My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
This resource significantly explores a wide range of relative pronouns at IGCSE French level which cover:
- qui
- que
- qu’
- où
- dont
- ce qui
- ce que
- ce qu’
- ce dont
- prepositions followed by lequel/lesquels/laquelle/lesquelles
Because of the complexity of their functions, it is compiled in the theme of a story about a young shrinking boy who accidently mistook a magic potion for a drink and his parents and friend try to find him. This activity includes plenty of relative pronoun practice before reading the story, a wide range of vocabulary, multiple choice answering through the story and plenty of translation exercises after reading the story.
This activity is suitable for IGCSE level French and also good revision for A-Level French.
This is a lower level version and a higher level version will be available soon.
Happy teaching and learning!
This presentation explicitly demonstrates the use of 'some' and in French too! There are plenty of colourful slides which reinforces the function of 'de' and follow-up games with differentiated levels. This activity is geared at Key Stage 2 level and can be used at Key Stage 3 also.
Happy teaching and learning!
This powerpoint introduces 'de' in the sense to denote possession with a lot of interactive activities. This activity can be geared towards learners of Key Stage 2 and 3. After you introduce the grammar point, it would be useful to give physical demonstrations around the classroom with students' objects such as a pencil, pen, etc. For example, 'c'est le crayon de qui?' and the students reply by saying 'c'est le crayon de Sophie'.
Happy teaching and learning!
This activity explicitly looks at the key modal verbs in French such as 'pouvoir', 'devoir', 'savoir' and 'vouloir' in the present tense in step by step format alongside explicit explanations of each concept. Concepts such as the use of negatives, question words and the use of 'depuis' and 'ca fait .. que' are also incorporated in this activity as they are concepts that are greatly associated with the present tense. This activity is ideal for learners of IGCSE level.
There is also a colourful handout available which displays the conjugation of each verb in the present tense and a wordsearch!
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource explicitly outlines how regular '-er' verbs in the present tense are formed and also incorporates present-tense linked grammar such as negatives and questions in French. This activity is useful for adults who are learning French for the very first time or revision for IGCSE/A-level French.
There is also a list available of a wide range of regular '-er' verbs
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource explicitly outlines how regular '-ir' verbs in the present tense are formed and also incorporates present-tense linked grammar such as negatives and questions in French. It also recaps '-er' verbs from the previous session. This activity is useful for adults who are learning French for the very first time or revision for IGCSE/A-level French.
There is also a list available of a wide range of regular '-ir' verbs
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource introduces or reviews the perfect tense using regular verbs and looks at all three different verb endings such as '-er', '-ir' and '-re' verbs. It gives step by step instructions as to how it is formed. There are also handouts on a wide range of infinitives for '-er', '-ir' and '-re' verbs where students can refer to them throughout this activity.
This activity is specifically geared towards either standard GCSE or IGCSE level French.
Happy teaching and learning!
This powerpoint provides explicit instructions on the function of the indirect object pronouns for ‘lui’ and ‘leur’ for both present and perfect tense, as well as how they are structured in sentences. There are also many follow up activities in order to reinforce learning. This activity is geared towards students of Key Stage 3 (for introducing the concept), IGCSE level and it is also good revision for A-Level French.
Happy teaching and learning!
This board game is called 'Atouts des couleurs' (Colour Assets) and it is specifically designed for learners of Key Stage 2 and 3 level.
The game largely focuses on colours and gender and number agreement. You go around the board answering questions (differentiated level of questions are available) not only on colours but other areas as well such as numbers, months of the year, countries, verbs, etc, so that you can earn points and try to get a full house. Be careful not to land on your opponent's squares or houses otherwise you will owe them points. This game bares an uncanny resemblance to Monopoly but differs in some ways.
This pack consists of:
1 board game - it is best to print it off in A3 size and them laminate it
1 set of rules - both in French and in English
112 cards for lower level learners - print them in colour, laminate them and then cut them out
128 cards for higher level learners - print them in colour, laminate them and then cut them out
300 white houses to place on the squares that you win by answering questions correctly - print them, laminate them and then cut them out (I know it will be a pain cutting out 300 of them, but in the long run, it will be worth it!!)
I have enclosed a set of rules which instructs you how to play. If you any questions about the rules, don't hesitate to contact me.
Happy playing!
This powerpoint explicitly outlines the function of ‘ne … nulle part’ and other uses of this concept. There are good examples demonstrated in this presentation with follow up differentiated activities and also revises previously learnt negatives in French. This is ideal for learners of IGCSE French and AS/A2 level French.
