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Geography and Sociology resource and lesson shop

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I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!




I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!
Antarctica extreme tourism with differentiated task sheets GCSE (two lessons)

Antarctica extreme tourism with differentiated task sheets GCSE (two lessons)

This lesson covers two lesson regarding introducing extreme tourism and the case study of Antarctica. Students have to complete a variety of tasks regarding management and reasons for visitor numbers in addition to what extreme tourism is and why people go there. There are three task sheets that are differentiated according to ability (Pink A*/A/B), Blue (C/S borderline) and Yellow E and below. All resources are attached and need to be printed and the task sheets work best printed as A3. There are exam questions and opportunities for peer assessment and formative assessment throughout.
Ecosystems, climate change, development and social development revision guide - AQA and Eduqas

Ecosystems, climate change, development and social development revision guide - AQA and Eduqas

This revision guide is 72 pages and covers everything that is needed for component 2 on the Eduqas specification for Geography. The revision guide is very detailed and has all case studies and accompanies all lessons that are on my store that match with the revision guide. The revision guide covers the following; climate change, evidence for climate change, the greenhouse effect, extreme weather including a hurricane and drought case study, extreme weather in the UK including depressions and anticyclones, ecosystems and their distribution, threats to tropical rainforest, threats to the grasslands and sustainable management of both. Global development, north south global divide, development continuum, MNC's/TNC's and Nike, Tata steel in the UK and Mumbai, India, tourism impacting development, NIC Cancun and the Gambia, North-south divide in the UK, regional inequalities, health issues that impact social development, education of children and water security impacting development, UN and Millennium development goals.
Revision guide for exam 1 and 2 for Eduqas and AQA

Revision guide for exam 1 and 2 for Eduqas and AQA

These are revision guides that are printable for students that have all information that is needed for all examinations on component 1 and 2. Both revision guides cover all physical and human topics and are listed below including all case studies; Revision guide paper 1: Distinctive landscapes, river landscapes and processes, flooding, coastal landscapes, coastal management. Population, urban change, rural change, global cities in the UK and an LIC. Coastal hazards including vulnerable coastlines, management, decision making. Revision guide 2: Global development, north south global divide, development continuum, MNC's/TNC's and Nike, Tata steel in the UK and Mumbai, India, tourism impacting development, NIC Cancun and the Gambia, North-south divide in the UK, regional inequalities, health issues that impact social development, education of children and water security impacting development, UN and Millennium development goals.
Development gap, continuum, trade (trade blocs, quotas and subsidies) Case study: Malawi vs. Brazil

Development gap, continuum, trade (trade blocs, quotas and subsidies) Case study: Malawi vs. Brazil

This is a very big lesson! It is covering a lot of material in one lesson as we near the end of the course, the homework is also larger than a normal task. The students start off comparing how the world is divided up, gni and gdp as well as the modern changes and critique it. Students then look into the development continuum to see how countries can fit into different areas. Brazil and Malawi are used on a task sheet and a hand out to give the concepts of trade, trade blocs, subsidies, tariffs and quotas more depth and application. Homework is comparing exports and imports with the second part being on free trade and fair trade.
The greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle - Eduqas GCSE

The greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle - Eduqas GCSE

This lesson can be used as a stand alone lesson or a continuation from the previous lesson on evidence and natural causes of climate change. Students have the opportunity to complete an A04 examination question in addition to looking at a variety of research such as the carbon cycle, the transfers within the cycle and the Keeling Curve. There is also a homework consolidation activity included.
Rocks and Tectonics - Scheme of work and assessment

Rocks and Tectonics - Scheme of work and assessment

This is a full scheme of work for a term covering rocks, resources and tectonic activity. There are big research questions with learning intentions, outcomes, keywords, questioning and lesson activities. In addition there is an assessment attached and a student friendly rubric for self assessment, accompanying lessons are also available. This scheme firs the criteria for the New National Curriculum framework.
Made in China? Manufacturing and global economy

Made in China? Manufacturing and global economy

Students understand how to classify industries and look closely at the rising power and dominance of China as a key global player in the world market. Students regard propaganda and analyse data as well as having the opportunity to improve data presentation skills. The self assessment rubric is also included for students to self assess in line with the scheme of work for China.
Development Gap case study revision sheets - AQA, OCR and EdExcel with notes!

Development Gap case study revision sheets - AQA, OCR and EdExcel with notes!

