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GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain

GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain

This lesson contains: A starter to put events in the correct order to practice knowledge recall and narrative skills. An overview of the satellite states and where they were, as well as the intention of Stalin to create a buffer zone. This is added to by a short YouTube video and consolidation questions on the worksheet and a map colouring exercise. An activity to use the information provided about the spread of communism throughout Europe to complete a table to show the trends of the Soviet strategy of take over. Information and a YouTube video on the Iron Curtain. Students complete questions on this. A plenary to either complete a source analysis on the worksheet provided or attempt an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
GCSE Germany L21 - Nazi Terror and Control

GCSE Germany L21 - Nazi Terror and Control

This lesson contains: An introduction to the methods used by the Nazis to control people. A YouTube video which summarises the main methods of fear and terror used to control the masses, including the SS, SD, Gestapo, Concentration Camps and the Courts. Students use Cornell Notes to make notes as it plays. A longer, indepth look at concentration camps, including the spread of them, the way people were treated and the badges. An indepth literacy task to write an exam-style question as the students research using the information sheets provided. This is advanced, as the students not only read the info, they have to process the info and then convert it into an exam response all at the same time. A choice of plenaries: either a comprehension quiz, or a source skills exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
WW1 L16 - Was the U-Boat Campaign Successful?

WW1 L16 - Was the U-Boat Campaign Successful?

This lesson contains: A starter to study some selected provisions of the Defense of the Realm Act and student shave fun deciding which are important and which were just inconvenient. An overview of the British blockade and its impact on Germany. A discussion of the use of U-Boats and their purpose in trying to starve Britain. Students watch a short YouTube video and discussing the impact of the U-Boats and how the British could solve the problem. An activity to learn about the home front by watching a YouTube video and completing information on the worksheet provided about rationing, allotments and the growing of food by women while the men were away. A discussion of the unrestricted submarine warfare and the sinking of the Luisitania, leading to the U.S. entry into the war. Students complete a worksheet with guided reading. A final plenary to judge whether the U-Boat warfare was successful or ineffective overall. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher File
KS3 Medieval - What Did Medieval Villages Look Like?

KS3 Medieval - What Did Medieval Villages Look Like?

This lesson contains: A starter to study an image of an abanded village and discuss what might have happened there. An overview of how archaeologists were able to use scans and maps to see what the village would have looked like. Information about the different features of a manor, including the manor building, the Lord, role of priests and the tithe, and the different professions like fletchers, blacksmiths etc, and the role of the strip farming. There is a consolidation task for students to complete in their books. An activity where students complete the worksheet to match the description of the building to the place. A task to then label a typical medieval village with the correct words based on the prompts on the PPT. A plenary to consider how difficult life might have been for those living there. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
KS3 Medieval - Were Pilgrimages Holy or Holidays?

KS3 Medieval - Were Pilgrimages Holy or Holidays?

This lesson contains: A starter to make students consider atonement and how we try to make up for things. This leads nicely on to today’s discussion of pilgrimages. A series of on-board slides that go through the reasons that people went on pilgrimages. Students use the 4 characters on the worksheet to summarise, in their own words, the reasons people gave for going on them. A video then follows from YouTube to help visualise what the pilgrims may have seen when they finally got their destination. An activity to consider whether religion was always in people’s minds. Students study a series of sources and give examples where religion was at the heart of it, and perhaps when other things were on pilgrim’s minds, like adventure or meeting a companion. An overview of the importance of Jerusalem and why people might go that far on a pilgrimage. The on-board info has images and maps to help visualise. Students then complete an independent guided reading with questions on the worksheet about a typical journey to Jerusalem. Students observe what some of the positives and dangers of such a trip might have been. A plenary to consider whether pilgrimages were holy or holidays, answering the enquiry question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
KS3 Romans - Was the Republic for 'All' Citizens?

KS3 Romans - Was the Republic for 'All' Citizens?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider the merits and demerits of democracy vs dictatorships and what problems or benefits they may bring. This leads on to the switch today from kings to republic and how it was structured. Information about the founding of the Republic and the symbols it had. Students then consider what a ‘citizen’ is. They then summarise what a person had to do to be a Roman citizen. They also find out about women and slaves. An activity to read about Patricians and Plebs before answering consolidation questions about everything taught so far. A task to study the structure of the Republic and answer questions on their worksheet provided showing the role of the different parts of government. An activity on the Twelve Tables. Students study the information provided and answer some questions about the laws, before considering which protected the poor and which empowered the rich. A plenary to consider whether the republic benefitted everyone. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
USA L2 - Was Prohibition Doomed to Fail?

USA L2 - Was Prohibition Doomed to Fail?

