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WJEC Criminology Unit 1 Learning Outcome 2
LO2: Understand how campaigns are used to elicit change:
AC2.1 Compare campaigns for change
AC2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of media used in campaigns for change
Includes research activities, A3 print off research sheets and Diamond 9 card activity.
Unit 1 AC2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of media used in campaigns for change
Complete lesson for U1 AC2.2, with research activities on the types of media used in well known campaigns for change.
Includes a Diamond 9 activity handout which can be done in small groups, and accompanying cards on a Word document which can be printed off and cut out.
Also includes sample answer activity and an A3 Print-off Research Grid.
Unit 1 AC2.1 Compare Campaigns for Change
Complete lesson for U1 AC2.1, with research activities on camapigns: Sarah’s Law, Double Jeopardy, Unlock, No Knives Better Lives, We Won’t Wait, MeToo, Stop Hate UK and others. Includes sample answer, and assessment activity.
Also included is an A3 Print-off Knowledge Organiser.
WJEC Criminology Unit 1 Learning Outcome 1
LO1: Understand how crime reporting affects the public
perception of criminality:
AC1.1 Analyse different types of crime
AC1.2 Explain the reasons that certain crimes are unreported
AC1.3 Explain the consequences of unreported crime
AC1.4 Describe media representation of crime
AC1.5 Explain the impact of media representations on the
public perception of crime
AC1.6 Evaluate methods of collecting statistics about crime
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC3.2 EvaluateEffectivenessIndTheories
Unit 3 AC3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of criminological theories in informing policy development - INDIVIDUALISTIC THEORIES. Detailed Powerpoint with activities: word puzzle, complete paper handout, create mind map and write a practice exam question.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC4.3 DiscussCampaignsPolicy
Unit 2 - AC4.3 - Discuss how campaigns affect policy making. This Powerpointcontains a number of flipped activities where the students are expected to use examples already covered in Unit 1 (e.g. Sarah’s Law, Ann Ming’s campaign, etc.) to discuss how campaigns have affected policy-making.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC4.2-AssessIndTheories
Unit 2 -AC4.2 Explain how social changes affect policy development: 1st Powerpoint with class activities, 2nd Powerpoint with additional research activities focusing on Windrush. I usually taught this topic over 2 or 3 lessons.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC4.1-AssessTheoriesPolicies-SOC
Unit 2-AC4.1 Assess how SOCIOLOGICAL theories influence policies.
Two Powerpoints on how realist theories affect policy development - the first focusing on how Left Realist theories affect policies and the second on how Right Realist theories affect policies. Plenty of video activities and opportunities for debate and further reading. Also includes a starter wordsearch.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC4.1-AssessTheoriesPolicy-BIO
Unit 2-AC 4.1: Assess the use of criminological theories in informing policy development : BIOLOGICAL THEORIES
Powerpoint contains multiple activities including debates on death penalty, eugenics and chemical castration. Also includes paper-based starter(wordsearch), exam questions in the PPT, and handout.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC4.1-AssessTheoriesPolicies-INDIV
Unit 2-AC4.1 Assess how INDIVIDUALISTIC theories influence policies.
Powerpoint with activities and exam questions. Includes A3 consolidation sheet and handout.
This is a Word document which summarises all of the key information from Unit 3 in one handy reference document. Use as a revision tool. Can be amended with more up to date case studies if required, but follows the Napier and Henderson textbooks. Total of 9 pages.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC3.1 AnalyseSituations
Unit 3 AC3.1 Analyse situations of Criminality. Detailed Powerpoint with activities which guide students in applying the theories they learnt in Learning Outcome 2 to real life case studies Nick Leeson, Ted Bundy and Fred West, plus and a fictional example.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC2.3 Soc-Labelling
Unit 2 - AC2.3 Describe Sociological theories of criminality - Divided into 5 Powerpoints over 3 or 4 lessons - Functionalism, Marxism, Left Realism, Right Realism and Labelling. This is PPT 5: Labelling (Interactionism). It also contains a long recap of all the sociological theories at the start which you can cut out or use as a separate lesson.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC2.3 Soc-RightRealism
Unit 2 - AC2.3 Describe Sociological theories of criminality - Divided into 5 Powerpoints over 3 or 4 lessons - Functionalism, Marxism, Left Realism, Right Realism and Labelling. This is PPT 4:Right Realism
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC2.3 Soc-LeftRealism
Unit 2 - AC2.3 Describe Sociological theories of criminality - Divided into 5 Powerpoints over 3 or 4 lessons - Functionalism, Marxism, Left Realism, Right Realism and Labelling. This is PPT 3: Left Realism
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC2.3 Soc-Marxism
Unit 2 - AC2.3 Describe Sociological theories of criminality - Divided into 5 Powerpoints over 3 or 4 lessons - Functionalism, Marxism, Left Realism, Right Realism and Labelling. This is PPT 2: Marxism.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC2.3 Soc-Functionalism
Unit 2 - AC2.3 Describe Sociological theories of criminality - Divided into 5 Powerpoints over 3 or 4 lessons - Functionalism, Marxism, Left Realism, Right Realism and Labelling. This is PPT 1: Functionalism.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC2.2 Individualistic
Unit 2 - AC2.2 Describe Individualistic theories of criminality - Powerpoint with starter wordsearch and additional paper based activities (over 2 double lessons).
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC2.1-Biological
Unit 2 - AC2.1 Describe Biological theories of criminality - 2 Powerpoints (Over 2 double lessons).
Contains a ‘Guilty or Not Guilty’ quiz (based on appearances) and celebrity convictions.
WJEC Criminology Unit 2 AC1.2
AC1.2 Powerpoint, with activities.