Devised for a low ability Year 7/8 class.
Contains a simple circus based scheme of work to get pupils exploring movement and three basic mime conventions.
The culmination of this unit is to present a mime circus which is fantastic fun.
A very short unit based on 'Bill's new frock' the play.
Suitable for primary or LA KS3. Differentiated success criteria includes an extra box for weaker students.
All PPT lessons included:
L.O: exploring gender stereotypes
L.O: creating a monologue
L.O: using voice and facial expressions
L.O: using dramatic techniques to explore a script
A gentle introduction to improvisation.
Lessons are in PPT format :
Objectives include lessons that :
Will identify techniques for a confident performance
Will experiment with a range of characters
Within the objective are inbuilt success criteria.
1. Telephone
2. Everyday
3. Spontaneous
4. Characters
A good basic set of four lessons to get a non -specialist in particular started.
Two introductory lessons on the different styles of theatre stage.
Good basic introduction. Students loved going away and making their own stage for homework.