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Into Film

Average Rating4.46
(based on 284 reviews)

Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Kung Fu Panda 3 - Chopstick Challenge

Kung Fu Panda 3 - Chopstick Challenge

This immersive, exciting and varied resource will take young people on a quest to become Chopstick Warriors by teaching them about the history and handling of chopsticks. They will teach others and perform a range of challenges to perfect the art of the chopstick, then battle other competitors in school, culminating in The Rice Challenge, with the intention of being crowned Chopstick Master. Teachers are provided with a fun downloadable ‘Chopstick Challenge' resource pack that includes how to create and run a Chopstick League within their school. This is an easy to use end of term resource designed to bring the school community together with an engaging and challenging project to help celebrate the end of the school year. The DVD is on general release from July 11th 2016. The accompanying Kung Fu Panda 3 PowerPoint presentation including embedded clips can be downloaded from the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/kung-fu-panda-3 Look out for the Chopstick Challenge competition coming soon! Check the Into Film Twitter page for more info.
Do the Right Thing: Film Guide

Do the Right Thing: Film Guide

A film guide that looks at Do the Right Thing (1989), exploring its key topics and themes through informal discussion. This film is now available to stream for free on Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/19233
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Express Yourself

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Express Yourself

Drawing on the power of creativity to effect positive change, this resource uses inspirational films showcased at the Into Film Festival as a springboard for young people to explore their own values and to use film as a tool for self-expression. The Into Film Festival takes place from 4-20 November 2015. There are free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival
Pre-Production 4: Source costumes, Make-up & Props

Pre-Production 4: Source costumes, Make-up & Props

This resources provides young people with a range of practical tips on designing and sourcing costumes, finding and creating props and creating effects with make-up.The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n cynnig awgrymiadau i bobl ifanc ar sut i greu a chasglu gwisgoedd at eu gilydd, darganfod a chreu props a chreu effeithiau gyda cholur. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Production 1: Light a film set

Production 1: Light a film set

This resource introduces young people to the production stage of film production. It provides an overview of how to set up your lighting in accordance with professional practice as well as tips on creating home made lighting solutions and making the most of natural light sources. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n cyflwyno bobl ifanc i’r elfen gynhyrchu o greu ffilm. Mae’n darparu trosolwg o sut i osod goleuo yn unol ag arferion proffesiynol yn ogystal ag awgrymiadau ar sut i ddatrus problemau goleuo a defnyddio’r mwyaf o olau naturiol. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Into Film Eco Explorers

Into Film Eco Explorers

Raise awareness of issues surrounding the environment, pollution and global warming, using film analysis and filmmaking opportunities. These activities incorporate outdoor learning, which offer great opportunities for young people to get out into the world that they're studying, helping to further engage them with their local environment. This resource is designed to be used with the accompanying PowerPoint presentation, which contains films clips, stills and discussion points. Related content can be found at www.intofilm.org/eco-explorers Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Giving this resource a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Belle - an education resource

Belle - an education resource

This PDF should be used with an accompanying ppt – download: http://www.filmclub.org/whats-new/details/2133/reel-to-real-download-our-belle-resource-and-join-us-for-a-screening. The activities in this resource are designed to meet curriculum objectives for citizenship, English and literacy, RMPS, PSHE education, PSE, PDMU, social studies, and health and wellbeing. This resource will work equally well with all nations’ curricula. For more information about Into Film and help setting up your free film club, visit www.intofilm.org The accompanying PowerPoint presentation with embedded clips is available at the following link on the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/27
Eighth Grade: Film Guide

Eighth Grade: Film Guide

A film guide that looks at Eighth Grade (2018), exploring its key topics and themes through informal discussion. This film is now available to stream for free on Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/19395
Post-Production 2: Sound Effects and Music

