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Kmmarshall89's Shop

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(based on 57 reviews)

I am an RE teacher and have been teaching 7 years across KS3-KS5. I have taught an abundance of topics (including lessons outside of my subject area). I enjoy creating my own resources that promote: independent learning, creativity and engage all learners. My resources tend to be structured with clear outcomes and lesson challenges. Please message me with enquiries if you would like to find out more.




I am an RE teacher and have been teaching 7 years across KS3-KS5. I have taught an abundance of topics (including lessons outside of my subject area). I enjoy creating my own resources that promote: independent learning, creativity and engage all learners. My resources tend to be structured with clear outcomes and lesson challenges. Please message me with enquiries if you would like to find out more.
AQA Religious Studies 9-1 GCSE: Christian beliefs. Ressurection and life after death

AQA Religious Studies 9-1 GCSE: Christian beliefs. Ressurection and life after death

A lesson that explores the nature of Jesus resurrection and different Christian beliefs about resurrection. The lesson supports the AQA endorsed OXFORD textbook and comes with printable worksheets and resources. The lesson uses silent debate to work towards answering a 12 mark question. I have included suggested writing processes and structures to help with the development of the 12 mark answer
AQA 9-1 Religious Studies GCSE. Christian Beliefs: The crucifixion

AQA 9-1 Religious Studies GCSE. Christian Beliefs: The crucifixion

A lesson designed to look at the crucifixion of Jesus complete with a range of activities. A printable set of worksheets are on the PowerPoint along with an in depth worksheet exploring the symbolism of the cross and its importance to Christians today. The lesson ends upon a 4 mark answer Lesson outcomes: Must: describe what the cross symbolises Should: Explain how the belief in the crucifixion influences a Christian today Could:. Evaluate whether you think it is the most important belief
The Nativity

The Nativity

This is a high level lesson asking students to read two versions of the Nativity and to compare the stories looking for similarities and differences within each. Provided is a lesson PowerPoint complete with a range of activities/ instructions. You will also find an extension activity for the more able. For the lesson you will need: Luke 2:1-20 and Matthew 2:1-12
AQA Religious Studies GCSE 9-1: Christian Beliefs - Sin and Salvation

AQA Religious Studies GCSE 9-1: Christian Beliefs - Sin and Salvation

A lesson that supports the new 9-1 AQA spec. A variety of activities (more than a lessons worth) lots of printable worksheets and discussion activities with suggested youtube clips. Students can also look at a model 5/5 answer and write their own response. Lesson Outcomes Must: Define what Christians mean by sin and salvation Should: Explain how the original sin links to explaining sin and salvation in Christianity Could: Evaluate whether everyone can be saved.
Christian Creeds. The Nicene and Apostles Creed. Design your own!

Christian Creeds. The Nicene and Apostles Creed. Design your own!

This lesson allows students to read the Nicene/ Apostles creed and pick out key Christian teachings and keywords. I usually place students into groups to complete this task. In addition the Nicene Creed is the longest so I usually give this the more able students. Question sheets are provided to allow students to jot down their ideas. Once students have completed the various activities I allow students to create a personal creed. Resources: Nicene and Apostles Creed Worksheet of guidance questions for each creed PowerPoint with activities and guidance
Heaven is Real. DVD worksheet

Heaven is Real. DVD worksheet

A worksheet and lesson to supplement the film Heaven is Real. Excellent for teaching life after death at GCSE also superb for religious experiences. I have written and attached an advice for teachers sheet which give discussion points and timings. Kids loved it as it's based on a true story. I show them the YouTube clips of the actual interviews after the lesson.
Edexcel B RE Beliefs in Action.  Islam Marriage and The Family

Edexcel B RE Beliefs in Action. Islam Marriage and The Family

10 Resources
A set of lessons to supplement the OXFORD textbook endorsed by edexcel for the new 9-1 spec GCSE. Lessons are complete with: Outcomes Worksheets Exam questions Exemplar questions Peer and self assessment opportunities. There's also a revision lesson at the end
AQA GCSE 9-1 Religious Studies: Peace and Conflict. Christianity and Pacifism

AQA GCSE 9-1 Religious Studies: Peace and Conflict. Christianity and Pacifism

A lesson that focusses upon biblical teachings for pacifism and Pax Christi as a case study. Students should use the textbook and the various information available to complete a campaign leaflet for pacifism. The PowerPoint comes complete with a success criteria and all resources required. The starter activity focusses upon the biblical quotes I would suggest students learn for the exam. Differentiated information and activities are also provided The end of lesson task is a 5 mark question with a suggested writing process and self/ peer assessment opportunity Outcomes: Must: Describe what pacifism is Should: Explain why some Christians believe in Pacifism Could: Evaluate whether pacifism is an appropriate response to war
AQA Religious Studies 9-1 using quotes in the exam. Christian and Muslim Beliefs. 5 mark/ 12 mark

AQA Religious Studies 9-1 using quotes in the exam. Christian and Muslim Beliefs. 5 mark/ 12 mark

A lesson that allows students to revise a set of key quotes (resources provided). Tips and quick wins are on the PowerPoint Students can also look at/ practice and assess model 5 mark answers ( I recently did an AQA training course and based the answers on this) All models are worth 5 marks. I have tried to teach y11 to condense how much they write in a 5 mark question as many run out of time in the exam. There are opportunities for students to practice using Point-Evidence-Explain with suggested strategies for the long 12 mark answer
AQA 9-1 Citizenship GCSE: Life in Modern Britain: UK and Identity - The Windrush Scandal

AQA 9-1 Citizenship GCSE: Life in Modern Britain: UK and Identity - The Windrush Scandal

This lesson uses current affairs for students to look at what identity and what it means to be British means to different people. The lesson then concludes with students thinking about the positives and negatives of living in a multicultural society. Complete with activities/ suggested clips and exam practice Outcomes: To know what the Windrush Scandal was. To explain how immigrants shape our British Identity To evaluate what problems and benefits there can be in a multicultural society
AQA 9-1 Religious Studies - Christian Practices - Pilgrimages

AQA 9-1 Religious Studies - Christian Practices - Pilgrimages

This lesson looks at pilgrimages in Christianity to: Jerusalem Iona Taize Walsingham In addition Lourdes can be used from the OXFORD textbook The lesson comes with a collaborative leanring activity where students have to make notes upon one place of pilgrimage then share their ideas. The lesson then contains discussion activities and the opportunity to write and plan a 12 mark answer with support with various differentiated resources Must: Describe what a pilgrimage is and give one example Should: Explain why pilgrimage is important for a Christian Could: Evaluate whether you think pilgrimage is beneficial to the believer
The Family in Islam Edexcel beliefs in Action B 9-1 GCSE

The Family in Islam Edexcel beliefs in Action B 9-1 GCSE

Lesson title: Muslim attitudes to the importance of family Complete with tasks/ discussion points/ exam questions/ exemplar question/ mark scheme etc. SEN worksheet to supplement leaflet making task Activities supplement the book by: Waqr Ahmad Ahmedi. Religious Ethics through Islam. Oxford Press
Year 9 Philosophy of Religion Lessons and SOW

Year 9 Philosophy of Religion Lessons and SOW

Lesson Titles: Arguments for Gods existence What if God was one of us? Can God be omnipotent? Did God design the world? Just because we can think of God he must exist. Could God create a stone Assessment Preparation and lesson complete with criteria SOW attached. All lessons with outcomes / activities and resourced. A great set of simple lessons or start point to build on and develop. This has been designed to engage my Year 9 RE students. Its designed to run over 6-7 weeks but could easily be expanded. Excellent for debate and discussion with a few creative activities included