I am an English teacher with over 16 years' experience. My high quality resources will save you time and offer creative and purposeful activities for your students.
For commissions, questions or feedback, please e-mail me at jpresourcesuk@gmail.com
I am an English teacher with over 16 years' experience. My high quality resources will save you time and offer creative and purposeful activities for your students.
For commissions, questions or feedback, please e-mail me at jpresourcesuk@gmail.com
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 74 slide PowerPoint and 10 different worksheets (8 include a transcript for analysis) exploring the topic of child language acquisition (speech) and a summary terminology and theory sheet. This unit can be used for any exam board.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and terminology listed below, a worksheet containing a transcript (or revision cards for lesson 10), and a homework task. The following theories and terminology are covered:
Pre-verbal stages of CLA including reduplicated, variegated and jargon babbling
Lexical and grammatical stages of CLA
Nelson – Categories of first words (1973)
Reduplication/ diminuitives/ addition/ substitution/ assimilation/ deletion/ consonant cluster reduction
Gestalt expressions/ content and function words
Noun bias –Bloom (2001)
Language Acquisition Device (LAD) and Universal Grammar –Chomsky (1965)
Virtuous errors/overextension/Underextension
‘Fis’ Phenomenon –Berko and Brown (1960)
The Wug Test –Berko Gleason (1958)
Pivot Schema –Braine (1973)
Semantic Development –Brown (1973)
The Acquisition of the System of Negation in Children’s Speech and Stages of Pronoun Acquisition –Bellugi (1967)
Formation of questions –Brown (1968)
Behaviourism –Skinner (1957)
Social Learning Theory –Bandura (1977)
A usage-based approach to learning language –Ibbotson (2009)
Stages of Cognitive Development –Piaget (1936)
Learning as a social process –Vygotsky (1930)
Criticisms of Piaget’s Theory – Repacholi and Gopnik (1997) and Lewis and Ramsay (2004)
Social Interactionism and LASS – Bruner (1983)
Functions of Children’s Language – Halliday (1975)
Functions of Children’s Language – Dore (1975)
How a lack of social interactionism affects language learning – Pinker (1994) and Kuhl (2010)
Child Directed Speech and its features
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language resources:
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language Discourses
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
Language Investigation
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 70 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets (including texts for analysis) exploring the topic of Language Change and a summary terminology and theory sheet.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered:
Lexical, Semantic, Phonological, Grammatical and Orthographical processes
David Crystal – A Sea of Language Change and tidal metaphor (1999)
Diachronic and Synchronic Linguistic Change
Origins of Old English and Middle English
Descriptivism and Prescriptivism
Samuel Johnson – Dictionary of the English Language (1755)
Robert Lowth – A Short Introduction to English Grammar (1762)
Jonathan Swift - ‘A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue’ (1712)
John Walker – A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary (1791)
Otto Jespersen – Great Vowel Shift (1909)
William Caxton – Printing Press (1476)
John McWhorter – Textspeak (2013)
Jean Aitchison – Language Change Progress or Decay? (2012)
Vocal Fry and Uptalk
Martin Janssen – Lexical gaps (2012)
Functional view/theory
Linguistic determinism and the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Charles Hockett - Random Fluctuation Theory (1958)
Peter Trudgill – Language Myths (1990)
John Humphrys – Prescriptivist grammatical change
Lynne Truss – Eats, Shoots and Leaves (2003)
Jean Aitchison – A Web of Worries (1996)
Guy Deutscher – The Unfolding of Language (2006)
James Milroy and Lesley Milroy – Complaint tradition (1985)
Robert Lane Greene – You Are What You Speak (2011)
There are some references to AQA-style A Level specification questions, but you can adapt these if needs be. These can be found on slides 59-67. Lesson 9 is based on an AQA A Level question.
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language A Level resources!
