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Into Film

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(based on 284 reviews)

Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Hidden Figures Pretty Curious classroom resource

Hidden Figures Pretty Curious classroom resource

This lesson, assembly and active viewing guide will inspire young people aged 11–14 to consider a positive future though STEM by using the film Hidden Figures and EDF Energy’s Pretty Curious programme activities to unlock their potential. The science lesson helps students to develop their understanding of investigations and fair testing, and gather data that is valid and reliable. Students must use their understanding of forces acting on a glider to make a prediction that they will test in a hands-on investigation, concluding with an evaluation of their results. It is comprised of a teachers’ notes document, activity sheets and a PowerPoint presentation with embedded clips from the film. It is spilt into seven parts, based on the flight of a rocket, and is to be completed over a double lesson period, or in a few Into Film Clubs or STEM clubs. Hidden Figures is working with EDF Energy’s Pretty Curious programme with the aim to inspire 2 million teenage girls and boys to consider a future through STEM. This film is now available to stream free at Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/18858
'Words Can Hurt' Film Seasons: Anti-Bullying

'Words Can Hurt' Film Seasons: Anti-Bullying

Into Film has curated two thought-provoking seasons of films, in which bullying is a major theme - for Primary and Secondary school children - to help teachers and pupils explore the issues surrounding the anti-bullying theme, ‘Words Can Hurt’. Each film in the ‘Words Can Hurt’ resource deals with a different area of bullying, and is accompanied by detailed film guides which include review starters and discussion points for teachers to fully explore the themes raised in the film. Like this? Try our new Anti-Bullying resource at: http://www.tes.co.uk/mypublicprofile.aspx?uc=918642
Hidden Figures Breaking Barriers assembly

Hidden Figures Breaking Barriers assembly

This assembly will inspire young people aged 11–14 to consider a positive future though STEM by using the film Hidden Figures and EDF Energy’s Pretty Curious programme activities to unlock their potential. The assembly is based on the Hidden Figures trailer and EDF Energy’s Pretty Curious film. It contains information for teachers and facilitators in the notes section of the PowerPoint presentation, and can be delivered as an assembly, within tutor time or during an extracurricular club session. This film is available to stream free at Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/18857
International Women's Day assembly 7-11: The Bechdel test in films

International Women's Day assembly 7-11: The Bechdel test in films

Diversity on film is a key topic in the film industry and this assembly is aimed at helping young people to discuss the representation of female characters on film using the Bechdel test as a framework. The Bechdel test is used in this assembly as a fun way of analysing how women are represented on film, and starting a conversation about whether this is fair. Young people will apply the Bechdel test to clips from popular films before discussing how films break with tradition. The extension activities will allow children to explore the issues presented in the assembly in a creative manner. The resource is suitable to be used in an assembly format, in a film club setting or for use in the classroom
LGBT History Month assembly

LGBT History Month assembly

February is LGBT History Month. Through the questions, issues and ideas raised in a selection of films this assembly supports young people to discuss the impact and limitations of the 1967 Sexual Offences Act as the first step on the continuing journey towards equal rights for LGBT people. The resource is primarily for use as an assembly, but can be adapted for use in a lesson or Into Film Club session, and contains some suggested activities to take learning further. The presentation contains clips and stimulus questions from The Imitation Game (2014, 12), Rebel Without a Cause (1955, PG), Victim (1961, 12), Pride (2014, 15) and G.B.F (2013, 15), interviews with the cast of Pride, youth made short Proud and stimulus questions and discussion points to enable students to analyse these films within the context of the LGBT History Month 2017 themes. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs. Did you find this resource useful? Leave a star rating to help other teachers to find it.
Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands

Designed to be used with Edward Scissorhands, this resource, aimed at students aged 11-14, provides simple-to-use activities that are a fun way to start a film club. The activities allow learners to explore key themes of empathy, tolerance and respect for all, while developing their literacy skills.
Race - Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics

Race - Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics

A resource to work with the 2016 feature film Race, which tells the amazing life story of Jesse Owens and his performance at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, engaging audiences with the impact of an individual and events on the world stage both 80 years ago and today. This resource should be used with the accompanying Race PowerPoint presentation, which contains clips, stills and prompt questions to support delivery of all the activities outlined in these notes. Through these activities learners can deepen their understanding and critical analysis of these significant historical events and compare interpretations in Race with other sources of information, and in turn create their own pieces of writing, artwork and/or filmmaking to reflect and share ideas on the themes raised in the film.
Dunkirk: The Dynamo Challenge

Dunkirk: The Dynamo Challenge

Connect your students with the heroic events surrounding Dunkirk via Christopher Nolan's action thriller, Dunkirk with our brand new resource. Targeted at 12-16 year olds, and a perfect resource to support history, PSHE/PSE/SMSC or citizenship lessons, The Dynamo Challenge presents a series of team building challenges centred around three narrative perspectives from the air, land and sea. You can also enter your school into The Dynamo Challenge competition. Task your students to create a group 3D art installation to commemorate the events at Dunkirk, submit a photo to competitions@intofilm.org OR tweet us @intofilm_edu and be in with a chance of the artwork being displayed at Dover Castle alongside the costumes from the film! The deadline for entries is midday on Friday 21 July 2017. Read more about the terms and conditions for entering. Dunkirk: The Dynamo Challenge was produced by Into Film and SUPER., in partnership with Warner Brothers.
Private Peaceful - An Into Film Resource

