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Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download. New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels. The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.




Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download. New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels. The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.
The impact of the Peasant's Revolt

The impact of the Peasant's Revolt

Tenth lesson in the scheme - how was the power of the monarch challenged in medieval England? Lesson exploring the impact of the Peasants’ Revolt. Starter recaps what life was like for peasants BEFORE the revolt, video explores the significance of the revolt, categorisation card sort into positive and negative impacts of the revolt leading to a creation of a Venn diagram (attached at the end of the PPT) to assess the overall impact. Creation of a table showing change/continuity for peasants after the revolt leading to a written judgement on the overall impact. A continuum plenary shows pupils understanding of how much the revolt improved life for peasants.
Why is the Magna Carta significant in History?

Why is the Magna Carta significant in History?

Third lesson in the scheme - how was the power of the monarch challenged in medieval England? Lesson exploring the legacy of the Magna Carta. Quiz quiz trade starter reviewing learning on the Magna Carta, analysis of the promises of the Magna Carta and who benefitted in English society, assessment of how John would feel about these promises, card categorisation in terms of short, medium and long term significance of the Magna Carta leading to an AQA 8145 GCSE style significance assessment - optional plenary writing up ONE paragraph of the assessment - alternately complete for homework/next lesson
AQA 8145 How did Elizabeth I's government deal with poverty

AQA 8145 How did Elizabeth I's government deal with poverty

AQA 8145 - rally-robin starter how the government could deal with the poor, two videos hyperlinked in to assess how poverty was tackled, table of laws included with assessment of how effective each law was, focus on poor law and impact, write an account question with mark scheme included as a summary.
AQA 8145 Spanish Armada historic environment full lesson series

AQA 8145 Spanish Armada historic environment full lesson series

6 Resources
A series of lessons focused on the AQA 2020 Elizabethan England historic environment pack. The lessons start by exploring the causes of conflict between England and Spain, moving on to compare and contrast the military power of both nations. The focus then moves to the events of the Armada, with specific focus on key ‘turning points’, leading to analysis of the various factors involved in the failure of the Armada. The sequence culminates in essay preparation, focusing on effective planning and analysis for the 16 mark question.
AQA 8145 and suitable for KS3  - Events of the Spanish Armada (L3 historic environment)

AQA 8145 and suitable for KS3 - Events of the Spanish Armada (L3 historic environment)

Lessons focused around the 2020 Historic Environment on the Spanish Armada. The third lesson focuses on the chronology of the Armada, with specific focus on the ‘turning points’ of the battle. The lesson starts with a comparison of two accounts of the Armada, linking to the ‘how convincing’ question stem in this unit. In pairs pupils then annotate a variety of sources to understand the key events of the Armada. Pupils then use an overview worksheet to identify when and why the Armada was defeated, using this information to create a ‘symbol poster’/flash cards on the key turning points. Pupils use this information to answer: At which point do you think the Armada was defeated? Finally, pupils recap their learning in a 3,2,1 plenary.
AQA A Level 7042 - Britain 2S - why did the miners' strike fail?

AQA A Level 7042 - Britain 2S - why did the miners' strike fail?

Lesson exploring the failure of the 1984/5 miners’ strike. The lesson starts with an inference task using contemporary images, leading to a video outlining the Battle of Orgreave. Using the hand out students identify and explore the impact of the strike, leading to an activity ranking the reasons for failure. Pupils then link in previous learning assessing the various reasons for industrial unrest in the period, finally culminating in a judgment plenary exploring why the unions were less successful in the 1980s in comparison to the 1970s.
AQA A Level 7042 - Britain 2S - miners' strike source practice

AQA A Level 7042 - Britain 2S - miners' strike source practice

Lesson focusing on planning a 30 mark source question linked to the June 2017 exam paper. The question: With reference to these sources and your understanding of the historical context, assess the value of these three sources to an historian studying the reasons for the 1984/85 miners’ strike. (30 marks) Pupils use the level criteria to outline criteria for a level 4+ answer. In groups pupils analyse one source focusing on content, tone and provenance, feeding back to the whole group. A post-it plenary encourages students to reach a judgement on the ‘most valuable’ source. NB - the Arthur Scargill source is different due to copyright, however the June 2017 mark scheme would still be valid
AQA 7042 - Britain 2S - Unit 4 Impact of Thatcherism

AQA 7042 - Britain 2S - Unit 4 Impact of Thatcherism

15 Resources
Complete set of resources for Unit 4 Britain 2S - the Impact of Thatcherism. A range of lessons and resources covering the key content for this unit. Includes exam practice (both source and essays), differentiation and challenge for higher ability and a range of activities within each lesson.
AQA 7042 Britain 2S - the extent of social liberalism under Major

