My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
Here is a puzzle which has strong links with the GCSE/IGCSE French curriculum and it focuses on vocabulary and grammar at the train station. There are twenty differences to find and it is ideal to give your students this as a warm-up activity at the beginning of the lesson, recapping on previously learnt vocabulary or if they are learning vocabulary for the first time, try and get them to distinguish what some of the vocabulary means without having to use a dictionary.
The answers are displayed on the slides which follow.
The cost of this resource is 3 pounds.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource introduces or reviews the perfect tense using regular '-ir' verbs. It gives step by step instructions as to how it is formed. This activity can be geared towards students of Key Stage 3 level and also good revision at GCSE / IGCSE level.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource introduces or reviews the perfect tense using regular '-er' verbs. It gives step by step instructions as to how it is formed. This activity can be geared towards students of Key Stage 3 level and also good revision at GCSE / IGCSE level.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource introduces or reviews the perfect tense using regular '-re' verbs. It gives step by step instructions as to how it is formed. This activity can be geared towards students of Key Stage 3 level and also good revision at GCSE / IGCSE level.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource introduces or reviews the perfect tense using negatives. It gives step by step instructions as to how it is formed. This activity can be geared towards students of Key Stage 3 level and also good revision at GCSE / IGCSE level.
Happy teaching and learning!
This resource looks at phrases which use the verb 'avoir' as opposed to 'etre'. The presentation of this concept has been composed in the form of a story about an eleven year-old girl who has recently moved to France and she doesn't speak French that well, resulting her in frequently using phrases that should use 'avoir', forms them with 'etre' instead. It is a very good story with a follow up quiz of the story.
This resource is geared towards students at IGCSE level.
Happy teaching and learning!
This accompanying workbook from the presentation ‘Vingt jours de l’été’ exhibits pages and pages of activities and colouring in for primary Key stage 1 and 2 French. It contains countless colouring in pages, opportunities for children to become acquainted with gender and number agreement, mathematics in French and several puzzles and games. This workbook is ideal for learners of stronger ability, learners whose native tongue is French and gifted and talented learners. There is now a differentiated booklet available for learners of a weaker ability.
The cost of this workbook is ₤6. There is a promotion available where you can buy both the presentation and the accompanying workbook for just ₤10!
Unit 1: Family members
Lesson 1-1: Mum and Dad
This lesson is designed for children who are in their first year of studying Mandarin Chinese.
Objectives: Vocabulary and characters: 妈妈 (mum),爸爸 (dad), 你好 (hello),你早 (good morning)
Differentation: 老师 (teacher),同学 (classmate),晚上好 (good evening)
Here is a presentation for learning members of the family. It is also good for consolidating possessive words and also gender which is why all the words have been highlighted in either blue or pink. This is suitable for teaching Key Stage 2 French as there is a story with true/false questions which consolidates what the children have learnt. Enjoy!
Expressions which use 'avoir' as opposed to 'etre' according to the English equivalent can be confusing for learners of French as a foreign language. This worksheet provides an exhaustive list of such expressions, followed by step by step activities which pushes students to their potential. This is a lower level version where students are asked to translate short sentences. This activity would be ideal for students studying the IGCSE / A-Level / IB programme.
Although learning numbers are relatively easy in Chinese, it doesn't hurt to give your students a fundamental level of teaching and learning. This colouring in booklet gives an extensive range of number puzzles as well as pages and pages of colouring in. This booklet also provides activities where '两' is exercised. The level of this booklet is geared towards gifted and talented students or students whose native tongue is Cantonese or whether they speak Mandarin at home but cannot read or write in simplified form.
Although learning numbers are relatively easy in Chinese, it doesn't hurt to give your students a fundamental level of teaching and learning. This colouring in booklet gives an extensive range of number puzzles as well as pages and pages of colouring in. The level of this booklet is geared towards students who are becoming acquainted with numbers in Mandarin for the very first time, although the term '两' is not included. It can be introduced at a later stage.
This is an activity designed for children in their first year of learning Mandarin Chinese.
Writing activity 1: Write and repeat several times each month of the year in character form. They can also colour in the pictures.
Writing activity 2: Children read the example when forming dates and then they try to write the dates themselves in the subsequent activity. They may need several more examples before attempting this activity independently.