Private Peaceful - An Into Film Resource

This resource, produced in partnership with National Literacy Trust and aimed primarily at KS3, is based around the film Private Peaceful - the screen adaptation of Michael Morpurgo's book. It provides a timely, in-depth and collaborative way to mark the centenary of WWI with your students. The resource spans 6 different themes, which include curriculum links to History, English & Science. The resource is complemented with PPT presentations embedded film clips. For information on how to start a free Into Film club please visit https://www.intofilm.org/clubs Or go to https://www.intofilm.org/resources to view more of our curriculum focused resources.
Staying Safe Online for Key Stages 3 and 4

Staying Safe Online for Key Stages 3 and 4

These activity plans and teacher notes form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Using a range of fantastic films, these resources explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the resources and teacher notes. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Refugee Week

Refugee Week

This resource, supported by The Refugee Council, contains guides and activities for a selection of feature films for students aged 5-19 to consider and investigate the hardships and resiliance of refugees around the globe, the contribution of refugees in the UK and why people have and continue to seek asylum. To start your free Into Film Club find out more at www.intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? If so, please leave a star rating, this will help other teachers to find it.
The Commonwealth Through Film (Primary)

The Commonwealth Through Film (Primary)

This film-focused resource enables teachers and pupils to explore what it means to be part of the Commonwealth, gaining insights into the culture and identity of Commonwealth countries and reflecting on life in Scotland in the lead-up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Activities centre on five carefully chosen films from across the Commonwealth that will engage and excite pupils. This resource is part of Game on Scotland and has been designed to create unique learning opportunities linked to the Games. Start an Into Film Club to watch these films for free. Join at www.intofilm.org
Pride Film Guide

Pride Film Guide

A Film Guide that looks at the film, Pride. This resource contains before and after watching discussion questions, a debate-led activity and is useful for exploring topics including History, Citizenship and Politics in addition to highlighting themes surrounding democracy and rights, racism and prejudice, equality, British cinema and campaigns & revolutions. This film is available to stream on Into Film+
Primary to Secondary transition: Back to School assembly

Primary to Secondary transition: Back to School assembly

Into Film has produced an assembly resource that looks at some of the problems young people may encounter on their first day at a new school, and how to overcome them. Topics included in the assembly are: - Negotiating the first days - Making new friends - Believing in yourself - Working together
Suffragette -Social Changers

Suffragette -Social Changers

This resource, produced in partnership with National Schools Partnership and Pathe, provides a lesson plan for students to work with the new British film Suffragette (12A) and collections from The Museum of London to research and discuss historical and contemporary social changers, who have, and continue to campaign for gender equality. This resource is designed to be used Suffragette, -Social Changers Lesson PowerPoint presentation and worksheets, which can be accessed at www.nationalschoolspartnership.com/suffragetteresource.php You can also access a resource and PowerPoint presentation for the Suffragette -Social Changers - assembly. Suffragette starring Carey Mulligan, Anne-Marie Duff and Meryl Streep, opens in cinemas on 12 October. Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help others teachers to use it.
Malala Youth Voice

Malala Youth Voice

A resource produced in partnership with The National Schools Partnership and Fox Searchlight Pictures. This resource provides guidance and the tools students need to enter the Malala Youth Voice Filmmaking Competition, based on the new documentary film He Named Me Malala in cinemas on 6 November 2015. More resources to support an assembly and PSHE, Citizenship and English lessons are available at www.nationalschoolspartnership.com/malalayouthvoice.php. Through these resources students can explore Malala's story, the right to education and approaches to effective campaigning.
Into Film's Black History Month resource

Into Film's Black History Month resource

This year the focus of Black History Month is on the experience of black Britons in the 65 years since The Windrush Generation. Our resource examines the way in which the experience of black Britons has been reflected on film over the years, some good, some less accurate. To find out more about Into Film and discover how to get a club started, visit the Into Film website.
Staying Safe Online - 11-16

Staying Safe Online - 11-16

Staying Safe Online is an education resource created by Into Film in partnership with Childnet International to support Safer Internet Day. The resource uses films The Social Network and Catfish to ignite pupils’ imagination and bring important messages to life, providing them the information they need to be safe citizens in an increasingly digital world. The accompanying PowerPoint presentation featuring embedded clips from the films and version with subtitled videos can be found at the following link:https://www.intofilm.org/resources/36 In this resource, pupils will explore the key themes of: • privacy and sharing of information • being safe digital citizens regarding Childnet’s 3Cs of Content, Contact and Commercialisation Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau The Social Network a Catfish i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: - Preifatrwydd a rhannu diogelwch - Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel yn trafod gwaith 3C Childnet, Cynnwys, Cyswllt a Masnacheiddio
Staying Safe Online - 16+

Staying Safe Online - 16+

Staying Safe Online is an education resource created by Into Film in partnership with Childnet International to support Safer Internet Day. The resource uses film to ignite pupils’ imagination and bring important messages to life, providing them the information they need to be safe citizens in an increasingly digital world. In this resource, pupils will explore the key themes of: • Online addictions and behavioural habits • Grooming and the dangers of meeting people whom we speak to online • Being safe digital citizens. A version of the PowerPoint presentation with subtitled videos can be accessed from the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/37 Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau Trust a InRealLife i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: • Bod yn gaeth ar-lein ac arferion ymddygiad • Peryglon meithrin perthynas amhriodol chyfarfod bobl ar lein a • Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel
Wellbeing: a discussion guide for risky behaviours

Wellbeing: a discussion guide for risky behaviours

An activity guide to help teachers select appropriate films and lead effective activities and discussion to explore smoking, drinking alcohol, taking illegal drugs and sex and relationships. Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help other teachers to find it.