I am an English teacher with over 16 years' experience. My high quality resources will save you time and offer creative and purposeful activities for your students.
For commissions, questions or feedback, please e-mail me at jpresourcesuk@gmail.com
I am an English teacher with over 16 years' experience. My high quality resources will save you time and offer creative and purposeful activities for your students.
For commissions, questions or feedback, please e-mail me at jpresourcesuk@gmail.com
A 9 lesson unit comprising a 70 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets and a teaching guide revising the entirety of AQA English Language Paper 1 - Language, the Individual and Society.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, a worksheet and engaging activities, worked questions and exemplar responses, and a homework task. The following tasks are covered:
Language Levels Treasure Hunt for Section A
Comparison Showdown for Section A
Zoom-In, Zoom-Out Language Lab for Section A
Method Match Up for Section A
Text Pairing Remix for Section A
Theory Speed Dating for Section B
Developmental Timeline Jumble for Section B
Mind Map Battle for Section B
Rewriting for Clarity and Ambition Challenge for Section B
These revision tasks are aimed at supporting less confident students and pushing those aiming for very high grades.
Please note that these revision tasks are designed to be delivered after students have covered the entirety of the course for Paper 1.
Check out my other English Language resources:
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Analysing Spoken Language
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
Language Discourses - Section B, Question 3
Language Discourses - Section B, Question 4
Original Writing NEA
Language Investigation
AQA Paper 2 Revision
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 70 slide PowerPoint, 10 different worksheets and a teaching guide revising the entirety of AQA English Language Paper 2 - Language Diversity and Change.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, a worksheet and engaging activities, worked questions and exemplar responses, and a homework task. The following tasks are covered:
Theory Speed Challenge for Section A
Dialect Detectives task for Section A
The Great Language Change Timeline for Section A
Descriptivism and Prescriptivism Ranking Debate for Section A
Perspective Mapping for Section B, Question 3
Blind Comparison for Section B, Question 3
Authorial Voice and Authority Comparison for Section B, Question 3
Argument Generator Race for Section B, Question 4
Tone and Register Challenge for Section B, Question 4
Rewriting for Clarity and Ambition Challenge for Section B, Question 4
These revision tasks are aimed at supporting less confident students and pushing those aiming for very high grades.
Please note that these revision tasks are designed to be delivered after students have covered the entirety of the course for Paper 2.
Check out my other English Language resources:
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Analysing Spoken Language
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
Language Discourses - Section B, Question 3
Language Discourses - Section B, Question 4
Original Writing NEA
Language Investigation
This bundle comprises fourteen resource downloads (and one revision resource) covering all poems from the Love Poetry Through the Ages Pre-1900 anthology for AQA AS and A Level English Literature.
Each PowerPoint contains the following:
A starter discussion activity
Critical contextual information
Form and structural information
Detailed annotated questions which incorporate a challenging range of poetic terminology
Consolidation questions
An additional lesson guiding students through an exemplar examination question for both AS and A Level, with appropriate indicative content
These lessons will challenge and engage your students, including the most able.
A lesson plan is included for every poem, which includes differentiation suggestions.
If you would like to check that my poetry resources are right for you, please download my free GCSE poetry resource, ‘Island Man’
A grid template which guides students through an analysis of each poem from the AQA Love Poetry Through the Ages Pre-1900 anthology for A Level.
The first poem, ‘Who so list to hount I knowe where is an hynde’ has been completed for guidance.
Simply print off and copy in either A4 or A3!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘She Walks in Beauty’ by Lord Byron from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Cynarae’ by Ernest Dowson from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘'La Belle Dame sans Merci’ by John Keats from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘At an Inn’ by Thomas Hardy from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘The Ruined Maid’ by Thomas Hardy from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘Remember’ by Christina Rossetti from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘Song (Ae fond kiss)’ by Robert Burns from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
A 10 lesson unit comprising a 67 slide PowerPoint, 9 different worksheets (including transcripts) exploring the topic of Language and Global and World Englishes and a summary terminology and theory sheet.
Each lesson includes a starting discussion prompt which acts as a learning objective, detailed notes on the theories and concepts listed below, a worksheet (with the exception of lesson nine) and activities, and a homework task. The following theories and concepts are covered:
David Crystal – World English: Past, Present, Future (1999)
Jennifer Jenkins – Lingua Franca Core (2000)
Nicholas Ostler – The Last Lingua Franca (2010)
David Graddol – The Future of English? (1997)
Bagele Chilasa – Hierarchy of Language (2011)
Braj Kachru – Three Circle Model of World Englishes (1985)
Jean Paul Nerrière – Globish (2004)
Pidgins and creoles
William Stewart (1965) and Derek Bickerton (1973) – Post-Creole Continuum
Bettina Migge and Isabelle Léglise – Attitudes towards creoles in the Caribbean (2006)
Einar Haugen - Code Switching (1954)
David Crystal – Tri-English (2000)
Tom McArthur – Circle Model of World English (1987)
Peter Strevens – World Map of English (1980)
Barbara Seidlhofer – Teaching English as a Lingua Franca (2004)
Stress-Timed and Syllable-Timed Languages
Rhotic and Non-Rhotic Accents
Lisa Lim – Language Ecology
Mark Pagel – The Future of English (2011)
David Deterding and Andy Kirkpatrick – Influence of Technology on World Englishes (2011)
British Council – The Future of English: Global Perspectives (2023)
Lynne Murphy – British and American Politeness Features (2013)
Yohai Hakak, Sophia Bosah, Kwaku Amponsah and Kei Long Cheung – Australian Politeness (2022)
McMaster University – Canadian v. American Politeness in Tweets (2018)
There are some references to AQA-style A Level specification questions, but you can adapt these if needs be. These can be found on slides 56-64. Lesson 9 is based on an AQA A Level question.
The final lesson is a consolidation activity complete with guided revision cards. Alternatively, you could use an app such as Quizlet so that the students could produce digital revision resources.
Check out my other English Language A Level resources!
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Language Investigation
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘A Wider View’ by Seni Seneviratne from the Worlds and Lives Cluster in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘The Garden of Love’ by William Blake from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘A Song (Absent from thee)’ by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘The Scrutiny’ by Richard Lovelace from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘To His Coy Mistress’ by Andrew Marvell from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘The Flea’ by John Donne from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘Sonnet 116’ by William Shakespeare from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring ‘Who so list to hount I knowe where is an hynde’ by Sir Thomas Wyatt from the Love Poetry Through the Ages anthology for AQA A Level English Literature.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, form and structural information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question - there are options for both AS and A Level complete with indicative content.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!