Students complete the case studies with probing questions for the topic of the Development Gap. The pack includes Haiti as an LEDC that suffers from physical inequality (Haiti Earthquake), Small scale aid youth empowerment in Uganda, Medium scale aid, Action Aid in Kolkata, Large scale Aid - the Cahora Bassa dam, Mozambique and inequality in the EU. Students complete the sheets for revision alongside the booklets, the questions are challenging and related to the exam specification/question demands. There are also case study notes to assist with completion. This can be a lesson revision activity or a stand alone weekly set of home work tasks. Excellent for half term revision see shop for other topic sheets or bundles.
Introduction to the Living World - ecosystems AQA A

Introduction to the Living World - ecosystems AQA A

A good starter lesson with interactive activities such as map from memory and a sorting exercise in addition to a homework resource are attached. The book mentions the AQA A GCSE Geography text book right at the end of the ppt. This lesson has been transferred from a IWB file so the slides are images, and all of the tasks are on separate documents and can be differentiated as needed.
Tectonics case study revision student sheets and summary booklet - AQA and EdExcel

Tectonics case study revision student sheets and summary booklet - AQA and EdExcel

Students complete the case studies with probing questions for the topic of tectonics and restless earth. The pack includes grids on a rich and poor earthquake, a volcanic eruption, fold mountains and a Tsunami. Rich earthquake (Kobe, Japan), Poor earthquake (Sichuan, China), Volcano (Icelandic), Fold Mountains (The Andes) and Tsunami (Boxing day). Students complete the sheets for revision alongside the booklets, the questions are challenging and related to the exam specification/question demands. This can be a lesson revision activity or a stand alone weekly set of home work tasks.
Factors that cause flooding and Storm Hydrographs (Eduqas, AQA and EdExcel)

Factors that cause flooding and Storm Hydrographs (Eduqas, AQA and EdExcel)

Students spend the first part of this two part lesson looking at the causes of flooding and then make decisions based on their learning as to what is the greatest cause of flooding. Students then examine storm hydro graphs and construct a hydro graph themselves. They then consolidate learning with an examination question linking causes of flooding and the recordings on storm hydro graphs. All resources, print outs and homework are attached within the power point.
Revision activity booklet Rivers, Tectonics and Living World AQA A GCSE

Revision activity booklet Rivers, Tectonics and Living World AQA A GCSE

This is a learning booklet that can be used as cover or as a homework booklet to accompany the physical units or Paper 1 for Geography AQA. This booklet was designed specifically for students that had missed large sections of the course or for students to complete for homework to mirror the lesson. It was mapped against AQA A Geography scheme of work.
Africa - Scheme of work

Africa - Scheme of work

This resource fully covers the National Curriculum criteria for the study of Africa in addition to many of the Geographical skills requirements of the NC framework. The Scheme of work has big research questions broken down into smaller Learning Intentions for a lesson by lesson approach in addition to questioning suggestions and assessment criteria and suggested activities. Accompanying lessons are available. There is a student friendly rubric to follow the lessons and the assessment criteria.
Russia scheme of work and assessment

Russia scheme of work and assessment

This resource fully covers the National Curriculum criteria for elements of Russia as well as many skills and location elements. The accompanying scheme of work for a full term maps out suggested lessons (or the accompanying lessons are available on TES). The assessment is directly related to the scheme of work and the KS3 assessment criteria stated on the scheme.
Parent and student Q&A booklet for home learning  AQA: Rivers, Tectonics, Coasts and Ecosystems)

Parent and student Q&A booklet for home learning AQA: Rivers, Tectonics, Coasts and Ecosystems)

This booklet is designed to send home to parents so that they can revise with their child. There are a series of questions and answers that the parent can traffic light to assist and monitor revision. This has been a great tool for the 'revising in my bedroom on facebook' generation when a parent wants to help. This can also be used to help students check their own learning and then use the questions as mini-knowledge checks. There is also a human geography booklet. This works best with AQA A Geography but has many elements of EdExcel and OCR.
Development gap AQA and EdExcel

Development gap AQA and EdExcel

A 60 page power point for lesson by lesson coverage of the core elements of the Development gap with activities embedded into the ppt to print. Please see additional resources that have revision guides and student work books to complete and consolidate this unit of work.
Fold mountains uses and management with homework

Fold mountains uses and management with homework

This lesson covers the question about what are the uses of a fold mountain range as a result of the physical geography? Students look at the Geography of the area, the uses and apply to an examination question to consolidate learning. There is also a homework activity about sustainability and management and the sorter activity is included.
Hard engineering with Three Gorges case study and exam assessment

Hard engineering with Three Gorges case study and exam assessment

Students consider what a hard engineering strategy is with a mix and match sorting activity. They then complete a series of activities that are embedded into the power point to be printed. The students need to annotate a map, watch a short clip, look at some satellite images, use text and a key effective;y. All of the evidence that they have then created is used t structure the examination question at the end of the lesson.
Geography and History end of year quiz with subject, music and bonus rounds!

Geography and History end of year quiz with subject, music and bonus rounds!

This Christmas quiz has four rounds including an editable subject round (in this case Geography and History questions but these can be changed to suit other subjects). The rest of the quiz works for events that have occurred this year, a music round (with a link) a subject specific round and a Christmas movie round. It should last a full lesson around 60 minutes.
Rivers homework bundle - 8 weeks of homework!

Rivers homework bundle - 8 weeks of homework!

A variety of worksheets for mix and match homework's to compliment a series of rivers lessons. The tasks differ depending on their level of skill, effort and knowledge. The tasks are standalone and there are enough tasks for 8 weeks of homework once per week. No planning needed all sheets are prepared.