This lesson contains: A starter which builds on L1 about the boom. You can edit this to change it whatever you want. An engaging discussion with images of men pouring alcohol away. This gets the students thinking about the extreme reactions to Prohibition, and what Prohibition might mean. An activity to use an information sheet to complete the first part of their Cornell Notes on why Prohibition was brought into place. A task to complete their Cornell Notes either from the teacher explanation using the on-board information, or they can be printed and students can share the information in groups. This covers bootlegging, speakeasys, moonshine and other things that relate to the Prohibition era. A video and a slide that summarise why Prohibition failed. Students make a judgement about what was the greatest cause of Prohibition failing. Attachments: 1 Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
USA L5 - The Effects of the Wall Street Crash

USA L5 - The Effects of the Wall Street Crash

This lesson contains: A fun game that takes around 35-40 mins to play - or the whole lesson if you want! Students get given the game worksheet and bid on certain shares. As the prices go up (each slide) the students make more money. They can take loans out and also save money in their banks. When the game ends (the market crashes), those that had shares will lose almost everything and those that used certain banks for savings will find their savings wiped out. Those who took out the loans will find that they have no money…and are in debt. This game serves to show the effects of the banking crisis and Wall Street Crash - and to your delight, some students get annoyed that they lost, illustrating it further. A series of on-board info about the crash, and a short video, and then a task to complete a short comprehension activity about the crash. A task to write the worst consequences of the crash using the prompts on the board. A plenary to write a newspaper title and opening paragraph that they would expect to see the next day after the crash. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
Holocaust L2 - Who Did the Nazis Persecute?

Holocaust L2 - Who Did the Nazis Persecute?

This lesson contains: An introduction to the word ‘presecution’ and what this means for the holocaust. An overview of the Aryan Race ideals and the idea of who was undesirable in Germany. Students make notes on the different categories of undesirable. An overview of racial beliefs held by the Nazis, including eugenics and racial purity, with a gap fill to consolidate their knowledge. An activity to study the stories of different people in Germany and how they were persecuted. Students will study the information provided and will come to see that it wasn’t just Jewish people, but a wide variety of people who were affected. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Medieval - Causes of the Black Death

KS3 Medieval - Causes of the Black Death

This lesson contains: A starter to study an image of the devastation caused by the Black Death. Students can discuss the scene and share any knowledge they know about the event. The next slide has some broken down info and follow up questions. Background slides about the spread of the disease and its origins, where the name comes from etc. Students then study the info sheet and work out 5 symptoms of the Black Death. A task for students to watch a YouTube video which enriches the previous activity, then use the info sheets to complete a table about the two types: pneumonic and bubonic. A final activity for students to study 4 sources and summarise what people believed caused it. A plenary to discuss what each student would do to avoid the plague. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 1 x Publisher File
GCSE WW1 Medicine L1 - How did WW1’s Battles Affect Medicine?

GCSE WW1 Medicine L1 - How did WW1’s Battles Affect Medicine?

This lesson contains: A starter activity to gauge student interest and knowledge of World War One before the module begins. A short video to give an introduction into how gruesome the war was. An activity to study the medical advances that had taken place in the lead up to WW1, including x-rays, blood transfusions and aseptic surgery. Students assess the merits but also the problems that still existed with these methods. A teacher-led walkthrough of how the war started and led to stalemate and trenches. Students can answer some basic questions on the potential problems medical practitioners might face. A task to study the 4 major battlegrounds of WW1 (Ypres, Somme, Cambrai, Arras) to complete comprehension questions on them. A plenary to consider the biggest challenges faced by soldiers and by medics. **Attachments: ** 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L3 - Conditions & Transport

GCSE WW1 Medicine L3 - Conditions & Transport

This lesson contains: A starter quiz to consolidate previous knowledge. Two discussion tasks based on visual sources about what can be learned about conditions and the difficulty for medical crews. A task to read the information about transport methods and to complete questions to consolidate. An opportunity to do an exam question as a class. A teachable slide about doing source usefulness and a chance to practice this using a gap fill to teach the key componants that go into writing the usefulness exam question. An additional exam practice sheet provided which can be used as extension work or as homework. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L18 - The Creation of Penicillin

GCSE Medicine L18 - The Creation of Penicillin

This lesson contains: A starter to study Alexander Fleming’s petri dish and to describe what they see and what it might show. A brief background of the research and work on Pasteur, Snow, Lister and Koch that led to the research by Fleming on Penicillin, and the need for it because of the spread of staphylococcus. A useful YouTube video that gives an overview of the discovery of penicillin and the later contributions of Florey and Chain. Students then have an A3 worksheet (or A4 if you need to) with the chronology of events and gaps to complete with a word bank at the bottom. This is extended by determining the factors that led to the discovery, either war, individuals, government, increased technology or chance. An overview of how penicillin became the first mass produced drug, and then students determine who had the biggest influence on the creation of penicillin. There is an exam question, and support sheet, available do this. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 1 x Publisher File
GCSE WW1 Medicine L5 - Treating the Wounded