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Child Language Acquisition Speaking
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 68 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets (including texts for analysis) exploring the topic of Language and Technology and a summary terminology and theory sheet.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered:
Hiltz and Turoff – CMC (1978)
Emmanuel Schegloff – Telephone conversation structure (1986)
David Crystal – Textspeak (2004)
Celia Klin – The role of full stops in text messages (2015)
David Crystal – Netspeak (2004 and 2008)
Eric Partridge – Dictionary of Abbreviations (1942)
Crispin Thurlow – Sociolinguistic functions of text messages (2003)
Tim Shortis – The Language of ICT (2000)
John McWhorter – Fingered speech and texting (2013)
Elizabeth Eisenstein – The Printing Press (1983)
Jeff Jarvis – the positive impact of the internet on language (2023)
Susan Herring – CMC and CMDA (2018)
Christopher Werry – IRC and Netiquette (1996)
Condon and Čech – E-mail discourse (2010)
Amanda Roig-Marin – Cyber-neologism blends (2016)
Evelyn Nien-Ming Ch’ien – The Democratization of English (2004)
Hyejeong Ahn and Jieun Kiaer – Korean Pop Culture Words (2021)
Philip Seargeant – The Emoji Revolution (2019)
Michele Zappavigna and Lorenzo Logi – Emoji and Social Media Paralanguage (2024)
danah boyd – It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens (2004)
Gretchen McCulloch – Because Internet (2022)
There are some references to AQA-style A Level specification questions, but you can adapt these if needs be. These can be found on slides 57-65. Lesson 9 is based on an AQA A Level question.
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language A Level resources!
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Language Discourses Opinion Writing
Language Investigation
AQA Paper 2 Revision
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 70 slide PowerPoint and 10 different worksheets exploring the topic of child language acquisition (reading and writing) and a summary terminology and theory sheet. The first 2 lessons are about reading and the final 8 are about writing. This unit can be used for any exam board.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and terminology listed below, a worksheet containing examples of writing or a transcript (or revision cards for lesson 10), and a homework task. The following theories and terminology are covered:
Early literacy – Shirley Brice Heath (1983)
Stages of Reading Development – Jeanne Chall (1983)
Features of reading schemes
Language Acquisition Support System – Jerome Bruner (1983)
Synthetic phonics
Stages of writing development – Barry Kroll (1981)
Emergent writing
Stages of writing development – Kathy Barclay (1996)
Emergent literacy – Marie Clay (1975)
Initial literacy – Yetta Goodman (1985)
Ascender/descender graphemes, cursive handwriting and different types of join
The impact of touchscreen technology on children’s writing – Dunn and Sweeney (2018)
Homophones, graphemes and digraphs
Stages of spelling - Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton & Johnston (2004); Bear & Templeton (1998); Gentry (1977; 1982)
Categories of spelling errors
Functions of punctuation – David Crystal (1995)
Learning About Punctuation – Nick Hall and Susan Robinson (1996)
Playful punctuation – Andrew Burrell and Roger Beard (2022)
Genre theory in children’s writing – J.R. Martin and Jean Rothery (1981)
How genre is linked to schoolwork – Frances Christie (1987)
Modes of children’s writing – James Britton (1982)
Chronology in texts – Katherine Perera (1984)
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language resources:
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Analysing Spoken Language
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 69 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets (including a range of transcripts) exploring the topic of Language and Power and Occupation and a summary terminology and theory sheet.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered:
Shân Wareing – Types of Power, 1999
Pierre Bourdieu – Language and Symbolic Power, 1993
Norman Fairclough – Types of power, 1984
Erving Goffman – Face-work, 1967
Brown and Levinson – Politeness Theory, 1987
Howard Giles – Communication Accommodation Theory, 1973
Drew and Heritage - Institutional Talk and Inferential Frameworks, 1992
John Swales – Discourse Community, 1990
Sinclair and Coulthard – IRF Model and Teacher Talk, 1975 and 1992
Paul Grice – Cooperative Principle and Gricean Maxims, 1975
Almut Koester – Phatic Talk in the Workplace, 2004
Judith Baxter – Double-voiced discourse, 2014
Janet Holmes and Maria Stubbe - Power and Politeness in the Workplace, 2003 & 2015
There are some references to AQA-style A Level specification questions, but you can adapt these if needs be. These can be found on slides 58-66. Lesson 9 is based on an AQA A Level question.