Reading comprehension: Children will need to have already mastered members of the family and learn to say where they live in Mandarin Chinese when correcting the incorrect information in this activity
Wordsearch activity: Children look for the months of the year in English in the wordsearch and then cross out the corresponding month in the list in Chinese
Drill practice using the pluperfect tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This stage will greatly focus on the use of auxiliary verbs in the imperfect tense form, distinguish whether to use 'avoir' or 'etre' as the auxiliary verb and verb agreements according to gender and number. This stage also revises Stage 3: The imperfect tense, Stage 2: The perfect tense and Stage 1: The present tense.
This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Arriver
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Connaitre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available for the perfect tense which are titled as 'Partie 4-9: Test au plus-que-parfait' and 'Partie 4-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing 'Partie 5: Le temps au futur'
Welcome to Stage 3-2 !
The purpose of this powerpoint is to become deeply acquainted with the formation of tenses and verbs, especially for those who have difficulties in doing so. This is a very good way of introducing the conjugation either when teaching it for the very first time or revision. This is the 18th stage of the learning process and there are 72 stages in the entire process. By the end of the 72nd stage, learners will have a developed a very profound mastery of not only forming nine different tenses which range with complexity upon progression, but also, an exhaustive range of different verbs which have been very carefully divided stage by stage. Upon completion of Stage 9-8, the final stage of the process, will immensely prepare students to pursue with their French studies at university level, where they will inevitably be using tenses. It is also suitable for adult learners, again whether they are learning it for the first time or revision.
This folder contains the following regular '-er' verbs in the imperfect tense:
When showing each slide, there is an audio clip on each new item that you can click on and you will hear my voice which demonstrates the pronunciation of each item, or alternatively, you can lead the pronunciation of each item. It is up to you! The learners will then reiterate the new items every time they see the slide 'This time you try it!' You will be very surprised to see how it will stick in their minds!!
I would strongly encourage you to purchase the follow-up activity 'French: Stage 3: The imperfect tense', which enables students to manually complete the drills based on what they have learnt. They are £5. Upon completion of Stage 3-8, there are tests also available.
Happy teaching and learning and the very best of luck!!
Welcome to Stage 2-8 !! The final stage of Stage 2 - The perfect tense
The purpose of this powerpoint is to become deeply acquainted with the formation of tenses and verbs, especially for those who have difficulties in doing so. This is a very good way of introducing the conjugation either when teaching it for the very first time or revision. This is the 16th stage of the learning process and there are 72 stages in the entire process. This is also the final stage of Stage 2 - the perfect tense. By the end of the 72nd stage, learners will have a developed a very profound mastery of not only forming nine different tenses which range with complexity upon progression, but also, an exhaustive range of different verbs which have been very carefully divided stage by stage. Upon completion of Stage 9-8, the final stage of the process, will immensely prepare students to pursue with their French studies at university level, where they will inevitably be using tenses. It is also suitable for adult learners, again whether they are learning it for the first time or revision.
This folder contains the following impersonal verbs and reflexive in the perfect tense:
Se laver
Se souvenir
Se servir de
When showing each slide, there is an audio clip on each new item that you can click on and you will hear my voice which demonstrates the pronunciation of each item, or alternatively, you can lead the pronunciation of each item. It is up to you! The learners will then reiterate the new items every time they see the slide 'This time you try it!' You will be very surprised to see how it will stick in their minds!!
I would strongly encourage you to purchase the follow-up activity 'French: Stage 2: The perfect tense', which enables students to manually complete the drills based on what they have learnt. They are £5. Upon completion of this stage, there are tests also available.
Happy teaching and learning and the very best of luck in the tests and see you in Stage 3-1 upon succession!!
Welcome to Stage 1-1 where the initial learning of conjugating verbs in French begins!!
The purpose of this powerpoint is to become deeply acquainted with the formation of tenses and verbs, especially for those who have difficulties in doing so. This is a very good way of introducing the conjugation either when teaching it for the very first time or revision. This is the 1st stage of the learning process and there are 72 stages in the entire process. By the end of the 72nd stage, learners will have a developed a very profound mastery of not only forming nine different tenses which range with complexity upon progression, but also, an exhaustive range of different verbs which have been very carefully divided stage by stage. From initiating this process to reaching the 72nd stage, will take up the compulsory seven years from when learners become acquainted with tenses in French from the beginning of Key Stage 3 right up to the end of Key Stage 5 or A2 level. Upon completion of Stage 9-8, the final stage of the process, will immensely prepare students to pursue with their French studies at university level, where they will inevitably be using tenses. It is also suitable for adult learners, again whether they are learning it for the first time or revision.