Post-Production 2: Sound Effects and Music

This resource provides young people with an overview of adding sound effects and music in the post-production stage of the filmmaking process. This includes links for sourcing copyright-free music and creating an original soundtrack for a short film. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult.This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd hwn yn cynnig trosolwg i bobl ifanc ar sut i ychwanegu effeithiau sain a cherddoriaeth yng ngyfnod ôl-gynhyrchu o greu ffilm. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau ar sut i ddarganfod cerddoriaeth di-hawlfraint a chreu traciau sain gwreiddiol ar gyfer ffilm fer. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Black Filmmakers on Film: Andrew Onwubolu Introduction

Black Filmmakers on Film: Andrew Onwubolu Introduction

Andrew Onwubolu MBE has developed his craft of filmmaking throughout his career from a self-taught filmmaker uploading music videos and short films to YouTube to being awarded an MBE for services to Drama and Music. This resource comprises three lessons which introduce learners to Andrew Onwubolu, his filmmaking style and debate the role of an auteur in a film production. Download the full resource from the Into Film website. Lesson 1 - Guerilla Filmmaking and Autuer Theory The first lesson in this resource introduces or reacquaints young people studying GCSE or A level Film Studies with the concept of an auteur by analysing the filmmaking style and directorial motifs in Andrew Onwubolu’s film Blue Story and his earlier work Shiro’s Story. This will lead on to analysing the theory and features of auteurism in the films of Spike Lee, John Singleton and Alfred Hitchcock. Learners are then tasked with planning a crowdfunding campaign for a film production before planning and filming a revision film on the topic of auteurism in the style of one of the filmmakers discussed in this lesson. Lesson 2 - Discovering the Auteur This second lesson continues to develop learners’ understanding of auteurism by debating who has the most creative control on a film production before planning a presentation. The project for this lesson is to produce a film in the style of one of the auteurs studied in this lesson sequence, summarising what learners know about auteur theory to be used as a revision aid. Lesson 3 - Debating the Auteur The final lesson in this sequence is an opportunity for learners to practise writing an answer to an examination-style question which is scaffolded with opportunities for peer and class feedback before individuals produce their own essay.
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Celebrating British Film

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Celebrating British Film

Designed to support media, film and moving image study, this resource uses hands-on film making, discussion and independent learning activities to help students understand the British film industry and its institutions. The Into Film Festival takes place from 4-20 November 2015. Free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival
Silent Shakespeare: Revision Through Film

Silent Shakespeare: Revision Through Film

These film-focused lessons are designed for used in studying English Literature English, using BFI film resources of Shakespeare adaptations. The lessons are particularly suitable to support revision for 14-16-year olds and cover four set texts: The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice, Macbeth and Twelfth Night. Each activity can be used in relation to the chosen text and mapped to exam boards. This resource was written by a Teach First teacher and is based on the Silent Shakespeare BFI archive film collection. For more information on the Shakespeare on Film season, please visit http://www.bfi.org.uk/shakespeare-on-film
Film Literacy Activities/ Gweithgareddau llythrennedd ffilm

Film Literacy Activities/ Gweithgareddau llythrennedd ffilm

This literacy pack provides a range of worksheets for analysing the storyline and characters within any film. There are also worksheets to help young people to develop their personal analysis and interpretation of the film in addition to a section on filmmaking tasks. The final section contains worksheets to promote extended writing to develop the learning from any film. Mae'r pecyn llythrennedd yn cynnig nifer o syniadau ar gyfer dadansoddi'r stori a'r cymeriadau o fewn unrhyw ffilm. Mae yna thaflenni gwaith i helpu pobl ifanc i ddatblygu eu dadansoddiad personol a dehongliad o'r ffilm yn ogystal ag adran ar dasgau gwneud ffilmiau. Mae'r adran olaf yn cynnwys taflenni gwaith i hyrwyddo ysgrifennu estynedig i ddatblygu'r dysgu o unrhyw ffilm.
Vin Diesel's Socks - Have your say on film, copyright and piracy assembly