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language A Level resources!
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Analysing Spoken Language
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
Language Discourses Opinion Writing
Language Investigation
AQA Paper 2 Revision
Two detailed lessons exploring Owen Sheers’ ‘Mametz Wood’ from the Eduqas GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on the two part exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 66 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets (including transcripts) exploring the topic of Language and Gender and a summary terminology and theory sheet.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered:
The Deficit Approach – Robin Lakoff (1973 & 1975)
The Dominance Approach - Don Zimmerman & Candace West (1975), Dale Spender (1980) and Pamela Fishman (1978)
The Deficit Approach – Otto Jesperson (1922)
Criticism of Zimmerman and West - Geoff Beattie (1981)
Gossip – Jane Pilkington (1992 and 1998)
The Difference Approach – Deborah Tannen (1990) and Janet Holmes (1995)
Criticism of Holmes and politeness – Sara Mills (2003)
Women, Men and Language – Jennifer Coates (1993)
Norwich Study – Peter Trudgill (1974)
Gender Trouble – Judith Butler (1990)
The Myth of Mars and Venus – Deborah Cameron (2008)
The Gender Similarities Hypothesis – Janet Hyde (2005)
Verbal Hygiene – Deborah Cameron (1995)
The Whole Woman – Penelope Eckert (1990)
Relational Aggression – Rosalind Wiseman (2002)
Gossip - Deborah Jones (1980)
Gossip – Holly Hom (2004)
Gossip – Nigel Nicholson (2001)
Powerless Language – William O’Barr and Bowman Atkins (1980)
Gendered workplace language – Barbara Eakins and R. Gene Eakins (1976)
Gendered workplace language – Carole Edelsky (1981)
There are some references to AQA-style A Level specification questions, but you can adapt these if needs be. These can be found on slides 56-63. Lesson 9 is based on an AQA A Level question.
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language A Level resources!
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Language Discourses Opinion Writing
Language Investigation
AQA Paper 2 Revision
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 71 slide PowerPoint, 10 different worksheets (including texts for analysis) exploring the topic of Language Discourses and a summary terminology and theory sheet.The following are covered and taught as part of the unit: self-representation of the writer; positioning of the audience; evaluating and challenging discourses; applying different linguistic levels; context and genre; comparison.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered:
Definition of language discourses
Descriptivism and prescriptivism
Sticklerism – Robert Lane Greene (2011)
Eats, Shoots & Leaves – Lynne Truss (2003)
Declinism – Robert Lane Greene (2011)
Crumbling Castle, Infectious Disease and Damp Spoon – Jean Aitchison (1996)
Standard and Non-Standard English
Complaint Tradition – James and Lesley Milroy (1987)
Complaint Tradition – John McWhorter (2013)
The Language Wars – Henry Hitchings (2011)
Verbal Hygiene – Deborah Cameron (1995)
David Crystal – A Sea of Language Change
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language resources:
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Analysing Spoken Language
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
Language Discourses - Question 4 Opinion Article
Original Writing NEA
Language Investigation
AQA Paper 2 Revision
A 9 lesson unit comprising a 74 slide PowerPoint and 10 different worksheets exploring the topic of the AQA Language Discourses opinion article (Paper 2, Section B, Question 4).
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed guidance on the skills and ideas listed below, a worksheet and activities, worked questions and exemplar responses, and a homework task. The following skills are covered:
How to approach the question
Developing an argument
How to plan for and use theories, concepts and linguistic terminology
Writing for a non-specialist audience
Writing to position an audience or reader
Consciously crafting an opinion piece using particular techniques
Using relatable examples and anecdotes in the piece
How to develop self-presentation as a writer using specific strategies
Writing effective openings and endings
How to evaluate and challenge viewpoints and arguments
The final lesson includes a full exemplar response to a question.
