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Into Film

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Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Staying Safe Online Resources for Key Stage 2

Staying Safe Online Resources for Key Stage 2

hese activities form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Using a range of fantastic films, these resources explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the activity sheets. For more information, visit intofilm.org
An Introduction to Stop Motion Animation

An Introduction to Stop Motion Animation

This Into Film resource provides an introduction to stop-motion animation, detailing the history of the technique, as well as guidance on how to create your own stop motion films. Styles included use silhouettes, paper cut outs and modelling clay, with activity sheets and cut-out materials also provided for an interactive historical understanding of inventions such as the zoetrope and thaumatrope. More information can be found at www.intofilm.org/resources/200. To find out more about Into Film and start an Into Film Club visit: www.intofilm.org/clubs.
Staying Safe Online for Key Stages 3 and 4

Staying Safe Online for Key Stages 3 and 4

These activity plans and teacher notes form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Using a range of fantastic films, these resources explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the resources and teacher notes. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Creating Movie Magic

Creating Movie Magic

Creating Movie Magic Secondary is an innovative educational resource that offers students the chance to craft their own magic movie moments. They will learn about basic special effects, the importance and value of creativity and how D&T skills can lead to exciting careers. It offers teachers a new approach to teaching D&T and helps students understand the importance of IP to creativity. This resource is from Into Film and Industry Trust (supported by Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and Cinema First). Visit the Into Film resources website in order to download the accompanying PowerPoint presentation with embedded clips https://www.intofilm.org/resources/293
Staying Safe Online - 11-16

Staying Safe Online - 11-16

Staying Safe Online is an education resource created by Into Film in partnership with Childnet International to support Safer Internet Day. The resource uses films The Social Network and Catfish to ignite pupils’ imagination and bring important messages to life, providing them the information they need to be safe citizens in an increasingly digital world. The accompanying PowerPoint presentation featuring embedded clips from the films and version with subtitled videos can be found at the following link:https://www.intofilm.org/resources/36 In this resource, pupils will explore the key themes of: • privacy and sharing of information • being safe digital citizens regarding Childnet’s 3Cs of Content, Contact and Commercialisation Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau The Social Network a Catfish i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: - Preifatrwydd a rhannu diogelwch - Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel yn trafod gwaith 3C Childnet, Cynnwys, Cyswllt a Masnacheiddio
Staying Safe Online - 16+

Staying Safe Online - 16+

Staying Safe Online is an education resource created by Into Film in partnership with Childnet International to support Safer Internet Day. The resource uses film to ignite pupils’ imagination and bring important messages to life, providing them the information they need to be safe citizens in an increasingly digital world. In this resource, pupils will explore the key themes of: • Online addictions and behavioural habits • Grooming and the dangers of meeting people whom we speak to online • Being safe digital citizens. A version of the PowerPoint presentation with subtitled videos can be accessed from the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/37 Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau Trust a InRealLife i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: • Bod yn gaeth ar-lein ac arferion ymddygiad • Peryglon meithrin perthynas amhriodol chyfarfod bobl ar lein a • Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel
Staying Safe Online: Meet the Malwares

Staying Safe Online: Meet the Malwares

This resource was created by the Industry Trust and Into Film and is designed to help teach staying safe online across the 7 to 14 age range. The resource will develop learners' awareness and knowledge of malware and the associated dangers it has. It will also highlight the impact that content piracy and viruses have on the creative industries. This resource will: • Develop learners' understanding of malware and the harm it can cause • Demonstrate the cyber safety problems associated with pirate websites and viruses • Help learners develop an understanding about the impact of content piracy on the creative industries • Teach the importance of respecting copyright and the value of creative content The resource is based on an adapted version of the short information film, Meet the Malwares provided by Creative Content Australia, a not-for-profitorganization committed to raising awareness of the value of screen content and copyright and the impact of Piracy, and their accompanying education resource. This resource can be used and adapted to meet the needs of the learners and comprises of an accompanying Staying Safe Online: Meet the Malwares PowerPoint presentation including embedded clips, activity sheets and a handy glossary of the key terms to use in your classroom or club sessions. It has been designed to be followed sequentially, however you can cherry-pick activities to fit in with your teaching or requirements. There is a second version of the PowerPoint presentation with subtitled videos.
Spotlight on Music - Primary

Spotlight on Music - Primary

A resource containing activity and lesson ideas to work with film soundtracks across the curriculum to develop listening, discussion, analysis, reading, writing and composition skills. Film examples in this resource include Fantasia (U, 1940), Shaun the Sheep (U, 2014), Le Ballon Rouge (U, 1956) and The Artist (PG, 2012). Did you find this reosurce useful? If so, leave a star rating, so that other teacher's can find it. Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org
Staying Safe Online for Key Stages 3 & 4 resources

Staying Safe Online for Key Stages 3 & 4 resources

These resources form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Using a range of fantastic films, these resources explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the resources and teacher notes. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Searching: Film Guide