Vin Diesel's Socks - Have your say on film, copyright and piracy assembly

This assembly, produced in partnership with The Industry Trust, The Intellectual Property Office and FACT is for students aged 14-19 to consider the impact and ethics of film piracy, the consequences of downloading a film illegally and the impact of film piracy on the creative industries and creative individuals, including themselves. The message of the assembly is a positive one, giving students information about where to download films legally, how they protect their own work and consider using those skills required in the creative industries, which are protected by intellectual property (IP) legislation. This resource can also be adapted for use in Media Studies, Citizenship, PSHE and Computing lessons. Find out more at www.intofilm.org
Into Film Christmas Quiz: 5-11

Into Film Christmas Quiz: 5-11

Looking for a fun Christmas activity for your Into Film Club? Why not try our festive quiz and share your scores to be in with a chance to win a prize? To start your own Into Film Club, please visit https://www.intofilm.org/clubs
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Love

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Love

This resource enables teachers to use films as case studies to develop emotional literacy and empathy skills, whilst challenging young people creatively through a wide range of literacy and filmmaking activities. The Into Film Festival takes place between 4-20 November 2015. There are free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival
Post-Production 1: Edit Filmed Footage

Post-Production 1: Edit Filmed Footage

This resource introduces young people to the post-production stage of film production. This resource provides young people with an overview of the editing process using software packages. This includes uploading and tagging film clips, assembling a rough cut, trimming and adding transitions, titles and credits. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma yn cyflwyno’r bobl ifanc i’r elfen o ôl-gynhyrchu o greu ffilm. Mae’r adnodd yn darparu trosolwg o’r broses olygu gan ddefnyddio meddalwedd. Mae hyn yn cynnwys uwchlwytho a thagio clipiau ffilm, casglu ffilm heb ei dorri at ei gilydd, trimio ac ychwanegu trawsnewidiadau, teitlau a credyd. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
Animating Africa

Animating Africa

This resource is for use with young people aged 7 and over, to showcase and celebrate animation talent from across the African continent and beyond. Starting with the godfather of African animation, Moustapha Alassane, across Ethiopia, Senegal, South African and Ghana this resource shines a light on emerging animators and established studios. Your learners will watch a range of different animation styles from stop motion animation shorts through to computer-generated feature films before decoding key clips using the 3Cs and 3Ss of film and participating in a filmmaking activity inspired by each film. There are extension activities for each section as well that further extend young people’s learning. The accompanying** Animating Africa PowerPoint presentation** includes embedded clips to show to your group. There is an accompanying document with curriculum links for all nations and regions. This resource is suitable for use in a film club setting or in a classroom to support topic work.
Exhibition & Distribution: 2. Distribute Your Film

Exhibition & Distribution: 2. Distribute Your Film

This resource provides young people with a number of helpful tips on getting their films seem by a wide audience. This includes tips and suggestions for entering youth film festivals and also national filmmaking competitions. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production. Mae’r adnodd yma’n darparu nifer o awgrymiadau defnyddiol i gael eu ffilmiau wedi’u gweld gan gynulleidfa ehangach. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyngor ac awgrymiadau i gystadlu mewn g?yliau ffilm ieuenctid a chystadleuthau creu ffilm cenedlaethol. Awgrymir defnyddio’r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i’w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmiau ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm.
British Council Shorts 2016: 14-19

British Council Shorts 2016: 14-19

Since 2013 the Into Film Programming Team and members of the Film Department at the British Council have worked together to create a showcase for the best British short films that appeal to young people made each year. Resulting in a series of short film programmes for Primary and Secondary ages they all include a variety of animation, live action and documentary film offering something for everyone. Watch them all at once or just dip in and out whenever you want a short burst of film fun. The British Council builds trust between, and creates international opportunities for, the people of the UK and other countries worldwide. Its specialist Film department works to profile the innovation, diversity, creativity and excellence of British films both internationally and in the UK. Supporting short films and emerging filmmakers is a key part of our activity and so we're absolutely thrilled to be a partner for this compilation and bring some of the best short films from around UK to a brand new audience. Find out more here: www.britishcouncil.org/film The British Council also works with schools in the UK and globally to enrich education and promote global citizenship. We can help you to collaborate with partner schools overseas and give you access to resources and professional development courses. Find out more here: www.britishcouncil.org/schoolsonline