AQA 7042 Britain 2S - the extent of social liberalism under Major

Lesson exploring the extent of the liberalisation of society under John Major. The starter recaps social liberalism by defining the characteristics, allowing a discussion of who may oppose liberalisation. Analysis of a John Major extract allows students to infer conservative policy and attitudes towards society, leading to analysis of the role of Princess Diana in relation to AIDS patients using a news report clip. Two further videos (Peter Lilley and Gay pride march) allow a contrast of opposing views. The main activity gives students key information on the changes in society and asks them to assess the impact on wider society these changes would have. This leads to a plenary assessing how far there has been progress in the area of social liberalism by 1997.
AQA 7042 Britain 2S - Sleaze, scandals and Consertive policies under Major

AQA 7042 Britain 2S - Sleaze, scandals and Consertive policies under Major

Lesson exploring the sleaze, scandals, satire and Conservative policies under John Major. The Spitting Image starter allow students to explore contemporary satire and the portrayal of the Conservatives. Students then group or pair to research one of the following: Arms to Iraq, Mellor and Yeo, Cash for Questions and policies focusing on the what, why and impact. (Use Oxford AQA textbook as a starter and the internet). Pupils then present and complete the A3 table, leading to a judgement on the most significant factor impacting on the Conservatives.The source plenary allows a review of many of the issues facing the Conservatives at this time and assessing the validity of the source itself.
AQA 7042 - Britain 2S - The realignment of Labour by 1997

AQA 7042 - Britain 2S - The realignment of Labour by 1997

Lesson exploring the changes in, and realignment of the Labour Party by 1997. The lesson starts with a source from Tony Blair focusing on the contribution of Kinnock and Smith. A clip mocking Kinnock then introduces the changes he made, allowing students to then identify and analyse the changes on the hand out. A video of the legacy of John Smith allows students to assess the claim he was ‘the best PM Britain never had’; finally moving on to analysing the a Labour Party political broadcast and the achievements made by Blair by 1997. The plenary asks students to consider who brought the most significant changes to Labour from the three leaders.
AQA 7042 Unit 6 - The Conservatives 1997-2007

AQA 7042 Unit 6 - The Conservatives 1997-2007

Two lesson sequence exploring the Conservatives in the period of New Labour. The lesson starts using a source to explore the issues facing the Conservatives in 1997, this then leads to students in groups analysing one conservative leader (Hague, Duncan-Smith, Howard and Cameron) to snowball this back to the rest of the group. Students then rank the cards in terms of significance as to why the Conservatives were divided in this period, linking this to policy issues causing division. Students then create a spider diagram showing why the Conservatives lost the 2001 and 2005 elections, categorising them into similarities of reasons for defeat (linked to 1997). Students then revisit the starter source and annotate around it how the Conservatives did and did not solve the issues identified by 2005. Students then complete the 10 minute essay plan (‘The Conservatives elected the wrong people to lead it between 1997 and 2005’. Assess the validity of this view) to write up at home.
AQA 7042 - Unit 6 - extent of multiculturalism in Britain by 2007 two lessons

AQA 7042 - Unit 6 - extent of multiculturalism in Britain by 2007 two lessons

Two lesson sequence exploring the extent of multiculturalism in Britain by 2007. The lesson starts with a video focusing on the legacy of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, asking students what they can infer about equality in the 1990s. Using the first side of the hand out students create a table showing progress/tensions re. integration, leading on to a report on the 7/7 bombings and the impact. A clip of a speech by David Cameron promotes discussion around the idea that ‘multiculturalism’ was dead by this point. Students then categorise the responses to the 7/7 bombings into positive and negative, focusing on the long term impact on race relations. A judgement line plenary allows students to show the extent of their agreement to the idea that Britain was a muticultural society by 2007, leading to a 10 mark source practice homework question on community relations.
AQA 7042 2S Britain - youth culture and social tensions 1951-64

AQA 7042 2S Britain - youth culture and social tensions 1951-64

Lesson exploring the emerging youth culture in Britain 1951-64. The lesson starts with a recap of the key social and economic changes, asking students to consider what changes these would bring to the youth. A video introduces Mods and Rockers, leading to a spider diagram (using Oxford AQA textbook) on the reasons for the emergence of a distinct youth culture at this time. Pupils then use the table to explain what each image represents in relation to youth culture, leading to an analysis of the wider social tensions and what short and long term impact they would have on Britain. The plenary draws together all learning on social changes, asking students to contrast the idea of change and continuity in Britain during this period, using key prompts.
AQA 7042 2S Britain - Position of women by 1964