Check out my other English Language resources:
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Analysing Spoken Language
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
Language Discourses - Section B, Question 3
Original Writing NEA
Language Investigation
AQA Paper 2 Revision
A 9 lesson unit comprising a 65 slide PowerPoint and 9 different worksheets exploring the Original Writing NEA for AQA English Language A Level.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed guidance on the skills and ideas listed below, a worksheet and activities, worked questions and exemplar responses, and a homework task. The following skills are covered:
Original writing – what is it?
Genre, purpose and audience
How to analyse a text based on its genre, purpose and audience
Information texts and their linguistic features
Persuasive texts and their linguistic features
Storytelling texts and their linguistic features
How to choose and annotate a style model
How to plan and write the first draft of the original writing piece
How to review and edit a second draft of the original writing piece
How to plan and write the commentary
Check out my other English Language resources:
Language Investigation
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Analysing Spoken Language
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
Language Discourses - Section B, Question 3
Language Discourses - Opinion Writing - Section B Question 4
Language Levels
AQA Paper 2 Revision
A fourteen page revision workbook for students to revise Frankenstein and The Handmaid’s Tale (focused on the Edexcel specification but can easily be adapted for others - the focus is on connections and comparisons).
Enclosed are:
A quotation gathering template where students link common themes with examples from both texts (two examples modelled).
An AO4 focused table where students write up an analytical link between two short quotations from each text (one example modelled).
A more complex table which encourages links between a question focus; a quotation from each text; a contextual link; and analytical connections (one example modelled).
A more developed linking table providing quotations of which students produce a developed comparative analysis (all quotations provided and one example and a paragraph modelled).
A blank copy of the previous table.
A linking grid focused on ambitious narrative techniques, linked with quotations, context and themes (one example modelled).
A series of longer linked extracts from both texts where students analyse these in response to a question (eight pages of extracts).
The booklet is designed to be used by students with knowledge of both texts and is perfect for use in the run up to examinations. There is scaffolding but also appropriate stretch and challenge for those who are aiming for the highest grades.
This booklet works well with my free essay guidance for this particular question (Edexcel A Level Paper 2) which you can find here: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12853413]
Two detailed lessons exploring Moniza Alvi’s ‘Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan’ from the Time and Place Cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with thorough annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 61 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets exploring the topic of Language and Region (UK) and a summary terminology and theory sheet.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered:
Howard Giles’ Matched Guise Study (1970)
Queen Mary University & The University of York Accent Bias Study (2020)
David Rosewarne – Estuary English (1984)
Peter Trudgill – Norwich Study (1972)
Overt and covert prestige
Paul Kerswill - Dialect Levelling (1999)
Watt and Gunn (HSBC) - The sound of 2066 (2016)
Howard Giles – Capital punishment study (1973)
Dixon, Mahoney and Cocks – Accents of Guilt (2002)
Rob Drummond – MLE, MUBE and MBE (2016)
Amanda Cole – SSBE and research into MLE, RP and SSBE in London (2023)
General Northern English and the research of Strycharczuk, López-Ibáñez, Brown and Leemann (2020)
Urban West Yorkshire English (UWYE)
There are some references to AQA-style A Level specification questions, but you can adapt these if needs be. These can be found on slides 13, 37-38 and 51-58. Lesson 9 is based on an AQA A Level question.
This unit does not cover World Englishes and only touches briefly on Language and Ethnicity through references to MLE and MBE.
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language A Level resources!
