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Kmmarshall89's Shop

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(based on 57 reviews)

I am an RE teacher and have been teaching 7 years across KS3-KS5. I have taught an abundance of topics (including lessons outside of my subject area). I enjoy creating my own resources that promote: independent learning, creativity and engage all learners. My resources tend to be structured with clear outcomes and lesson challenges. Please message me with enquiries if you would like to find out more.




I am an RE teacher and have been teaching 7 years across KS3-KS5. I have taught an abundance of topics (including lessons outside of my subject area). I enjoy creating my own resources that promote: independent learning, creativity and engage all learners. My resources tend to be structured with clear outcomes and lesson challenges. Please message me with enquiries if you would like to find out more.
Can miracles happen? KS3 Based on the true story miracles from heaven

Can miracles happen? KS3 Based on the true story miracles from heaven

A lesson that looks at miracles and whether they happen. It has suggested video links and activities. The lesson ends with students creating a biased newspaper article in response to the' Miracles from Heaven'. This was planned for Y7 but could be adapted for other years. It links to a topic centred upon answering Ultimate Questions
Citizenship AQA 9-1. Politics and Participation Unit: The values underpinning democracy.

Citizenship AQA 9-1. Politics and Participation Unit: The values underpinning democracy.

A lesson that explores the 3 values that underpin a democratic society with a variety of activities. eg. card sort/ image enquiry etc. All resources are included. Outcomes are: Define the key terms rights, freedoms and responsibilities. Explain why rights, freedoms and responsibilities are important values within a democracy. Evaluate whether rights, freedoms and responsibilities make society fair and just.
Edexcel Beliefs in Action B (GCSE 9-1) Living the Christian life: Worship

Edexcel Beliefs in Action B (GCSE 9-1) Living the Christian life: Worship

The outcomes are as follows: Must: Define what liturgical and non-liturgical worship is. Should: Explain the differences between worship in different Christian groups. Could: Evaluate why some Christians prefer liturgical/ non-liturgical/ group/ individual worship Various discussion activities/ exam questions/ suggested clips/ exam questions/ model answers/ peer assessment opportunities
Citizenship : Rights and Responsibilities (AQA) 9-1. Revision: lesson/checklist/worksheets/activity

Citizenship : Rights and Responsibilities (AQA) 9-1. Revision: lesson/checklist/worksheets/activity

Within the PowerPoint you will find a slide that can be printed off as a worksheet for students for every topic explored within the Rights and Responsibilities Unit. Each slide contains a variety of activities from keyword searches to analysing key arguments. The sheets supplement the Hodder textbook by Mike Mitchell. In addition there's a revision lesson whereby students select suitable activities from keyword searches to 1 mark and 2 mark question answering. I have also included a quiz and the revision checklist This has been designed to support my Year 11 in their revision.
AQA Religious Studies 9-1 an Introduction lesson for the Peace and Conflict Theme

AQA Religious Studies 9-1 an Introduction lesson for the Peace and Conflict Theme

This lesson looks at the key concepts of: Peace/ Justice/ Forgiveness/ Reconciliation. The lesson is designed to introduce students to what each key term means and link it to both Christian and Muslim attitudes. I have created a worksheet with all key information on and a student task sheet so that they can elicit the key information. Outcomes: Must know what some of the key terms and themes are in the Peace and Conflict unit Should explain why peace, justice, forgiveness and reconciliation are concepts that link together Could Evaluate whether peace, justice, forgiveness and reconciliation are concepts that are achievable.
AQA 9-1 Religious Studies: Crime and Punishment. Christian attitudes to the treatment of criminals

AQA 9-1 Religious Studies: Crime and Punishment. Christian attitudes to the treatment of criminals