AQA 7042 2S Britain - Position of women by 1964

Lesson exploring change and continuity for women in Britain by 1964. The lesson starts with classic adverts for Fairy Liquid, asking students to assess how women are portrayed, moving to a contemporary source analysis task, annotating the sources to assess how women were shown in the media. Students then use the handout to complete the table task, assessing the impact of the social changes; both positive and negative on the position of women. This leads to a change and continuity task, which is rounded off with a judgement continuum allowing students to show the extent of change in the position of women by 1964.
AQA 7042 2S Britain - why the Conservatives fell fromm power in 1964 including essay practice

AQA 7042 2S Britain - why the Conservatives fell fromm power in 1964 including essay practice

A two lesson sequence focusing on why the Conservatives fell from power in 1964, including a practice 25 mark essay and model answer. The lesson starts with what factors cause a government to lose support, leading into an assessment of the factors involved with the Conservative Party. Students then assess the relative significance of the various factors in causing the Conservative loss in 1964. The lesson then moves to analyse the role of the Profumo Affair in the Conservative fall from government, using a video and a contemporary newspaper to assess the impact of the scandal. Pupils then assess the impact of Douglas-Home on the loss of support, moving to contrast him with Harold Wilson in the Labour Party (video and note sheet included). Students then plan a segment of the following essay: “The Conservatives lost the 1964 election as they were outdated and out of touch with the electorate”. Assess the validity of this view (25 marks). Students use the mark scheme to understand how to achieve Level 3 and above in their answer, moving on to planning a segment using the DEAL frame. Pupils then complete the plan for the essay for homework.
AQA 7042 2S Britain - Conservatives leaders and policies 1951-64.

AQA 7042 2S Britain - Conservatives leaders and policies 1951-64.

Two lessons exploring the Conservatives leaders (Churchill, Eden, Macmillan and Douglas-Home) from 1951-64. Pupils are grouped and research one leader per group, creating a presentation to present to the class in the following lesson. Students then create a mind map making their own notes. Students then use the hand out to assess the successes and failures of each leader - the domestic policies work can be done as homework or added on in class to further assess the different strengths and weaknesses of each leader. A corners plenary allows students to demonstrate which leader was the ‘most’ successful based on their learning so far.
AQA 7042 2S Britain - the Conservatives by 1951 and the post-war consensus

AQA 7042 2S Britain - the Conservatives by 1951 and the post-war consensus

Lesson exploring the Conservative election victory in 1951 and the post-war consensus. The lesson starts with a recap snowball of Britain by 1951. Pupils are then introduced to how to approach assessing the value of a source using a source regarding the Attlee legacy by Hugh Dalton. Students are guided through assessing the content and provenance, using the source on the sheet to highlight and annotate. A video then assesses why the Conservatives were successful in 1951 in comparison to Labour under Attlee, leading to a ranking exercise of the reasons for the post-war consensus regarding key policies. The plenary asks students to explain why there was a post-war consensus and why this would help the Conservatives to maintain support from the electorate.
AQA 7042 Britain 2S - Introduction to 1950s Britain

AQA 7042 Britain 2S - Introduction to 1950s Britain

First lesson in the Britain 2S A level unit allowing students context of 1950s Britain. The lesson starts with an overview of the A Level, moving on to looking at three videos to explore 1950s society and politics. A data capture activity allows students to gain an overview of the period, leading to a brief source analysis activity of Britain’s position in the world in the 1950s. A reduction plenary allows students to summarise Britain’s position by the 1950s. NB: A ‘how to answer the questions’ guide is also included, to give to pupils at the start of the unit.
AQA 7042 2S Britain - racial tensions in Britain 1951-64

AQA 7042 2S Britain - racial tensions in Britain 1951-64

Lesson exploring growin racial tensions due to immigration in Britain 1951-64. The trio starter recaps previous learning over the unit. Pupils then use the images to explore the experience of ‘new Commonwealth’ immigrants and begin to think about why there would be hostility to immigrants at this time. A video (watch up to election of Wilson) explores the experience immigrants had, leading to a contemporary news report on the Notting Hill riots. Students then read and use the hand out to answer two questions on the ‘issue’ of immigration and the positive and negative impacts. Finally a source plenary allows students to practice analysing content and value of a source relating to the Notting Hill riots.