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Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download. New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels. The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.




Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download. New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels. The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.
How did the power of the King change in Medieval England?

How did the power of the King change in Medieval England?

Eleventh lesson in the scheme - how was the power of the monarch challenged in medieval England? Lesson exploring the extent of change in the power of the King in medieval England. Starter recapping key powers a King has, information hunt with table completion on how the power of the King changed/remained the same in Medieval England (can be done as a categorisation card sort if desired), paired task reviewing how the different events studied in this unit impacted on different groups (e.g. barons, peasants), using all of this completion of living graph (attached at the end of the PPT) leading to a judgement summary answer. The post-it note plenary allows assessment of pupils understanding.
Why did the peasants revolt in 1381?

Why did the peasants revolt in 1381?

Eight lesson in the scheme - how was the power of the monarch challenged in medieval England? Lesson exploring the causes of the Peasants’ Revolt. Speech bubble starter recaps how peasants felt by 1381, differing interpretations activity linked to AQA 8145 criteria, video introducing the revolt leading to a thematic categorisation activity of the reasons for the revolt, group task arguing ONE of the main causes of the revolt leading to presentation of their arguments and a summary answer on the most important cause of the revolt. Finally, a post-it plenary allows assessment of pupils judgements on the causes of the revolt
AQA A Level 7042 - Britain 2S - why did the miners' strike fail?

AQA A Level 7042 - Britain 2S - why did the miners' strike fail?

Lesson exploring the failure of the 1984/5 miners’ strike. The lesson starts with an inference task using contemporary images, leading to a video outlining the Battle of Orgreave. Using the hand out students identify and explore the impact of the strike, leading to an activity ranking the reasons for failure. Pupils then link in previous learning assessing the various reasons for industrial unrest in the period, finally culminating in a judgment plenary exploring why the unions were less successful in the 1980s in comparison to the 1970s.
AQA 7042 Unit 6 - Labour domestic and economic policies

AQA 7042 Unit 6 - Labour domestic and economic policies

Lesson analysing the successes and failures of Labour’s economic and domestic policies. The lesson starts with a headline from a newspaper in 2005 showing dissatisfaction with Labour. Students then highlight successes and failures of domestic policies and then link to the 5 key pledges made in 1997. Students than annotate a source from Gordon Brown and pick out the economic ideals of New Labour. Students then create a spider diagram picking out economic successes of New Labour leading to a judgement analysing the argument that the British economy was performing well 1997-2007. Students then practice the document question with a 10 mark source response for homework.
AQA 7042 - Unit 6 - Workers women and the youth

AQA 7042 - Unit 6 - Workers women and the youth

Lesson exploring the impact of New Labour on workers, women and the youth 1997-2007. The lesson starts with analysis of New Labour’s impact on society using a source focusing on value and limitations. Students then use a video and hand out to categorise successes and failures of Labour policies on workers, women and the youth. Using this information students create a mind map on progress in society for these three groups assessing which groups experienced the largest change and why. This leads to judgement activity assessing the extent of progress on the key social groups.
AQA 7042 2S Britain - How did the 'Special Relationship' change 1951-64?

AQA 7042 2S Britain - How did the 'Special Relationship' change 1951-64?

Lesson exploring how the Special Relationship between Britain and the USA changed 1951-64. The lesson starts with exploring students understanding of what the special relationship is, leading to a discussion on who holds the balance of power within it. Students then watch four videos to explore four key events - Burgess and Maclean, nuclear deterrent, Korean War and Suez Crisis (hyperlinked in), completing the table as they go. Using the Oxford AQA Making of Modern Britain textbook students then add to their table, exploring which issue/event had the biggest impact on the Special Relationship. Students then colour code the table showing how Britain was and was not still a world power by 1964, leading to a table showing change and continuity in the Special Relationship at this time. Finally a continuum plenary asks students to assess where they would place Britain on a scale in terms of their position as a world power by 1964 (links to 25 mark essay after the next lesson).
AQA 7042 2S Britain - Conservatives leaders and policies 1951-64.

AQA 7042 2S Britain - Conservatives leaders and policies 1951-64.

Two lessons exploring the Conservatives leaders (Churchill, Eden, Macmillan and Douglas-Home) from 1951-64. Pupils are grouped and research one leader per group, creating a presentation to present to the class in the following lesson. Students then create a mind map making their own notes. Students then use the hand out to assess the successes and failures of each leader - the domestic policies work can be done as homework or added on in class to further assess the different strengths and weaknesses of each leader. A corners plenary allows students to demonstrate which leader was the ‘most’ successful based on their learning so far.
AQA 8145Health and the People - 16 mark essay revision sheet

AQA 8145Health and the People - 16 mark essay revision sheet

Revision resource focusing on how to structure the 16 mark statement essay question (e.g. How far has religion been the most important factor in bringing medical development. The sheet models the responses and allows opportunities for students to practice these questions in a variety of contexts.
Edexcel 1H10/B4 - L6 - Puritan challenge to Elizabeth's religious settlement

Edexcel 1H10/B4 - L6 - Puritan challenge to Elizabeth's religious settlement

Lesson 6 in the scheme for Edexcel 1H10/B4 - Early Elizabethan England, 1558-1588. This lesson focuses on the Puritan challenge to the religious settlement. The lesson begins with an inference starter on Puritan beliefs, before students link in why the religious settlement left some angry. Students then create a symbol poster reviewing the key aspect of Puritanism and the anger around crucifixes and vestments. Students then use the learning from the lesson to plan an answer to: Explain why the Puritans challenged Elizabeth’s religious settlement. You may use the following in your answer: • vestments • the Act of Uniformity You must also use information of your own (12 marks) Finally, students review the past three lessons in a retrieval plenary.