Searching: Film Guide

A film guide that looks at Searching (2018), exploring its key topics and themes through informal discussion.
Staying Safe Online Activities for Key Stage 2

Staying Safe Online Activities for Key Stage 2

These activities form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Using a range of fantastic films, these resources explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the resources and teacher notes. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Staying Safe Online for Key Stage 5 (worksheets)

Staying Safe Online for Key Stage 5 (worksheets)

These activity plans form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Through films as The Social Network, Catfish, InRealLife and Trust, these explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the resources and teacher notes. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Careers in Film Primary

Careers in Film Primary

For National Careers Week (7 - 11 March 2016), download this new careers resource for Primary pupils, which will help stimulate discussion and interest in a variety of different types of jobs within the film industry. These teachers' notes are designed to be used in conjunction with the PowerPoint presentation, curriculum links and interactive quiz also available to download here. The resource contains: embedded film clips; activities exploring jobs such as make-up designer, foley artist (creating sound effects) and costume designer; and encourages pupils to consider how their own skill sets can be harnessed to aspire to a rich career in films. To find out more about Into Film and start a free Into Film Club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Staying Safe Online for Key Stage 5 (resources)

Staying Safe Online for Key Stage 5 (resources)

These resources form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Through films as The Social Network, Catfish, InRealLife and Trust, these explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the activity plans. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Johnny English Strikes Again: Secret Agents

Johnny English Strikes Again: Secret Agents

This cross-curricular educational resource takes students on an immersive Learning journey through Johnny English’s school for Secret Agents in training. At the start of the programme, Johnny will set a mission for the class to protect their school and personal information from an incoming cyber-attack. Students aged 8 to 12 will then engage with STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects, learn about cyber-attacks and how to stay safe online, breaking codes and communicating secretly using science, all whilst developing the necessary skills to become a secret agent during the course of the two lessons before having the opportunity to take part in an exciting design competition. Each lesson is broken up into the following sections: Briefing or Debrief – introduction Mission Prep – development Mission Task – individual or small group work Task Debrief – plenary Field Mission – homework About the film Johnny English Strikes Again is the third instalment of the Johnny English comedy series, with Rowan Atkinson returning as the much-loved accidental secret agent. The new adventure begins when a cyber-attack reveals the identity of all active undercover agents in Britain, leaving Johnny English as the secret service’s last hope. Called out of retirement, English dives head first into action with the mission to find the mastermind hacker. As a man with few skills and analogue methods, Johnny English must overcome the challenges of modern technology to make this mission a success.** In cinemas October 5**. For more information about new release films and exciting competitions please visit the Into Film website www.intofilm.org
Into Film Storymaker: The Gruffalo Edition

Into Film Storymaker: The Gruffalo Edition

The Into Film Storymaker: The Gruffalo Edition is a literacy-focused app which supports storytelling in lower primary school settings. It features key scenes from The Gruffalo film and is supported by an extensive cross-curricular teaching resource. Pupils are able to record their own voices using existing or new narrative and dialogue, and choose a suitable soundtrack and sound effects. Download the teachers' notes, supporting PowerPoint presentation and curriculum links, then head to www.intofilm.org/gruffalo-storymaker for information about how to download the app. To start your free Into Film club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Ready Player One: Film Guide

Ready Player One: Film Guide

A film guide that looks at Ready Player One (2018), exploring its key topics and themes through informal discussion. This film is now available to stream for free on Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/19193
Spotlight on Music - Secondary

Spotlight on Music - Secondary

This resource contains adaptable activity ideas and outlines to support teaching and learning focussed on film score and soundtrack analysis, music appreciation and creating soundtracks for film and moving image. Activities focus on the examples of Meet Me in St Louis, 633 Squadron, Jaws, West Side Story and Fantasia. A supporting PowerPoint containing relevant film clips is available at www.intofilm.org/resources/68. Time codes are provided throughout, so that the resource can be used with your own copies of the films, and activities can easily be applied to films of your choice. Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help other teachers to find it. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org
Staying Safe Online: 7-11

Staying Safe Online: 7-11

Developed in partnership with ChildNet, these resources use films including Harriet the Spy and The Thief Lord to illustrate points about internet safety, and are full of information, safety tips and activities to help better acquaint pupils with staying safe online and advice on how to better protect themselves on the web. A version of the PowerPoint with subtitled videos is available on the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/35 For information on how to start a free Into Film club please visit https://www.intofilm.org/clubs Or go to https://www.intofilm.org/resources to view more of our curriculum focused resources. Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau Harriet the Spy aThe Thief Lord i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: • Preifatrwydd a rhannu diogelwch • Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel yn trafod gwaith 3C Childnet, Cynnwys, Cyswllt a Masnacheiddio
Filmmaking and film literacy apps

Filmmaking and film literacy apps

This resource is a handy guide to apps available for iPads and tablets to use for filmmaking and film literacy. Into Film provides free training of filmmaking and film literacy. Please visit to following link for more details: https://www.intofilm.org/training