A lesson that supplements the OXFORD textbook. A whole lesson with a printable worksheet/ clips with questions to discuss how criminals are treated in prison/ reference to Elizabeth Fry, Sheep and Goats Parable and Jesus teachings/ exam practice and guidance (with differentiated essay structure worksheets for the 12 mark answer) Outcomes: Must: Identify what Christians believe about the treatment of criminals Should: Explain why Christians believe in fair treatment of criminals using biblical teachings Could: Evaluate whether all criminals should be treated with respect
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Crime and Punishment. Muslim attitudes to the death penalty

AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Crime and Punishment. Muslim attitudes to the death penalty

A lesson with a worksheet that matches page 142-143 of the OXFORD Islam textbook. The lesson starts with a 4 mark question and looks at self assessment and exam technique. The lesson then looks at Shari'ah law and the death penalty with various images/ discussion activities. Students then can end the lesson by writing a 12 mark answer (various writing frames and tools have been added to assist in this) Outcomes: To describe Muslim attitudes to the death penalty To explain religious scripture that links to Muslim belief about the death penalty To evaluate whether you think the death penalty is an effective form of punishment (12 marker)
AQA Religious Studies 9-1: Christian beliefs:  The Incarnation

AQA Religious Studies 9-1: Christian beliefs: The Incarnation

A lesson that supports the new 9-1 AQA Religious Studies Spec that explores the incarnation of Jesus in detail. The lesson suggests using clips of Jesus life which could be taken from youtube or DVDs such as the miracle maker. The lesson supports the textbook endorsed by OXFORD and has a variety of questions students can use The lesson includes a 5 mark question activity Must: State what the incarnation is Should: Explain how the belief in the incarnation influences a Christian today Could:. Evaluate whether the incarnation is an important belief
AQA (9-1) GCSE Christian Beliefs: Christian beliefs about creation

AQA (9-1) GCSE Christian Beliefs: Christian beliefs about creation

A lesson exploring Christian beliefs about creation that follows the new AQA spec. The lesson outcomes are: Must: Explain what Christians believe about creation Should: Explain irregularities in the story and start to judge if it’s myth or literal truth Could: Evaluate the meaning the creation story has for different people. The lesson includes slides that can be printed as worksheets to supplement the AQA endorsed OXFORD textbook. The lesson includes suggested video clips and activities/ questions for discussion/ a practice 4 mark question/ peer assessment opportunity using a model answer on the PowerPoint.
AQA 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies: Christian beliefs - The ascension and ressurection

AQA 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies: Christian beliefs - The ascension and ressurection

A lesson equipped with a variety of activities and suggested clips. It links to the OXFORD textbook and has a variety of printable worksheets upon the slides Lesson outcomes: Must: Know what the ascension and resurrection are and describe key Christian beliefs. Should: Explain why the ascension and resurrection are important events in the life of Jesus Could: Analyse what the ascension and resurrection teach a Christian about their faith in God and Jesus.
AQA 9-1 Religious Studies GCSE: Heaven and Hell Christian Beliefs

AQA 9-1 Religious Studies GCSE: Heaven and Hell Christian Beliefs

A lesson with a range of activities and printable worksheets on the slides. The lesson supplements the OXFORD purple textbook and has a worksheet to use. The lesson ends with structuring a 12 marker - there are lots of worksheets to help with the planning of an answer that are differentiated. Looking at chains of reasoning - use of PEER etc. Lesson Outcomes To describe key beliefs about heaven and hell To explain why a belief in heaven and hell influences a Christian To evaluate whether a belief in heaven and hell gives life meaning
AQA 9-1 Religious Studies: Christian Beliefs - The Trinity

AQA 9-1 Religious Studies: Christian Beliefs - The Trinity

A lesson with a variety of activities that look at what the parts of the Trinity are. The OXFORD purple textbook will be needed for some comprehension activities. The lesson ends in a 4 mark exam answer with a suggested writing process Must: To define what the trinity is. Should: To explain what the three parts of the Trinity are. Could: To evaluate how each part helps a Christian understand the nature of God