Happy teaching and learning!
These resources individually looks at each number in Chinese for numbers 1-5. Each booklet instructs the student how to write each number according to the stroke order and there are also colouring pages for child to colour in and numbers 2-5 reinforces previously learnt numbers. These resources are designed for Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2 {P1 - P3 in Northern Ireland} learners, however they can be used for Key Stage 2 {P4 - P7 in Northern Ireland} learners who are learning Mandarin for the very first time.
Because Key Stage 1 learners are so very young, and due to Mandarin’s existing complexity, my advice is to introduce each number for each lesson. For example, one lesson, they complete workbook 1 and then the next lesson, complete workbook 2 and so on.
Happy teaching and learning!
These resources individually looks at each number in Chinese for numbers 1-10. Each booklet instructs the student how to write each number according to the stroke order and there are also colouring pages for child to colour in and numbers 2-10 reinforces previously learnt numbers. These resources are designed for Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2 {P1 - P3 in Northern Ireland} learners, however they can be used for Key Stage 2 {P4 - P7 in Northern Ireland} learners who are learning Mandarin for the very first time.
Because Key Stage 1 learners are so very young, and due to Mandarin’s existing complexity, my advice is to introduce each number for each lesson. For example, one lesson, they complete workbook 1 and then the next lesson, complete workbook 2 and so on.
Happy teaching and learning!
Preparation time: 30 minutes - 1 hour (introducing new vocabulary and also the transcript and sound files for the listening activity)
Lesson length: 1.5 hours - 2 hours
Here is the 7th resource for introducing French to adults at beginner’s level!
I have compiled this resource using an adult approach who are learning French for the very first time.
This activity focuses on the time only from the hour to half past the hour and it also incorporates regular verbs ending in ‘-re’ in the present tense. This resource also incorporates all the four keys skills such as reading, listening, speaking and writing.
Accompanied with this resource is the worksheet, the transcript and the sound files for the listening assignment.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource explicitly looks at the immediate future tense and future plans in which there is a short story on the immediate future tense based on very near future plans. There is a quiz which follows, followed by subsequent activities.
This resource is geared towards Key Stage 3 learners of French.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource explicitly looks at the negation ‘ne … que’. It does contain some tricky concepts, however this resource analyses those tricky concepts with interactive activities contained in this resource.
This resource is geared towards learners of IGCSE French and it is very useful revision for learners if A-Level French.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resources exclusively looks at shapes and colours and it is geared towards learners of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 level. There are differentiated versions available.
Happy teaching and learning!
This colour workbook contains 12 pages of Disney’s favourite cartoon characters with other characters with instructions as to what colours children need to use to colour them in.
This resource is ideal for both Key Stage 1 and 2. It can also be great revision for Key Stage 3 learners who enjoy colouring in!
Happy teaching and learning!
Here is a resource which looks at the formation of a wide range of irregular verbs in French. This resource details in step by step form as to how to form the conjugation of irregular verbs. There are also thinking opportunities for students to conjugate irregular compound verbs. I have also attached a crossword if your students complete the work in this resource.
I have also included a blockbusters game in the theme of irregular verbs. The rules are as follows:
The idea of the game is to score a line through, blocking one’s opponent in the process. A through line can either be completed horizontally or vertically.
Whichever hexagon one chooses, that person has to rule one dice and the number indicated on the dice will determine which subject he/she must conjugate with the verb. The numbers indicated on the dice are as follows:
For example, if ‘dire’ is selected and the number shown on the dice is a ‘1’, that person will then have to conjugate ‘dire’ with ‘je’. If the player gives the correct answer, he/she can claim that square. If the answer is wrong, the turn then goes to the other team players.
Happy teaching and learning!
This a sequel from Part 2: Possessive adjectives (ton, ta, tes) and this powerpoint presents possessive adjectives for ‘son’, ‘sa’ and ‘ses’ in the context of extended family members related by marriage to the biological parents. It is a good introduction for Key Stage 2-3 learners as there are follow up activities which follow, which also revises previously learnt possessive adjectived for ‘je’ and ‘tu’.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource exclusively looks at the use of ‘-ir’ verbs in the imperative form. The initial stage of the presentation involves a lot of practice followed by a picture pair game followed by subsequent differentiated activities.
This resource is geared towards learners at Key Stage 3 level.
Happy teaching and learning!