This folder contains the following primary irregular verbs in the present tense:
When showing each slide, there is an audio clip on each new item that you can click on and you will hear my voice which demonstrates the pronunciation of each item, or alternatively, you can lead the pronunciation of each item. It is up to you! The learners will then reiterate the new items every time they see the slide “This time you try it!” You will be very surprised to see how it will stick in their minds!!
I would strongly encourage you to purchase the follow-up activity ‘French: Stage 1: The present tense’, which enables students to manually complete the drills based on what they have learnt. They are £5. Upon completion of Stage 1-8, there are tests also available.
Happy teaching and learning and the very best of luck!!
Welcome to Stage 2-5 !
The purpose of this powerpoint is to become deeply acquainted with the formation of tenses and verbs, especially for those who have difficulties in doing so. This is a very good way of introducing the conjugation either when teaching it for the very first time or revision. This is the 13th stage of the learning process and there are 72 stages in the entire process. By the end of the 72nd stage, learners will have a developed a very profound mastery of not only forming nine different tenses which range with complexity upon progression, but also, an exhaustive range of different verbs which have been very carefully divided stage by stage. Upon completion of Stage 9-8, the final stage of the process, will immensely prepare students to pursue with their French studies at university level, where they will inevitably be using tenses. It is also suitable for adult learners, again whether they are learning it for the first time or revision.
This folder contains the following irregular '-re' verbs in the perfect tense:
When showing each slide, there is an audio clip on each new item that you can click on and you will hear my voice which demonstrates the pronunciation of each item, or alternatively, you can lead the pronunciation of each item. It is up to you! The learners will then reiterate the new items every time they see the slide 'This time you try it!' You will be very surprised to see how it will stick in their minds!!
I would strongly encourage you to purchase the follow-up activity 'French: Stage 2: The perfect tense', which enables students to manually complete the drills based on what they have learnt. They are £5. Upon completion of Stage 2-8, there are tests also available.
Happy teaching and learning and the very best of luck!!
Welcome to Stage 2-6 !
The purpose of this powerpoint is to become deeply acquainted with the formation of tenses and verbs, especially for those who have difficulties in doing so. This is a very good way of introducing the conjugation either when teaching it for the very first time or revision. This is the 14th stage of the learning process and there are 72 stages in the entire process. By the end of the 72nd stage, learners will have a developed a very profound mastery of not only forming nine different tenses which range with complexity upon progression, but also, an exhaustive range of different verbs which have been very carefully divided stage by stage. Upon completion of Stage 9-8, the final stage of the process, will immensely prepare students to pursue with their French studies at university level, where they will inevitably be using tenses. It is also suitable for adult learners, again whether they are learning it for the first time or revision.
This folder contains the following irregular '-ir' verbs in the perfect tense:
When showing each slide, there is an audio clip on each new item that you can click on and you will hear my voice which demonstrates the pronunciation of each item, or alternatively, you can lead the pronunciation of each item. It is up to you! The learners will then reiterate the new items every time they see the slide 'This time you try it!' You will be very surprised to see how it will stick in their minds!!
I would strongly encourage you to purchase the follow-up activity 'French: Stage 2: The perfect tense', which enables students to manually complete the drills based on what they have learnt. They are £5. Upon completion of Stage 2-8, there are tests also available.
Happy teaching and learning and the very best of luck!!
Welcome to Stage 2-3 !
The purpose of this powerpoint is to become deeply acquainted with the formation of tenses and verbs, especially for those who have difficulties in doing so. This is a very good way of introducing the conjugation either when teaching it for the very first time or revision. This is the 11th stage of the learning process and there are 72 stages in the entire process. By the end of the 72nd stage, learners will have a developed a very profound mastery of not only forming nine different tenses which range with complexity upon progression, but also, an exhaustive range of different verbs which have been very carefully divided stage by stage. Upon completion of Stage 9-8, the final stage of the process, will immensely prepare students to pursue with their French studies at university level, where they will inevitably be using tenses. It is also suitable for adult learners, again whether they are learning it for the first time or revision.
This folder contains the following regular '-ir' verbs in the perfect tense:
When showing each slide, there is an audio clip on each new item that you can click on and you will hear my voice which demonstrates the pronunciation of each item, or alternatively, you can lead the pronunciation of each item. It is up to you! The learners will then reiterate the new items every time they see the slide 'This time you try it!' You will be very surprised to see how it will stick in their minds!!
I would strongly encourage you to purchase the follow-up activity 'French: Stage 2: The perfect tense', which enables students to manually complete the drills based on what they have learnt. They are £5. Upon completion of Stage 2-8, there are tests also available.
Happy teaching and learning and the very best of luck!!