These cards are ideal to support children as they learn through talk, allowing for high quality discussions.
These cards are NOT editable. Simply print, laminate and then you can add you topic specific vocabulary on the empty boxes provided - allowing them to be used in any unit of work.
2 levels of support - cards numbered 1 and 2
1x PDF = Map Makers Geography Knowledge Mat to provide an example
1 x Word version - Titles and text boxes fully editable, room to add book covers to show texts used, etc.
Tip: download your own funky fonts for free from Dafont website for a fresh look
Simply print pages 2 and 3 back to back and create as many pages as you want to go inside the front cover and create a booklet. Children can add key geography vocab as it is taught and carry this up through school with them as a handy reference booklet.
The page page offers some quick paired games for when there is a spare few minutes to recap and revise!
Print to A3, laminate and pop up on classroom doors. Teachers can add facts that the children have learnt so visitors to the classroom can discuss their learning with them/ check what they have remembered.
E.g. Test us on our… 3 x table
Ask us to spell… together
Question us about… Fair Trade
See if we can remember… how the water cycle works
Use a dry wipe pen and you can keep updating through the year!