes, events and consequences of the Throckmorton Plot, to complete the worksheet, using a combination of on-screen information and a short video clip. The causes, events and consequences of the Babington Plot, to fill out the worksheet, through a mix of a word bank for the gap fill and the information sheet. A summary fo the consequences of the three plots, including the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. A plenary to come up with a phneumonic to remember the sequence of events. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files 1 x PDF of all Publisher Worksheets
Was Appeasement a MIstake?

Was Appeasement a MIstake?

This lesson contains: A do it now starter which is based on having studied something about Hitler’s road to war or conquest of different nations, which leads on to a discussion of appeasement. You can edit this to suit whatever you have previously studied. Background information about Hitler’s progress through Europe, taking land and building resources. The students then discuss what ‘appeasement’ means using source. A video from YouTube with a set of multiple choice knowledge questions to answer after it has played to check understanding. A main task to study the reasons for an against appeasement on the worksheet and to colour-code the arguments. This is then followed by a writing task to discuss whether it was the right policy or not. Attachements: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order

GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order

This lesson contains: A starter to study a source and say what we can learn about life in the towns. An overview of the impact of the mass migration of people West. An activity to note down the major issues with crime from on-board information, including the corruption, the unemployment, geography, racism and numbers of wild settlers. An exercise to study the types of crimes on the worksheet and summarise the ones that may have caused the biggest problems. A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet mind map to note the roles of the different lawmen in the West and consider who would be in the best position to help. This includes vigilante committees, sheriffs and marshals. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Medieval - Were Pilgrimages Holy or Holidays?

KS3 Medieval - Were Pilgrimages Holy or Holidays?

This lesson contains: A starter to make students consider atonement and how we try to make up for things. This leads nicely on to today’s discussion of pilgrimages. A series of on-board slides that go through the reasons that people went on pilgrimages. Students use the 4 characters on the worksheet to summarise, in their own words, the reasons people gave for going on them. A video then follows from YouTube to help visualise what the pilgrims may have seen when they finally got their destination. An activity to consider whether religion was always in people’s minds. Students study a series of sources and give examples where religion was at the heart of it, and perhaps when other things were on pilgrim’s minds, like adventure or meeting a companion. An overview of the importance of Jerusalem and why people might go that far on a pilgrimage. The on-board info has images and maps to help visualise. Students then complete an independent guided reading with questions on the worksheet about a typical journey to Jerusalem. Students observe what some of the positives and dangers of such a trip might have been. A plenary to consider whether pilgrimages were holy or holidays, answering the enquiry question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
KS3 Romans - Was the Republic for 'All' Citizens?

KS3 Romans - Was the Republic for 'All' Citizens?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider the merits and demerits of democracy vs dictatorships and what problems or benefits they may bring. This leads on to the switch today from kings to republic and how it was structured. Information about the founding of the Republic and the symbols it had. Students then consider what a ‘citizen’ is. They then summarise what a person had to do to be a Roman citizen. They also find out about women and slaves. An activity to read about Patricians and Plebs before answering consolidation questions about everything taught so far. A task to study the structure of the Republic and answer questions on their worksheet provided showing the role of the different parts of government. An activity on the Twelve Tables. Students study the information provided and answer some questions about the laws, before considering which protected the poor and which empowered the rich. A plenary to consider whether the republic benefitted everyone. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Normans - Why Did William Win the Battle of Hastings?

KS3 Normans - Why Did William Win the Battle of Hastings?

Lesson One: A starter confirming Harold’s resistance to William’s attacks and using a source to anticipate what kind of man Harold was. An overview of the different soldiers each side had and students use the information provided to note down the advantages of each side. A discussion of the battlefield at Hastings on Senlac Hill. Students label a picture of the layout with the troops on each side and the advantages of Harold’s position. They discuss what strategies both sides could use to win. A video is used (10 mins) that explains the events that took place with some consolidation questions. A final activity to do a true and false plenary. Lesson Two: An introduction with a quote from Marc Morris about William’s victory being due to incredible luck - students will debate this at the end. An on-board animated recap of the battle with some actions and discussion questions along the way. Sources at the end to discuss the final moments of the battle. A task to colour-code the reasons why William won as luck, strategy or William himself. Students then use this to write up why William won using the on-board guidence to argue with Marc morris (that it was luck) or against (pick another factor). Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Word Files 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L16 - The Public Health Act 1875

GCSE Medicine L16 - The Public Health Act 1875

This lesson contains: A key words starter which can be completed on the worksheet. An overview of why the government was worried about public health. A look, using sources, at the conditions in the major cities during the Industrial era. A task to study the provisions of the 1875 Act and then use the information provided and complete detailed notes on the key individuals, changes in Britain and outbreaks of disease - all reasons why the 1875 Act was passed. A plenary to do an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files