GCSE WW1 Medicine L5 - Treating the Wounded

This lesson contains: A starter quiz based on previous learning. An overview of the chain of evacuation. The teacher than takes the students through each of the RAD, Dressing Station, CCS and Base Hospital. There is a short video and students take notes in the boxes on their flow chart sheet. The answers are also there with facts to help students improve their notes afterwards. An activity to study about who provided the care, which includes the RAMC and FANY. Students then have an opportunity to attempt a ‘two features’ exam question. A plenary challenging students to determine which picture relates to each place on the chain. Extra exam questions for all types, including a long exam question, on this topic. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
KS3 Normans - Who Should be King 1066?

KS3 Normans - Who Should be King 1066?

This lesson contains: A starter to study a picture of Edward the Confessor dying and to interpret what is going on. An overview of the issue in 1066 with the death of Edward and an introduction to the three claimants - Harold, Harald and William. A YouTube video is used to give some insight into the problems between Harold and William and students discuss what the main arguments are. A research task to study information on 3 different cards, one for each claimant, with them talking int heir own words why theys hould be king. The students complete a mind map (images to be stcuk in and annotated) with the positives and negatives of each person. A writing task at the end to consolidate their thoughts. An optional extension, if you wanted to go into a 2nd lesson or wanted to give something for homework, for students to write an organised piece of writing and study an exemplar and critique it. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Word Files
KS3 Normans - How Did Harold Actually Die?

KS3 Normans - How Did Harold Actually Die?

This lesson contains: A starter with questions about the Norman conquest. An introduction to the detective work historians do. An overview of the types of sources, with students feedback on this. This leads to a larger discussion of which sources are more useful to a historian. A discussion of the criteria for the lesson - nature, origin and purpose and what they mean. An activity to study a series of sources about the death of Harold. Students consider the nature, origin and purpose of each and for each explain what theory it has about the death and a positive and negative based on the criteria. An opportunity to come up with their own theory as to what happened to Harold in reality using an on-board criteria. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L4 – Changing Government Policies

GCSE American West L4 – Changing Government Policies

This lesson contains: A background to U.S. policy towards the Indians before 1830, including assimilation and the creation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. A mind mapping activity to note down why policies began to change, including the failure of assimilation, Manifest Destiny, U.S. peoples’ dislike of Indians and the changing government agenda. These slides could be printed and used in groups, or done on-board. A reading and retrieval task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet to acknowledge the major changes in policy, including Indian Removal Act and the Permanent Indian Frontier. A plenary to consider a narrative-style question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L7 - Sydenham, New Approaches & Technology

GCSE Medicine L7 - Sydenham, New Approaches & Technology

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous knowledge so far from the course. An activity to read the information provided about Thomas Sydenham and his impact on medicine. Students complete a mind map about him in their books. Information on the board about the Printing Press where students acknowledge the impact. A guided reading worksheet about the Royal Society. Students read then answer the consolidation questions. A plenary exam question using what was learnt in the lesson. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
GCSE Cold War L9 - Arms Race & De-Stalinisation

GCSE Cold War L9 - Arms Race & De-Stalinisation

This lesson contains: A starter gap fill which recaps prior knowledge from the course. An introduction to the arms race using a source image to elicit responses. An embedded video of my own making which summarises the arms race and the creation of different weapons from the A bombs, H bombs and ICBMs. A consolidation activity using the information provided to complete extension questions and a timeline activity for the arms race. A discussion of MAD and what it means using a source to elicit the information then go over it using the on-board info. A task to read the guided reading on the new leaders in 1953 (Eisenhower and Khrushchev) and what impact they had on relations at the time. A plenary set of questions in a fun ‘tell your advisors’ format, and a plenary to watch a bit of ‘Duck and Cover’ and discuss it. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
WW1 L6 - How Was Propaganda Used in WW1?

WW1 L6 - How Was Propaganda Used in WW1?

This lesson contains: A starter to analyse a propaganda poster, the effect it may have had and whether it might be a push or a pull. Background into the enthusiasm for the war and an exercise to consider why people were eager to fight at the start. An overview of the lessoning of interest in joining the war and the need to get people to feel enthused through propaganda. This is done through a YouTube video. An activity to study a series of propaganda posters and judge the effect and whether they were push or pull types, and why. A plenary to design their own poster, or a small leaflet. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File