Language and Gender
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Analysing Spoken Language
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
Language Discourses Opinion Writing
Language Investigation
AQA Paper 2 Revision
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 67 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets (including texts for analysis) exploring the topic of Language and Social Groups (with lots of work on Language and Age) and a summary terminology and theory sheet.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered:
Idiolect, dialect, sociolect and ethnolect
Communication Accommodation Theory (Convergence, Divergence, Interpersonal & Intergroup Communication) – Giles (1971)
Communities of Practice – Lave and Wenger (1991 and 1998)
Social Network Theory
Belfast Study – Milroy (1975)
New York Study & Martha’s Vineyard Study – Labov (1966 and 1963)
Follow up to Martha’s Vineyard Study – Blake and Josey (2003)
Reading study and ‘Age and Generation-specific use of language’ – Cheshire (1982 and 2006)
Emerging Adulthood in Sociolinguistics – Bigham (2012)
Trends in Teenage Talk – Stenström, Andersen and Hasund (2002)
Age in Sociolinguistics – Eckert (1997)
Age identity in Japan and the US – Ota, Harwood, Williams and Takai (2000)
Teenage Talk – Eckert (2003 and 1989)
Teenage language in West Yorkshire – Ives
Bolton Study – Moore (2010)
Teenage Slang – de Klerk (1997) and Zimmerman (2009)
Teenage Talk - Stenström (2014)
The Language of British Teenagers - Martínez (2011)
Use of tags – Berland (1997)
‘Like’ as a discourse maker – Odato (2013)
Creative linguistic processes in teenage slang – Fajardo (2018)
Elaborated and Restricted Code – Bernstein (1964 and 1971)
Criticisms of Bernstein – Rosen and Labov (1972) and Ivinson (2017)
Discourse Community – Swales (1990)
There are some references to AQA-style A Level specification questions, but you can adapt these if needs be. These can be found on slides 56-64. Lesson 9 is based on an AQA A Level question.
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language A Level resources!
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language Discourses
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Name Journeys’ by Raman Mundair from the Worlds and Lives Cluster in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
A revision lesson (or lessons if you want to do more with the initial card revision activity) for the AQA Worlds and Lives cluster question for GCSE English Literature.
Students will use the enclosed resources to briefly revise the poems from the cluster before identifying the four or five key poems they should revise for the examination. This encourages analytical and evaluative connections. This is best used once the students know the poems well and understand the requirements of this question.
Blank revision cards for a starter activity which can be extended into a whole lesson activity (with one card modelled)
Poem linking and choice grid with ten example exam questions
Lesson PowerPoint
Lesson plan with guidance as to how to adapt this activity across two lessons
Please check out my individual PowerPoints for each of the poems in the Worlds and Lives Cluster: Worlds and Lives Individual PowerPoints
Two detailed lessons exploring James Berry’s ‘On an Afternoon Train from Purley to Victoria, 1955’ from the Worlds and Lives Cluster in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
This booklet contains essay structure suggestions and guidance for Paper 2 of AQA English Language A Level.
Each page offers guidance as to how to approach each question in the paper - covers Section A (Language DIversity), and Section B, Questions 3 (Language Discourses) and 4 (Opinion Article).
Check out my other English Language resources:
AQA Paper 2 Revision
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
AQA Language Discourses - Paper 2 Question 3
AQA Language Discourses - Paper 2 Question 4
Language Levels Bundle
Lexis and Semantics
Phonetics, Phonology and Prosodics
Discourse - Spoken Language
A grid template which allows students to make links between the 18 poems from the Eduqas poetry anthology for GCSE English Literature.
Simply print off and copy in either A4 or A3! Can be used for word links or pictures.
Check out my individual Eduqas anthology poem lesson PowerPoints here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/eduqas-poetry-anthology-lesson-bundle-18-poems-and-36-lessons-13046922
A grid template which guides students through an analysis of each poem from the Eduqas poetry anthology for GCSE English Literature.
Simply print off and copy in either A4 or A3!
Check out my individual Eduqas anthology poem lesson PowerPoints here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/eduqas-poetry-anthology-lesson-bundle-18-poems-and-36-lessons-13046922